Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 147: Looking For Truth

  It's the next morning in Adam's Landing,at Olivia and Allan's house,Tenny and Precious arrives as she lets herself in and Allan notices anger in her eyes as Tenny cuts to the chase and asks her son"Did you have sex with Jamie Jackson Marx?"Allan is shocked as is Olivia as Tenny continues"Bree Jackson claims you're her father?"Allan looks at his Mother,as Olivia looks at Allan and he says to them"I will admit I was a sex addict back in my day,but I don't remember sleeping with Jamie Jackson."Tenny sighs and tells Allan"God I hope it's the truth,because we're already in too deep with them."Olivia reminds Allan"You were on some heavy drugs back in the day.You may not remember it."Allan looks at Olivia and tells her"I kept a book on every girl I slept with.I always kept track and afterwards,I'd put a check by their name if it was hot or not."Tenny rolls her eyes and tells Allan"I want to read it!"Allan heads upstairs to get his diary,and Olivia asks Tenny"How did Bree get that information?"Tenny responds"Your sister."Olivia shakes her head and gets the morning edition of The Exposer,which is titled"The Real Story of Lane's."Olivia reads the article and Tenny watches on as Olivia's eyes grow with anger and she quietly says with anger in her voice"I never did believe Mom and Dad went to the beach and retired."Tenny sarcastically responds"This town is full of secrets."Allan comes back downstairs and opens his diary,which contains all the women he slept with during his years in music and Tenny quips"You have them in alphabetical order."Allan laughs"The drugs and booze would make you forget the sex if it was bad."Tenny and Olivia looks on as Allan scrolls through the diary and comes to J.He finds that Jamie's name isn't in the diary and Tenny and Olivia are puzzled as is Allan as Allan tells them"If I was her Father,I would know it."Olivia tells Allan"We'll find out about this.I'll do a test of my own at work and find out."Tenny hugs Allan and tells him"I believe you son.Jamie was a whore.She did honky tonks instead of rock concerts."Allan laughs"Country was never my thing anyway."Tenny laughs and she and Precious heads to Class,as Olivia tells Allan"We'll find out by the end of the day if you're really Bree's Father.She does deserve to know if you are or not."Allan hugs Olivia and tells her"I may not remember,but you did get five stars in the diary,and I still give you five stars."Olivia tells Allan in a flirting tone"I better get five stars Allan James."Olivia leaves and tells Allan"Meet me later at the hospital."Allan nods,as he sits in the living room and goes through his diary and says to himself"I am certain I never had sex with Jamie Jackson.I would definitely had remembered it if I had!"
   Meanwhile at Sassy's house,she finds Summer in the kitchen,as Sassy's preparing to go to City Hospital and asks her"Why are you here?"Summer snaps"Latoya told me I could stay here."Latoya walks in the room and Sassy looks at her daughter and asks"Why aren't you at Xavier and Leigh's?"Latoya tells her Mother"Summer came to see me and Xavier tried to kill her.Leigh told me I still had a job but not to bring Summer around there."Sassy warns Latoya"Xavier Jackson isn't a man you want to make mad.You go to work!"Sassy tells Summer"You get the hell out of my house.You're not welcomed here either!"Summer looks at Sassy and laughs"Just because you're friendly with the Jacksons doesn't mean Xavier will sleep with you.He's faithful to himself."Sassy reaches back to slap Summer and Latoya yells at Summer"Let's go!"They leave and Sassy had a cup of coffee and reads her tablet and sees Aretha's story on Desi Lane and laughs"She always did act like she was hiding something."She keeps reading and then heads to City Hospital and quips"Damn.I guess she isn't famous anymore."
  At The Farm,Frank walks into the living room and finds Bree sitting on the couch and asks"Where's Mama?"Bree tells her Uncle"She went over to Xavier's to see the babies and see if Xavier's found out anything on Ava yet."Frank notices discontent as he notices Bree reading her paternity results and tells her"I don't believe Allan's your Father.Your Mom was pregnant and she knew who your father was,but she didn't tell anybody."Bree looks at Frank and asks"Then why does it say Allan Sullivan on this paternity test?"Frank gives his niece a look and tells her"We know how your Mom was Bree.Allan was a legend in the music business.She put his name on there because she would have a motive to extort from him down the road."Bree asks Frank in a serious tone"If Allan Sullivan isn't my father,then who could it be?"Frank is silent and tells his niece"I'm not positive Bree,but I think it is someone we all know."Bree is puzzled and Frank tells her who he thinks it is and adds"They were sneaking around quite a bit and that's who I believe it is."Bree is shocked and tells him"I don't know what to believe."Meanwhile Rashad arrives at the door and Rashad tells Frank"Let's go test for Blue Ridge."Frank asks his niece before leaving"Are you ok?"Bree sighs and says with defeat"I will be eventually."Frank and Rashad heads out and Bree walks into the bathroom,and looks in the mirror and looks at a picture of Allan,and the person Frank believes is her Father,and Bree tells herself"I want to know the truth!"Bree heads to City Hospital.
  Meanwhile at the ALPD,Xavier arrives as Bobby's called him and Xavier asks Bobby"How are you enjoying your new job?"Bobby tells Xavier"I love being District Attorney.But I can't do both and we need to find someone to work in my place at Jackson Inc."Xavier tells Bobby"I think I'm going to ask Bree if she wants to work in the family business.She needs something to do and Mother told me that Desi found her paternity results while digging up dirt on Russell."Bobby tells Xavier"Russell has told me that he's leaving town and take the senate seat.But he left me with some things to send Desi to Unity for life."Xavier smiles and asks sarcastically"So I take it since he wants to be the honorable Senator,he wants to brown nose?"Bobby asks Xavier"Did you read The Exposer this morning?"Xavier tells Bobby"Leigh and I read it before I left.Aretha really tore Desi a new one."Bobby laughs and says"Michael's stay in the jail hasn't been very pleasant either.His cell mate is an old friend of mine and Aretha and Terrance's Uncle."Xavier asks Bobby"Who is he?"Sayyid walks into Bobby's office and Xavier looks at Sayyid and asks"Sayyid Ross?"Sayyid asks"You ran Jim's in Blue Ridge didn't you?"Xavier nods and says"I do and I still do."Sayyid tells Xavier"J.D. Sullivan was a great man.One of the few whites I knew who didn't see color."Xavier tells Sayyid"You're looking at another person who doesn't see color."Bobby fills Xavier in on Sayyid's history and tells Xavier"He would be a great person for you to hire to help you."Xavier looks at Sayyid for a moment and asks with a laugh"So you got Michael scared huh?"Sayyid smiles and says to Xavier"I got white boy so scared he won't get off his bunk."Xavier looks at Bobby and tells him"Clear Sayyid's records and I am going to help him get adjusted to the new Adam's Landing."Sayyid asks Xavier"What are your plans?I know how you work."Xavier tells Sayyid"We are similar.I don't think we will have any problems."Sayyid is taken to his cell,as he's now free and Xavier tells Bobby"He's staying at Hell Hill.I need to have someone there to keep the trash out and I don't believe nobody would want to mess with him."Bobby agrees and says"Clem doesn't take nothing off nobody.You're a smart man Xavier."Sayyid returns and Xavier tells him"Let's go to where you'll be staying."Xavier and Sayyid head to Hell Hill,as Bobby makes a phone call and asks"Have you found them?"The person on the other line says"LaFayette."Bobby hangs up and calls Russell and tells him,as he's left town"When I call you again,you will issue a warrant and if not,your career in Captial City is finished!"
   Meanwhile,Summer picks up her car at Class,as Latoya drops her off on her way to Hell Hill,and Summer gets in the car and checks her messages on the phone and finds a message from Russell and he tells her"I've left Adam's Landing.I got your room covered if you want to stay in town."Summer starts to cry and has a scared look on her face as she says"I have nobody here for me,except my sister."Summer heads off and calls Bree and Bree tells her sister"Meet me at City Hospital."Summer heads to meet her sister.Inside Class,Tenny and Precious has arrived and Ciarra's sitting at Sully's desk and Ciarra tells her sister"Beth,Sully,and Jared are on their way to Blue Ridge.She called this morning."Tenny tells Ciarra"It's good to know they will be at The Estate.I feel better knowing someone's there."Ciarra changes subjects and asks Tenny"Did you talk to Allan about Bree?"Tenny responds"Precious and I went by there and Allan told me he never had sex with Jamie.He even pulled out a diary of his sexual escapades."Ciarra tells Tenny"So is she a Sullivan or isn't she?"Tenny tells Ciarra"I believe my son and I know he was on cocaine and booze back then.At least he kept a list.So we know I only have two Grandchildren,Xavier and Allison."Meanwhile Allison walks into the office,as Allison's using a walker and Tenny smiles and hugs her Granddaughter as does Ciarra and Tenny asks Allison"How are you sweetie?"Allison tells her Grandmother and Great-Aunt"I wanted to see if I could go to work here if I can't race again."Tenny looks at Allison and sits down and puts her arm around her and tells her gently"I have a feeling you don't want to race again."Allison confides in Tenny and Ciarra"It's not that I don't,I just know I won't be able to do it again."Allison tears up and Tenny wipes them and says"You have a job here Allison.You are a Sullivan and I want to be your Grandmother.If you need anything from me,ask me."Allison and Tenny hugs as Ciarra heart warms,seeing a glimpse of the sister she used to know before J.D.'s death.
   At City Hospital,Bree is meeting with Terrance and he tells Bree"Allan Sullivan isn't your father."Bree tells Terrance of the other people that could be her Father and Terrance calls the lab and tells them to run two other tests and Olivia walks into Terrance's office and sees Bree and tells her"I'm sorry that Allan isn't your Father."Bree tells Olivia"I hope I know soon.If it's who I am thinking,he's got a lot to answer for."Terrance tells Bree"I put a rush on it and I'll have the results later in the day.When they arrive,I'll call you."Bree thanks him and Olivia for their help and leaves.Olivia asks Terrance"Think we can handle this place without Beth for awhile?"Terrance quips"Beth trained both of us Olivia,we can do it."They laugh and Olivia gets a text from Allan and tells Terrance"I guess my plans for lunch has changed."Terrance asks Olivia"Want to go down to the cafeteria with me later and we can vent together."Olivia laughs and tells Terrance"Sounds like a plan.I need to laugh now,because when I see Desi,I'm going to rip her to shreds."Terrance responds"Anytime I hear of Desi Lane getting ripped to shreds,that makes my day.Get raw on her ass Olivia."Olivia and Terrance laughs as they talk about her sister."Downstairs,Summer is reading a pamphlet and smiles and says"I think I need this.I would feel whole."Bree sees Summer and Summer tells Bree"Dad's left for Captial City."Bree tells her sister"He always left before it got too hot for him."Summer asks"What are you talking about?"Bree tells Summer"He had the results all these years and never told me."Summer asks"So Allan isn't your father?"Bree says"Nope.But I think I know who it is."Summer quickly asks"Who is he?"Bree tells her sister"When I find out I'll tell you.Right now let's just worry about how you're going to make it in Adam's Landing."Bree and Summer leaves City Hospital,both nervous for different reasons.
   Meanwhile Xavier and Sayyid arrives at Hell Hill and Leigh tells her husband"Winston and Burt are here.They're in the study.Sayyid looks at Leigh and asks"Weren't you the model for Emery's?"Leigh asks Xavier"Who is he?"Ruth walks downstairs,after visiting with Gracie and Xavier Jr and goes"Clemmon Ross?"Sayyid looks at Ruth and they embrace in a hug and Ruth tells Sayyid"Where have you been all these years Clem?"Sayyid tells Ruth"My name's Sayyid now Ruth.I changed it when I converted to Islam."Ruth tells Sayyid"You'll always be Clem to me.Willie and I always did give you a hard time since you were younger than us."Sayyid laughs as does Ruth and Latoya arrives and Leigh tells her"The babies are in the nursery and we are going to talk later."Latoya heads upstairs,as Ruth and Sayyid catches up and Leigh heads in the study,as Xavier pours a drink for himself and Burt and Winston tells Xavier"I got a call that my car exploded at a Rest Stop above Walnut Grove."Xavier tells them"Country has found Ava.That's all I know for now.So no worries."Winston tells Xavier"We know that Country's weak,I don't want him and Ava to get back together.She's vulnerable right now."Xavier looks at Winston and asks"You are still in love with her aren't you?"Winston tells them"Ava Jackson is the only lady I've ever loved.I just hope she feels the same way."Leigh meanwhile goes back in the living room and tells Ruth"Ava's safe.She's with Country."Ruth looks up and cries and Xavier walks into the living room and motions for Sayyid and tells Leigh"Sayyid's going to be staying here.I want someone here to watch the property so we have no more interruptions like last night."Leigh looks at Xavier with a puzzled look as Sayyid goes into the study with Xavier and Ruth tells Leigh"I think you have nothing to fear now with Clem here.Trust me."Leigh tells Ruth"He looks like a boxer.And he scares me."Ruth tells Leigh"Clem had it rough here.All I'll tell you is that he is one person nobody wants to mess with.I feel safe knowing he's here."Leigh tells Ruth"I feel safe too."In the study,Xavier introduces Sayyid to Winston and Burt and Sayyid stares at Winston with anger in his eyes and asks"How's Chant doing?"Winston tells Sayyid"Chant was killed."Sayyid smiles and says"I'm glad to know that because If he was breathing,I'd kill him myself."Winston tells Sayyid with a laugh"Join the club."Xavier meanwhile receives a text from Country and tells everyone"They are at an airport near Music City."Winston asks Xavier"So I take it she's out for blood."Sayyid tells them"Sounds like Ava Jackson inherited the family streak.She was always one of my favorites.Her and Frank,and now Xavier."Meanwhile,on an airplane,heading to Sugar Creek,Country tells Ava"We should have just drove to Sugar Creek."Ava looks at Country and tells him"I know what I'm doing and all you need to do when we arrive is what I tell you."Country looks at Ava with caution as Ava flicks her cigarette lighter and smiles,saying to Country"Rachel will feel my pain with fire."

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