It's the next morning in Adam's Landing and Xavier returns home to Hell Hill alone and notices the house is silent.He sits down in front of the TV and watches the news.The newsman reports"Racing Publicist Claudia Stone was found dead last night in a motel room in LaFayette,police reports indicate she committed suicide."Xavier has a evil smile and there's a knock at the door.Xavier gets up to find Frank at the door and Frank tells Xavier"I guess now you know who the shooter was?"Xavier nods and Frank tells him"Michael secretly called me and Ruth and I heard it all.Xavier asks his brother"How are you dealing with this?"Frank shrugs and tells him in a calm manner"She betrayed me and I lost alot because of her.But it's all in the past."Xavier tells Frank"Grandma told me you kicked your addiction.'Frank proudly tells his brother"I hurt like hell but I will make it."Xavier then tells Frank"I have something for you."Xavier walks to the library and comes out with Frank's deeds to FJR and The Farm and tells him"I took control when you were going through your ordeal."Frank is speechless and humbly says"I don't know how to thank you."Xavier tells Frank"Let's grow closer.We lost alot and that can be a way of thanking me."The two of them hug and Xavier asks Frank as he's walking out"Where's Ruth?"Frank tells Xavier"She's out visiting Willie and Sidney.Xavier's glad and Frank leaves and Xavier walks around the house and heads to the library and sits down and is silent.
At The Evans Family Home,Willie and Sidney Evans are the parents to Dr.Terrance Evans and Aretha Evans.Willie and Ruth have been friends from childhood and the Evans and the Jackson families has connections spanning back many years to when Willie was the housekeeper for Ruth and B.R.and all of them,Ruth,B.R.Willie,and Sidney maintained a close friendship over the years.Ruth knocks on the door and Willie answers telling her best friend"Finally got away for awhile?"Ruth and Willie hugs and Ruth says"Xavier's home and he needs his rest and the only reason he's home is because of your son."Willie says proudly"The lord blessed all of us Ruth.It's all because of faith."Ruth agrees and Willie invites Ruth to breakfast and she accepts and joins Willie,Sidney,and Aretha.Ruth makes a statement"It's great to see that you guys still gets together like this with everyone's hectic schedules and all."Aretha tells them"Terrance had to go into the hospital this morning for a major meeting."Aretha starts to speculate and her mother Willie scolds her telling her"I'll have no gossip in my house."Aretha quiets down and they have breakfast and Sidney suddenly gets up from the table telling Willie"Time to go to work.I got to make a run for B.R."Ruth's taken aback and Aretha grabs her father gently and reminds him"Daddy,You don't run liquor anymore."Sidney snaps out of it for a moment and Ruth looks around and Willie looks at her friend.Aretha gets up and gives Her Mom,Dad,and Ruth a hug and Ruth tells Aretha"I am glad you and Ava has re-connected.It's good that she has friends.Aretha smiles and heads to work."Sidney is silent and doesn't acknowledge Ruth and Ruth walks over and asks Sidney"What's bothering you Sidney?"Willie's silent and taps on Ruth's shoulder and motions for her to come into the living room."They head inside and Willie starts to cry.Ruth asks Willie"Does Sidney have.."Willie nods her head and cries when telling Ruth"Some days he's himself and he knows me and the children,but he's getting worse."Ruth hugs her and offers her support."Willie turns down the offer telling Ruth"You have enough going on to worry about.I got Terrance and Aretha and the lord."Ruth grabs Willie and in a loving,firm manner tells her"After everything we've been through over the years Willie,I'm here whether you like it or not."Ruth and Willie hugs and Ruth heads back to check on Xavier.Willie goes into the kitchen and says to her husband"Wasn't it nice of Ruth to drop by and visit this morning?"Sidney doesn't answer and Willie holds him in her arms as she cries telling Sidney"The one thing you will always know and remember is that I love you and I'm never leaving your side."
Desi's at home and Michael returns and Desi welcomes him with a hug and tells him"I'm proud of you Michael.You did the right thing.Michael sighs and tells his mother"I had no idea Claudia would have done that but I owed one to Frank."Desi assures her son"Frank Jackson's a man of honor and he will appreciate all you've done.He and Xavier never had a great relationship because Frank chose his career over Beth and Xavier and Claudia was always a thorn in the side.You may have just brought Frank and Xavier closer together.Michael then asks"How did things go with Rachel?"Desi looks at him in frustration and tells him"I'm not sure she and I will ever be close."Desi changes subjects and asks Michael"Have you decided what you want to do yet with Bree?"Michael tells her"I don't think she will take me back after my affair with Claudia."Desi tells her son"We have to live with our mistakes Mikey.But we can redeem ourselves."Michael gets a phone call from Frank and tells his mother"We're going to see what happens?"Desi hugs her son and tells him"Things will work out."Michael leaves and Desi gets a message from Xavier saying"I'm home.Come see me."Desi gets dressed and heads to Hell Hill.
Aretha arrives at City Hospital and meets with her brother Terrance.He notices some sadness and Terrance says to his sister trying to lighten the mood"I know how Mama is.She will be here before the end of the day and tear me up over not being at Breakfast this morning."Aretha somberly tells Terrance"Daddy's getting worse.Ruth came by and he didn't even know her.I'm worried about them."Terrance reminds his sister"You know Mama,she won't go for what you're thinking about.We got to let her realize that herself."Aretha tells her brother,holding his arm"She believes he will bounce back and we all know that won't happen."Terrance grabs her and hugs his sister and assures her"We will figure everything out Aretha."Aretha heads to her office and Terrance gets a text and calls Beth telling her"Get to the Hospital ASAP!"
Back at Hell Hill,Xavier's visiting with Bobby and has been filled in on what's been going on while he's been in the hospital.Xavier tells Bobby"If you and Country needs me today.Let me know."Ruth overhears and walks in and scolds Xavier"You will stay here and rest or else I'll pull out my Texas fly swatter!"Bobby and Xavier laughs and Bobby tells him"Ruth has spoken.I'll keep you posted."Bobby heads out and Ruth asks Xavier"What are you two plotting?"Xavier shrugs his shoulders and tells her"Nothing much,he and Country's going hunting this morning.Ruth looks at Xavier sternly and tells him"I know you too well."Ruth gives Xavier a hug and tells him"I want you to rest and not to worry about the company.Xavier nods and says sarcastically"Yes Grandma."Ruth walks out and heads upstairs and there's a knock at the door.Xavier answers it to find Desi and they embrace in a hug and Desi's on the verge of tears and Xavier laughs"You know better than to think a bullet to the chest would take me out."Desi holds on to him and tells him"I'm just glad you're alive X."