It's later in the day,Xavier has arrived back at Hell Hill.Frank comes to the house and knocks at the door.Xavier answers but isn't interested to see him.He tells Frank"I don't think we have anything to talk about.You had your chance." Frank lets himself in the house and tells Xavier"We're gonna have a talk about how you've been treating Jamie and Bree since you've returned."Xavier looks at Frank and tells him"Once again,you're supporting the guilty.It's like you and her have a "We Hate B.R. fan club or something."Frank tells him"You need to let things stay in the past.Why are you bringing up something we have forgotten about?Jamie doesn't like to talk about it,Xavier quips"Yeah who wouldn't want to talk about almost killing her sister and trying to take what she had because she was favored over Jamie."Franks tells him"I didn't talk to Jamie for awhile after what what she did to Ava.It almost broke Mama and Father.I think she recovered from it but I think it really did get to Father."Xavier agrees with Frank and adds"Frank,I seen it too.I was there.I was a teenager.It was really bad how it all went down.I hate her for what she did.She's the reason Grandma left town with Ava shortly after all that happened."Frank also agrees with him and then he tells him he's heading home.He's got an announcement in the morning.Xavier tells him"I'll be watching."Frank leaves and Beth arrives shortly afterwards.She tells Xavier"I want to talk to you about Sully."
At Lane's,Sully's looking around and runs into Desi.Sully tells her"I have always looked up to you Ms.Lane.You are a true inspiration to independent women everywhere."Desi tells Sully"Thank You.Are you new to the area?"Sully tells her"Yeah,My Father and Grandmother has moved here because of my Grandpa's death."Desi asks her"Who are they,sounds familiar."She tells her"Xavier Jackson and Beth."Desi then asks Sully"Are you looking for a job.I'm hiring."Sully accepts and Desi tells her she starts first thing tomorrow.Sully thanks her and leaves.Desi looks a bit worried after meeting Sully for the first time.
Bree's at the ALPD and comes across a check written by Xavier back a few days ago.She asks a fellow officer"When did he give the department this check?"The officer says"It was sometime last week."Bree has a suspicion that Xavier has done something to Brock Jr because he reminds her of her Grandfather.She heads to Jamie's to tell her of what she found and to get her opinion of it.
Sully returns to Hell Hill as Beth's starting to tell Xavier about their conversation earlier.Xavier asks her where she went.She says"Checking out the town.Got a Job."Xavier and Beth congratulate her.They ask her where she's working she goes"Lane's."Beth goes"Lane's?Who hired you?"Sully tells her"The one and only Desi Lane."Beth bites her tongue and Xavier tells her"Sounds like a great start" and gives her a hug.Beth tells them she's got to go somewhere.Xavier asks her where to,Beth tells them"I forgot something at the hospital."She leaves and when she gets outside,She says to herself"I've got someone to visit."
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