It's the next morning in Adam's Landing and at The Evans Home,Rashad sits downstairs as he holds his son in his arms and tells him"Daddy will never leave you Sidney.It's you and me."Aretha and Sayyid walk downstairs and Aretha looks at Little Sidney and asks Rashad"Did you get any sleep?"Rashad tells his Mother"I was up with Little Sidney all night and thinking about Grandma."Aretha tells her son as Sayyid goes upstairs for his morning prayers"Terrance didn't call last night so that is a good thing.She's still with us."Rashad looks at his Son and asks his Mother"How will I take care of my little boy without Latoya?"Aretha looks at her Grandson and tells Rashad"You have me baby boy.And I will help you raise Little Sidney Evans.Just like Mama helped me when I had you."Rashad asks his Mother"I have always wondered about my Father.What happened with him?"Aretha quickly tells her Son"That's something I don't care to discuss right now.I will tell you in time."Rashad notices a look in his Mother's eyes and asks Aretha"Did he leave you hanging?"Aretha looks at Rashad and grabs his hand and tells him"It was just about the same with me,as it was with you.That's all I will say."Aretha's phone rings and it's Terrance and he tells his Sister"Mama is still with us and I want you and Uncle Clem to come to the Hospital ASAP.We need to discuss something."Aretha tells Terrance"Rashad and Little Sidney are here Terrance.Latoya gave him the kid and she's leaving town this morning."Terrance tells his Sister"I need you to come to the Hospital.And fast!"Aretha hangs up the phone and Rashad asks"How is Grandma?"Aretha tells her Son and Grandson"She is still alive,but I got to get to the Hospital immediately.And you need to be there also."Rashad asks his Mother"What about Little Sidney?"Aretha tells him"Bring him with you.Mama may be in a coma,but she needs all of us."Sayyid walks downstairs and Aretha tells them"Let's go visit Mama."
At Sassy's house,Sassy gets off the phone with City Hospital and Latoya comes downstairs and tells her Mother"Are you still angry after last night?"Sassy looks at her Daughter with disappointment and tells Latoya"I am past angry.You gave your child away.My Grandson!"Latoya tells her Mother"If Rashad wants to be a Mama's Boy for the rest of his life,then he can also raise his Son as well!I have other things to look forward to!"Sassy slaps Latoya forcefully and Latoya yells"You have no right to slap me!"Sassy yells at Latoya"You're not even in Los Angeles and it has changed you.You were excited at one time about being a Mother and having a life with Rashad and once you got that record deal,then you forgot your priorities!You made the biggest mistake of your life Latoya and I mean it!"Latoya yells"So you don't support my choices?"Sassy asks Latoya"Do you love your son?"Latoya responds"That's not the point!"Sassy yells"That should be at the top of your list Latoya!I could have given you away and had a successful life.But you were my Daughter,and I raised you without help and I made it on my own."Latoya tells Sassy"The only thing you were ever successful at was running a damn diner that was a dump and becoming a nurse."Sassy puts Latoya on blast,as she gets in Latoya's face and yells"I have made mistakes,but I also learned from them.My family came first.My Daughter came first.All you give a damn about is you and that career."Latoya looks around and asks"So are you going to L.A?"Sassy looks at Latoya and tells her"I will be staying here.Jermaine will hopefully keep you in line and I am going to be a part of my Grandson's life because Rashad will need all the help he can get."Latoya looks at her Mother and tells her"You do that.Just remember that when I leave today,I will never step back into this house again.You should have supported me."Sassy tells Latoya"You should have put your son first!"Latoya walks to her room and grabs her suitcase and tells her Mother"I don't need you anyway.I can take care of my damn self!I'm moving up in the world and enjoy being a nobody Nurse Sassy!"Latoya storms out as Sassy looks at the door with anger in her eyes and looks on the shelf at a picture of Latoya as a child and Sassy looks at her picture and says to herself"I failed at parenting.I failed."Sassy makes a phone call to Jermaine and tells him"You watch after Latoya.I'm staying in Adam's Landing.I don't want to watch her crash and burn."Sassy hangs up and heads to City Hospital.
Meanwhile at Burt and Bree's Mansion,Burt wakes up with Summer laying next to him and he looks over and tells her"Wake up.You need to leave because Bree could show up at any moment."Summer wakes up and tells Burt"I'm not worried about Bree.She wouldn't hurt no one.She's likely at Uncle Frank's house right now throwing a pity party."Downstairs,Winston unlocks the door and looks around briefly and heads upstairs and walks into Burt's bedroom and asks his Son"What in the hell are you doing?"Summer yells at Winston"You have no right to barge in here!"Winston tells his Son"Ava knows about this and she isn't happy and nor am I."Summer looks at Winston and tells him"Bree isn't what Burt needs.What he needs is a woman that understands him and doesn't hold him back and takes her birth control pills."Winston stares at Summer and sternly tells her"You are nothing but a whore!"Burt is silent,as Summer gets out of bed,naked,and walks up to Winston and tells him"Out of all people,you should understand.I could be in bed with Jared right now.We were meant to be together anyway."Winston takes a deep breath,as he gets angry and warns Summer"You are destroying your family you selfish whore.You are just like your Mother."Summer quips"That's good that I take after her.At least I think so."Winston warns his Son"Burt,I can't protect you if you don't realize what you're doing.Ava's rallying the troops now for your demise and knowing her,Summer's as well.This could really destroy you."Burt looks at Summer and tells her"You need to leave.I got to go to work."Summer walks out and tells Burt"I'll see you tonight sexy."Summer struts out and Burt tells his Father"I know I've messed up.But I'm attracted to Summer.She wants what I want."Winston asks"What?Sex?"Burt tells his Father"I love sex.That's my drug of choice."Winston shakes his head and tells Burt"All I can say is you don't know how to pick them.But you need to brace yourself."Burt is quiet as Winston walks out and heads back to Whispering Hills,where Ava is sitting in the living room and has a cup of coffee and spikes it with liquor and Floyd walks inside and asks Ava"Are you ready?."Ava looks at her Uncle and tells him"Oh hell yes I am!"Floyd and Ava heads towards Jackson Inc.
Across the road at Hell Hill,Xavier and Leigh are in the nursery as Maria and Shannon arrives and Maria tells her cousin"You might want to get down to Jackson Inc.Pop is on his way as we speak."Leigh tells Maria"I have to head to Class and check on things."Leigh tells her Husband"I think you may want to get down to Jackson Inc."Xavier asks Maria"Is this about Burt and Summer?"Shannon gets curious and asks"What is going on?Papa walked out of the house with his rifle this morning."Maria tells her Daughter"Go downstairs and get some formula for Gracie and Xavier Jr."Xavier,Leigh,and Maria walk outside the nursery and Xavier asks Maria"How did Uncle Floyd find out?"Maria responds"Ava.Bree was at the estate when she got the picture of Burt and Summer and Ava seen it and called Pop.He is angry and I hope Burt gets what's coming to him."Leigh rolls her eyes as she says to herself"This is going to devastate this family.Does Ruth know yet?"Maria tells them"She doesn't know."Xavier tells Maria"She doesn't need to know about it.She's already worried about Willie and she may not be able to handle this after all that's happened."Leigh hugs her Husband and tells him"Looks like you will have to step in."Maria tells them"Burt deserves what he gets."Xavier tells Maria in a stern tone"Burt Corbin is one of my most loyal employees at Jackson Inc and I need him now.I don't need him six feet under."Xavier walks back into the nursery and kisses his children and heads out and Leigh tells Maria"Burt is one of Xavier's few friends.He's worked for Xavier for over 20 years and with what's going on right now,Xavier can't lose him."Maria tells Leigh"I know Burt also and I also had my time with him.He left me when I became pregnant and left and his wife at the time was a total bitch.I loved him and he left me.Pop has never forgiven that."Leigh shakes her head and asks"So is Shannon Burt's Daughter?"Maria tells Leigh"No.I had a miscarriage due to the grief and pain Burt put me through and I had one other relationship and it was pure hell.I think you need to head on down to Class.I don't want to talk about the past."Leigh walks out and Maria stands in the hall and says to herself"Burt Corbin deserves what he gets."
At The Farm,Bree wakes up and yells for her Uncle and doesn't hear him and she looks out the living room window to notice Frank's truck is gone and Bree gets her phone to call him and doesn't get a response.There's a knock on the door and Bree sees Burt and unlocks the door and Burt walks inside and Bree slaps him forcefully and yells"You son of a bitch!"Burt tells his Wife"I don't know what to say Bree.I messed up."Bree yells"Damn right you messed up.You had sex with my Sister!"Burt looks at Bree and tells her"I did but she and I connected."Bree yells at Burt"Get the hell out of here.I am going to file for divorce and it's done between us."Burt pleads with his Wife"I love you Bree.What I had with Summer was a one time thing.I swear I won't do it again."Bree looks at her Husband and starts to cry and asks"Can I even believe you?"Burt tells his Wife"I can promise you that."Bree is hesitant to believe Burt and tells him"I won't go down the road Aunt Ava went down with my Mom.History does not need to repeat itself."Burt tells Bree"I know that.I want us to be a family and I want to be there for my child."Bree grows silent as she tells Burt"I want that also.But I don't know if I can take you back."Burt tells Bree"I understand."Frank walks inside and sees Burt and yells"I don't understand.Explain it to me you son of a bitch!"Burt tells Frank"I came here to talk to my Wife!I don't owe you nor Ava a damn thing!This is between Bree and I!"Frank punches Burt and tells him"Bree is like a daughter to me Burt.And I don't want to see her hurt and that's what you did,hurt her!"Bree tells her Uncle"Leave him alone.I don't want this to end our Marriage.I want to work things out."Bree hugs her Husband and Frank asks his Niece"You can't be serious?You're taking him back?"Bree reminds her Uncle"You have a history yourself Uncle Frank.You cheated on Aunt Beth multiple times over the years."Frank tells Bree"And Beth slept with my Daddy.You don't deserve a man like Burt."Burt tells Frank"I have never respected you nor will I ever respect you."Frank gets in Burt's face and warns him"If you ever hurt Bree again Burt Corbin,I will have you hanging out in my field like a scarecrow!"Frank looks at his Niece and tells her"I hope you know what you're doing."Bree responds"I do believe in second chances and I believe Burt to be sincere."Frank tells them"I'm headed to FJR.You're not welcome here Burt and neither is Summer as far as I am concerned!"Frank walks out and Bree tells Burt"Let's go to Jackson Inc.I need to work anyway."Burt and Bree heads to Jackson Inc.
At Ciarra and Tenny's Penthouse,Sully and Jared sits at the kitchen table,as Ciarra finishes cooking breakfast and Ciarra asks them"So how did last night go?"Sully looks at her Great-Aunt and tells her"I really don't think you'd like to know the details."Ciarra tells them"I'm curious and I had a dream last night about the two of you."Sully asks her"What was your dream?"As Ciarra brings breakfast and orange juice to the table,she tells Sully and Jared"I had a dream that the two of you had a baby girl."Jared tells Ciarra"We are really trying.We've decided to have a kid and it would be ours.I want to have a connection with Sully that won't ever go away.A child that we create would be that connection."Ciarra tells them"You already have one thing and that is love.I know love when I see it.The two of you have what Tennessee calls The Sullivan Love."Sully asks"What does that mean?I have heard that so much over the years and I'd like to know what that means."Ciarra tells them"Jacob and I,Tennessee and J.D.,Xavier and Leigh,that is The Sullivan Love.It's a marriage that is forever connected and eternal.The two of you are just like we were and I think it's beautiful."Sully quips"Gran actually likes Jared also."Ciarra laughs"His last name isn't Jackson.The odds are going in his favor."Sully asks her Great Aunt"So how are you and Uncle Floyd doing?"Ciarra tells Sully and Jared"He understands that I am not looking for marriage and we have a great relationship,but we're moving slow.He and I come from two different worlds,but it's an adventure.He also accepts the fact that I will never love him like I did your Uncle Jacob."Sully tells her"Uncle Floyd's a great man.Do you think Gran will ever find someone?"Ciarra looks at Sully and tells her"Tennessee's heart is with one person and that is J.D..She doesn't show it,but when he died,she never recovered from it.I also don't think she's accepted it.That's why she is the way she is today."Jared gets a text from Xavier and tells Ciarra"Thanks for breakfast,but I got to head down to the office.Something's going on."Jared kisses his Wife and rushes out and Ciarra also gets a text and tells Sully"I think hell hill is about to reach Jackson Inc."Sully rolls her eyes and hugs Ciarra,as she heads to Class.Ciarra yells for Precious and he runs into the living room and Ciarra tells him"I think you're coming with me to the office."Ciarra and precious heads out.
At City Hospital,Aretha,Sayyid,Rashad,and Little Sidney has arrived in the ICU,as Ruth is awake and she tells them as Little Sidney cries"Willie just grabbed my hand.She just grabbed my hand."Beth and Terrance walks inside and Terrance tells his family"Mama is still with us and we did another scan and there's an experimental surgery that Beth and I found online that can help Mama come back to us."Everyone is overjoyed as Willie grabs Ruth's hand again and Ruth tells Beth and Terrance"Willie knows everything that's going on in this room.She grabbed my hand last night and when everyone arrived and that precious baby cried,she did it again!"Terrance and Beth are shocked and Beth tells everyone"This is a first.I do not believe what I am seeing right now."Terrance starts to cry,as does Aretha,Rashad,and Sayyid,as Aretha looks at her Son and tells him"She knows you're staying.She isn't about to go anywhere.Sayyid walks over to his Sister and grabs her hand and says gently"It's Clem.I'm here and I finally found a way to beat you at blackjack."Willie's eyes starts to open and she looks at her Brother and gives him a smirk and grabs his hand tightly and Sayyid cries"I prayed for a miracle and it happened."Willie looks around the room and she sees Rashad and Little Sidney in his arms and a tear flows down Willie's face as she doesn't speak,but she motions her Grandson and Great-Grandson to her bedside.Willie looks at them and her right arm moves and she strokes Little Sidney's face and smiles and moves her lips and Rashad kisses his Grandmother and tells her"We're going nowhere Grandma.We're staying right here."Willie gives Rashad a glare and slurs"Sidney."Aretha walks over and looks at her Mother and moves up the bed as Willie kisses her Great Grandson and looks at her Children,Grandson,and Brother and slurs"Sidney told me to stay."Beth walks out of the room as Ruth follows Beth and asks her"Have you ever seen this before?"Beth tells Ruth in a stunned tone"I have never in over 40 years in the medical profession seen someone come out of a coma like Willie Evans.I have seen it all now."Ruth tells Beth"That Grand baby in there brought her to.I felt Sidney last night and I saw him walk out of the room and afterwards,Willie grabbed my hand."Beth tells Ruth with a hug"She should be dead,but her fight and her will kept her here."Ruth tells Beth"God answered everyone's prayers."Beth tells Ruth,as they watch the Evans family gather around Willie as they all cry tears of joy"She has a long road ahead,but she may defy the odds.If anybody can do it.Willie can."Ruth holds onto Beth and tells her"Yes Beth.That woman is the toughest woman I know.Willie doesn't give up without a fight.It's who she is."
Meanwhile at Jackson Inc,Floyd sits in Burt's office,holding his rifle,as Ava stands by her Uncle as Xavier walks into Burt's office and tells his Sister and Uncle"Nobody's about to bother Burt!"Floyd tells his Nephew"I plan to stomp his ass for what he's done to Bree!"Ava responds"Burt deserves it and you know that also Xavier!"Xavier looks at Ava and tells his Sister"I want you to come with me for a moment."Ava follows Xavier outside the hall,as Jared arrives and Xavier tells his Sister"Burt is the only person in this company that will be able to help me with this upcoming war with Wallace's."Ava looks at Xavier and asks"Wallace's?"Xavier tells her"That company is now the number one retailer in the nation and they've knocked us off the top and they are moving here and setting up headquarters."Ava rolls her eyes and tells Xavier"Uncle Floyd only wants to teach the bastard a lesson Xavier.He wouldn't kill him."Xavier tells Ava sternly"Wallace's got an advantage over us and they plan to take over Adam's Landing,All the stores they've built is within a mile of Jim's."Ava looks at Xavier and tells him"I guess I'll take it easy on Burt for now."Xavier tells Ava"Now go tell that to Uncle Floyd!"Xavier heads to his office and Jared follows his Father In Law as he tells Xavier"They are hellbent on vengeance."Xavier tells Jared"Burt is too valuable for us to lose."Ciarra arrives with Precious and she heads to her office,as Floyd and Ava walk out of Burt's office and Ciarra looks at them and tells them"I brought Precious in case things got out of hand."Burt walks inside and he and Bree holds hands and Ava and Floyd asks Bree"What in the hell are you thinking?"Bree tells them"We're not going to give up.We plan to make this marriage work."Floyd is silent,as he stares at Burt and Xavier and Jared walks outside and sees Burt and Bree and Bree tells Xavier"You stay out of our personal lives!"Xavier and Ava both grows silent,as does Floyd,as Ciarra tells Precious"We're headed to our office and turn on some music."Floyd follows Ciarra,as Jared stands in the lobby as Ava and Xavier looks at each other with a look of shock and Jared tells them"I got work to do."and heads to his office as Burt,Bree,Ava,and Xavier stare at each other silently with the tension rising in Jackson Inc,as Winston arrives and stands by Ava and Xavier.At Class,Sully arrives at her office and the receptionist tells her"Your Mother and Marco went to grab breakfast for a moment."Sully asks"Is Allison here?"The receptionist responds"She hasn't arrived yet."Sully walks inside her office and puts down her briefcase and takes an anti-rejection pill and takes a drink of water and she walks over to her desk and the chair swings around and Sully drops her glass of water,as she asks"How in the hell did you get in here?"