Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 21. No Limits

   The shot is fired,Xavier barely misses it and fires back at Pete.Pete falls to the floor,dropping his gun and keeping a hand on his chest.Xavier tells him"That's for my girls.Die you son of a bitch."Beth's at Sully's bedside at the hospital.Sully asks Beth"What happened?"Beth tells her"Someone tried to hurt you sweetie.It'll be ok.You got I and your Father."Sully asks Beth"Where's Daddy?"Beth tells her"He's out likely looking for the man who did this to you?Sully starts to cry and Beth holds her,reassuring her that everything will be ok.
   Jamie goes to Bree's to visit and discuss Jamie's future,Michael answers the door and Jamie asks Michael"Where's Bree?"Michael tells her"She went to the store.What's going on?"Jamie grows quiet,and then tells Michael"Not much just got alot on my mind."Michael tells her to sit down and they start to talk.At Chantel's Russell meets with Bobby telling Bobby's"He's in"with running for District attorney with Xavier's backing due to what Jamie told him yesterday.Bobby tells Russell"I'll tell him.He'll call you soon."Russell tells him "Ok works good.I've got to go somewhere for a few days."Bobby tells him"It'll likely be later because Xavier's got something going on at the moment.'Russell tells Bobby to call him.Bobby tells him he will and Russell heads out.Bobby sees Desi and tells her"We found Sully."Desi asks him"Where was she?"Bobby tells her"It's not good.Call Xavier."Desi gets concerned and grabs her phone and texts Xavier asking"Where's Sully?."
   Pete's barely clinging to life.His last words are"She wanted me."and he dies.Xavier thanks Country telling him"Thank for letting me know.I had a feeling it was him."Country asks Xavier"What do you want to do with his Body?"Xavier tells him"I'll leave it up to you."Country tells him"I'll take it to the swamp."and grabs Pete's body and carries it out and Xavier heads back to the hospital.Meanwhile at the hospital,Sully asks Beth"Why?Why did this happen to me?"Beth holds back her tears and tells Sully"There's sick people in the world."Sully tells Beth"I've seen him before."Beth tells Sully"Once Xavier finds out about this,he'll take care of it.You won't have to worry about it."Sully is really shaken up but has calmed down yet it will be awhile before anything's back to normal.Beth tells Sully to go in the bathroom and take a shower and Sully heads to the shower.Beth walks out and sees Dr.Del Mar and asks him"Why does things like that have to happen to someone like her?"starting to cry.Dr.Del Mar gives Beth a hug and tells her"I can't answer that.It'll take time."Desi arrives at the hospital after getting Xavier's reply and sees Xavier.He tells Desi"Sully was raped."Desi is in shock and goes"Oh No.Who did this?"Xavier tells her"Remember Pete Myers?"Desi tells Xavier"Pete was in town?He moved years ago."Xavier tells Desi"He stalked Leigh and was the one who killed her and was the one stalking Sully and he abducted her from work this morning and took her to Country's Apartment."Xavier tries to contain his emotions as well as Desi.She tells Xavier"I'm so sorry.Let's go see her."They head for Sully's room.
   Michael and Jamie has had a few beers and are on the couch talking about Jamie's issues with Xavier.Michael tells Jamie"Bree and I got your back.If you need a place to stay you can stay here with us.Jamie thanks him and tells Michael"I always wished I could have had myself a man like you."Michael tells Jamie"You can still find one."Jamie looks at Michael and Michael looks at Jamie.Meanwhile at the airport Russell's waiting on his flight.He makes a phone call,telling the person on the other line"Justice is about to be served.I'll see you soon."
   Xavier and Desi has arrived at Sully's room,Beth asks Desi"What are you doing here?"Xavier tells Beth"I told her about Sully."Beth goes "Oh,well she's in the shower right now.This won't go away over-night.It will take some time before she gets back or if she ever gets back to herself again."Xavier tells Beth"She won't have to worry,I took care of Pete."Beth goes"Pete?Pete Myers did this?Xavier also adds"He also killed Leigh years ago."Beth goes"Oh my God.He was always a weird one."Desi and Xavier agrees.At the swamp,Country's at the dock with Pete's body.Country tells Pete before dropping him in the murky swamp"You deserved what you got."and dumps him.Country watches Pete's body sink and once his body's fully underwater,Country heads out.
   Michael and Jamie are on the couch,laying down and undressed in the living room after having sex.Bree has arrived and she's unlocking the door.When she walks in the door,she is shocked and sickened by what she sees.At the hospital,Sully has returned to her room and Xavier goes in the room to see her.He tells Beth and Desi to give him a moment alone with Sully.He walks in the room and tries to hold her.This time she reaches out and she grabs him and she starts to cry.Xavier tells her with tears"He's gone.He's gone.You're safe."

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