It's evening time in Adam's Landing and at City Hospital,Beth sits in her office as she finishes up some paperwork before heading back to check on Tenny and Olivia walks into Beth's office and Beth notices a look of sadness on Olivia's face.Beth asks Olivia"What is it?Is it about Allan?"Olivia shows Beth a text she received from Allan and Beth is shocked and tells Olivia in a tone of disbelief"I don't believe he would do something like this."Olivia yells at Beth"I knew he's fall into his old ways when he went down to Southpoint Beach!I knew it."Beth looks at the picture on Olivia's phone intensely and tells her"I have a feeling Allan's being set up."Down in Southpoint Beach,Rich walks down into the basement and Allan's drugged after getting injected with LSD and Rich asks"How was your trip Allan?"Allan looks at Rich with his eyes dazed and he tells Rich"It will take more than that for you to get your deed back."Rich laughs and tells Allan"That seafood house means nothing to me,but those royalties do,and I intend to keep them,so enjoy what time you have left.And I hope you enjoyed that hot sex,because Olivia knows about it."Rich walks up the stairs and Allan looks at Rich and thinks of Olivia and prays"Please God don't let my family believe this was of my will."Allan breaks down and cries in fear of his life.
At Chantel's,Cale looks at Wade and asks with a quiet tone of anger in his voice"Wade?What are you doing here?"Wade looks at Cale and tells him"I'm glad to see you're doing well in racing these days and you have a Father."Cale looks at Wade and tells him"I have nothing now.Why are you really in Adam's Landing?Don't you own a motel in Sugar Creek?"Allison looks on and asks Cale"Who is he?"Cale tells Allison"Wade Issac is my cousin.His Father was the man that raised me and his Mother was the bitch that left me and his sister with that bastard."Wade gets angry and yells"My Mother was killed Cale!Don't ever call her a bitch in front of me you reject.Your Mom didn't even want you!"Cale gets angry and yells at Wade"Your Mom is dead Wade?Really she's dead?I sure hope so because if she isn't,she will be."Wade looks at Cale with a look of suspicion and asks"What do you mean if?"Cale tells Wade"Why would I tell you what I know about your Mom?I did my research.I know the truth."Wade warns Cale"If you know anything Cale,you best tell me!I already know enough about your new family here to destroy them.What will it be?"Cale tells Wade"If you want to go after Frank Jackson,it's fine with me.I have no problems with it."Allison steps in and reminds Cale"Frank does love you Cale."Cale yells at Allison"He doesn't love me,if he did he would have saved me from that hell I was in!"Wade looks at Cale and tells him"It's not Frank I'm concerned about,it's your Aunt Ava and Uncle Xavier.Those two are about to pay for what they have done and so will Winston Hale.I want justice."Cale grabs Wade by the throat and warns him"My Aunt and Uncle are the two people in my family that hasn't lied to me or stabbed me in the back.You back the hell off of them or else I won't tell you anything about your dear whoring Mom!"Wade punches Cale and Cale punches back at Wade and tells him"I can kick your ass and if you mess with my family,it will be much worse!"Cale looks at Allison and tells her"Let's go!"Wade yells"You better tell me what you know Cale."Cale ignores Wade as he storms out with Allison and Wade is silent,with suspicion as he makes a phone call,but gets no response.
Meanwhile at Ciarra and Tenny's Penthouse,Tenny sits in the living room,smoking a joint and listening to Allan's music as Frank kicks down the door and is shocked when he sees Tenny smoking marijuana and yells"You evil,cold hearted bitch,you have cost me my son."Tenny sarcastically responds"You cost me my sanity Frank.You and your Uncle Cowboy Floyd and Granny Ruth.What in the hell gives you the right to storm in my penthouse and yell at me?"Frank yells furiously"Cale has disowned me and it's all you and that bitch you call a daughter's fault.You and my Daddy should have stayed out of my damn business with Claudia years ago Tenny!"Tenny puts out her joint and yells for Precious and he runs in the living room and Tenny looks at Frank and asks"Excuse me?You talking about my sweet Beth?"Frank yells"Damn right I am Tenny!"Tenny looks at Frank and calmly says"You should have looked for your son after Beth grew brains and divorced your worthless ass."Frank fumes with anger as Tenny calmly sits on the couch and tells Frank"You cheated on Beth the entire time the two of you were married and you also had a child with another woman.And here you are,yelling at me for protecting my daughter?You need to chill the hell out and get your act together!"Frank warns Tenny"With all this dope,I should call the ALPD and turn you in for drug possession you old bat!"Tenny reminds him"Remember who you're related to and I'm related to.It's a loss for you either way you go about it.How about you turn around and walk out of here before I neuter you."Frank warns Tenny"This isn't over.I am going for blood when it comes to you.Beth married my Daddy and lied to me and you kept my son from me.Beth definitely took after you.Too bad she couldn't have taken after J.D.."Tenny gets up and hisses at Frank"Don't you ever mention my husband's name to me again in that tone.Instead of standing here and yelling at me,you should be making up with your son."Frank looks at Tenny silently and walks out and Tenny looks at Precious and says"Frank doesn't want to mess with me.He's playing with fire."Tenny lights up her joint and takes a toke and has a thought and says to herself"Something isn't right."Tenny makes a phone call to Beth and she fills her Mother in on the latest from Allan and Tenny tells her daughter"I think Rich has my son kidnapped.I feel it."Tenny hangs up the phone and calls the airport.
Meanwhile at Whispering Hills,Ava takes Ruth,Floyd,and Ciarra on a tour of her and Winston's new estate and Ruth tells Floyd"You still have the magic touch when it comes to your craft."Floyd shrugs"I didn't work on this.I just watched the employees do the work and I sat back and had a few drinks of shine."Ruth and Ava laughs while Ciarra tells Floyd"I don't like that stuff."Floyd tells Ciarra"Moonshine is a Jackson family tradition.I have taken a drink each day since I was a young man."Ciarra rolls her eyes and sighs"At least you can hold it well."Ava is stunned at the beauty and tells her Uncle"You really outdid yourself Uncle Floyd.I mean..this is like paradise."Floyd puts his hands on his niece's shoulders and says"You deserve this Ava.After all you have been through,I pulled out all the stops when it came to restoring Whispering Hills.Ava hugs her Uncle and starts to cry and humbly tells him"Words can't express my gratitude and Winston will love this."Ruth tells Ava"I remember when you were young,you always admired this place."Ava smiles and says"I sure did Mama.I always dreamed of owning this estate one day and now I do."Ruth hugs her daughter as Ciarra hugs Floyd and tells him"You amaze me more and more Floyd.I love you."Floyd looks into Ciarra's eyes and tells her"I love you too Ciarra."Floyd and Ciarra embrace with a kiss as Ruth and Ava walks around the house.
Down at Jazz,Keith and the woman has finished having sex and the woman tells Keith"I got to go back to where I'm staying.I don't want to be out and about for a long amount of time."Keith asks the woman"Where are you staying at?"The woman tells Keith"I'm staying with an old friend of mine,Frank Jackson."Keith looks at the woman and says"You're staying with Frank?You're really putting yourself on the line staying with him if you're avoiding Cale."The woman tells Keith"Remember something Keith,Frank and I have a history with each other.I feel safe with him."The woman's phone rings and she answers it and hangs up and tells Keith"I need some money."Keith looks at the woman and asks"Money?What for?"The woman tells Keith"I just had sex with you,and I could say something to the tabloids."Keith writes the woman a check and the woman rips up the check and tells him with an urgency in her voice"I need cash!"Keith gives the woman $500.00 and tells her"This should help you out and this is a one time thing!"The woman tells Keith"I wish I could say that,but I can't.You will have to pay me for me to give you sex."Keith yells"Get the hell out of here!"The woman leaves and Keith shakes his head in disgust as he says to himself"You're still a whore.That wasn't even worth $100.00."Keith gets angry and opens his desk and finds a bag and opens it and pours it on his desk and takes out his razor and stares at it intently,before snorting a line of cocaine and Jermaine walks in with Sassy and Latoya and Jermaine asks Keith"Don't tell me you're doing coke again?"Latoya is stunned,as is Sassy,as Keith looks at them with a look of fear in his eyes.
Meanwhile at The Exposer,Aretha sits in her office as Rashad arrives and he notices his Mother sitting at her desk and asks her"What are you reading so intently?"Aretha tells her son"I just got a picture of Allan Sullivan and this isn't good."Rashad asks"What is wrong Mama?"Aretha tells Rashad"It looks like Allan has relapsed and he's cheating on Olivia."Rashad tells his Mother"There is something going on in this town.I noticed earlier something weird with Frank.He was not himself."Aretha responds"About Cale?"Rashad asks"You knew about that?"Aretha reminds her son"Baby boy I run a tabloid.I know all about what went down and more."Rashad asks his Mother"What else do you know Mama?"Aretha tells Rashad what she has heard and Rashad rolls his eyes and says"This is going to hurt my career if this gets out.I hope you leave this on the back burner."Aretha tells her son"I am doing that.I don't know the full details yet,but if this gets out,it will be devastating to many people,especially Wade Issac."Rashad asks"Who's Wade Issac?"Aretha tells her son"He is trouble.Things are about to explode in this town and I don't think nothing will be able to stop it."
Cale and Allison makes a stop by Olivia's house on the way back to their apartment after receiving a call from Olivia and when they walk inside,Allison sees her Mother sitting on the couch in a tone of panic and crying and Allison asks her Mother"What's wrong?"Olivia shows Allison her phone and tells her daughter and Cale"You tell me.I don't know what to think."Cale and Allison looks at the photo and Allison gets upset and says in a stunned tone"I don't believe this."Olivia hugs her daughter and tells her"Ally,I think your Father's being set up by Rich.Something isn't right.Tenny and Beth both feel the same way."Allison reminds her Mother"Allan James was known to get around in his day Mom.With his successful performance at Jazz,I think he may have just left you behind."Olivia sternly tells Allison"Allan wouldn't cheat on me.We have been through way too much for him to just sleep with some whore on the street."Cale agrees with Olivia and Allison tells them"I want to believe that he wouldn't do something like this,but the proof is in the picture."Olivia's phone rings and it's Beth and Olivia tells Allison and Cale"Tenny is heading to Southpoint Beach.I'm going with her."Allison asks her Mother"Is that a good idea?"Olivia reminds her daughter"A Mother knows when their child is in trouble.I'm going with Tenny and Beth to Southpoint Beach and find out what's really going on."Olivia hugs her daughter and heads upstairs to pack,as Allison looks at Cale and tells him"It's just getting worse for all of us."Cale holds Allison in his arms and tells her"It sure seems like it."
Meanwhile at The Sunset Club,Wade arrives after getting a text from Winston,telling Wade to meet him there and Wade walks inside and notices someone and yells"Candace?"Candace turns around and sees Wade and is shocked and runs upstairs as Wade begins to chase after his sister.He gets to the stairway and he's grabbed from behind and is pushed into The Jackson Room,where Xavier and Winston awaits him,as Sayyid stands at the door and Sayyid has his gun aimed at Wade,as Xavier has his Colt 45 in his hand,under the table,as Winston has his pistol in his hand,under the table and Wade looks around and he tells them"I have things to do.My sister is here."Xavier says to Wade slowly,as Winston looks on"We don't care about your sister,we only care about you and how to shut you up."Winston adds"I gave you a check to rebuild your motel and stay quiet and you came to town and you are playing with the wrong people.I can void that check you know.I have connections in Sugar Creek."Xavier adds"I also have connections in Sugar Creek and I also know something else."Wade yells"What do the two of you know?"Xavier motions for Sayyid and he walks over and points his pistol at Wade's head as Xavier tells him"Don't raise your voice.I know how you got that motel in Sugar Creek and if you go after Ava,I may have to tell the world how you got your poor ass a motel in Sugar Creek."Wade grows silent as Xavier and Winston stare down at Wade,as Sayyid stays behind him,with his pistol at the back of Wade's head.Upstairs,Candace Payne walks into her suite and sees the woman and asks"Where is my money at?"The woman gives Candace the $500.00 and Candace counts the money and says"I think there should be more than this."The woman yells"Why are you doing this to me?How many times do I have to apologize to you for what I did?"Candace tells the woman in a cold tone"After all the hell I went through and my cousin,this is only the beginning.And although money isn't an issue with me in general,I mean I just had sex with a drugged up rocker in Southpoint Beach and his former lead singer,you owe Cale and I."The woman cries"I know I do Candi."The woman screams"Don't call me that ever again!EVER!"Candace tells the woman"Also so you know,I am staying in town and I know much more than you think and I also know something else."The woman asks"What are you talking about?"Candace tells the woman"You'll see."