It's a new day,Frank's at City Hospital finishing up his physical for his upcoming return to the racetrack.Beth walks by and notices Frank in the room.She comes in and asks Frank sarcastically"Aren't you a little old for racing Frank?"Frank looks at Beth and replies"What I do is none of your business Beth."Beth looks at him and tells him"You're not no spring chicken anymore.What has possessed you to drive again?"Frank tells her"I need to do this.After finding out about you and Father all those years ago.I need to take my mind off of it."Beth replies"It was a one time deal.Have you talked to Xavier since everything went down?"Frank tells her"Yes.He came out to the farm afterwards and we seemed to be making amends until Claudia came in the room."Beth gets angry and says"Claudia Stone?You're still seeing that tramp?"Frank tells Beth"What happens between Claudia and I are none of your business anymore."Beth is pissed because Frank and Claudia were together during Beth's marriage to Frank years ago,causing lots of friction between Frank,Beth,as well as Xavier.Beth tells Frank"Here's some wisdom,If you want to have a relationship with Xavier,you need to get rid of Claudia."Frank looks on but doesn't say a word.
Xavier's at Jackson Inc,Bobby's arrived with a report on what he found on Pete Myers.Xavier is very suspicious of Pete and Bobby's report only confirms it.Xavier asks Bobby"What did you find on Pete?"Bobby tells Xavier"You're not going to like it Xavier.Better grab something so you can throw it."Sully's arrived at Lane's and she's getting the store ready to open shortly.There's a phone call.Sully answers the phone and goes"Lane's?How may I help you?"The person tells her"Can you come to the loading dock?We got the fall shipments here."Sully hangs up and heads to the back to unlock the doors.Back at Jackson Inc,Bobby begins to tell Xavier of what he's found out.Bobby tells Xavier"Pete Myers was kicked out of the ALPD 20 years ago after raping a young girl after she rejected his advances.He left town shortly afterwards."Xavier asks Bobby"Where did Pete go?"Bobby tells him"Blue Ridge."Back at Lane's Sully's at the loading dock and looks around but doesn't see the truck.She gets suspicious.Then someone comes up behind her.It's Pete!He puts his hand over her mouth and grabs her and tells her"I've been waiting for this for many years."Sully is scared and fears for her life.At the apartment,Country gets up and notices Pete's gone as well as the pistol he gave Pete the night before.He doesn't suspect anything and leaves for Breakfast at Percy's.
At the Hospital,Dr.Del Mar arrives in Frank's room and asks Beth and Frank"Do you two know each other?"Both say"Unfortunately.We were married years ago."Dr.Del Mar goes"Oh.Well I got your results Mr.Jackson."Frank asks him"What do they say?"Beth leaves the room to give them privacy and once outside she sees a woman standing outside the room.She asks her"Can I help you with anything?"She tells Beth"I'm here for my Champ."Beth realizes who it is and goes"This isn't a brothel."Claudia goes"You must be Beth.Why were you in the room with my Champ?"Beth hisses at her"Don't worry what little you have for a mind about it.We're NOT getting back together.Just remember this is a hospital and not Wild Kingdom."Claudia is insulted and Beth heads to her office while Claudia joins Dr.Del Mar and Frank in the room.Dr.Del Mar tells Frank"Mr.Jackson you barely passed your physical but I highly recommend you pass on getting back behind the wheel of a stock car."Frank gets upset and tells him"What the hell do you mean?'Claudia tells Dr.Del Mar"I've tried to talk him out of it but he insists on driving again."Dr.Del Mar tells them"If you want to race,I won't stop you but if anything was to happen,at your age it would be very hard to bounce back."Frank tells him"I won 6 titles and 95 races over my career and was lucky to never have a bad accident like some of my peers did.I'll be fine!"He leaves with Claudia and Dr.Del Mar says to himself"No wonder he and Beth never made it."He heads to Beth's office.
Back at Jackson Inc,Xavier is very suspicious now that Bobby's mentioned"Blue Ridge".Xavier asks Bobby"What was Pete doing in Blue Ridge?Something's not right with this picture."Bobby tells Xavier"He was arrested many times for numerous acts such as sexual harassment but what else I found will blow your mind."Xavier goes"Tell Me!"Bobby tells him"Pete took out alot of money to fly to Paris around the time of Leigh's death."Xavier's quiet and sees red.He tells Bobby calmly"Pete always looked up to me when we were young and he always wanted to be like me..."Xavier then has a flashback to the night Leigh was killed and remembers something and goes"He even wanted what I had..."Xavier gets really quiet and stares off and Bobby asks him"Are you ok Xavier?"He tells Bobby"I think Pete killed Leigh.....I know he killed Leigh."Then Xavier gets a phone call from Desi.She asks him"Have you seen Sully?"Xavier tells her"She should be at work."Desi tells him"She isn't here."Desi hangs up when she notices the back door is open.
Country returns to his apartment and Pete asks Country"Have you seen her?"Country asks Pete"Who?I don't see anyone here."Country looks down and notices blood on the floor.He looks at Pete and asks him"What did you do Pete?"Pete doesn't answer him.At the hospital,Beth's called to the ER.She and Dr.Del Mar heads down there.Once Beth arrives in the ER,the nurse tells her to go into exam room 1.She gets inside and goes frantic"Sully!OH MY GOD!
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