Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 57. Hanging In The Balance

  At City Hospital,in the OR,Pedro,Dr.Evans,and the staff are preparing for an extremely risky operation to remove the bullet lodged very close to Xavier's heart..Xavier's spirit sees the angel in white.His spirit sees her and Xavier asks"Leigh?"She reaches out her hand and Xavier and Leigh goes up,while Pedro,Dr.Evans,and their staff begins to operate,with full concentration and focus,realizing alot's on the line.
  In the waiting room,Beth,Sully,and Ruth are sitting down,they hold vigil and they are quiet.Jared arrives and rushes to his wife's side and Sully grabs him and holds him tight and cries"He can't die.I can't lose my father."Jared does his best to assure her"Xavier Jackson has ice running through his veins Sully.He will make it.He's a fighter and he won't go without a fight."Beth and Ruth also gathers and Beth's attempting to stay strong for her grand-daughter and tells Sully"Your father has survived many things throughout his life sweetie.I have all the confidence that Pedro and Terrance(Dr.Evans) will save him."Beth begins to cry and all of them holds onto each other for comfort.
  Desi meanwhile arrives in the waiting room and Sully and Beth turns around and tells Desi with their grief showing and in an unwelcome tone"You're not welcome here!"Desi tells all of them with tears in her eyes"I'm here for all of you.Xavier and I have a bond that's been tested time and time again,but he and I always return to each other."Beth angrily tells Desi"I don't give a damn about what you and my son have.He may die and it could be because of that low life you married years ago.I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't shoot him yourself after your whoring daughter seduced my son!"Desi's shocked and goes"Rachel's in town?"Sully comments in anger"You didn't know your own daughter was in town?Why don't you go be a mother to your kids and leave us the hell alone you selfish bitch!"Jared tells his wife"Sully don't do this.Remember you're pregnant."Beth tells Desi"Go try something new and take care of your family instead of yourself!"Ruth steps in and yells"STOP IT!We all have something in common,and that is that we all love Xavier.Let's drop our qualms with each other for him."Ruth takes Desi aside and calmly tells her"Go home and I'll keep you posted on Xavier."Desi gives Ruth a hug and thanks her and heads back to her home.Ruth returns to the waiting room and sternly tells everyone"Xavier's the main focus here and we need no more fighting.That's why we're here in this waiting room right now!"
  Meanwhile,Xavier and Leigh arrives at the gates of heaven.Xavier looks at Leigh with tears and tells his wife"I've dreamed of the day we'd be together again.My heart died the moment Pete Myers took you from me."Leigh looks at her husband with a smile and tells him"I've been waiting for you as well My Love."Xavier's grand-father,J,D(Jim)Sullivan appears and gives his grandson a hug and tells Xavier"I'm proud of you.You've been everything I've ever imagined you to be."Xavier asks Leigh and J.D."If you are here,where's my father?"B.R. then appears and looks at Xavier and in a somber tone tells his son"You have to go back downstairs."Leigh and J.D. both nods and Xavier asks them"Why?"Leigh tells Xavier"Who's going to be there for our Princess?She needs you."B.R. adds"The family needs your leadership.If you stay,the family will fall apart.They need you more."J.D. also adds"Who's going to keep my daughter out of trouble?You are to her what Sully is to you.She can't afford to lose you."Leigh wipes away her tears and she tells Xavier"You do have a choice Xavier."B.R. agrees with Leigh and tells Xavier"Your needed more downstairs than you are here."J.D. brings over a mirror and Leigh holds Xavier's hand and B.R stands behind them as Xavier looks through the mirror to see what's going on down on earth with his family.
  Back in the waiting room,Ruth,Beth,Sully,and Jared sits and shares their memories of Xavier.They comfort each other and they know that although there's a chance Xavier could die,their faith and unity pulls them through and they wait for Pedro to come out of the OR with hopefully,good news."Ava returns after visiting with Jack and tells Beth,Sully,and Ruth"I can't promise much but I can promise whoever did this will pay.I'll see to it."Desi's returned to her home and sits in her chair and cries,with her mind and heart heavy and not sure what to do as her family's breaking apart.Michael comes in and has a look of guilt and Desi turns around in a look of shock and is silent.Xavier looks at the gates of heaven,of which if he enters,he'll be with Leigh,J.D.and B.R.Leigh gives Xavier a hug and Xavier cries telling her"I don't want to go.I don't want to leave you.""J.D. and B.R. looks on,and Xavier looks at them in tears,he looks at the clouds,which if he enters,he'll return to earth,to Sully,Beth,and his family.Leigh tells Xavier"I'm always with you,and I'll always be with you no matter what happens."Leigh,B.R.and J.D.looks on in silence as Xavier looks at the gates of heaven and the clouds,and he makes his decision.

1 comment:

  1. Your descriptive detail of Xavier with his wife and father was absolutely beautiful!! Great show and am so looking forward to the next one!

    Wanda Crouch
