At The Sunset Club,Xavier,Ava,and Winston stands in the suite as Winston looks at the paternity test with a lost look in his eyes.Ava walks over and reads them and Winston tells them with disgust"Damn.I really was his father after all."Ava hugs Winston and assures him"He's dead now Winston.We all know that!"Xavier looks at them and tells them"Are you sure?"Ava looks at Xavier and tells her brother"You shot him between the eyes Xavier.We know he's dead."Xavier asks Winston and Ava"What is the endgame with this?Junior isn't this clever."Winston is silent and he thinks for a moment,as does Ava and Ava looks at Winston and tells him"What if your Ex Wife is playing a part in this?"Winston reminds Ava"Xavier killed her.She could very well be capable of something like this,but we know a man raped Summer.So it's a man that's calling the shots."Meanwhile at Ava's mansion,the man walks inside the house and looks around and has a flashback( In City Hospital,a woman arrives in a room and tells the prison guard"Here's a check to disappear and don't return."The man looks at the woman and says"Mother!"She says"Yes son.We're about to get what is rightfully ours.I've taken care of everything and Ava is too distracted to notice anything."Another man walks into the room and the woman tells the man"He's your brother.I've trained him and now it's time to trade places."The men trade places as the woman tells her sons"One is more valuable than two.Winston needs to die and I will see to it he does."The man looks at a picture of Winston and says to himself"Old man,your day has come,and so has your wife's."
Meanwhile at City Hospital,Bree has arrived in the ER,as Summer arrives and Bree looks at her sister and asks her urgently"What happened Summer?"Summer tells Bree,shaking and crying"I was raped Bree."Bree walks over and grabs Summer's hand and tells her"Who did this to you?"Summer grows silent and she says to her sister"Uncle Brock's friend."Bree looks at Summer and asks"Uncle Brock is behind this?"Summer tells Bree with tears falling from her face"I ran into him at The Sunset Club,and a man was there and Uncle Brock grabbed my arm and took me upstairs into this man's suite."Bree is horrified as Summer looks at Bree and tells her about what happened(Flashback,in the man's suite at The Sunset Club,Summer tells the man,as he looks at Summer and says"You look just like your Mother and I hear the two of you are just alike.I must say I am looking forward to this."Summer looks at him and tells him"I don't even know you and I am not my Mother."The man looks at Summer and says sarcastically"I hear you sleep your way around.Just like the whore Scarface was.Like Mother,like daughter."Summer runs to the door and the man stops Summer and forcefully pushes her onto the bed,as he undresses and tells Summer in a tone of frustration"Your Mother had no trouble resisting me.So what's your problem?"Summer tries to get away,and the man slams her to the bed and hisses"Now you can say you had the son,and the father.")Bree looks at Summer as Terrance walks into the room and asks Summer"Are you ok?"Summer screams and Bree holds her sister and assures her"Dr.Evans isn't going to hurt you Summer.Nobody's going to hurt you."Summer cries as she holds onto her sister as Terrance looks over at Summer and tells her"I'm sending in a nurse to check on you and then we'll see how severe this is."Terrance walks out and sees Sassy in the hall and tells her"Go into triage one and check Summer out.She's been raped."Sassy walks inside and looks on as Summer's clothes are torn and she looks at Sassy and is trembling,as her sister holds her and Sassy tells Summer"I am so sorry Summer.No woman deserves this to happen to them."Sassy walks over and checks Summer out and tells her"You are fortunate to have survived this ordeal."Bree asks Sassy"Is my Aunt Beth here?I know about what happened to Sully,and I just hope Summer can recover from this."Sassy takes a deep breath and tells Summer"I have had my issues with you.But I will be here for you and you will make it.You're a strong girl and we're going to make sure whoever did this pays for it."Bree tearfully tells Summer"Sassy is right.That bastard and our Uncle are both going to pay for this horrible ordeal."Summer cries in Bree's arms,as Sassy looks on and wipes a tear from her eye as she walks outside and sees her daughter,and gives Latoya a hug and Latoya asks her Mother"What's wrong?"Sassy tells Latoya"Go in there and be with your best friend.She needs you."
At Hell Hill,Brock Jr walks through the woods and comes to the Storm Shelter,and walks inside and sees Tommy laying on the ground,chained to the floor as Sayyid has knocked him out cold after beating him earlier and Brock Jr looks at Sayyid and asks"Is my son dead?"Sayyid tells Brock Jr"He will be if you don't play ball Junior.It looks like you are still the mistake B.R. always said you were."Brock Jr jumps into Sayyid's face and yells"Look Clem!I know you and if you dare try to kill my son.."Sayyid gets into Brock Jr's face,and pulls out his pistol,as he puts it to Brock Jr's head,and says coldly"What Junior?What's your punk ass gonna do to me?Huh?What?"Brock Jr pulls out his pistol and Sayyid punches Brock Jr and knocks him onto the concrete floor and yells"That was a move you shouldn't have made!You know my rep!"Brock Jr wipes the blood from his face and punches Sayyid and he twists Brock Jr's wrist,breaking it and asks him angrily"So you and Tommy destroyed The Sullivan Estate I hear?"Brock Jr yells"Why do you care?You don't like white people anyway Clem!I'd think this would excite you."Sayyid angrily replies"The Sullivan Family were damn good to me and my family!What would motivate you or better yet,pay you and your sorry ass son to do such a irredeemable thing?"Brock Jr responds"I want what's mine.This place belongs to me and I am going to have what's rightfully mine.That bastard Xavier and his conniving Mother stole this from my family."Sayyid corrects him"Everybody knew that B.R. wouldn't leave this to you.Hell,after the pain you have caused your family,why would your Father leave The Jackson Estate to a worthless piece of trash like you?"Brock Jr's eyes grow red with anger as he grabs his gun and tells Sayyid"I am taking this place back!You just watch me.When Xavier comes home,he will find Leigh on the ground and those two babies gone!"Sayyid shakes his head as he has a flashback to finding his family dead years ago and grabs Brock Jr's head in a headlock and whispers in his ear"You've made it as far as you're going to go."Sayyid pistol-whips Brock Jr,knocking him out cold and chains him to the floor,next to his son,as Sayyid tells him"Looks like you're day of judgement is upon you bastard!"
Meanwhile up the hill,Leigh is in the house,as she has gotten a phone call from Beth and she tells her Mother In Law"X isn't himself.He looks pale and he isn't saying anything to me."Beth,in Blue Ridge tells Leigh over the phone"Keep an eye on my son.He is dead set for revenge on what happened to The Sullivan Estate and if he doesn't slow down and soon,he could die."Leigh hangs up the phone and looks at Gracie and Xavier Jr and starts to cry and says to herself"Xavier Jackson.How many times have I told you to take care of you."She hears a knock at the door and walks downstairs to answer to find Tenny,Ciarra,and Precious and Leigh looks at them with a scared look and Ciarra asks Leigh"What's bothering you Leigh?"Tenny is also surprised as Leigh tells them"It's X.He's sick and he isn't telling anybody."Ciarra and Tenny takes a deep breath as Tenny grows silent and says to herself"Not again.Not Xavier."Ciarra looks at Leigh and tells her"When he thought you had died years ago,he had a stomach aneurysm.He almost died and it took him months to recover from it.I imagine Beth explained it to you."Leigh tells them"She just called and told me.She said it's an AVM."Tenny looks at Leigh and says"It runs in the Martin side of our family.Our brother died from it.His was in his heart.I have one too but Beth took care of mine."Leigh looks at them and says"He won't tell nobody and he's hell-bent on getting revenge on the man behind what happened in Blue Ridge.I can't lose X."Ciarra and Tenny sits next to Leigh and hold her and comfort her as Leigh tells them"Xavier has already found two suspects."Tenny asks Leigh"Who are they?"Leigh tells them"Brock Jr and his son Tommy.Sayyid's with Tommy down in the Storm Shelter right now.Xavier is hunting Brock Jr down as we speak and with all the stress he's under,what if he succumbs?"Tenny asks Leigh in a serious tone"Brock Jackson Jr and his son was the ones who burned out my home?"Leigh tells Tenny and Ciarra,as both of them look at her"X believes someone else is coaching them and I think I know who it is.He has been around here."Tenny looks at Precious and tells him"Stay here with Leigh and Aunt Ciarra."Tenny walks into Xavier's study as Ciarra asks her sister"What are you doing Tennessee?"Tenny turns around and tells them"Don't talk me out of it!I am about to go down in that Storm Shelter and confront the bastard that destroyed my home!"Tenny walks in the study as Ciarra follows her,and Tenny looks in Xavier's desk and finds a pistol and Ciarra pleads with her sister"Don't do it Tennessee."Tenny looks at Ciarra and sternly tells her"Baby Sister,you just stay here with Leigh and my Great-Grandchildren.I'm in control now."Tenny finds some bullets and loads the pistol and lights a cigarette and she storms out in a fury as Leigh and Ciarra watches on and Ciarra tells Leigh"Tennessee is about to explode."Leigh is silent and tells Ciarra"She isn't the only one."
Back at The Sunset Club,Xavier,Winston,and Ava have put the pieces together and Xavier calls Burt at Jackson Inc and warns him"Brock Jr may make an appearance.There's a gun in my office if he tries anything."Winston's phone rings and he answers it and he nears nothing on the other line."Winston yells"Hello!Hello!Who is this!"The man hangs up the phone and Winston checks the location and tells Ava and Xavier"It came from the mansion.He's in your house Ava."Ava and Xavier are silent and they both tell Winston"He's about to get his!"Xavier grabs his stomach and throws up blood and Ava looks at Xavier and panics,as she tells her brother"Oh no Xavier.You need to go to the hospital.I'm calling 911."Xavier tells her"Sis I am fine.Let's just get the.."Xavier throws up again and falls to his knees as Ava tells her brother"You're going to the hospital!"Winston looks at Xavier and tells Ava"You take care of Xavier.I'm going to the mansion!"Winston heads out and Xavier tries to get up and tells Ava"I am going to kill that son of a bitch!He's not getting away..."Xavier throws up and this time collapses."Ava yells"OH MY GOD!XAVIER!"Ava calls 911 and yells at them"Xavier Jackson has collapsed and he's throwing up blood and get here ASAP."Ava falls to her knees,as Xavier's barely conscious,and Ava holds his hand and pleads with her brother"Stay with me Xavier.Please stay with me."Ava starts to cry and says to Xavier"I can't lose you.You have to hang on!"Xavier looks at his sister and in a weak voice,as he throws up more blood,says to Ava"Don't tell Princess.Whatever you do,don't tell Princess."Ava asks"What about Leigh?"Xavier looks at Ava and tells her"She doesn't know yet."The paramedics rush inside the suite,as they get Xavier and puts him on the stretcher,as Ava stands by her brother's side,holding his hand as he's rushed to City Hospital as the AVM in his stomach has erupted.
At City Hospital,Latoya,Sassy,and Bree are in the ER with Summer,as Terrance returns and tells Bree"You can take your sister home now.I would recommend you get a counselor so she can heal from what's happened."Bree and Latoya helps Summer out of the bed,as she goes to take a shower and Bree looks at Sassy and Latoya and tells them"The Farm isn't where she needs to be.Grandma and her don't get along and things are about to really hit the fan now."Sassy tells Bree"Summer can stay with me and I'll watch after her.I am a nurse and she will be comfortable."Latoya looks at her Mother and asks her"What sicko would do this to her?I know she was loose,but she didn't deserve this."Sassy hugs her daughter and says to her"No woman deserves to be violated like this in any way Latoya.At least she will have some support."Bree tells Sassy and Latoya"I am going to The Farm and tell Grandma and Uncle Frank about what had happened.I will be at your house soon."Sassy hugs Bree and tells her"I will take care of Summer as if she's my own daughter.She needs her family."Bree heads out and Sassy tells Latoya"Stay in here while I go talk to Terrance."Sassy walks outside and sees Terrance as he panics and Sassy tells him"I'm taking the day off to take Summer to my home to get comfortable."Terrance hands Sassy an envelope and tells her"At least you don't have to worry about Rashad and Latoya now."Sassy opens the envelope and finds the DNA results from Latoya's paternity test to reveal Jermaine Watts to be Latoya's Father and Sassy breathes a huge sigh of relief.Terrance meanwhile is paged and he rushes off as Sassy walks back into Summer's triage,as Summer comes out of the bathroom and Sassy and Latoya takes her to Sassy's home and Summer asks"Where's my sister?"Sassy tells Summer"She is going to kick your Uncle Brock's ass for this!"They head out as they hold onto Summer.
Back at Hell Hill,Tenny arrives down in the Storm Shelter and looks at Brock Jr and Tommy with anger and hurt in her eyes,as Sayyid tells her"I got them taken care of Ms.Sullivan."Brock Jr comes to,as does Tommy and they look at Tenny as she angrily tells both of them"Brock Jackson Jr,you snake son of a bitch!How dare you go and destroy my home!"Brock Jr tells Tenny"I wanted your daughter to hurt!She stole my home and your Grandson has hurt me for the last time!"Tenny pulls out her pistol,and aims it at Brock Jr and shrieks"You don't need to fear my sweet Beth or my Grandson Xavier,but you should fear ME!"Sayyid tells Tenny"Don't shoot them.J.D. would want you to let the justice system take care of this."Tenny turns around to Sayyid and tells him"It looks like they failed too haven't they Sayyid?I know how I will deal with this.Tenny moves her aim between Brock Jr and Tommy and tells him with a hatred in her voice"The only person in your family that was ever worth a damn was Ava.She was the only one that ever amounted to anything!Your Mother was a weak woman who couldn't deal with her three other mistakes and her half stepping husband,and ran away to get away from all of you.I know how I'm going to handle this."Tenny's phone rings and she answers it and hangs up and tells Sayyid"Now I call the shots."She turns to Brock Jr and Tommy and tells them"Your Mother will face the monsters she created!"Brock Jr yells"The next time you see that bitch Beth,ask her how her marriage to my Daddy was?"Tenny turns around and looks at Brock Jr and Tommy and her eyes widen and she slowly goes"Marriage?"Brock Jr yells"That's right.Beth's the real whore!"Tenny walks over and kicks Brock Jr in the stomach and walks out of the Storm Shelter,as she lights a cigarette and heads to the hospital.
At City Hospital,Leigh has arrived as Xavier is rushed into the ICU and sees Ava and Leigh looks at Ava as Ava has a dead look on her face and Leigh asks Ava"My husband is alive isn't he?Tell me he's alive?"Ava wraps her arms around Leigh and says to her,holding back tears"He will be lucky if he makes it."In Xavier's room,Terrance and his staff tries to stop the bleeding in Xavier's stomach and Terrance tells the staff"He's losing blood!We need all the blood in this hospital on hand if he's going to live!"A nurse tells him"We don't have enough Dr.Evans."Terrance yells"You get some then!Xavier can't die!"Terrance looks up and gets his phone to call Beth to inform her of Xavier.At Ava's mansion,Winston has arrived and he walks into the living room as the lights are off and a voice says"Hello Father."Winston yells"Oh my god.It's you."The light comes on and Chant looks at his Father and says"I am alive after all.The joke's on you!"
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Daylight And Darkness: Episode 154. Scared Determination
Inside The Jackson Room at The Sunset Club,Brock Jr sits,as Xavier,Ava,and Winston are in the lobby and Brock Jr makes a text to the man and asks him"Where are you and my niece?"The man,in his suite upstairs with Summer,texts back"Don't worry about me Junior.I am busy at the moment."Brock Jr rolls his eyes as Xavier,Ava,and Winston walks inside and they all see Brock Jr and none are pleased to see him.Ava looks at her brother and asks him"What in the hell are you doing out of jail you bastard?"Brock Jr smiles and tells all of them"Russell is a man that believes in second chances.I got out on good behavior.Tommy has a career now if he can ever get to the race track."Xavier warns Brock Jr"I want to know one thing and one thing only.Who's your coach?"Brock Jr looks at his brother and tells him"I don't need a coach.Although your Grandpa didn't believe in me,I am capable of doing things too.Tell me,have you found the person behind the destruction of The Sullivan Estate?"Xavier pulls out his Colt 45 and sternly warns him"I am the son of your Father.And I want answers!"Brock Jr looks at all of them,as he sits down and takes a drink and says to them"I don't owe none of you a damn answer!Ava,you killed my sister,probably with Xavier's help,and I think all of you are about to get what's coming to all of you!"Brock Jr makes a phone call,and he gets no answer and he panics,and Xavier asks"I take it your puppet master isn't accepting calls?"Winston looks at Brock Jr and warns him"I may have changed my ways Junior,but I know who is helping you.All I want to know is how it happened?"Ava and Xavier both look on at Brock Jr,as he is silent,and says in a evil tone"I'll let him tell you when he's ready."Xavier tells his brother"It should be soon before Tommy pays for your mistake."Brock Jr looks at Xavier and angrily warns him"You don't want to do that Xavier.If you hurt Tommy,I'll hurt someone close to you."
At the ALPD,Bobby is in his office as Willie and Aretha arrives and Bobby asks them"Where is Terrance and Rashad?"Aretha tells him"Terrance is at the hospital and Rashad's with his girlfriend right now.I have my tape recorder and camera for this moment."Bobby looks at them and says"I think you will enjoy seeing Michael take the walk to the prison bus to Unity."Meanwhile in a jail cell,Desi sits and the jailer arrives and tells Desi"You have a visitor."Desi's taken to the visitation room and Olivia sits on the other side,with a smile on her face as Desi yells"Why are you here?"Olivia looks at her sister and smiles,telling her"I can't begin to exclaim my joy over knowing you're getting what's coming to you Desi.I just hope you and Rachel can catch up on lost time once you get to Sugar Creek."Desi angrily tells Olivia"I am innocent.You know I am."Olivia looks at Desi and attempts not to laugh and quips"Please!If you're innocent,then I am a nun.I have done my research and you may want to get comfortable in this cell for awhile!"Desi asks Olivia"You are too busy with Allan and your daughter to obsess over me."Olivia tells the jailer"Bring him in here!"Davis Lane,Desi and Olivia's father walks in the room and tells his daughter with anger and tears in his eyes"I wish your Mama was here to see this.You disgraced our family!"Desi looks at her Father and says"Daddy.Mama's dead?"Olivia looks at Desi and tells her"You are one selfish bitch.Our Mother died at your hands Desi."Davis walks over and tells Desi with hurt in his voice"She got pneumonia and the staff at the nursing home wouldn't save her without your permission.They called you and called you and you never answered."Desi starts to cry and Olivia looks at Desi as does Davis and both of them yell"Don't even start the pity scheme on us."Davis then tells Desi"Now let's talk another lie you've told."Desi asks"What lie?"Davis pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and tells his daughter"This one Desi!I never ever cheated on your Mother."Davis shows Desi a birth certificate and tells his daughter"Chant Hale was never my son!"Desi is shocked and goes"Daddy I know you're not well."Davis yells"I am fine Desi.I just have a broken heart because of you!"Olivia tells her sister with disgust,"Daddy's out of the nursing home now that I found him,and he is staying with me.He is also selling the family stock in Lane's as well.You are done!"Desi shakes her head in disgust as Davis tells his daughter"The company is much better off in Sully's hands than yours.Xavier was the man you should have married instead of Rodney Barr."Desi yells at the jailer"Take me back to my cell!"Olivia and Davis walks out of the visitation room,as Desi yells at them"You'll regret this Olivia!Mark my words,you will regret this!"Olivia and Davis ignore her as they head out of the room.
Meanwhile,Sassy is at City Hospital,sitting in Terrance's office as she asks him"Shouldn't you be down at the ALPD today watching Michael go to Prison?"Terrance sits back and tells Sassy"I am just glad to know he is paying for what he's done.I have other important things to do instead of dwelling on Michael.If he hasn't learned his lesson by now,he will in the next 35 years."Sassy laughs and tells Terrance"His father never learned his lesson nor did his mother."Terrance looks at Sassy and changes the subject and asks"How's Latoya doing?"Sassy tells him"She's got it made working at Hell Hill for Xavier and Leigh.I am proud of her and she has great things ahead of her."Terrance looks at Sassy and asks her"Has she told you her news yet?"Sassy looks at Terrance and asks him"What news?"Terrance tells Sassy"Latoya's pregnant.You're about to be a Grandmother."Sassy is floored and laughs"Please tell me you're joking Terrance.Latoya can't be pregnant."Terrance pulls out the results and shows them to Sassy and tells her"I wish I wasn't joking."Sassy looks on with disdain as she says in a shocked tone"Oh my god Terrance.I have never told her either and this isn't good."Terrance asks"About your one nighter with Keith years ago?"Sassy tells Terrance"I went to his concert years ago and he asked me to go out with him and in the limo,he gave me roses and I instantly fell for him.Then we got to his suite at The Sunset Club,and his manager was there and.."Sassy freezes up as Terrance looks at Sassy and asks"Did Keith and his manager both have sex with you?"Sassy confides in Terrance"Yes.On the way to the suite,Keith pulled out all the stops and told me how he was only interested in "White Girls."We got to his room,and I was about plastered and fuzzy,and he and his manager both took advantage of me."Terrance is horrified and rolls his eyes as he tells Sassy"Keith was known for things like that.He loved to live up to his name"The King Of The Bedroom."Sassy looks down and tells Terrance in a scared tone"Latoya's going to have to abort this kid.She will hate me when I tell her about her sperm donor."Terrance is silent and tells Sassy"What if Keith isn't the father though?If he and Jermaine took turns,it could be Jermaine's child."Sassy is quiet as she says"That was his name.Jermaine Watts."Terrance advises Sassy"I think you need to tell Latoya the truth while it's early.And we can find out for sure who her father really is."Sassy looks at Terrance and says"It's either Keith or Jermaine.If it's Keith,then that's going to destroy Latoya."Terrance has a look of defeat and says somberly"It will hurt Rashad too.Keith is my first cousin and Rashad's second cousin."Sassy makes a phone call to Latoya and tells her"I need you to come to the hospital.I need to tell you something."Terrance looks at Sassy and tells her"I am going to run a DNA test immediately and find out the truth.It won't be done until either tonight or tomorrow.Once they come in,then tell her."Sassy walks out of Terrance's office and says to herself"This is going to devastate her if it's Keith Ross."Meanwhile,Terrance orders a test and makes a phone call.
Back at The Jackson Room at The Sunset Club,Brock Jr looks at Ava,Winston,and Xavier as he asks Xavier"So if you kill my son,who should I hurt?Leigh?One more attack on Sully?"Xavier gets angry and puts his Colt 45 to Brock Jr's head and grabs his arms and angrily tells him"You can write your death certificate now you worthless son of a bitch if you dare go after my family!"Ava gets angry as well and warns Brock Jr"Our family has suffered enough Junior!My son is gone.Sully almost died.Leigh almost died.Don't think for a second I would have any trouble killing you myself!It would be the best present Mama ever got to know you were dead."Brock Jr,as his head is pressed against the wall taunts his sister,telling her"You think it would be wise to kill me Ava?"Winston gets furious and looks at Brock Jr and yells"Tell us who you are working for damnit!Or else you're a dead man!"Xavier whispers in Brock Jr's ear"One phone call to the Storm Shelter is all I have to make and bye bye Tommy."Brock Jr pushes Xavier off of him and tells all of them"The man helping me has it out for all of you just as bad as I do!Xavier yells,as he holds his stomach"Who is he Junior?"Brock Jr tells all of them"I'll let him tell you himself when he's ready."Brock Jr begins to walk out of the room and Ava rushes to the door and warns her brother"You're not leaving until you answer the question!"Brock Jr asks Ava"Aaron was heartbroken to hear about Jack's death.Too bad he never got a chance to meet his son."Ava attacks Brock Jr with rage in her eyes as she delivers a powerful slap and shrieks"Don't you ever,EVER mention that name to me again you sick bastard!"Ava pulls out her knife and puts it to her brother's throat as she's on top of him and Brock Jr taunts her"If you kill me,then you won't know who it is."Winston yells"Ava!"Ava jumps off of Brock Jr,but she delivers a kick to his groin with the end of her high heel as Brock Jr screams in pain and Ava quips"That is nothing compared to what you will get if you don't speak up!"Brock Jr runs out of the room in fear and pain,as Ava yells"He knows something and he's not about to hurt our family again!"Xavier meanwhile gets dizzy and Winston and Ava notices and Ava asks her brother"Xavier are you ok?"Xavier tells them"I am fine.We need to find out if our worst nightmare is real or not."Winston looks at Xavier and tells him"I think you need to rest Xavier.You don't look well."Xavier tells Ava and Winston"I'm not about to let Junior and whoever it is helping him get away from this!"Ava walks over to her brother and tells him in a concerned tone"Xavier,the last thing we need is for something to happen to you.Let me take care of this."Xavier yells"Damnit!I'm alright!Let's just.."Xavier almost faints,but gets up and takes a swallow and he tells his sister and Winston"Let's go search this place.We're about to find out what in the hell is going on!"Ava rolls her eyes at Xavier and pleads"You look sick Xavier."Xavier heads out and Ava looks at Winston and tells him"Something is wrong with him.I've already lost Jack.If this man's who we think.."Winston tells Ava"You know him,he's not about to give up now."Ava and Winston runs out as they catch up to Xavier as he's waiting for the elevator,and he holds onto his stomach and takes out a handkerchief and coughs up blood and the elevator doors open and he gets on,as well as Ava and Winston.Xavier tells all of them,as he's looking more faint"Look,I am not well.But I'm going to protect my family!"The elevator stops and they all get off as they find a maid and asks"Have you seen this man?"Ava pulls out a picture and the maid tells them the room number and they head to confront Brock Jr,and the man behind the destruction of The Sullivan Estate.
Meanwhile at the ALPD,Willie and Aretha are escorted by Bobby to the back of the jail,as Michael is brought out before he heads off to Unity Prison.He looks over at Willie and Aretha,as Olivia arrives with her Father and Michael looks over and says"Grandpa?You are alive?"Davis looks at his Grandson and tells him"You are a disappointment Michael.You are truly a Barr."Willie sees Davis and they hug as they reunite and Davis tells Willie"I am so sorry about what my daughter's family has put you and your kids through Willie."Willie looks at Davis and tells him"I know you and Virginia didn't have a thing to do with what happened to Desi and her family,every family has their bad apple."Davis tells her"You are absolutely right."Davis hands over an envelope to Willie and Aretha and he tells them"Before Desi stole Lane's from Virginia and I,I had planned to give this to you."Willie opens the envelope and looks at Davis and tells him with tears"Davis,I don't know what to say."Davis hugs Willie and tells her"You've earned it.You're set now.You now own a part of Lane's/Class,whatever it's called.It's my gift to you."Olivia looks at her Father and wipes a tear from her eye,as Aretha does the same as Willie is humbled and is speechless.Michael is taken to the bus with the other inmates to go to Unity and he takes a look at Olivia and Davis,and Willie and Aretha.He gives them an evil glare as he boards the bus and he's taken to Unity Prison to pay for his crimes against the Evans Family.
Back at The Sunset Club,Brock Jr returns to the man's suite and finds Summer handcuffed to the bed,shivering and shaking."Brock Jr gets angry and asks Summer"He did it didn't he?"Summer is quiet and looks at her Uncle and says"He forced himself on me and told me I had both."Brock Jr yells"Son of a bitch!"Brock Jr leaves and Summer lays on the bed and is scared and frightened.Xavier,Ava,and Winston walks into the room and sees Summer and all of them are shocked as Summer looks at them and starts to cry.Ava is silent as Winston shakes his head and Xavier asks Summer"Who did this to you?"Summer looks at them all and tells them"I don't know who he was."Ava walks over and uncuffs Summer and calls the paramedics as Summer has been raped."Meanwhile the man pulls up at the front gate of the Bannister Hills Country Club,and tells the guard"I'm here to see my Dad."The guard opens the gate and the man drives in and pulls up into Ava's driveway and walks up to the door and looks for a key and lets himself inside.Back at The Sunset Club,Ava calls Bree and tells her"Something has happened to Summer and meet her at City Hospital."The paramedics arrive as they take Summer to City Hospital,and Xavier,Ava,and Winston looks at each other and Xavier notices an envelope in the room and walks over to get it and hands it to Winston.He opens it and inside is a paternity test and Winston tells Xavier and Ava"This is bad.Really bad."
At the ALPD,Bobby is in his office as Willie and Aretha arrives and Bobby asks them"Where is Terrance and Rashad?"Aretha tells him"Terrance is at the hospital and Rashad's with his girlfriend right now.I have my tape recorder and camera for this moment."Bobby looks at them and says"I think you will enjoy seeing Michael take the walk to the prison bus to Unity."Meanwhile in a jail cell,Desi sits and the jailer arrives and tells Desi"You have a visitor."Desi's taken to the visitation room and Olivia sits on the other side,with a smile on her face as Desi yells"Why are you here?"Olivia looks at her sister and smiles,telling her"I can't begin to exclaim my joy over knowing you're getting what's coming to you Desi.I just hope you and Rachel can catch up on lost time once you get to Sugar Creek."Desi angrily tells Olivia"I am innocent.You know I am."Olivia looks at Desi and attempts not to laugh and quips"Please!If you're innocent,then I am a nun.I have done my research and you may want to get comfortable in this cell for awhile!"Desi asks Olivia"You are too busy with Allan and your daughter to obsess over me."Olivia tells the jailer"Bring him in here!"Davis Lane,Desi and Olivia's father walks in the room and tells his daughter with anger and tears in his eyes"I wish your Mama was here to see this.You disgraced our family!"Desi looks at her Father and says"Daddy.Mama's dead?"Olivia looks at Desi and tells her"You are one selfish bitch.Our Mother died at your hands Desi."Davis walks over and tells Desi with hurt in his voice"She got pneumonia and the staff at the nursing home wouldn't save her without your permission.They called you and called you and you never answered."Desi starts to cry and Olivia looks at Desi as does Davis and both of them yell"Don't even start the pity scheme on us."Davis then tells Desi"Now let's talk another lie you've told."Desi asks"What lie?"Davis pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and tells his daughter"This one Desi!I never ever cheated on your Mother."Davis shows Desi a birth certificate and tells his daughter"Chant Hale was never my son!"Desi is shocked and goes"Daddy I know you're not well."Davis yells"I am fine Desi.I just have a broken heart because of you!"Olivia tells her sister with disgust,"Daddy's out of the nursing home now that I found him,and he is staying with me.He is also selling the family stock in Lane's as well.You are done!"Desi shakes her head in disgust as Davis tells his daughter"The company is much better off in Sully's hands than yours.Xavier was the man you should have married instead of Rodney Barr."Desi yells at the jailer"Take me back to my cell!"Olivia and Davis walks out of the visitation room,as Desi yells at them"You'll regret this Olivia!Mark my words,you will regret this!"Olivia and Davis ignore her as they head out of the room.
Meanwhile,Sassy is at City Hospital,sitting in Terrance's office as she asks him"Shouldn't you be down at the ALPD today watching Michael go to Prison?"Terrance sits back and tells Sassy"I am just glad to know he is paying for what he's done.I have other important things to do instead of dwelling on Michael.If he hasn't learned his lesson by now,he will in the next 35 years."Sassy laughs and tells Terrance"His father never learned his lesson nor did his mother."Terrance looks at Sassy and changes the subject and asks"How's Latoya doing?"Sassy tells him"She's got it made working at Hell Hill for Xavier and Leigh.I am proud of her and she has great things ahead of her."Terrance looks at Sassy and asks her"Has she told you her news yet?"Sassy looks at Terrance and asks him"What news?"Terrance tells Sassy"Latoya's pregnant.You're about to be a Grandmother."Sassy is floored and laughs"Please tell me you're joking Terrance.Latoya can't be pregnant."Terrance pulls out the results and shows them to Sassy and tells her"I wish I wasn't joking."Sassy looks on with disdain as she says in a shocked tone"Oh my god Terrance.I have never told her either and this isn't good."Terrance asks"About your one nighter with Keith years ago?"Sassy tells Terrance"I went to his concert years ago and he asked me to go out with him and in the limo,he gave me roses and I instantly fell for him.Then we got to his suite at The Sunset Club,and his manager was there and.."Sassy freezes up as Terrance looks at Sassy and asks"Did Keith and his manager both have sex with you?"Sassy confides in Terrance"Yes.On the way to the suite,Keith pulled out all the stops and told me how he was only interested in "White Girls."We got to his room,and I was about plastered and fuzzy,and he and his manager both took advantage of me."Terrance is horrified and rolls his eyes as he tells Sassy"Keith was known for things like that.He loved to live up to his name"The King Of The Bedroom."Sassy looks down and tells Terrance in a scared tone"Latoya's going to have to abort this kid.She will hate me when I tell her about her sperm donor."Terrance is silent and tells Sassy"What if Keith isn't the father though?If he and Jermaine took turns,it could be Jermaine's child."Sassy is quiet as she says"That was his name.Jermaine Watts."Terrance advises Sassy"I think you need to tell Latoya the truth while it's early.And we can find out for sure who her father really is."Sassy looks at Terrance and says"It's either Keith or Jermaine.If it's Keith,then that's going to destroy Latoya."Terrance has a look of defeat and says somberly"It will hurt Rashad too.Keith is my first cousin and Rashad's second cousin."Sassy makes a phone call to Latoya and tells her"I need you to come to the hospital.I need to tell you something."Terrance looks at Sassy and tells her"I am going to run a DNA test immediately and find out the truth.It won't be done until either tonight or tomorrow.Once they come in,then tell her."Sassy walks out of Terrance's office and says to herself"This is going to devastate her if it's Keith Ross."Meanwhile,Terrance orders a test and makes a phone call.
Back at The Jackson Room at The Sunset Club,Brock Jr looks at Ava,Winston,and Xavier as he asks Xavier"So if you kill my son,who should I hurt?Leigh?One more attack on Sully?"Xavier gets angry and puts his Colt 45 to Brock Jr's head and grabs his arms and angrily tells him"You can write your death certificate now you worthless son of a bitch if you dare go after my family!"Ava gets angry as well and warns Brock Jr"Our family has suffered enough Junior!My son is gone.Sully almost died.Leigh almost died.Don't think for a second I would have any trouble killing you myself!It would be the best present Mama ever got to know you were dead."Brock Jr,as his head is pressed against the wall taunts his sister,telling her"You think it would be wise to kill me Ava?"Winston gets furious and looks at Brock Jr and yells"Tell us who you are working for damnit!Or else you're a dead man!"Xavier whispers in Brock Jr's ear"One phone call to the Storm Shelter is all I have to make and bye bye Tommy."Brock Jr pushes Xavier off of him and tells all of them"The man helping me has it out for all of you just as bad as I do!Xavier yells,as he holds his stomach"Who is he Junior?"Brock Jr tells all of them"I'll let him tell you himself when he's ready."Brock Jr begins to walk out of the room and Ava rushes to the door and warns her brother"You're not leaving until you answer the question!"Brock Jr asks Ava"Aaron was heartbroken to hear about Jack's death.Too bad he never got a chance to meet his son."Ava attacks Brock Jr with rage in her eyes as she delivers a powerful slap and shrieks"Don't you ever,EVER mention that name to me again you sick bastard!"Ava pulls out her knife and puts it to her brother's throat as she's on top of him and Brock Jr taunts her"If you kill me,then you won't know who it is."Winston yells"Ava!"Ava jumps off of Brock Jr,but she delivers a kick to his groin with the end of her high heel as Brock Jr screams in pain and Ava quips"That is nothing compared to what you will get if you don't speak up!"Brock Jr runs out of the room in fear and pain,as Ava yells"He knows something and he's not about to hurt our family again!"Xavier meanwhile gets dizzy and Winston and Ava notices and Ava asks her brother"Xavier are you ok?"Xavier tells them"I am fine.We need to find out if our worst nightmare is real or not."Winston looks at Xavier and tells him"I think you need to rest Xavier.You don't look well."Xavier tells Ava and Winston"I'm not about to let Junior and whoever it is helping him get away from this!"Ava walks over to her brother and tells him in a concerned tone"Xavier,the last thing we need is for something to happen to you.Let me take care of this."Xavier yells"Damnit!I'm alright!Let's just.."Xavier almost faints,but gets up and takes a swallow and he tells his sister and Winston"Let's go search this place.We're about to find out what in the hell is going on!"Ava rolls her eyes at Xavier and pleads"You look sick Xavier."Xavier heads out and Ava looks at Winston and tells him"Something is wrong with him.I've already lost Jack.If this man's who we think.."Winston tells Ava"You know him,he's not about to give up now."Ava and Winston runs out as they catch up to Xavier as he's waiting for the elevator,and he holds onto his stomach and takes out a handkerchief and coughs up blood and the elevator doors open and he gets on,as well as Ava and Winston.Xavier tells all of them,as he's looking more faint"Look,I am not well.But I'm going to protect my family!"The elevator stops and they all get off as they find a maid and asks"Have you seen this man?"Ava pulls out a picture and the maid tells them the room number and they head to confront Brock Jr,and the man behind the destruction of The Sullivan Estate.
Meanwhile at the ALPD,Willie and Aretha are escorted by Bobby to the back of the jail,as Michael is brought out before he heads off to Unity Prison.He looks over at Willie and Aretha,as Olivia arrives with her Father and Michael looks over and says"Grandpa?You are alive?"Davis looks at his Grandson and tells him"You are a disappointment Michael.You are truly a Barr."Willie sees Davis and they hug as they reunite and Davis tells Willie"I am so sorry about what my daughter's family has put you and your kids through Willie."Willie looks at Davis and tells him"I know you and Virginia didn't have a thing to do with what happened to Desi and her family,every family has their bad apple."Davis tells her"You are absolutely right."Davis hands over an envelope to Willie and Aretha and he tells them"Before Desi stole Lane's from Virginia and I,I had planned to give this to you."Willie opens the envelope and looks at Davis and tells him with tears"Davis,I don't know what to say."Davis hugs Willie and tells her"You've earned it.You're set now.You now own a part of Lane's/Class,whatever it's called.It's my gift to you."Olivia looks at her Father and wipes a tear from her eye,as Aretha does the same as Willie is humbled and is speechless.Michael is taken to the bus with the other inmates to go to Unity and he takes a look at Olivia and Davis,and Willie and Aretha.He gives them an evil glare as he boards the bus and he's taken to Unity Prison to pay for his crimes against the Evans Family.
Back at The Sunset Club,Brock Jr returns to the man's suite and finds Summer handcuffed to the bed,shivering and shaking."Brock Jr gets angry and asks Summer"He did it didn't he?"Summer is quiet and looks at her Uncle and says"He forced himself on me and told me I had both."Brock Jr yells"Son of a bitch!"Brock Jr leaves and Summer lays on the bed and is scared and frightened.Xavier,Ava,and Winston walks into the room and sees Summer and all of them are shocked as Summer looks at them and starts to cry.Ava is silent as Winston shakes his head and Xavier asks Summer"Who did this to you?"Summer looks at them all and tells them"I don't know who he was."Ava walks over and uncuffs Summer and calls the paramedics as Summer has been raped."Meanwhile the man pulls up at the front gate of the Bannister Hills Country Club,and tells the guard"I'm here to see my Dad."The guard opens the gate and the man drives in and pulls up into Ava's driveway and walks up to the door and looks for a key and lets himself inside.Back at The Sunset Club,Ava calls Bree and tells her"Something has happened to Summer and meet her at City Hospital."The paramedics arrive as they take Summer to City Hospital,and Xavier,Ava,and Winston looks at each other and Xavier notices an envelope in the room and walks over to get it and hands it to Winston.He opens it and inside is a paternity test and Winston tells Xavier and Ava"This is bad.Really bad."
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Daylight And Darkness: Episode 153. The Mystery Deepens
It's the next morning in Adam's Landing and at Hell Hill Leigh lays in bed and looks at her husband,as he's asleep,with a smile on her face."Xavier opens his eyes and Leigh looks at him and says"I'm glad your back here with me X."Xavier kisses Leigh and tells his wife"I am too my love."Leigh mentions to him"You woke up a few times last night.Normally you're a sound sleeper."Xavier tells his wife"I have a lot on my mind with what's happened to The Sullivan Estate.I need to find out who is the puppet master behind this.Junior and Tommy couldn't have pulled this off by themselves.Somebody has to be calling the shots."Leigh looks at Xavier and tells him"I think after last night,we may know who it is."Xavier looks at Leigh intently and she tells him what she seen before Xavier and Sayyid returned to Hell Hill and Xavier asks Leigh"Are you sure?"Leigh tells him with a tone of certainty"Sure looked liked it to me X."Xavier gets up to get dressed,as Leigh wakes up to head to the nursery and Xavier is silent for a moment and looks at his phone and notices a missed call from Winston and Ava and is silent as he heads into the bathroom,and he holds his stomach,with pain on his face and coughs again,and swallows the blood and looks in the mirror and is silent.Meanwhile Sayyid sits in the Storm Shelter,as Tommy's chained to the floor and he awakens and yells"Oh no.What in the hell?"Sayyid walks over and tells Tommy"This Storm Shelter looks much nicer than it did when I was running shine for your Grandfather."Tommy warns Sayyid"It'd be smart if you let me go you convict."Sayyid pulls out his knife and jumps on top of Tommy and puts the knife to his throat and asks him"Who are you calling a convict?The only convict here is you and your Father."
At The Farm,Frank wakes up and walks into the kitchen as Ruth cooks breakfast and asks her son"Are you finally done with driving?"Frank looks at his Mother and says"I am done.Cale should be able to race next week and things can return to normal again."Ruth tells Frank"It's been hell since you left.Summer's staying here and she is driving me up the wall."Frank tells her"You need to let your grudges go Mama.Summer needs our support.Bree's got her hands full with her and with Russell leaving her behind like he did,she needs her family."Ruth tells Frank"I haven't seen Bree this morning or Summer."Frank tells his Mother"I didn't see either of them when I woke up.Normally Bree is the first one awake."At Burt's home,Burt wakes up in his bed and turns and sees Bree laying beside him,as they made love after their meeting at Chantel's the night before and Bree awakens and looks at Burt and asks him"What happened?"Burt tells her"As I recall,we had some drinks,came back here,turned on some Keith Ross,and had sex."Bree is shocked and tells Burt"That is so unlike me to do.Especially when I barely even know someone."Burt comments"We both were pretty plastered."Bree holds her head and tells Burt"I can feel the effects already."Burt gets up and heads over to get some medicine and tells Bree"Take two of these.The hangover will go away shortly afterwards."Bree looks around and asks"Is this Desi's old home?"Burt tells her"It was a gift and a bribe from Xavier to get me to move down here and work with him."Bree heads to the bathroom and tells Burt"You need a designer.This place is too dark in here."Burt tells him"With all I have learned about her family,it fits."Bree looks at Burt and tells him"I was once married to Michael you know."Burt quips"I heard about that.He's being sent to prison today."Bree laughs as she heads to take a shower,as Burt watches on with stars in his eyes."
Meanwhile at Ciarra and Tenny's Penthouse,Ciarra is dressed and prepares to head down to Class and walks into Tenny's room and asks her sister"Are you going to get dressed?We have a company to run."Tenny looks at Ciarra and yawns"J.D.?J.D. is that you?Ciarra reminds Tenny"You are back in Adam's Landing now oldest sister.Beth called me and told me you had a breakdown in Blue Ridge.Tenny looks at her sister and tells her"I want to be alone today.You know how to manage a store.I just want to be by myself."Ciarra looks at Tenny and yells"Get out of that bed and get dressed!I won't let you lay around here and kick yourself.We have a company to keep alive and protect for Sully!"Ciarra turns on the lights and Tenny looks at her sister and snarls"Whatever you say.I'll get up,but I am staying here today!"Ciarra looks at her and rolls her eyes and tells her"I'll let you rest up today,but I expect you down there at Class at some point."Ciarra lets Precious into Tenny's bedroom,as he jumps on the bed and begins to lick Tenny and Ciarra tells her"He's been moping around here like a lost puppy since you left."Tenny looks at Precious and asks her Doberman"Has mean old Ciarra been cruel to you since I was away my sweet boy?"Precious lays next to Tenny and lays his head on her chest and Ciarra tells her sister"I know you are upset Tennessee.He knows it too."Ciarra tells Precious"Take care of your Mommy today and keep her out of trouble!"Ciarra walks out as Tenny and Precious goes back to sleep,as he lays next to his master,as Ciarra glances at the TV and hears about Emery's and she watches intently as the newscaster says"Longtime Blue Ridge Department Store Emery's will be closing their doors soon unless a buyer is found."Ciarra is quiet and is silent,as she heads to Class.As she heads to the elevator,she has a thought and says to herself"I'm going to visit Xavier."She has a flashback to her days at Emery's and sheds a tear as she gets on the elevator to leave.
Meanwhile at Chantel's,Summer and Latoya meets up and Rashad joins Latoya as they kiss and she asks her boyfriend"How does it feel to get that first win?"Rashad looks at Latoya and says"It'd been better if you'd been there."Latoya tells him"I watched the race on TV and woke the babies up cheering you on."Rashad laughs as Summer asks Latoya"How can you work for Xavier Jackson?"Latoya tells Summer"He's not as bad as you think Summer.Leigh is very kind and sweet and she keeps him in check."Summer rolls her eyes as she tells Latoya and Rashad"I got to go somewhere today.You two make me sick!"Summer walks away as Latoya and Rashad catch up and Rashad asks Latoya"How are you enjoying it at Hell Hill?"Latoya tells him"I like it there.I enjoy spending time with Gracie and Xavier Jr and being with them makes me wish for a child of my own."Rashad looks at Latoya and tells her"We're not even married yet.I don't think the time is right yet for a child."Latoya looks at Rashad and is quiet for a moment and Rashad looks at her and says cautiously"I notice that look."Latoya opens her purse and tells Rashad"I went to the doctor yesterday morning and he told me I'm pregnant."Rashad is stunned and asks Latoya"Are you sure?"Latoya tells Rashad"Positive.But I haven't told Mom yet or anyone else."Rashad starts to cry and holds Latoya and says to her"I can't believe that I'm about to be a Dad.I just hope I am good at it.I never grew up with a Father around.This child will have me at their disposal anytime he or she needs me."Latoya tells Rashad"I know the feeling.I grew up without a Father myself.I know he's out there and if I ever meet him,I am kicking his ass for leaving me and my Mom."Rashad grabs Latoya's hand and tells her"I think we work so well because we come from similar backgrounds."Latoya smiles and gives Rashad a kiss and tells him"Who do you want to break the news to first?Your Mom?Or mine?"Rashad's quiet and tells Latoya"I think we should get them all together at Hell Hill and make the announcement."Latoya looks at Rashad and tells him"I think that'd be smart.I think my Mom will be trouble.She won't be pleased,but in time she'll warm up to the idea."Rashad and Latoya holds each other as each of them are happy and are excited what the future holds.
At Jackson Inc,Ciarra arrives and finds Burt and Bree in Xavier's office and Burt asks Ciarra"What are you doing here?"Ciarra looks at Burt as she notices him and Bree and asks Burt"Is my nephew here?"Burt tells his former Mother In Law"He hasn't arrived yet.What's going on?"Ciarra tells Burt"I take it you heard about Emery's closing their doors."Burt is stunned and says"Emery's is going out of business?Damn.That place is an institution in Blue Ridge."Ciarra responds"Yes it is.I ran that store for many years before going into business with Tennessee with Sullivan's.With all that's happened in Blue Ridge,Emery's closure will only hurt Blue Ridge and someone needs to save it."Bree asks Ciarra"How can you handle Tenny?The few times I've been around her,she has been cold and hateful to me.I don't understand her at all."Ciarra looks at Bree and tells her"Tennessee isn't a person that warms up to people.She has her ways."Bree comments"From what I've seen,she is a cold hearted bitch."Ciarra gets upset and tells Bree"Don't talk about my sister.She may seem strong and all,but you don't know her and you have no room to cast judgement on her!"Burt asks Ciarra"How is she dealing with everything that's happened in Blue Ridge?"Ciarra tells Burt"She's not handling things well at all right now.I called Allan and he's going over to stay with her while I'm down at Class today.She doesn't need to be by herself."Ciarra tells Burt"Tell my nephew to call me when he gets in.Emery's can't close.If that happens,Blue Ridge will become a war-zone."Ciarra walks out and Bree comments"Ciarra doesn't act nothing like her sister."Burt tells Bree"Ciarra and Tenny are very close.She's the only person that really knows Tenny these days.I slept with Tenny years ago after J.D. died.When J.D. died,Tenny changed and she never got over him."Bree is curious and asks Burt"Why did you and Tenny have sex?"Burt tells Bree"She needed someone.She was lost and it was a one time thing,but she just wanted to be loved."Bree is quiet as she says to him"You must love sex."Burt answers"I do actually."Bree confesses to Burt"I did enjoy last night.That was the best sex I've ever had in my life."Burt and Bree looks at each other intently as they engage in a kiss.
Meanwhile back at Hell Hill,Leigh sits in the nursery,as Latoya returns and Leigh asks Latoya"How did your morning go with Rashad?"Latoya tells her"We celebrated his win and I finally got something off my chest that I've needed to do."Leigh asks Latoya"That you're pregnant?"Latoya is quiet and asks Leigh"How did you know?"Leigh tells Latoya"You're glowing.And I've noticed your eating habits.Why are you so secretive about it?"Latoya looks at Leigh and confides in her,saying"My Mom won't be pleased to know about this when she finds out.She will flip out."Leigh gently tells Latoya"It's only because she's concerned and wants what's best for you.She may also be scarred after giving birth to you and raising you by herself.She'll warm up to it Latoya."Latoya looks at Leigh and says"I hope you're right."Leigh gives Latoya a hug and tells her"She will accept it I promise you.Rashad is a good kid.He has morals and integrity.She will accept it."Latoya looks at Leigh and says"I hope so."
Down at The Storm Shelter,Xavier walks in and sees Tommy and asks Sayyid"Has our guest opened up yet?"Tommy yells at Xavier"I've told you everything I'm going to tell you Xavier!What you should do is let me go if you know what's good for you and your family."Sayyid jumps up and gets his AK47 as Xavier walks over and asks Tommy"What do you mean by"What's good for me and my family Tommy?I hope you remember your last visit here."Tommy yells angrily at Xavier"You are a sick twisted son of a bitch to lock his own family up in a Storm Shelter."Xavier quips"After what you just said,I have all the reason in the world to leave you here to rot.Now we are going to talk about your Father.Where is he?Who is he working for?"Tommy looks at Xavier and in a cocky tone tells him"And I would tell you that because?"Xavier pulls out his Colt 45 and walks over and bends down and whispers in Tommy's ear"Because if you don't tell me,you will be dead.I would think by now you would know better than to test me!"Tommy looks at Xavier and snarks"I will never tell you a thing you ruthless bastard,you are just as mean and cruel as our Grandfather!"Xavier grabs Tommy and slams him against the concrete wall and calmly reminds him"Your Grandfather Tommy.He was my Father.He would be alive if it wasn't for you and your Father."Tommy yells"He deserved what he got!"Xavier looks at Sayyid and tells him"Make Tommy comfortable.I have things to do."Xavier walks out of the Storm Shelter and once again grabs his stomach in pain and stops for a moment and walks up the hill as he receives a text and then makes a phone call.
At The Sunset Club,Summer arrives to go to her suite and bumps into someone and he turns around and says"What are you doing here?"Summer happily says with joy"Uncle Brock!"They embrace in a hug and Brock Jr asks his niece"What are you doing back here?"Summer tells him"I don't really know."Brock Jr tells his niece"I know about what happened to your Mom and payback is coming to all parties involved.I promise that."Summer asks her uncle"Where's Tommy?"Brock Jr tells his niece"I haven't been able to get in touch with him.I am worried about him.I am scared Xavier may have him locked up somewhere."Summer quips"He does take after Grandpa."Brock Jr tells her"He's about to find out that he can't always get his way."Summer smiles.Meanwhile,a man walks towards Brock Jr and Summer and looks at Summer and tells her"You look and act just like your Mother.I like that."Brock Jr warns the man"I'd be careful if I was you,talking to my niece like that."The man looks at Brock Jr and warns him"You keep your damn mouth shut when it comes to giving me orders."Everything is ready.I'm ready to reveal myself."Summer begins to walk away and Brock Jr grabs her and tells her"I don't think that would be wise to do.Not just yet."Meanwhile,Winston and Ava arrives outside The Sunset Club,and Xavier meets up with them and he tells them"I got Tommy nice and cozy at the Storm Shelter."Inside,Brock Jr,Summer,and the man walks into The Jackson Room and the man tells them with an evil smile"I can't wait to see their faces when they see me."
At The Farm,Frank wakes up and walks into the kitchen as Ruth cooks breakfast and asks her son"Are you finally done with driving?"Frank looks at his Mother and says"I am done.Cale should be able to race next week and things can return to normal again."Ruth tells Frank"It's been hell since you left.Summer's staying here and she is driving me up the wall."Frank tells her"You need to let your grudges go Mama.Summer needs our support.Bree's got her hands full with her and with Russell leaving her behind like he did,she needs her family."Ruth tells Frank"I haven't seen Bree this morning or Summer."Frank tells his Mother"I didn't see either of them when I woke up.Normally Bree is the first one awake."At Burt's home,Burt wakes up in his bed and turns and sees Bree laying beside him,as they made love after their meeting at Chantel's the night before and Bree awakens and looks at Burt and asks him"What happened?"Burt tells her"As I recall,we had some drinks,came back here,turned on some Keith Ross,and had sex."Bree is shocked and tells Burt"That is so unlike me to do.Especially when I barely even know someone."Burt comments"We both were pretty plastered."Bree holds her head and tells Burt"I can feel the effects already."Burt gets up and heads over to get some medicine and tells Bree"Take two of these.The hangover will go away shortly afterwards."Bree looks around and asks"Is this Desi's old home?"Burt tells her"It was a gift and a bribe from Xavier to get me to move down here and work with him."Bree heads to the bathroom and tells Burt"You need a designer.This place is too dark in here."Burt tells him"With all I have learned about her family,it fits."Bree looks at Burt and tells him"I was once married to Michael you know."Burt quips"I heard about that.He's being sent to prison today."Bree laughs as she heads to take a shower,as Burt watches on with stars in his eyes."
Meanwhile at Ciarra and Tenny's Penthouse,Ciarra is dressed and prepares to head down to Class and walks into Tenny's room and asks her sister"Are you going to get dressed?We have a company to run."Tenny looks at Ciarra and yawns"J.D.?J.D. is that you?Ciarra reminds Tenny"You are back in Adam's Landing now oldest sister.Beth called me and told me you had a breakdown in Blue Ridge.Tenny looks at her sister and tells her"I want to be alone today.You know how to manage a store.I just want to be by myself."Ciarra looks at Tenny and yells"Get out of that bed and get dressed!I won't let you lay around here and kick yourself.We have a company to keep alive and protect for Sully!"Ciarra turns on the lights and Tenny looks at her sister and snarls"Whatever you say.I'll get up,but I am staying here today!"Ciarra looks at her and rolls her eyes and tells her"I'll let you rest up today,but I expect you down there at Class at some point."Ciarra lets Precious into Tenny's bedroom,as he jumps on the bed and begins to lick Tenny and Ciarra tells her"He's been moping around here like a lost puppy since you left."Tenny looks at Precious and asks her Doberman"Has mean old Ciarra been cruel to you since I was away my sweet boy?"Precious lays next to Tenny and lays his head on her chest and Ciarra tells her sister"I know you are upset Tennessee.He knows it too."Ciarra tells Precious"Take care of your Mommy today and keep her out of trouble!"Ciarra walks out as Tenny and Precious goes back to sleep,as he lays next to his master,as Ciarra glances at the TV and hears about Emery's and she watches intently as the newscaster says"Longtime Blue Ridge Department Store Emery's will be closing their doors soon unless a buyer is found."Ciarra is quiet and is silent,as she heads to Class.As she heads to the elevator,she has a thought and says to herself"I'm going to visit Xavier."She has a flashback to her days at Emery's and sheds a tear as she gets on the elevator to leave.
Meanwhile at Chantel's,Summer and Latoya meets up and Rashad joins Latoya as they kiss and she asks her boyfriend"How does it feel to get that first win?"Rashad looks at Latoya and says"It'd been better if you'd been there."Latoya tells him"I watched the race on TV and woke the babies up cheering you on."Rashad laughs as Summer asks Latoya"How can you work for Xavier Jackson?"Latoya tells Summer"He's not as bad as you think Summer.Leigh is very kind and sweet and she keeps him in check."Summer rolls her eyes as she tells Latoya and Rashad"I got to go somewhere today.You two make me sick!"Summer walks away as Latoya and Rashad catch up and Rashad asks Latoya"How are you enjoying it at Hell Hill?"Latoya tells him"I like it there.I enjoy spending time with Gracie and Xavier Jr and being with them makes me wish for a child of my own."Rashad looks at Latoya and tells her"We're not even married yet.I don't think the time is right yet for a child."Latoya looks at Rashad and is quiet for a moment and Rashad looks at her and says cautiously"I notice that look."Latoya opens her purse and tells Rashad"I went to the doctor yesterday morning and he told me I'm pregnant."Rashad is stunned and asks Latoya"Are you sure?"Latoya tells Rashad"Positive.But I haven't told Mom yet or anyone else."Rashad starts to cry and holds Latoya and says to her"I can't believe that I'm about to be a Dad.I just hope I am good at it.I never grew up with a Father around.This child will have me at their disposal anytime he or she needs me."Latoya tells Rashad"I know the feeling.I grew up without a Father myself.I know he's out there and if I ever meet him,I am kicking his ass for leaving me and my Mom."Rashad grabs Latoya's hand and tells her"I think we work so well because we come from similar backgrounds."Latoya smiles and gives Rashad a kiss and tells him"Who do you want to break the news to first?Your Mom?Or mine?"Rashad's quiet and tells Latoya"I think we should get them all together at Hell Hill and make the announcement."Latoya looks at Rashad and tells him"I think that'd be smart.I think my Mom will be trouble.She won't be pleased,but in time she'll warm up to the idea."Rashad and Latoya holds each other as each of them are happy and are excited what the future holds.
At Jackson Inc,Ciarra arrives and finds Burt and Bree in Xavier's office and Burt asks Ciarra"What are you doing here?"Ciarra looks at Burt as she notices him and Bree and asks Burt"Is my nephew here?"Burt tells his former Mother In Law"He hasn't arrived yet.What's going on?"Ciarra tells Burt"I take it you heard about Emery's closing their doors."Burt is stunned and says"Emery's is going out of business?Damn.That place is an institution in Blue Ridge."Ciarra responds"Yes it is.I ran that store for many years before going into business with Tennessee with Sullivan's.With all that's happened in Blue Ridge,Emery's closure will only hurt Blue Ridge and someone needs to save it."Bree asks Ciarra"How can you handle Tenny?The few times I've been around her,she has been cold and hateful to me.I don't understand her at all."Ciarra looks at Bree and tells her"Tennessee isn't a person that warms up to people.She has her ways."Bree comments"From what I've seen,she is a cold hearted bitch."Ciarra gets upset and tells Bree"Don't talk about my sister.She may seem strong and all,but you don't know her and you have no room to cast judgement on her!"Burt asks Ciarra"How is she dealing with everything that's happened in Blue Ridge?"Ciarra tells Burt"She's not handling things well at all right now.I called Allan and he's going over to stay with her while I'm down at Class today.She doesn't need to be by herself."Ciarra tells Burt"Tell my nephew to call me when he gets in.Emery's can't close.If that happens,Blue Ridge will become a war-zone."Ciarra walks out and Bree comments"Ciarra doesn't act nothing like her sister."Burt tells Bree"Ciarra and Tenny are very close.She's the only person that really knows Tenny these days.I slept with Tenny years ago after J.D. died.When J.D. died,Tenny changed and she never got over him."Bree is curious and asks Burt"Why did you and Tenny have sex?"Burt tells Bree"She needed someone.She was lost and it was a one time thing,but she just wanted to be loved."Bree is quiet as she says to him"You must love sex."Burt answers"I do actually."Bree confesses to Burt"I did enjoy last night.That was the best sex I've ever had in my life."Burt and Bree looks at each other intently as they engage in a kiss.
Meanwhile back at Hell Hill,Leigh sits in the nursery,as Latoya returns and Leigh asks Latoya"How did your morning go with Rashad?"Latoya tells her"We celebrated his win and I finally got something off my chest that I've needed to do."Leigh asks Latoya"That you're pregnant?"Latoya is quiet and asks Leigh"How did you know?"Leigh tells Latoya"You're glowing.And I've noticed your eating habits.Why are you so secretive about it?"Latoya looks at Leigh and confides in her,saying"My Mom won't be pleased to know about this when she finds out.She will flip out."Leigh gently tells Latoya"It's only because she's concerned and wants what's best for you.She may also be scarred after giving birth to you and raising you by herself.She'll warm up to it Latoya."Latoya looks at Leigh and says"I hope you're right."Leigh gives Latoya a hug and tells her"She will accept it I promise you.Rashad is a good kid.He has morals and integrity.She will accept it."Latoya looks at Leigh and says"I hope so."
Down at The Storm Shelter,Xavier walks in and sees Tommy and asks Sayyid"Has our guest opened up yet?"Tommy yells at Xavier"I've told you everything I'm going to tell you Xavier!What you should do is let me go if you know what's good for you and your family."Sayyid jumps up and gets his AK47 as Xavier walks over and asks Tommy"What do you mean by"What's good for me and my family Tommy?I hope you remember your last visit here."Tommy yells angrily at Xavier"You are a sick twisted son of a bitch to lock his own family up in a Storm Shelter."Xavier quips"After what you just said,I have all the reason in the world to leave you here to rot.Now we are going to talk about your Father.Where is he?Who is he working for?"Tommy looks at Xavier and in a cocky tone tells him"And I would tell you that because?"Xavier pulls out his Colt 45 and walks over and bends down and whispers in Tommy's ear"Because if you don't tell me,you will be dead.I would think by now you would know better than to test me!"Tommy looks at Xavier and snarks"I will never tell you a thing you ruthless bastard,you are just as mean and cruel as our Grandfather!"Xavier grabs Tommy and slams him against the concrete wall and calmly reminds him"Your Grandfather Tommy.He was my Father.He would be alive if it wasn't for you and your Father."Tommy yells"He deserved what he got!"Xavier looks at Sayyid and tells him"Make Tommy comfortable.I have things to do."Xavier walks out of the Storm Shelter and once again grabs his stomach in pain and stops for a moment and walks up the hill as he receives a text and then makes a phone call.
At The Sunset Club,Summer arrives to go to her suite and bumps into someone and he turns around and says"What are you doing here?"Summer happily says with joy"Uncle Brock!"They embrace in a hug and Brock Jr asks his niece"What are you doing back here?"Summer tells him"I don't really know."Brock Jr tells his niece"I know about what happened to your Mom and payback is coming to all parties involved.I promise that."Summer asks her uncle"Where's Tommy?"Brock Jr tells his niece"I haven't been able to get in touch with him.I am worried about him.I am scared Xavier may have him locked up somewhere."Summer quips"He does take after Grandpa."Brock Jr tells her"He's about to find out that he can't always get his way."Summer smiles.Meanwhile,a man walks towards Brock Jr and Summer and looks at Summer and tells her"You look and act just like your Mother.I like that."Brock Jr warns the man"I'd be careful if I was you,talking to my niece like that."The man looks at Brock Jr and warns him"You keep your damn mouth shut when it comes to giving me orders."Everything is ready.I'm ready to reveal myself."Summer begins to walk away and Brock Jr grabs her and tells her"I don't think that would be wise to do.Not just yet."Meanwhile,Winston and Ava arrives outside The Sunset Club,and Xavier meets up with them and he tells them"I got Tommy nice and cozy at the Storm Shelter."Inside,Brock Jr,Summer,and the man walks into The Jackson Room and the man tells them with an evil smile"I can't wait to see their faces when they see me."
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Daylight And Darkness: Episode 152. False Pride
In Blue Ridge,the race has concluded and Rashad gets the win in his 2nd start,with Frank finishing 3rd,after a bad pit stop.Rashad celebrates his victory with Cale and Allison in Victory Lane,as Frank wonders about Tommy,as he didn't start the race.Frank congratulates Rashad on his win and Allison tearfully tells him"I think it's your turn now to drive this car Rashad.I know that even if I was to return,I couldn't give the results that you can."Cale tells Allison"It won't be the same without you."Rashad looks at Allison and says"This will always be your ride."Allison hugs Rashad and they all prepare to return to Adam's Landing.Meanwhile Jesse is on his way back to LaFayette,disgusted and embarrassed and vows to himself"Tommy Jackson and his Dad will pay for this."Jesse sits in his seat and goes over his books and says in defeat"My days are done in racing.But I will get what's owed to me."At Xavier's mansion in Blue Ridge,Beth and Sayyid sits in the living room,as Tenny has went back to bed and Sully and Jared returns from Royal Park Mall and tells Beth and Sayyid"Emery's is going out of business."Beth is shocked,as is Sayyid and he asks"Just the Royal Park location?Or all the stores?"Sully tells him"All of them.They are up for sale,but no takers."Beth sighs and tells them"Emery's has been an institution in Blue Ridge for many years.I think when Xavier hears of this,he will buy the company."Sully tells everyone"When I return home,I plan to look into opening some stores up here.I hate seeing this beautiful town decline and if jobs are available,then that will help Blue Ridge thrive again."Sayyid looks at Sully and tells her"You are very intelligent and articulate for a young lady.Your Father raised you well."Sully smiles and says"Everything I've learned about retail and business,has been from him."Xavier walks inside and tells everyone"I'm headed home tonight."Xavier tells Sayyid"Here's some keys and go downstairs and keep someone company."Sayyid grabs a gun and heads downstairs,as Beth tells Xavier"I seen where Tommy didn't make the race."Xavier tells his Mother"Tommy had company."Sully asks her Father"What are you planning to do?"Xavier tells his family,starting with Sully"Princess,you stay here and finish your rehabilitation.Jared,you take care of her.And Mother,you just watch over my family."Beth looks at her son and tells him"I want you to go easy.You are looking pale."Xavier quips"I am fine Mother."Sully agrees and asks her Father"You do look faint Daddy."Xavier tells everyone"Don't worry about me.Just get well and get back home!"Beth tells Xavier"Take your Grandmother with you when you leave.She needs to be back with Ciarra."Xavier tells his Mother"Go wake her and tell her to get ready."Xavier calls his pilot and tells him"We're leaving for Adam's Landing tonight."Xavier sends a text to Sayyid and hugs his famly,as he gets ready to head home.
In Adam's Landing,Bree is at Chantel's,having a drink and she's upset over what happened earlier over Country's reaction to being her Father.Burt walks inside and asks Bree"I wouldn't think you would be sitting at a bar."Bree looks at Burt and tells him"I don't believe Xavier knew anything about Country being my Father,otherwise he would have told me."Burt tells the bartender"Put Bree's tab on mine."Burt orders a drink and tells Bree"As long as I've known him,if he thinks someone should know something,he would tell them,regardless how he felt about them."Bree,who's slightly buzzed quips"Yes he would.He has never been shy when it came to my Mom or Uncle Brock.The only issue I have with him is with Summer.She made a mistake with going after Jared and we both know.."Burt finishes Bree's sentence"He never forgives or forgets."Burt and Bree begins to talk and have a few drinks as Burt tells Bree about himself and Bree finds some things in common between them and Bree tells Burt"I will be at work in the morning.You being there makes all the difference in the world."Burt asks"And why is that?"Bree quips"You are normal and that's something that Jackson Inc needs."Burt tells Bree"Xavier isn't as bad as you think.He's just got his ways."Bree adds"He also inherited my Grandfather's mean streak."Burt rolls his eyes and sighs"I have to agree there.But at least he thinks before he acts."Bree agrees with him as they continue to drink and connect.
Meanwhile Leigh arrives back at Hell Hill and finds Latoya and Sassy at the house and Latoya tells Leigh"Someone was here earlier."Leigh looks at Latoya and asks"Who was it?"Sassy tells Leigh"Latoya called me at work and told me that a man was peeking through the windows.I came over and checked everything out and he was gone by the time I arrived."Leigh is suspicious and asks them"Who would be prowling around here?All the people I would suspect are in jail or dead."Latoya tells her"I just got a glimpse and I didn't recognize him."The phone rings and Leigh answers to find it's her husband,as Xavier tells his wife"I'm coming home.I got a few answers,but the rest of them are in Adam's Landing."Leigh tells her husband"Someone was looking through the window earlier while I was at Class."Xavier tells his wife"Call Country and tell him to come over and keep an eye on things until Sayyid,Grandma,and I return.I'll see you tonight my love."Leigh sighs of relief,as she tells Latoya and Sassy"Xavier is headed home with Sayyid and Tenny.I will feel much safer once they arrive."Sassy looks at Leigh in shock and asks"Sayyid Ross?"Latoya looks at her Mother as she notices a look in her Mother's eyes as Sassy asks Leigh"Sayyid was in prison?"Leigh tells them"Xavier got his charges dropped.He's staying here now."Sassy is quiet and Latoya asks her Mother"What's bothering you about Sayyid?"Sassy tells Latoya"Nothing Latoya.He's of no concern to me.I'm just kind of shocked."Sassy heads off and Latoya and Leigh looks at each other as Leigh asks Latoya"That was a bit off."Latoya responds in a shocked tone"It was.She's keeping a secret about something.When I talked to Sayyid the other day,we seemed to connect in a weird way."Leigh looks at Latoya and asks her"What are you thinking?"Latoya tells Leigh"She knows something that she isn't telling me and I want to know what it is."
At The Evans Home,Willie has cooked a huge dinner,as Terrance and Aretha are there,as well as Ruth.Willie tells them"I am so glad today turned out like it did.Justice prevailed!My Grandson got his first win and I couldn't be any happier."Aretha laughs"You cooked all of Rashad's favorites too and he will be mad that he missed this."Terrance tells his sister"He's young.I know we won't finish this off.He'll have some left when he gets home tonight."Ruth tells all of them"I'm glad that Michael Barr is going to prison and his Mother looks to be going to jail.My only worry is about Ava."Aretha asks Ruth"How is she doing?"Ruth tells them"She isn't handling things very well right now,but maybe knowing that Rachel is in jail will boost her spirits."Aretha reminds Ruth"Ava hated Rachel.We both know she wanted her dead and she won't be content until she's six feet under."Ruth tells Aretha"After her stunt at Jack's funeral,I can't say I blame her.But I'm fine knowing she's in a jail cell."Willie interrupts and tells everyone"I found this earlier and I have never opened it before."Terrance,Aretha,and Ruth are stunned as Willie holds a jar of Moonshine and she tells them"Sidney always kept this after he gave up running the shine years ago.We never did take a drink from it,but I think now is the right time to open it."Everyone's shocked,as Ruth tells her best friend"You never drink Willie!"Willie looks at Ruth and laughs"Neither do you.I think we need to celebrate this glorious day and have a toast."Wllie opens the jar,as Aretha gets some glasses and Willie pours everyone a glass and tells them"For Victory!"All takes a drink,as Willie and Ruth looks at each other as does Aretha and Terrance and all of them goes"Damn that was strong!"Willie laughs"Sidney told me years ago that B.R. made some strong shine."Ruth quips"He wasn't lying either."Terrance and Aretha drink up as Ruth and Willie stops and Willie tells her children"That's only one glass.That's a keepsake for me and I don't intend to open it again.But I think today,he'd do the same thing."All of them agrees as they have dinner and celebrate."
Meanwhile,Ava returns to her mansion and finds Winston in a state of shock.Ava looks at him and asks"What is bothering you?"Winston looks at Ava and tells her"I just got a letter to go to The Sunset Club."Ava tells Winston"I thought it had to do with Rachel.I heard about the arrest on the news and I hear the people in Sugar Creek are very tough on the law.I feel better.And I am glad Bree at least knows her sperm donor."Winston is despondent and tells Ava"I'm glad you're feeling better.I am going to The Sunset Club."Winston is quiet as he heads out and Ava stops him and says"What is going on?You aren't acting like yourself?"Winston turns and tells Ava"Something is amiss.With all that's happened with The Sullivan Estate,to finding out about your brother.."Ava stops Winston and asks"My brother?Which one?"Winston tells her"Brock Jr was pardoned and released,along with Tommy."Ava looks at Winston and tells him"Russell would do that just to stick it to Xavier and me over Jamie."Winston looks at Ava and tells her"He was likely behind what happened to Tenny and Ciarra's homes in Blue Ridge."Ava shakes her head and tells Winston"If Junior and his spawn are behind it,then they had a coach."Winston looks at Ava with horror in his eyes as he leaves and Ava stands in the living room for a moment and thinks and a thought runs through her head and she gets her keys and heads out behind Winston to The Sunset Club.
In Blue Ridge,Beth,Sully and Jared sits in the living room at Xavier's Mansion as Beth tells them"I am worried about him."Sully looks at her Grandmother and assures her"Daddy is fine.He's got Sayyid and Gran with him,we know he can survive anything."Beth looks at her Granddaughter and tells her"He's tough,but the last time he looked pale like that was when he was younger and it nearly killed him."Sully is quiet and asks"The ulcer?"Beth answers"Sort of.He has a place on his stomach lining that is essentially a tangled web of blood vessels that if it's aggravated,it could cause an aneurysm."Sully grows concerned and asks"When was the last time it flared up?"Beth says"When he thought Leigh had died.He almost died and luckily he survived.Stress can factor into another flare up and I just hope he does as I asked him to do."Sully grows worried,as does Beth as she tells Sully and Jared"With everything that's happened as of late,I am suspecting it's beginning to flare up again."Meanwhile on Xavier's jet,Tenny is asleep,as Beth gave her some medicine to help her nerves,Sayyid is in the back of the jet,guarding Tommy and tells him"I guess you're about to make yourself comfortable in a familiar place."Tommy is silent with anger in his eyes as Sayyid looks at him and says with a grin"I haven't seen that place for many years and don't think of escaping."Xavier meanwhile sits in a recliner,as he relaxes and prepares to return home and he walks to the lavatory and coughs and notices blood and Xavier is silent and heads back to the recliner,as he puts his hand on his stomach and says a prayer.
Back in Adam's Landing,Winston arrives at The Sunset Club and arrives at the suite address and Ava is behind him as she tells him"I'm not about to let you come down here by yourself."Winston looks at Ava and they walk inside to find the room empty and notices a letter sitting on the night stand.Ava walks over to read it and tells Winston"Are you sure you want to know?"Winston gets the letter and reads it and has a look of horror on his face,as does Ava as he tells her"I'm not surprised."At Hell Hill,Leigh sits in the nursery with Gracie and Xavier Jr and Latoya walks into the room and tells Leigh"I saw that man again."Leigh looks at Latoya and she places the babies into their cribs and looks out of the window and tells Latoya"I don't believe it."Latoya asks her"Who is he?"Leigh turns around and asks Latoya"Has Country arrived yet?"Latoya tells her"I called him and he never answered the phone."Leigh tells Latoya"X will be here soon and when he's here,he won't be pleased."Outside Hell Hill,the man looks around and has a flashback and then leaves and makes a phone call to Brock Jr,who's at The Inn and tells him"I think the time is near."Brock Jr,who's sitting in the bar,tells the man"I think so."
In Adam's Landing,Bree is at Chantel's,having a drink and she's upset over what happened earlier over Country's reaction to being her Father.Burt walks inside and asks Bree"I wouldn't think you would be sitting at a bar."Bree looks at Burt and tells him"I don't believe Xavier knew anything about Country being my Father,otherwise he would have told me."Burt tells the bartender"Put Bree's tab on mine."Burt orders a drink and tells Bree"As long as I've known him,if he thinks someone should know something,he would tell them,regardless how he felt about them."Bree,who's slightly buzzed quips"Yes he would.He has never been shy when it came to my Mom or Uncle Brock.The only issue I have with him is with Summer.She made a mistake with going after Jared and we both know.."Burt finishes Bree's sentence"He never forgives or forgets."Burt and Bree begins to talk and have a few drinks as Burt tells Bree about himself and Bree finds some things in common between them and Bree tells Burt"I will be at work in the morning.You being there makes all the difference in the world."Burt asks"And why is that?"Bree quips"You are normal and that's something that Jackson Inc needs."Burt tells Bree"Xavier isn't as bad as you think.He's just got his ways."Bree adds"He also inherited my Grandfather's mean streak."Burt rolls his eyes and sighs"I have to agree there.But at least he thinks before he acts."Bree agrees with him as they continue to drink and connect.
Meanwhile Leigh arrives back at Hell Hill and finds Latoya and Sassy at the house and Latoya tells Leigh"Someone was here earlier."Leigh looks at Latoya and asks"Who was it?"Sassy tells Leigh"Latoya called me at work and told me that a man was peeking through the windows.I came over and checked everything out and he was gone by the time I arrived."Leigh is suspicious and asks them"Who would be prowling around here?All the people I would suspect are in jail or dead."Latoya tells her"I just got a glimpse and I didn't recognize him."The phone rings and Leigh answers to find it's her husband,as Xavier tells his wife"I'm coming home.I got a few answers,but the rest of them are in Adam's Landing."Leigh tells her husband"Someone was looking through the window earlier while I was at Class."Xavier tells his wife"Call Country and tell him to come over and keep an eye on things until Sayyid,Grandma,and I return.I'll see you tonight my love."Leigh sighs of relief,as she tells Latoya and Sassy"Xavier is headed home with Sayyid and Tenny.I will feel much safer once they arrive."Sassy looks at Leigh in shock and asks"Sayyid Ross?"Latoya looks at her Mother as she notices a look in her Mother's eyes as Sassy asks Leigh"Sayyid was in prison?"Leigh tells them"Xavier got his charges dropped.He's staying here now."Sassy is quiet and Latoya asks her Mother"What's bothering you about Sayyid?"Sassy tells Latoya"Nothing Latoya.He's of no concern to me.I'm just kind of shocked."Sassy heads off and Latoya and Leigh looks at each other as Leigh asks Latoya"That was a bit off."Latoya responds in a shocked tone"It was.She's keeping a secret about something.When I talked to Sayyid the other day,we seemed to connect in a weird way."Leigh looks at Latoya and asks her"What are you thinking?"Latoya tells Leigh"She knows something that she isn't telling me and I want to know what it is."
At The Evans Home,Willie has cooked a huge dinner,as Terrance and Aretha are there,as well as Ruth.Willie tells them"I am so glad today turned out like it did.Justice prevailed!My Grandson got his first win and I couldn't be any happier."Aretha laughs"You cooked all of Rashad's favorites too and he will be mad that he missed this."Terrance tells his sister"He's young.I know we won't finish this off.He'll have some left when he gets home tonight."Ruth tells all of them"I'm glad that Michael Barr is going to prison and his Mother looks to be going to jail.My only worry is about Ava."Aretha asks Ruth"How is she doing?"Ruth tells them"She isn't handling things very well right now,but maybe knowing that Rachel is in jail will boost her spirits."Aretha reminds Ruth"Ava hated Rachel.We both know she wanted her dead and she won't be content until she's six feet under."Ruth tells Aretha"After her stunt at Jack's funeral,I can't say I blame her.But I'm fine knowing she's in a jail cell."Willie interrupts and tells everyone"I found this earlier and I have never opened it before."Terrance,Aretha,and Ruth are stunned as Willie holds a jar of Moonshine and she tells them"Sidney always kept this after he gave up running the shine years ago.We never did take a drink from it,but I think now is the right time to open it."Everyone's shocked,as Ruth tells her best friend"You never drink Willie!"Willie looks at Ruth and laughs"Neither do you.I think we need to celebrate this glorious day and have a toast."Wllie opens the jar,as Aretha gets some glasses and Willie pours everyone a glass and tells them"For Victory!"All takes a drink,as Willie and Ruth looks at each other as does Aretha and Terrance and all of them goes"Damn that was strong!"Willie laughs"Sidney told me years ago that B.R. made some strong shine."Ruth quips"He wasn't lying either."Terrance and Aretha drink up as Ruth and Willie stops and Willie tells her children"That's only one glass.That's a keepsake for me and I don't intend to open it again.But I think today,he'd do the same thing."All of them agrees as they have dinner and celebrate."
Meanwhile,Ava returns to her mansion and finds Winston in a state of shock.Ava looks at him and asks"What is bothering you?"Winston looks at Ava and tells her"I just got a letter to go to The Sunset Club."Ava tells Winston"I thought it had to do with Rachel.I heard about the arrest on the news and I hear the people in Sugar Creek are very tough on the law.I feel better.And I am glad Bree at least knows her sperm donor."Winston is despondent and tells Ava"I'm glad you're feeling better.I am going to The Sunset Club."Winston is quiet as he heads out and Ava stops him and says"What is going on?You aren't acting like yourself?"Winston turns and tells Ava"Something is amiss.With all that's happened with The Sullivan Estate,to finding out about your brother.."Ava stops Winston and asks"My brother?Which one?"Winston tells her"Brock Jr was pardoned and released,along with Tommy."Ava looks at Winston and tells him"Russell would do that just to stick it to Xavier and me over Jamie."Winston looks at Ava and tells her"He was likely behind what happened to Tenny and Ciarra's homes in Blue Ridge."Ava shakes her head and tells Winston"If Junior and his spawn are behind it,then they had a coach."Winston looks at Ava with horror in his eyes as he leaves and Ava stands in the living room for a moment and thinks and a thought runs through her head and she gets her keys and heads out behind Winston to The Sunset Club.
In Blue Ridge,Beth,Sully and Jared sits in the living room at Xavier's Mansion as Beth tells them"I am worried about him."Sully looks at her Grandmother and assures her"Daddy is fine.He's got Sayyid and Gran with him,we know he can survive anything."Beth looks at her Granddaughter and tells her"He's tough,but the last time he looked pale like that was when he was younger and it nearly killed him."Sully is quiet and asks"The ulcer?"Beth answers"Sort of.He has a place on his stomach lining that is essentially a tangled web of blood vessels that if it's aggravated,it could cause an aneurysm."Sully grows concerned and asks"When was the last time it flared up?"Beth says"When he thought Leigh had died.He almost died and luckily he survived.Stress can factor into another flare up and I just hope he does as I asked him to do."Sully grows worried,as does Beth as she tells Sully and Jared"With everything that's happened as of late,I am suspecting it's beginning to flare up again."Meanwhile on Xavier's jet,Tenny is asleep,as Beth gave her some medicine to help her nerves,Sayyid is in the back of the jet,guarding Tommy and tells him"I guess you're about to make yourself comfortable in a familiar place."Tommy is silent with anger in his eyes as Sayyid looks at him and says with a grin"I haven't seen that place for many years and don't think of escaping."Xavier meanwhile sits in a recliner,as he relaxes and prepares to return home and he walks to the lavatory and coughs and notices blood and Xavier is silent and heads back to the recliner,as he puts his hand on his stomach and says a prayer.
Back in Adam's Landing,Winston arrives at The Sunset Club and arrives at the suite address and Ava is behind him as she tells him"I'm not about to let you come down here by yourself."Winston looks at Ava and they walk inside to find the room empty and notices a letter sitting on the night stand.Ava walks over to read it and tells Winston"Are you sure you want to know?"Winston gets the letter and reads it and has a look of horror on his face,as does Ava as he tells her"I'm not surprised."At Hell Hill,Leigh sits in the nursery with Gracie and Xavier Jr and Latoya walks into the room and tells Leigh"I saw that man again."Leigh looks at Latoya and she places the babies into their cribs and looks out of the window and tells Latoya"I don't believe it."Latoya asks her"Who is he?"Leigh turns around and asks Latoya"Has Country arrived yet?"Latoya tells her"I called him and he never answered the phone."Leigh tells Latoya"X will be here soon and when he's here,he won't be pleased."Outside Hell Hill,the man looks around and has a flashback and then leaves and makes a phone call to Brock Jr,who's at The Inn and tells him"I think the time is near."Brock Jr,who's sitting in the bar,tells the man"I think so."
Monday, May 27, 2013
Daylight And Darkness: Episode 151. The First Domino To Fall
In Blue Ridge,Xavier and Sayyid returns to his mansion,as Beth awaits them and she asks her son"Did you find the bastard yet?"Sayyid tells Beth"We went to South Blue Ridge,and we got a few answers.But this isn't over yet.Xavier asks his Mother"Where's Sully and Jared?"Beth tells him"They went to the mall for a bit.Your Grandmother is having a hard time and she is breaking down.She's napping right now,hopefully the medicine I gave her will help calm her nerves."Xavier looks at his Mother and Sayyid and tells both of them"I am going to make a phone call to Bobby.I can only think of one person who'd do something like this."Beth reminds Xavier"Brock Jr is in prison."Sayyid looks at Beth and Xavier and tells them"I heard he and Tommy were pardoned by Russell Marx before he was kicked out of the ALPD."Xavier looks at them and says"I'm not surprised that Russell would do that.I just hope he enjoys that Senate Seat because it won't be long before I destroy his ass if what I'm thinking is true."Beth and Sayyid looks at each other and both of them as well as Xavier discusses Brock Jr and all of them agree as Xavier tells them"If he's out of jail,then he is going to be after Jackson Inc.He killed our Father.We all know if a man is capable of that,then he's capable of anything."All of them are quiet as they all think for a moment and Xavier tells Sayyid"Stay here and watch over things.I'm going to explore a bit."Xavier,with his Colt 45,heads out and Beth looks at Sayyid and tells him"You may want to go with him."Sayyid laughs as he tells Beth"I think he'll be fine.He proved that earlier."Beth looks at Sayyid and tells him"Xavier has a mean streak and when he goes out with that gun,that means he's about to do something."
At Blue Ridge Speedway,Frank,Rashad,and Cale are in his Motor coach,as qualifying has concluded and Frank has the Pole,as Rashad once again starts 2nd.There's a knock at the door of Frank's Motor coach,and he answers it to find Allison as she tells them"I couldn't resist staying away from the track."Cale and Allison holds each other tight as they kiss and Frank is happy to see her as he notices she's using a cane and says"I see you left the walker behind."Allison laughs"Gets in my way."Cale quips"So does crutches."Allison looks at Cale and tells him"Good thing my Mom's a doctor."Cale laughs as all of them sit and watch the other cars qualify and Jesse's car takes the track and the announcer says on the TV"Jesse Adams Racing has a new driver this week behind the wheel.He carries a prestigious name in the racing world and he's in a good car."All of them grows silent as Frank watches on and looks at everyone with a look of shock and goes"How in the hell did this happen?"Rashad tells them"Isn't that Brock Jr's son?"Frank quietly says"It is."Tommy qualifies 25th,and the announcer quips"He has a high standard to live up to since his Uncle is currently on the Pole,and a 6 time Champion."Frank walks outside and Cale follows him and asks his Father"Where are you going?"Frank tells Cale"Something isn't right here."Jesse walks over to Frank and laughs"Like my new driver?He is a great addition to the Jackson legacy."Frank looks at Jesse and warns him"You have always been a failure Jesse.Your former driver is in jail.And your new driver has somehow gotten out of jail.You sure know how to pick them."Jesse looks at Frank and tells him with a smile"Money talks Frank.Ever heard of pay drivers?"Frank quickly responds,as he walks away"Get used to being a back-mark Jesse."Frank and Cale walk away,as Jesse heads to his Motor coach and finds Tommy inside and he tells him"25th?You better do better than that out there today!"Tommy looks at Jesse and tells him"I'm paying you so you just shut the hell up!"Jesse asks him angrily"Where's my money then?Your backer isn't here?"Tommy laughs"He has things more important to attend to."Jesse grabs Tommy by the shirt and warns him"If your backer fails me,then my career is over!And I have nothing to lose."Jesse shows Tommy his pistol as Tommy begins to get scared."Back in Frank's Motor Coach,Frank and Cale returns as Allison and Rashad discuss racing,and Frank tells Rashad"If Tommy gets close to you today in the race,hit him in the rear.Turn one is where you do it."Cale and Allison are shocked as Frank tells all of them"J.D. Sullivan built this track and I helped him design it.Tommy and Junior are two people in my family that are irredeemable.I don't like to race dirty,but I make exceptions."Cale asks his Father"Would you put your nephew in the wall?"Frank puts his hands on Cale's shoulders and tells him"There's much you haven't learned yet about our family Cale.If you knew all that I do,you would feel exactly the same way."Meanwhile Xavier shows up at Blue Ridge Speedway and says to himself"So Tommy is driving now?Time for a visit."
Meanwhile in Adam's Landing,Leigh has arrived at Class,as Ciarra and Precious are sitting at Sully's desk and Leigh asks Ciarra"I am surprised you brought Precious with you.I thought you didn't like him?"Ciarra looks at Precious,as his eyes are sad and she tells Leigh"He misses Tennessee.He's been moping all day.She is hurting and he knows it."Leigh asks Ciarra with concern"And how are you handling everything?"Ciarra looks at Leigh and says calmly,with a sad look in her eye"It's only a shell of yesterday Leigh.I am hurt that somebody would desecrate my husband's grave and destroy our home,but if I dwell on it,then I will only hurt more.Working is a great distraction."Leigh sits down and tells Ciarra"I am worried about X.He is up there and so is Sully and Beth.With Tenny there also,he's got his hands full."Ciarra looks at Leigh and tells her"Blue Ridge has declined over the past few years.Jacob and I had considered moving but we decided against it.I can reflect on the past and how wonderful it was,but when I would go out to Royal Park Mall,or Downtown,and see the changes,it broke my heart."Leigh says quietly"Royal Park Mall.Xavier built that mall with Tenny as I recall."Ciarra smiles and says"He designed it too.It was a showplace.The first mall in Blue Ridge with 5 anchors and he has kept it up,but Royal Park is a shadow of what it was."Leigh tells Ciarra"I can't believe how bad things have changed there.It breaks my heart."Ciarra grabs Leigh's hand and assures her"Xavier is the only person that has kept Blue Ridge alive.If he wasn't around,it'd died long ago.After he thought you were gone,he worked all the time.He surprises me how he adapts and keeps going.For most people,it'd kill them."Leigh smiles and says"I remember B.R. telling me one time that X had ice in his veins."Ciarra smiles and says"He's done a wonderful job keeping his family together.He's truly one of a kind."Both ladies agree as Leigh and Ciarra sits in Sully's office and discuss business.
At the Adam's Landing Courthouse,Bobby has arrived in the courtroom as he gets his case ready for Michael's trial.Aretha,Terrance,and Willie are by his side as Bobby tells them"We got this thing covered.Michael Barr is about to be sent to Unity and we got everything ready to go."Michael is brought into the Courtroom in handcuffs and gives an evil glare to The Evans and yells at Bobby"So what happened to a fair trial ******lover?"Bobby keeps his calm,as Aretha,Terrance,and Willie grows red with anger in their eyes as Aretha walks over to Michael and angrily and calmly says"It's good you're in a courtroom,because if you wasn't,I'd kick your ass!"Michael snarks"You should be in jail along with sissy boy over there."Terrance gets angry and Willie grabs her son's hand and reminds him"Justice is going to prevail Terrance.Keep your calm."Desi arrives and shrieks"This is a damn farce.Isn't there supposed to be a plea before a trial?"Bobby looks at Desi and tells her"With the evidence I have,we know he's guilty and say goodbye to your son before you join him."Desi gets angry and tells Michael"I've called Cara and she's on her way to defend you.Don't worry about a thing Mikey."The Judge comes out of his chambers and tells everyone"We're ready to begin.The State vs Michael Barr."Desi yells"Shouldn't his attorney be here?"The Judge warns Desi"Michael has an attorney appointed and you need to sit down and shut up or else you'll be held in contempt."Desi sits down as Olivia and Allan walks in and sits on the other side of the courtroom,behind Bobby,and The Evans as Desi gives her sister an evil glare as Bobby presents his case to the judge.
Meanwhile in Blue Ridge,Beth and Sayyid sits in the living room of Xavier's mansion,as Tenny walks downstairs and asks them in a confused tone"J.D.?"Beth walks her Mother over to the couch as Tenny sits down and asks"Am I at home?"Beth tells her"I gave you something to help you calm down Mama.You know where you are."Tenny looks at Beth and Sayyid and laughs"I know where I am.Where's my husband?"Sayyid looks on with worry as Beth tells her Mother"Your act isn't working!You need to wake up!"Tenny looks at Beth and tells her"You should have just gave me an overdose so I could have been with J.D.!I don't want to live no more."Beth tells Tenny"Everything will be fine Mama.Xavier may have found the person behind everything."Tenny looks at Beth and tells her daughter in a despondent tone"I have went almost 25 years without my husband Beth.All I had left of him was my home.I could go there and remember him.It's gone now and I have nothing left.Why do I want to live Beth?"WHY?"Sayyid looks at Tenny and tells her in a gentle tone"You have a family that loves you Ms.Sullivan."Tenny yells at Sayyid"My family can take care of themselves.I only want one thing damnit and that is my J.D.!I want back my damn house and my life!Do any of you know what it's like to lose someone you love?DO YOU?"Sayyid looks at Tenny and tells her"You have many things that would make most envious.I know what it's like to lose the people you love.I lost my wife and daughter and son by my rival.I came home one day and my home was riddled with bullets,as the radio was playing and I seen my family dead before my eyes.I was angry and at that point,I gave up my job at Jim's,although your husband and his brother tried their hardest to talk me out of it,I left and went to the streets.I know how you feel Ms.Sullivan,but you are the matriarch to your family,you are the rock.You have to stay together,so your family can stay together."Beth holds her Mother's hand as Beth starts to cry after listening to Sayyid and Tenny looks at them and says somberly with tears in her eyes"I failed at that.I ran away and I let everyone down."Beth looks at her Mother and tells her"You didn't let nobody down Mama.Everybody deals with things in their own way.Nobody held anything against you for going to Monaco after Daddy died.Ciarra,Jacob,Xavier and I all made sure everything was taken care of and we understood Mama."Tenny looks at Beth and says"I have never gotten over him.I dream of him and I still hear his voice and see his face.I should have listened to him and retired from Sullivan's.But I didn't and I never got to say goodbye."Tenny breaks down in tears as Beth and Sayyid comforts her as Tenny cries"I never got to say goodbye."
Back in Adam's Landing,Burt sits in his office at Jackson Inc as Winston walks in and tells him"I took care of the damages in the fire in Sugar Creek."Burt asks his Father"Have you seen the latest news?"Winston asks"About Rachel being arrested?"Burt tells him"I hear that the authorities in Sugar Creek are looking for Desi also.Apparently when Ava went to Sugar Creek she used Desi's name."Winston sits back and tells Burt"I think that will boost Ava's spirits."At the Adam's Landing Courthouse,Bobby has presented his case to the court and the judge tells everyone"I am sickly offended by what has occurred.There's nothing here that proves to me that Michael Barr is innocent and nothing redeemable by his actions."The jury hands the judge their verdict and The judge tells Michael"Michael Davis Barr,you are guilty on all charges and I sentence you to 35 years in Unity Prison."Desi shrieks"This is a fix!"The judge motions to a deputy and looks at Desi and tells her"Don't worry about not seeing your son Ms.Lane.We have some charges on you also."The deputy walks over and handcuffs her as she is read her rights and yells"Why am I being arrested?"The judge tells her"Apparently you burned down The Sugar Cane Motel in Sugar Creek."Desi yells"I am innocent!"The judge looks at Desi and tells her"You will have to dispute that with the people of Sugar Creek."Desi is taken to jail,as is Michael.Olivia and Allan looks on as Olivia tells Allan"Karma's a bitch."Allan holds her hand and says"Yes it is."The Evans gives each other a family hug as they rejoice and Willie tells Bobby with tears in her eyes"I never thought I'd see the day that the guilty would pay for what they have done.This is a victory for all minorities!"Bobby tells Willie"I promised you that justice would be served and it was."Aretha and Terrance thanks Bobby and Bobby humbly tells all of them"No thank you is needed.It's my job."Bobby packs up and leaves,as The Evans walks out of the courtroom with their heads held high and celebrating their victory.
At Blue Ridge Speedway meanwhile,the drivers are called to pit road as the race is about to start.Frank gets into Cale's car as Allison stands by and tells him"Thank you for being there for me.I don't know if I'll drive again,but thank you for giving me a chance."Frank laughs"You don't let your Grandmother corrupt your mind about me."Allison laughs and assures him"I know you Frank.You're a great man and I'm glad to have drove for you."Rashad straps up in Allison's car as Cale tells him"Go win this race today for my girl.I hear this may be a full time job for you."Rashad asks Cale"Is Allison not coming back?"Cale tells him"She's hanging it up.Welcome to The Stock Car League my friend."Rashad is quiet and tells Cale"Tell Allison that if she wants to drive again,I'm willing to give her back her seat."Cale tells him"Just go win today."Meanwhile Jesse is at his car and looks around and an official walks up and asks Jesse"Where's your driver?"Jesse tells him"I have no idea."The official warns him"If he doesn't show up in the next few minutes,then you're out of this race."Jesse shakes his head in disgust.Tommy meanwhile is in a suite,overlooking the Speedway,as Xavier pulls out his Colt 45 and coldly asks his nephew"Where is your Father?"Tommy snaps"I owe you no answers."Xavier walks over and turns off the safety and tells Tommy"I hear he's back in Adam's Landing.And why was he here in Blue Ridge?"Tommy grows scared,as Xavier quips"We're up on the top floor and I don't have an extra parachute for you when you go skydiving."Tommy is quiet as Xavier opens the door and tells Tommy"You have two choices,either tell me why you and your sorry excuse for a Dad vandalized The Sullivan Estate,or the highlight of this 500 will be you falling onto the racetrack."Tommy looks at Xavier and coldly says"We aren't the only ones involved."In Adam's Landing,Brock Jr arrives in a room at The Sunset Club and tells a man in the room"My part is done."The man turns around and tells him"We both have something in common and we're about to knock the king from his throne."
At Blue Ridge Speedway,Frank,Rashad,and Cale are in his Motor coach,as qualifying has concluded and Frank has the Pole,as Rashad once again starts 2nd.There's a knock at the door of Frank's Motor coach,and he answers it to find Allison as she tells them"I couldn't resist staying away from the track."Cale and Allison holds each other tight as they kiss and Frank is happy to see her as he notices she's using a cane and says"I see you left the walker behind."Allison laughs"Gets in my way."Cale quips"So does crutches."Allison looks at Cale and tells him"Good thing my Mom's a doctor."Cale laughs as all of them sit and watch the other cars qualify and Jesse's car takes the track and the announcer says on the TV"Jesse Adams Racing has a new driver this week behind the wheel.He carries a prestigious name in the racing world and he's in a good car."All of them grows silent as Frank watches on and looks at everyone with a look of shock and goes"How in the hell did this happen?"Rashad tells them"Isn't that Brock Jr's son?"Frank quietly says"It is."Tommy qualifies 25th,and the announcer quips"He has a high standard to live up to since his Uncle is currently on the Pole,and a 6 time Champion."Frank walks outside and Cale follows him and asks his Father"Where are you going?"Frank tells Cale"Something isn't right here."Jesse walks over to Frank and laughs"Like my new driver?He is a great addition to the Jackson legacy."Frank looks at Jesse and warns him"You have always been a failure Jesse.Your former driver is in jail.And your new driver has somehow gotten out of jail.You sure know how to pick them."Jesse looks at Frank and tells him with a smile"Money talks Frank.Ever heard of pay drivers?"Frank quickly responds,as he walks away"Get used to being a back-mark Jesse."Frank and Cale walk away,as Jesse heads to his Motor coach and finds Tommy inside and he tells him"25th?You better do better than that out there today!"Tommy looks at Jesse and tells him"I'm paying you so you just shut the hell up!"Jesse asks him angrily"Where's my money then?Your backer isn't here?"Tommy laughs"He has things more important to attend to."Jesse grabs Tommy by the shirt and warns him"If your backer fails me,then my career is over!And I have nothing to lose."Jesse shows Tommy his pistol as Tommy begins to get scared."Back in Frank's Motor Coach,Frank and Cale returns as Allison and Rashad discuss racing,and Frank tells Rashad"If Tommy gets close to you today in the race,hit him in the rear.Turn one is where you do it."Cale and Allison are shocked as Frank tells all of them"J.D. Sullivan built this track and I helped him design it.Tommy and Junior are two people in my family that are irredeemable.I don't like to race dirty,but I make exceptions."Cale asks his Father"Would you put your nephew in the wall?"Frank puts his hands on Cale's shoulders and tells him"There's much you haven't learned yet about our family Cale.If you knew all that I do,you would feel exactly the same way."Meanwhile Xavier shows up at Blue Ridge Speedway and says to himself"So Tommy is driving now?Time for a visit."
Meanwhile in Adam's Landing,Leigh has arrived at Class,as Ciarra and Precious are sitting at Sully's desk and Leigh asks Ciarra"I am surprised you brought Precious with you.I thought you didn't like him?"Ciarra looks at Precious,as his eyes are sad and she tells Leigh"He misses Tennessee.He's been moping all day.She is hurting and he knows it."Leigh asks Ciarra with concern"And how are you handling everything?"Ciarra looks at Leigh and says calmly,with a sad look in her eye"It's only a shell of yesterday Leigh.I am hurt that somebody would desecrate my husband's grave and destroy our home,but if I dwell on it,then I will only hurt more.Working is a great distraction."Leigh sits down and tells Ciarra"I am worried about X.He is up there and so is Sully and Beth.With Tenny there also,he's got his hands full."Ciarra looks at Leigh and tells her"Blue Ridge has declined over the past few years.Jacob and I had considered moving but we decided against it.I can reflect on the past and how wonderful it was,but when I would go out to Royal Park Mall,or Downtown,and see the changes,it broke my heart."Leigh says quietly"Royal Park Mall.Xavier built that mall with Tenny as I recall."Ciarra smiles and says"He designed it too.It was a showplace.The first mall in Blue Ridge with 5 anchors and he has kept it up,but Royal Park is a shadow of what it was."Leigh tells Ciarra"I can't believe how bad things have changed there.It breaks my heart."Ciarra grabs Leigh's hand and assures her"Xavier is the only person that has kept Blue Ridge alive.If he wasn't around,it'd died long ago.After he thought you were gone,he worked all the time.He surprises me how he adapts and keeps going.For most people,it'd kill them."Leigh smiles and says"I remember B.R. telling me one time that X had ice in his veins."Ciarra smiles and says"He's done a wonderful job keeping his family together.He's truly one of a kind."Both ladies agree as Leigh and Ciarra sits in Sully's office and discuss business.
At the Adam's Landing Courthouse,Bobby has arrived in the courtroom as he gets his case ready for Michael's trial.Aretha,Terrance,and Willie are by his side as Bobby tells them"We got this thing covered.Michael Barr is about to be sent to Unity and we got everything ready to go."Michael is brought into the Courtroom in handcuffs and gives an evil glare to The Evans and yells at Bobby"So what happened to a fair trial ******lover?"Bobby keeps his calm,as Aretha,Terrance,and Willie grows red with anger in their eyes as Aretha walks over to Michael and angrily and calmly says"It's good you're in a courtroom,because if you wasn't,I'd kick your ass!"Michael snarks"You should be in jail along with sissy boy over there."Terrance gets angry and Willie grabs her son's hand and reminds him"Justice is going to prevail Terrance.Keep your calm."Desi arrives and shrieks"This is a damn farce.Isn't there supposed to be a plea before a trial?"Bobby looks at Desi and tells her"With the evidence I have,we know he's guilty and say goodbye to your son before you join him."Desi gets angry and tells Michael"I've called Cara and she's on her way to defend you.Don't worry about a thing Mikey."The Judge comes out of his chambers and tells everyone"We're ready to begin.The State vs Michael Barr."Desi yells"Shouldn't his attorney be here?"The Judge warns Desi"Michael has an attorney appointed and you need to sit down and shut up or else you'll be held in contempt."Desi sits down as Olivia and Allan walks in and sits on the other side of the courtroom,behind Bobby,and The Evans as Desi gives her sister an evil glare as Bobby presents his case to the judge.
Meanwhile in Blue Ridge,Beth and Sayyid sits in the living room of Xavier's mansion,as Tenny walks downstairs and asks them in a confused tone"J.D.?"Beth walks her Mother over to the couch as Tenny sits down and asks"Am I at home?"Beth tells her"I gave you something to help you calm down Mama.You know where you are."Tenny looks at Beth and Sayyid and laughs"I know where I am.Where's my husband?"Sayyid looks on with worry as Beth tells her Mother"Your act isn't working!You need to wake up!"Tenny looks at Beth and tells her"You should have just gave me an overdose so I could have been with J.D.!I don't want to live no more."Beth tells Tenny"Everything will be fine Mama.Xavier may have found the person behind everything."Tenny looks at Beth and tells her daughter in a despondent tone"I have went almost 25 years without my husband Beth.All I had left of him was my home.I could go there and remember him.It's gone now and I have nothing left.Why do I want to live Beth?"WHY?"Sayyid looks at Tenny and tells her in a gentle tone"You have a family that loves you Ms.Sullivan."Tenny yells at Sayyid"My family can take care of themselves.I only want one thing damnit and that is my J.D.!I want back my damn house and my life!Do any of you know what it's like to lose someone you love?DO YOU?"Sayyid looks at Tenny and tells her"You have many things that would make most envious.I know what it's like to lose the people you love.I lost my wife and daughter and son by my rival.I came home one day and my home was riddled with bullets,as the radio was playing and I seen my family dead before my eyes.I was angry and at that point,I gave up my job at Jim's,although your husband and his brother tried their hardest to talk me out of it,I left and went to the streets.I know how you feel Ms.Sullivan,but you are the matriarch to your family,you are the rock.You have to stay together,so your family can stay together."Beth holds her Mother's hand as Beth starts to cry after listening to Sayyid and Tenny looks at them and says somberly with tears in her eyes"I failed at that.I ran away and I let everyone down."Beth looks at her Mother and tells her"You didn't let nobody down Mama.Everybody deals with things in their own way.Nobody held anything against you for going to Monaco after Daddy died.Ciarra,Jacob,Xavier and I all made sure everything was taken care of and we understood Mama."Tenny looks at Beth and says"I have never gotten over him.I dream of him and I still hear his voice and see his face.I should have listened to him and retired from Sullivan's.But I didn't and I never got to say goodbye."Tenny breaks down in tears as Beth and Sayyid comforts her as Tenny cries"I never got to say goodbye."
Back in Adam's Landing,Burt sits in his office at Jackson Inc as Winston walks in and tells him"I took care of the damages in the fire in Sugar Creek."Burt asks his Father"Have you seen the latest news?"Winston asks"About Rachel being arrested?"Burt tells him"I hear that the authorities in Sugar Creek are looking for Desi also.Apparently when Ava went to Sugar Creek she used Desi's name."Winston sits back and tells Burt"I think that will boost Ava's spirits."At the Adam's Landing Courthouse,Bobby has presented his case to the court and the judge tells everyone"I am sickly offended by what has occurred.There's nothing here that proves to me that Michael Barr is innocent and nothing redeemable by his actions."The jury hands the judge their verdict and The judge tells Michael"Michael Davis Barr,you are guilty on all charges and I sentence you to 35 years in Unity Prison."Desi shrieks"This is a fix!"The judge motions to a deputy and looks at Desi and tells her"Don't worry about not seeing your son Ms.Lane.We have some charges on you also."The deputy walks over and handcuffs her as she is read her rights and yells"Why am I being arrested?"The judge tells her"Apparently you burned down The Sugar Cane Motel in Sugar Creek."Desi yells"I am innocent!"The judge looks at Desi and tells her"You will have to dispute that with the people of Sugar Creek."Desi is taken to jail,as is Michael.Olivia and Allan looks on as Olivia tells Allan"Karma's a bitch."Allan holds her hand and says"Yes it is."The Evans gives each other a family hug as they rejoice and Willie tells Bobby with tears in her eyes"I never thought I'd see the day that the guilty would pay for what they have done.This is a victory for all minorities!"Bobby tells Willie"I promised you that justice would be served and it was."Aretha and Terrance thanks Bobby and Bobby humbly tells all of them"No thank you is needed.It's my job."Bobby packs up and leaves,as The Evans walks out of the courtroom with their heads held high and celebrating their victory.
At Blue Ridge Speedway meanwhile,the drivers are called to pit road as the race is about to start.Frank gets into Cale's car as Allison stands by and tells him"Thank you for being there for me.I don't know if I'll drive again,but thank you for giving me a chance."Frank laughs"You don't let your Grandmother corrupt your mind about me."Allison laughs and assures him"I know you Frank.You're a great man and I'm glad to have drove for you."Rashad straps up in Allison's car as Cale tells him"Go win this race today for my girl.I hear this may be a full time job for you."Rashad asks Cale"Is Allison not coming back?"Cale tells him"She's hanging it up.Welcome to The Stock Car League my friend."Rashad is quiet and tells Cale"Tell Allison that if she wants to drive again,I'm willing to give her back her seat."Cale tells him"Just go win today."Meanwhile Jesse is at his car and looks around and an official walks up and asks Jesse"Where's your driver?"Jesse tells him"I have no idea."The official warns him"If he doesn't show up in the next few minutes,then you're out of this race."Jesse shakes his head in disgust.Tommy meanwhile is in a suite,overlooking the Speedway,as Xavier pulls out his Colt 45 and coldly asks his nephew"Where is your Father?"Tommy snaps"I owe you no answers."Xavier walks over and turns off the safety and tells Tommy"I hear he's back in Adam's Landing.And why was he here in Blue Ridge?"Tommy grows scared,as Xavier quips"We're up on the top floor and I don't have an extra parachute for you when you go skydiving."Tommy is quiet as Xavier opens the door and tells Tommy"You have two choices,either tell me why you and your sorry excuse for a Dad vandalized The Sullivan Estate,or the highlight of this 500 will be you falling onto the racetrack."Tommy looks at Xavier and coldly says"We aren't the only ones involved."In Adam's Landing,Brock Jr arrives in a room at The Sunset Club and tells a man in the room"My part is done."The man turns around and tells him"We both have something in common and we're about to knock the king from his throne."
Friday, May 24, 2013
Daylight And Darkness: Episode 150. Anything Goes
It's the next morning in Adam's Landing,as the news reports of a fire in Sugar Creek at The Sugar Cane Motel.Ava is at her mansion and Winston wakes up and walks into the living room and sees Ava sitting on the couch and asks her"Did you burn that motel down in Sugar Creek?"Ava looks at Winston and calmly says"That was for my son.If the bitch had of stayed in Sugar Creek,then there would have been no problems."Winston looks at Ava and tells her"You've grown cold and killing Rachel won't help you get over the loss of Jack."Ava looks at Winston and says"You have Burt.Bree has a Father.I have to introduce Bree to her father."Ava gets up and heads to the door,as she's dressed and Winston looks at Ava and asks her"What do you mean Bree has a father?"Ava quips"Country is another one that fell into Jamie's sex web."Winston asks"Where's Country?"Ava walks into the garage,and Country's handcuffed to the chair,and Ava tells him"Time to own up to what you did years ago."Country is silent as Ava takes him to The Farm to meet with Bree.Winston looks on with worry and receives a phone call from Burt,who's at Jackson Inc and tells him"I got a report from Sugar Creek.There were 3 survivors in that fire."Winston tells his son"Don't tell that to Ava."
At Ciarra and Tenny's Penthouse,Ciarra wakes up and walks into the living room and hears Precious crying in the other room.She walks over to let him out of his bedroom,and heads into the kitchen and asks Precious"Where's your Mommy?"Ciarra yells"Tennessee?"Ciarra walks into Tenny's bedroom and notices the bed's made and sees a letter on the bed and Ciarra picks it up and reads the letter and rolls her eyes and says to herself"Tennessee Martin Sullivan.I should have put a padlock on your door last night."Ciarra gets the phone and calls Beth and asks her niece"Is your Mother in town?"Beth,in Blue Ridge tells her Aunt"I haven't seen her."Ciarra tells Beth"She knows about what happened."Beth responds"I heard about the bounty."Ciarra tells Beth"She's in Blue Ridge."Beth hangs up,as does Ciarra as she calls Allan,as Beth sits at the nurse's station at Park Lane Hospital in Blue Ridge and calls Tenny,but gets no response and she tells herself"Damnit.I know where she is."At The Sullivan Estate,Tenny walks to J.D's and Jacob's grave and gasps in horror as she sees the graffiti on her Husband's grave and turns to looks at her former home and falls to her knees as she breaks down in tears and swears"The bastard that did this will pay with his life!I promise that!"Tenny gets up and walks into the house and looks around at the charred remains and screams"I have already lost J.D. and now I've lost the last piece of my world!"She looks up and cries"What have I done to deserve this?What have I done to deserve this?"Xavier and Sayyid walks inside and Tenny backs up in fear and Xavier stares at his Grandmother with tears in his eyes,as Tenny looks at him and Xavier grabs his Grandmother and holds her intently as she cries in her Grandson's arms as he looks at Sayyid and he is silent,shedding a tear,understanding the pain Xavier and Tenny feels.
Back in Adam's Landing,Ruth is at The Farm as Bree gets ready to go to Jackson Inc to talk to Burt and Ruth asks Bree"Has Frank left for Blue Ridge?"Bree tells her Grandmother"He left this morning."Ruth then asks"Where's your sister?"Bree tells her"Summer is asleep.I got to go down to Jackson Inc,and promise me that you and Summer will get along.Do it for me."Ruth looks at Bree and tells her"Everytime I see Summer,I see what happened to Ava all those years ago and it hurts me to see it.That was the worst way of betrayal I've ever seen and Russell and Jamie broke this family apart."Bree tells Ruth"It's in the past now.Try to be there for Summer.Russell's gone and she only has us and she needs support."Ruth looks down and tells Bree"I will try sweetie,but I can't make no promises."Bree hugs her Grandmother as she heads out and Ruth heads into the kitchen and gets a phone call from Winston,asking her"Is Ava over there yet?"Ruth asks Winston"Is she back in town?"Winston tells Ruth"Ava burned down The Sugar Cane Motel last night and she got early this morning.She's not herself."Ruth tells Winston"I have a gut feeling Ava's having a meltdown and she is holding it all in like she did when she was raped years ago."Summer meanwhile walks into the kitchen and Ruth has a lost stare at her Granddaughter as she tells Winston on the phone"Jamie hurt my family so badly when she and Russell got together,and now I fear the worst for her."Summer yells"And good morning to you too Ruth."Ruth hangs up the phone as Summer angrily tells her Grandmother"I am sick of the pity party on the woman that killed my Mom!And I'm sick of the fact that you and B.R. did nothing but ignore me as I was growing up!"Ruth looks at Summer and tells her sternly"Your Mother wasn't a saint Summer.She wasn't close to one and when I look at you,I see the time Ava was ran down by Jamie,I see my daughter shivering and shaking in fear after Brock Jr and Jamie sent Aaron Pittman to rape Ava to break up her marriage.And when I see you and the way you act,you remind me so much of Jamie,it makes me sick!"Summer snaps"I can't help what has happened and as far as I'm concerned,get the hell over it."Ruth looks at Summer and tells her"When you have children and if they turn out like your Mom,then tell me to get the hell over it!"Summer yells at Ruth angrily"You always favored Ava.That was why my Mom did the things she did,she wanted attention.I can see why she turned out the way she did.She had horrible parents.."Ruth slaps Summer across the face and snarls"Don't you EVER repeat that to me again.Your sister asked me to try to be cordial with you,but I don't think I can."Summer tells Ruth"Go to hell!I don't need you.I don't need this family.All of you are crazy!"Summer storms out and Ruth looks up and shakes her head in disgust.
At the ALPD,Bobby sits in his office as Aretha,Terrance,and Willie arrives and Bobby tells them"I have set a date for Michael's trial.He's going straight to Unity Prison."Willie asks Bobby"Doesn't he have to plea first?"Bobby tells them"Now that I'm the DA,I will play by my rules and Michael deserves to be in Prison for what he's done."Aretha and Terrance sides with Bobby as Willie has reservations and tells Bobby"I don't want any special treatment because I'm close to Ruth and her family.I want to be treated as equal as anyone else."Aretha and Terrance looks at their Mother and tells her"Years ago,if someone had done what Michael has done to us,it would have been ignored and wiped under the table.He deserves to be sent to Prison."Willie looks at them and says in a reminiscent tone"It was bad back then.Clem and I dealt with many racists and I'll never forget the time Clem had a relationship with Michael's Grandmother,Bertha Barr,he was beaten up and the next night they all gathered in the yard and burned crosses.Do what you want to do.It's time to prove that no matter what color,or sexual orientation you are,you are equal."Bobby tells The Evans"Michael's trial will be today and we have enough to send him to Prison."Bobby tells Willie,as she and Aretha and Terrance walks out"Clem is out of jail."Willie turns around and asks"My brother was here?"Bobby tells Willie"He was here about to be transported to Unity,and I cleared him."Willie is silent and tells Bobby"Where did he go?"Bobby tells her"Xavier hired him.And he still goes by Sayyid Ross."Willie rolls her eyes and tells them"He changed so much.He moved away and I've only seen him a few times.It's time to see my Baby Brother."Bobby tells her"He's in Blue Ridge right now with Xavier."Willie responds"That was horrible about what happened to The Sullivan Estate.Xavier has a great person by his side if Clem is there."Bobby nods as Willie,Terrance,and Aretha leaves and Bobby makes a phone call and tells the person on the other line"I want Michael's trial set for today.And I want to over and done quickly!"
In Blue Ridge,Beth has arrived at The Sullivan Estate and sees her Mother and son holding each other and Beth asks Tenny"Why are you here Mama?"Tenny looks at Beth and yells"Nobody's going to keep me away from here now!How dare you attempt to keep this from me Beth!"Beth looks at Sayyid and asks Xavier"What's Blue Ridge's King of the Streets doing here?"Xavier tells her"He works for me and we're about to find out who did this and take care of their ass."Tenny tells her Grandson and Sayyid"Thank you."Tenny looks at Sayyid and asks him"Didn't your wife work for me years ago at Sullivan's?"Sayyid answers"She managed the Eastwood store."Tenny looks at the AK47 in Sayyid's hand and tells him"Find the person who did this to my home and I will see to it you get $20,000,000."Sayyid sternly tells Tenny"My wife and daughter enjoyed working for you and that alone is payment Ms.Sullivan.You and J.D. were pillars of Blue Ridge for years and years and it was never the same when J.D. died and Sullivan's closed."Tenny starts to cry and tells Sayyid"It's my fault everything happened here.It's all my fault.If I hadn't of been selfish,I could have kept Blue Ridge thriving."Beth holds her Mother as Xavier and Sayyid assures her"None of this is your fault.Times change and things have changed here since you left."Tenny tells Xavier and Sayyid"I hope you kill whoever did this and promise me you won't hesisitate to pull the trigger?"Xavier and Sayyid nods as Beth asks her son"Are you planning to go out and hunt down the person that did this with him?"Sayyid gets defensive and asks Beth"You got a problem with me?Is it because I'm black?Is it because I'm a muslim?"Xavier tells Sayyid"Chill out."Beth tells Sayyid"I know you controlled the streets of Blue Ridge for years.I have a feeling that those thugs that worked for you did this."Sayyid looks at Beth and promises"I don't give a damn who's behind it!When they're found,they are dead!"Beth reminds Xavier"Remember your wife and children.Don't get killed trying to defend our family."Xavier tells Beth and Tenny to head to his mansion,and hugs his Mother and Grandmother and Beth and Tenny leaves and as Tenny walks out she tells Xavier and Sayyid"One more thing,if you find the bastard,I want to do the honors."Beth tells her Mother"You're going to relax!"They head out and Sayyid asks Xavier"Are you able to go out into these streets and hunt somebody down?"Xavier assures Sayyid"When it comes to my family,and when I see this,it only tells me I have to do this."Xavier puts Sayyid's hand on his chest and tells him"Do you feel that?"Sayyid looks Xavier down and quips"You ready."Xavier tells him"Damn right."Sayyid pulls out his briefcase and they get their guns ready,as they prepare to hit the streets of Blue Ridge to find the person behind the destruction of The Sullivan Estate.
Back in Adam's Landing,Burt's at his office at Jackson Inc,as Bree arrives and Burt tells her"I hear you're going to work here now?"Bree sighs"Looks like it.I never wanted to work here,but Xavier has helped me out with searching for my Father and the only thing he can expect is that I won't kiss his ass.He reminds me a lot of my Grandfather and I never liked how he did business."Burt asks"Then why are you working here?"Bree looks at Burt and tells him"I am a Jackson.And I will defend my family name."Burt looks at Bree and tells her"You are fiery.It's great to see you've accepted your family traditions."Bree quickly tells Burt"I don't pride myself for that streak that runs in my family."Burt looks at Bree and tells her"I think you should.It can be beneficial in this business."Ava meanwhile walks into the office,with Country and Ava looks at her niece and tells her"Here's your father."Bree looks at Country and walks over and punches him in the face and yells"All these years I never even knew.And you were around.You worked for my family."Country looks at Bree and tells her"Your Mama told me to stay silent.She wanted someone else to be your Father."Ava looks at Country and says to him"This lady grew up without never knowing her Father.You are a weak man Country.If it hadn't been for your error in that storm shelter,I'd never had to go to Sugar Creek to finish what should have been finished when the bitch aborted my nephew!"Burt tells Country"Xavier's in Blue Ridge right now and when he finds out about this.I don't think he will be pleased."Country yells at all of them"He knew I was Bree's Daddy.X and I have been best friends since 1st grade.I told him about it and he swore to secrecy."Bree fumes with anger and asks"He knew?"Country looks at his daughter and says"He did and I left that mistake in the past!And that's where it will stay as far as I am concerned."Bree looks at Burt and Country and walks over to her Father and angrily tells him"You pride yourself on being the good guy and helping my family.You failed!"Bree tells Burt"Tell Xavier that I decline the offer!"Bree storms out and Country attempts to go after Bree,but Ava tells him"I think it's too late now.Country leaves Jackson Inc and tells Ava"I hope you are pleased that you've just ruined your niece's life and mine."Ava coldly quips to Country"Ever heard of wearing a condom?"Country leaves and Ava looks at Burt and tells him"Bree will come to her senses and work here.Give her some time.Xavier was troubled back then with Desi leaving town and all,he wasn't himself."Bree walks back in the office and tells Burt and Ava"I heard what you all were talking about.That was around the time Desi fled town?"Burt warns Bree"Desi isn't a name that he needs to hear right now."Ava agrees and tells her niece"I will protect you Bree.It's nobody's loss but Country's."Bree's angry and looks at Ava and with tears in her eyes tells her Aunt"I have nobody now but my sister."Ava looks at her niece and tells her"I don't have my son."They hug and hold each other tightly as Ava tells Bree gently"Aunt Ava's here."Bree holds onto Ava as she cries as Burt walks quietly out of the room.
Meanwhile in Blue Ridge,Beth and Tenny returns to Xavier and Leigh's mansion and Sully and Jared are there,as Sully's left the hospital and asks her Great-Grandmother"What are you doing here Gran?"Tenny is quiet and looks at Sully and Jared,as they sit on the couch together and says somberly"The Sullivan Love.It warms my heart."Tenny heads upstairs and Sully asks her Grandmother"How's Daddy?I didn't see him this morning?"Beth is quiet and tells Sully and Jared"He's in town and he's out for blood."Jared tells them"He never arrived last night."Beth tells them"He stayed on the jet and he's working with Sayyid Ross."Sully takes a deep breath and asks"The Sayyid Ross that used to control the ghettos of Blue Ridge?"Beth assures her Granddaughter"He isn't as bad as the media portrayed him.I met him earlier and he has a history and respect for our family.I feel safe knowing he's by Xavier's side."Sully looks at Jared and tells him"Ever heard of Keith Ross?"Jared answers"The King of Quiet Storm?"Sully tells her husband"He was raised here and Sayyid is his father."Jared is stunned as is Beth as she says"I got his albums at home.He is about to open a club in Adam's Landing called Jazz."Sully tells Jared"We'll have a place to celebrate once all this is over."Jared and Sully kiss as Beth watches them and upstairs,Tenny has walked into Xavier's bedroom and opens a closet and finds a pistol and says to herself quietly and calmly"J.D. gave this to Xavier on his birthday when he moved here."Tenny looks at the gun and sees a picture of her husband sitting on the night stand by Xavier's bed and says"I am ready to join you J.D."Downstairs,Beth sits with Sully and Jared as they watch TV and they hear a gunshot and Beth runs up the stairs and once she walks into Xavier's room.Tenny sits cowered in the corner and yells and screams with tears in her eyes"Damnit Damnit!I can't do this.I wish I was dead!"Beth walks over to her Mother and takes the gun as Tenny cries in Beth's arms and tells her daughter"I hate life Beth.These bastards has taken the last piece of J.D. I had.My home's gone Beth!"Beth consoles her Mother as she has a nervous breakdown.
In South Blue Ridge,one of the worst neighborhoods in Blue Ridge,Xavier and Sayyid gets out of Xavier's SUV,with their guns loaded as Sayyid leads the way as he kicks down the door and inside are thugs and prostitutes and looks at Sayyid and goes"You have returned too late."Sayyid and Xavier points their AK47s at the people in the house and Xavier coldly asks"Did you vandalize The Sullivan Estate?"A thug pulls a gun out and Sayyid shoots him dead and looks at everyone else and yells"Don't chicken out!Either you tell me who is behind this,or all of you are dead!"Everyone gets quiet as Sayyid yells"Answer me!"One of the thugs asks Sayyid"So you finally sold your soul to whitey?"Sayyid shoots him and tells everyone else"I'm not playing games.Your vibes tells me you're guilty.Now who was the bastard that is leading your gang?"A man walks into the room and says"I know."Sayyid and Xavier turns around and Sayyid asks the man,a pimp called"Papa T" tells his old rival"I didn't do it,but these thugs and whores in here do."Xavier and Sayyid looks at Papa T as the thugs pulls out their guns on Sayyid and Xavier and there's a standoff as Papa T tells everyone"I'm going to back Sayyid.You all know you've sold your souls to the white!"Xavier is silent for a moment and asks Papa T"Who is he?"Papa T tells Sayyid and Xavier"He's left town."Xavier and Sayyid shoots out the house as Papa T takes his prostitutes out as he tells Sayyid and Xavier while leaving"I will keep my ears open.Sayyid warns him"You best do that or your ass is next!"Xavier and Sayyid looks at each other for a moment and Sayyid tells Xavier"We'll find him and soon."Xavier tells him"Yes we will."They head out of the house and heads for Xavier's mansion.
At Ciarra and Tenny's Penthouse,Ciarra wakes up and walks into the living room and hears Precious crying in the other room.She walks over to let him out of his bedroom,and heads into the kitchen and asks Precious"Where's your Mommy?"Ciarra yells"Tennessee?"Ciarra walks into Tenny's bedroom and notices the bed's made and sees a letter on the bed and Ciarra picks it up and reads the letter and rolls her eyes and says to herself"Tennessee Martin Sullivan.I should have put a padlock on your door last night."Ciarra gets the phone and calls Beth and asks her niece"Is your Mother in town?"Beth,in Blue Ridge tells her Aunt"I haven't seen her."Ciarra tells Beth"She knows about what happened."Beth responds"I heard about the bounty."Ciarra tells Beth"She's in Blue Ridge."Beth hangs up,as does Ciarra as she calls Allan,as Beth sits at the nurse's station at Park Lane Hospital in Blue Ridge and calls Tenny,but gets no response and she tells herself"Damnit.I know where she is."At The Sullivan Estate,Tenny walks to J.D's and Jacob's grave and gasps in horror as she sees the graffiti on her Husband's grave and turns to looks at her former home and falls to her knees as she breaks down in tears and swears"The bastard that did this will pay with his life!I promise that!"Tenny gets up and walks into the house and looks around at the charred remains and screams"I have already lost J.D. and now I've lost the last piece of my world!"She looks up and cries"What have I done to deserve this?What have I done to deserve this?"Xavier and Sayyid walks inside and Tenny backs up in fear and Xavier stares at his Grandmother with tears in his eyes,as Tenny looks at him and Xavier grabs his Grandmother and holds her intently as she cries in her Grandson's arms as he looks at Sayyid and he is silent,shedding a tear,understanding the pain Xavier and Tenny feels.
Back in Adam's Landing,Ruth is at The Farm as Bree gets ready to go to Jackson Inc to talk to Burt and Ruth asks Bree"Has Frank left for Blue Ridge?"Bree tells her Grandmother"He left this morning."Ruth then asks"Where's your sister?"Bree tells her"Summer is asleep.I got to go down to Jackson Inc,and promise me that you and Summer will get along.Do it for me."Ruth looks at Bree and tells her"Everytime I see Summer,I see what happened to Ava all those years ago and it hurts me to see it.That was the worst way of betrayal I've ever seen and Russell and Jamie broke this family apart."Bree tells Ruth"It's in the past now.Try to be there for Summer.Russell's gone and she only has us and she needs support."Ruth looks down and tells Bree"I will try sweetie,but I can't make no promises."Bree hugs her Grandmother as she heads out and Ruth heads into the kitchen and gets a phone call from Winston,asking her"Is Ava over there yet?"Ruth asks Winston"Is she back in town?"Winston tells Ruth"Ava burned down The Sugar Cane Motel last night and she got early this morning.She's not herself."Ruth tells Winston"I have a gut feeling Ava's having a meltdown and she is holding it all in like she did when she was raped years ago."Summer meanwhile walks into the kitchen and Ruth has a lost stare at her Granddaughter as she tells Winston on the phone"Jamie hurt my family so badly when she and Russell got together,and now I fear the worst for her."Summer yells"And good morning to you too Ruth."Ruth hangs up the phone as Summer angrily tells her Grandmother"I am sick of the pity party on the woman that killed my Mom!And I'm sick of the fact that you and B.R. did nothing but ignore me as I was growing up!"Ruth looks at Summer and tells her sternly"Your Mother wasn't a saint Summer.She wasn't close to one and when I look at you,I see the time Ava was ran down by Jamie,I see my daughter shivering and shaking in fear after Brock Jr and Jamie sent Aaron Pittman to rape Ava to break up her marriage.And when I see you and the way you act,you remind me so much of Jamie,it makes me sick!"Summer snaps"I can't help what has happened and as far as I'm concerned,get the hell over it."Ruth looks at Summer and tells her"When you have children and if they turn out like your Mom,then tell me to get the hell over it!"Summer yells at Ruth angrily"You always favored Ava.That was why my Mom did the things she did,she wanted attention.I can see why she turned out the way she did.She had horrible parents.."Ruth slaps Summer across the face and snarls"Don't you EVER repeat that to me again.Your sister asked me to try to be cordial with you,but I don't think I can."Summer tells Ruth"Go to hell!I don't need you.I don't need this family.All of you are crazy!"Summer storms out and Ruth looks up and shakes her head in disgust.
At the ALPD,Bobby sits in his office as Aretha,Terrance,and Willie arrives and Bobby tells them"I have set a date for Michael's trial.He's going straight to Unity Prison."Willie asks Bobby"Doesn't he have to plea first?"Bobby tells them"Now that I'm the DA,I will play by my rules and Michael deserves to be in Prison for what he's done."Aretha and Terrance sides with Bobby as Willie has reservations and tells Bobby"I don't want any special treatment because I'm close to Ruth and her family.I want to be treated as equal as anyone else."Aretha and Terrance looks at their Mother and tells her"Years ago,if someone had done what Michael has done to us,it would have been ignored and wiped under the table.He deserves to be sent to Prison."Willie looks at them and says in a reminiscent tone"It was bad back then.Clem and I dealt with many racists and I'll never forget the time Clem had a relationship with Michael's Grandmother,Bertha Barr,he was beaten up and the next night they all gathered in the yard and burned crosses.Do what you want to do.It's time to prove that no matter what color,or sexual orientation you are,you are equal."Bobby tells The Evans"Michael's trial will be today and we have enough to send him to Prison."Bobby tells Willie,as she and Aretha and Terrance walks out"Clem is out of jail."Willie turns around and asks"My brother was here?"Bobby tells Willie"He was here about to be transported to Unity,and I cleared him."Willie is silent and tells Bobby"Where did he go?"Bobby tells her"Xavier hired him.And he still goes by Sayyid Ross."Willie rolls her eyes and tells them"He changed so much.He moved away and I've only seen him a few times.It's time to see my Baby Brother."Bobby tells her"He's in Blue Ridge right now with Xavier."Willie responds"That was horrible about what happened to The Sullivan Estate.Xavier has a great person by his side if Clem is there."Bobby nods as Willie,Terrance,and Aretha leaves and Bobby makes a phone call and tells the person on the other line"I want Michael's trial set for today.And I want to over and done quickly!"
In Blue Ridge,Beth has arrived at The Sullivan Estate and sees her Mother and son holding each other and Beth asks Tenny"Why are you here Mama?"Tenny looks at Beth and yells"Nobody's going to keep me away from here now!How dare you attempt to keep this from me Beth!"Beth looks at Sayyid and asks Xavier"What's Blue Ridge's King of the Streets doing here?"Xavier tells her"He works for me and we're about to find out who did this and take care of their ass."Tenny tells her Grandson and Sayyid"Thank you."Tenny looks at Sayyid and asks him"Didn't your wife work for me years ago at Sullivan's?"Sayyid answers"She managed the Eastwood store."Tenny looks at the AK47 in Sayyid's hand and tells him"Find the person who did this to my home and I will see to it you get $20,000,000."Sayyid sternly tells Tenny"My wife and daughter enjoyed working for you and that alone is payment Ms.Sullivan.You and J.D. were pillars of Blue Ridge for years and years and it was never the same when J.D. died and Sullivan's closed."Tenny starts to cry and tells Sayyid"It's my fault everything happened here.It's all my fault.If I hadn't of been selfish,I could have kept Blue Ridge thriving."Beth holds her Mother as Xavier and Sayyid assures her"None of this is your fault.Times change and things have changed here since you left."Tenny tells Xavier and Sayyid"I hope you kill whoever did this and promise me you won't hesisitate to pull the trigger?"Xavier and Sayyid nods as Beth asks her son"Are you planning to go out and hunt down the person that did this with him?"Sayyid gets defensive and asks Beth"You got a problem with me?Is it because I'm black?Is it because I'm a muslim?"Xavier tells Sayyid"Chill out."Beth tells Sayyid"I know you controlled the streets of Blue Ridge for years.I have a feeling that those thugs that worked for you did this."Sayyid looks at Beth and promises"I don't give a damn who's behind it!When they're found,they are dead!"Beth reminds Xavier"Remember your wife and children.Don't get killed trying to defend our family."Xavier tells Beth and Tenny to head to his mansion,and hugs his Mother and Grandmother and Beth and Tenny leaves and as Tenny walks out she tells Xavier and Sayyid"One more thing,if you find the bastard,I want to do the honors."Beth tells her Mother"You're going to relax!"They head out and Sayyid asks Xavier"Are you able to go out into these streets and hunt somebody down?"Xavier assures Sayyid"When it comes to my family,and when I see this,it only tells me I have to do this."Xavier puts Sayyid's hand on his chest and tells him"Do you feel that?"Sayyid looks Xavier down and quips"You ready."Xavier tells him"Damn right."Sayyid pulls out his briefcase and they get their guns ready,as they prepare to hit the streets of Blue Ridge to find the person behind the destruction of The Sullivan Estate.
Back in Adam's Landing,Burt's at his office at Jackson Inc,as Bree arrives and Burt tells her"I hear you're going to work here now?"Bree sighs"Looks like it.I never wanted to work here,but Xavier has helped me out with searching for my Father and the only thing he can expect is that I won't kiss his ass.He reminds me a lot of my Grandfather and I never liked how he did business."Burt asks"Then why are you working here?"Bree looks at Burt and tells him"I am a Jackson.And I will defend my family name."Burt looks at Bree and tells her"You are fiery.It's great to see you've accepted your family traditions."Bree quickly tells Burt"I don't pride myself for that streak that runs in my family."Burt looks at Bree and tells her"I think you should.It can be beneficial in this business."Ava meanwhile walks into the office,with Country and Ava looks at her niece and tells her"Here's your father."Bree looks at Country and walks over and punches him in the face and yells"All these years I never even knew.And you were around.You worked for my family."Country looks at Bree and tells her"Your Mama told me to stay silent.She wanted someone else to be your Father."Ava looks at Country and says to him"This lady grew up without never knowing her Father.You are a weak man Country.If it hadn't been for your error in that storm shelter,I'd never had to go to Sugar Creek to finish what should have been finished when the bitch aborted my nephew!"Burt tells Country"Xavier's in Blue Ridge right now and when he finds out about this.I don't think he will be pleased."Country yells at all of them"He knew I was Bree's Daddy.X and I have been best friends since 1st grade.I told him about it and he swore to secrecy."Bree fumes with anger and asks"He knew?"Country looks at his daughter and says"He did and I left that mistake in the past!And that's where it will stay as far as I am concerned."Bree looks at Burt and Country and walks over to her Father and angrily tells him"You pride yourself on being the good guy and helping my family.You failed!"Bree tells Burt"Tell Xavier that I decline the offer!"Bree storms out and Country attempts to go after Bree,but Ava tells him"I think it's too late now.Country leaves Jackson Inc and tells Ava"I hope you are pleased that you've just ruined your niece's life and mine."Ava coldly quips to Country"Ever heard of wearing a condom?"Country leaves and Ava looks at Burt and tells him"Bree will come to her senses and work here.Give her some time.Xavier was troubled back then with Desi leaving town and all,he wasn't himself."Bree walks back in the office and tells Burt and Ava"I heard what you all were talking about.That was around the time Desi fled town?"Burt warns Bree"Desi isn't a name that he needs to hear right now."Ava agrees and tells her niece"I will protect you Bree.It's nobody's loss but Country's."Bree's angry and looks at Ava and with tears in her eyes tells her Aunt"I have nobody now but my sister."Ava looks at her niece and tells her"I don't have my son."They hug and hold each other tightly as Ava tells Bree gently"Aunt Ava's here."Bree holds onto Ava as she cries as Burt walks quietly out of the room.
Meanwhile in Blue Ridge,Beth and Tenny returns to Xavier and Leigh's mansion and Sully and Jared are there,as Sully's left the hospital and asks her Great-Grandmother"What are you doing here Gran?"Tenny is quiet and looks at Sully and Jared,as they sit on the couch together and says somberly"The Sullivan Love.It warms my heart."Tenny heads upstairs and Sully asks her Grandmother"How's Daddy?I didn't see him this morning?"Beth is quiet and tells Sully and Jared"He's in town and he's out for blood."Jared tells them"He never arrived last night."Beth tells them"He stayed on the jet and he's working with Sayyid Ross."Sully takes a deep breath and asks"The Sayyid Ross that used to control the ghettos of Blue Ridge?"Beth assures her Granddaughter"He isn't as bad as the media portrayed him.I met him earlier and he has a history and respect for our family.I feel safe knowing he's by Xavier's side."Sully looks at Jared and tells him"Ever heard of Keith Ross?"Jared answers"The King of Quiet Storm?"Sully tells her husband"He was raised here and Sayyid is his father."Jared is stunned as is Beth as she says"I got his albums at home.He is about to open a club in Adam's Landing called Jazz."Sully tells Jared"We'll have a place to celebrate once all this is over."Jared and Sully kiss as Beth watches them and upstairs,Tenny has walked into Xavier's bedroom and opens a closet and finds a pistol and says to herself quietly and calmly"J.D. gave this to Xavier on his birthday when he moved here."Tenny looks at the gun and sees a picture of her husband sitting on the night stand by Xavier's bed and says"I am ready to join you J.D."Downstairs,Beth sits with Sully and Jared as they watch TV and they hear a gunshot and Beth runs up the stairs and once she walks into Xavier's room.Tenny sits cowered in the corner and yells and screams with tears in her eyes"Damnit Damnit!I can't do this.I wish I was dead!"Beth walks over to her Mother and takes the gun as Tenny cries in Beth's arms and tells her daughter"I hate life Beth.These bastards has taken the last piece of J.D. I had.My home's gone Beth!"Beth consoles her Mother as she has a nervous breakdown.
In South Blue Ridge,one of the worst neighborhoods in Blue Ridge,Xavier and Sayyid gets out of Xavier's SUV,with their guns loaded as Sayyid leads the way as he kicks down the door and inside are thugs and prostitutes and looks at Sayyid and goes"You have returned too late."Sayyid and Xavier points their AK47s at the people in the house and Xavier coldly asks"Did you vandalize The Sullivan Estate?"A thug pulls a gun out and Sayyid shoots him dead and looks at everyone else and yells"Don't chicken out!Either you tell me who is behind this,or all of you are dead!"Everyone gets quiet as Sayyid yells"Answer me!"One of the thugs asks Sayyid"So you finally sold your soul to whitey?"Sayyid shoots him and tells everyone else"I'm not playing games.Your vibes tells me you're guilty.Now who was the bastard that is leading your gang?"A man walks into the room and says"I know."Sayyid and Xavier turns around and Sayyid asks the man,a pimp called"Papa T" tells his old rival"I didn't do it,but these thugs and whores in here do."Xavier and Sayyid looks at Papa T as the thugs pulls out their guns on Sayyid and Xavier and there's a standoff as Papa T tells everyone"I'm going to back Sayyid.You all know you've sold your souls to the white!"Xavier is silent for a moment and asks Papa T"Who is he?"Papa T tells Sayyid and Xavier"He's left town."Xavier and Sayyid shoots out the house as Papa T takes his prostitutes out as he tells Sayyid and Xavier while leaving"I will keep my ears open.Sayyid warns him"You best do that or your ass is next!"Xavier and Sayyid looks at each other for a moment and Sayyid tells Xavier"We'll find him and soon."Xavier tells him"Yes we will."They head out of the house and heads for Xavier's mansion.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Daylight And Darkness: Episode 149. Waiting To Strike
Xavier rushes downstairs at Hell Hill in a fury after finding out about The Sullivan Estate and Leigh follows behind him as Xavier tells his wife"I am heading to Blue Ridge immediately.If I find out who burned out Grandma and Papaw's home and Uncle Jacob and Aunt Ciarra's,their ass is mine!"Leigh asks Xavier"Who is going to tell Tenny and Ciarra about this?"Xavier tells her"I don't think they need to know yet,until I see what's going on for myself."Xavier meanwhile gets a phone call from Allan and he tells his nephew"I have just seen on the news something about The Sullivan Estate."Xavier looks up in frustration and tells Allan"Damn if you have watched the news,then that means that Grandma and Aunt Ciarra knows too."At Tenny and Ciarra's Penthouse,Ciarra watches on in horror as the Evening News' top story is on the vandalizing of her family's estate and Ciarra fumes in anger as she calls Beth and asks her niece"Is this real?"Beth,in Blue Ridge tells her Aunt"Your home can be saved.But Mama's house is destroyed.How do you know about what happened?"Ciarra tells Beth"It's on the news.Your Mama's still at Class,I hope she doesn't find out because Beth,when she finds out,hell hath no fury like your Mother."Beth tells Ciarra"Xavier is on his way here so just try to keep her in Adam's Landing and I'll keep you updated."Ciarra hangs up the phone and has a glass sitting next to her and throws it across the room as she is angered and asks"Who would do such a thing?"At Class,Tenny and Allison has been bonding,as they've spent the day together and Cale arrives at Class and asks"Is there an Allison North here?"Allison gives Cale a kiss and says"I am she."Tenny sits back at Sully's desk and breaks a smile as she watches them and warns Cale"Don't take after your father."Cale looks at Tenny and tells her"I would never hurt your Granddaughter Ms.Sullivan."Tenny points her finger at him as she gets up and claps for Precious,and tells him"As long as you treat her right,you can call me Tenny."She pulls out some money and tells Cale"Take her out somewhere nice and spoil her."Allison tells her Grandmother"I think this will be fun working with you and Ciarra down here."Tenny hugs Allison and laughs"You enjoy yourself and do something wild and crazy for your Mamaw."Allison smiles and she leaves with Cale and Tenny and Precious prepares to leave,she tells Precious"I like Cale.At least he doesn't take after his bastard Father."She laughs as she and Precious heads back home.
Meanwhile in Sugar Creek,Rachel is at a Night Club with a man and Andy stands unknown to everyone as he texts Ava and tells her"Rachel is partying with a man by the last name of Mathis."Ava,in her room tells him"Keep your eyes on her and it will give me enough time to get everything ready."Ava hangs up the phone and gets a key and says"Room 10.Yep Rachel,your time has arrived."Ava calls Country,who's at a gas station and Ava tells him sternly"Rachel is gone.Fill up the gas can and bring it to me!"Country hangs up and reaches for his wallet to pay the clerk and remembers that Ava's got his wallet and he gives the clerk some money and heads back to The Sugar Cane Motel and thinks about what Ava found in his wallet earlier and has a flashback to his teenage years,and has a image come into his head and says with fear"That was Ava."Country takes a deep breath and heads back to the motel,as Ava's waiting for him.
Back in Blue Ridge,Beth heads back down to Park Lane Hospital,and walks into Sully's room as she has now learned of what has happened with The Sullivan Estate and asks her Grandmother"Who's behind this?"Jared looks at Sully as does Beth and both of them tells her"Right now I don't know.But when we find out who,they will be dealt with.Nobody will get away with desecrating my family's grave and home.I will see to it!"Sully asks Beth"So where will we stay while we're here."Jared tells his wife"Xavier told us to go over to his old mansion and stay there.He is on his way to town as we speak."Sully gets emotional as she tells her husband and Grandmother"I grew up in Gran's old house.Daddy lived there until he moved to Adam's Landing and it was like a paradise.Aunt Ciarra would take me down to Emery's and buy me sketch pads and fabrics and she'd help me make clothes.This hurts."Beth grabs Sully's hand and assures her"Everything will be fine Sully.Just worry about getting well."Sully gets ready to leave and Beth gives Jared some keys and tells him"Head over to Xavier's old mansion and get settled in.It is spooky anyway but it will be safe."Sully comes out of the bathroom and hugs Beth and she and Jared heads to the home Xavier and Leigh lived in together years ago,as Beth heads back to The Sullivan Estate.
In Adam's Landing,Burt's at Jackson Inc and has finished watching the news and Winston's with him and Winston asks Burt"Who would have went after Tenny and Ciarra?"Burt tells Winston"Blue Ridge has fallen in recent years,I am thinking it could be gang related.Royal Park has gotten a bad reputation in the last few years and when I was still in Blue Ridge.Royal Park Mall was beginning to decline and Xavier told me that he believed things were changing for the worst."Winston asks"Does Xavier still own the mall?"Burt tells his Father"He does and he's planned to renovate and try to clean up the area but I don't know if it will be possible to do now."Winston shakes his head in disgust and asks Burt"What if Desi's behind this?"Burt looks at Winston for a moment and says"Desi's never been to Blue Ridge.She's careless,but she wouldn't go this far with a vendetta I don't think."Winston reminds Burt"Take it from me son,when you want something as bad as she does with Class,you will pull out all the stops to get it.With what's happened with The Sullivan Estate,that only gives her more of an opportunity to take back Class,especially if Tenny finds out."Burt is quiet and tells Winston"I don't think Desi had a part in this."Winston gets a phone call and it's Ava and he answers and she tells him"I'll be home tomorrow."Ava hangs up and Burt asks Winston"What's the latest with Ava."Winston shakes his head and tells him"All she said was that she'd be home tomorrow.She's about to do something.I know that tone in her voice."Winston and Burt are quiet as they worry for Ava and Winston tells Burt"We may need to call Bobby and be ready."
Meanwhile at Hell Hill,Sayyid has returned and tells Xavier"I just seen on the news about what happened in Blue Ridge."Xavier looks at Sayyid and asks him"Do you know anything?"Sayyid tells Xavier"When I was in Blue Ridge,I controlled the streets until I was sent to Prison."Leigh stands in the living room as she tells her husband"I hate this so much.The thing that scares me is that Sully is up there right now and if somebody's going after us,then she may be in trouble."Sayyid walks over to Leigh and puts his hands on her shoulders and tells her"I'm going to Blue Ridge with Xavier.You stay here."I guarantee that whoever did this will be dead.I will put a bullet in them for this!"Xavier looks at Sayyid as the pilot calls Xavier and says"The jet's ready."Xavier tells Sayyid"Go pack a bag."Sayyid looks at Xavier and tells him,as he shows him a briefcase and opens it,displaying an array of weapons,tells Xavier"I got what we need.No thing for us."Leigh hugs Xavier and tells him with tears"Be careful my love.Protect our family."Xavier tells Leigh"You just be here for Grandma and Aunt Ciarra and our two babies up in that nursery.I love you."Xavier gives Leigh a kiss and he and Sayyid heads for the airport to leave for Blue Ridge,as Leigh sits down and worries for her family.
At Ciarra and Tenny's Penthouse,Tenny arrives and finds Allan and Olivia there with Ciarra,who's in her chair crying.Tenny looks at Allan and Olivia and asks them suspiciously"What is going on?"Allan is silent and fights his emotions and Olivia tells Tenny"It's ok."Tenny pats Precious and sends him to his room,as she looks at them and says"No it isn't.My sister is very sensitive,but it takes a lot for her to be like this."Ciarra looks at Tenny and Tenny notices something in Ciarra's eyes and Tenny calmly asks Allan"Did something happen to Beth?Sully?Xavier?Tell me!"Allan holds his Mother's arm and walks her over to the couch with Olivia by his side,and he tells his Mother"I don't know how to tell you this,so I'm going to just come right out and say it."Tenny stares at Allan intently as he tells her"Someone has vandalized The Estate."Tenny asks"Vandalized?"Allan looks at her and says"Your and Daddy's home is destroyed.Aunt Ciarra and Uncle Jacob's place was hit quite badly and someone has desecrated Daddy's and Uncle Jacob's graves."Tenny calmly lights a cigarette and doesn't say a word.Ciarra is beside herself in anger,as she cries"Why are people in this world so damn cruel?"Tenny pulls out her phone and Allan tells his Mother"Xavier's on his way now to Blue Ridge.You need to stay here."Tenny is silent and tells Allan and Olivia"Go home."Allan tells his Mother"We're here for you Mama."Tenny yells at them"I said GO HOME!"Allan and Olivia leaves as Tenny looks at Ciarra and tells her"Do you want to go to Blue Ridge?"Ciarra looks at Tenny and tells her sister"Tennessee,don't think what I think you are.You are acting like you did when J.D. died years ago."Tenny looks at Ciarra and coldly tells her"Somebody is behind this Baby Sister,and when I find out who it is,I am going to kill them for what they've done.Nothing or nobody will stop me.I am out for blood."Tenny walks over and makes a phone call and tells them"I want the talk to the media immediately!Send them to The Penthouse!"Ciarra tells her sister"We don't need to talk to the press right now."Tenny tells Ciarra"You go somewhere then.I'm putting out a bounty and I want revenge."Ciarra heads to her bedroom as Tenny stands in the living room,and grabs a piece of china and throws it across the room and yells with anger in her voice"Not again!Not again!"
Back in Sugar Creek,Country has returned to The Sugar Cane Motel and walks into Rachel's room,and notices the room set up with candles and Ava stands in there and tells Country"I want Rachel to feel nice and cozy as she lights up."Ava grabs the gas can and pours gasoline all over Rachel's room and tells Country"Now it's time for us to leave for home.I have taken care of what I had to.Now it's your turn."Country asks Ava"Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?I don't understand what's going on."Ava responds"You know damn well what I'm talking about Country.You were 15 years old,sleeping with a 22 year old whore.A baby is born 9 months later."Country is quiet as Ava tells Country"I have always knew about you and Jamie's sex games.You always had the hots for her like every man in Adam's Landing did.It's caught up to you now."Country asks"What are you talking about?"Ava tells Country"While you were gone,I called Mama and she told me something.It's been confirmed and you lied to me."Country tells Ava"It was in the past where it should have stayed."Ava quips"It's out in the open now Country!"Ava tells him"Our bags are packed and I still have your wallet.Time to go."Ava opens the window to Rachel's room and throws out the gas can and tells Country"I wonder if Bree inherits the infamous Jackson family trait?"Ava and Country heads to their room to leave,as Ava is quiet and in a eery calm,and Country fears what's to come.
In Blue Ridge,Beth meets with Sully and Jared at Xavier and Leigh's old mansion,and they walk inside and Beth tells them"It looks different in here."Sully responds"He never did change anything here.He left it as it was after Mom was thought to had been dead."Beth tells Sully"It was very hard for him to be here with all the memories,but he'd come over here often and talk to her.You and Jared have The Sullivan Love.My Mama and Daddy,Aunt Ciarra and Uncle Jacob,Xavier and Leigh all fell in love and the love never died.If your Mother wasn't alive,I am scared to think where Xavier would be."Sully quips"I fear I'd be calling Desi Step Mom."Beth laughs slightly and says to her Granddaughter"I don't believe Xavier and Desi would have never married.Desi is too selfish to love anyone other than herself."They sit on the couch and turn on the TV and Tenny's on the air as she makes an announcement and Beth shakes her head,as does Sully and Jared,as in Adam's Landing,Leigh is in front of the TV and same for Allan and Olivia,Winston,Burt,as Tenny tells the media"I want to say to everyone right now that I am angered beyond words at what these disgusting heartless bastards has done to the home I shared with my beloved husband and my sister's home and my family's grave.I am issuing a $10,000,000 bounty for anyone that can find who was behind this and bring them to me.My sister and I are both angry and mad as hell,and I hope the person who did this is enjoying themselves at the moment,because it won't last long and that's a damn promise that I intend to keep!"Tenny walks away from the camera and tells them"Cut!Now leave!"The press leaves the Penthouse,as Ciarra walks out of her bedroom and asks her sister"$10,000,000 dollars Tennessee?Tenny looks at Ciarra and tells her"You worry too much.We're rich and we can do this sort of thing.You offer money,people talk."In Blue Ridge,a man sits at the bar in Royal Park,after watching Tenny's announcement and orders another beer and says"I don't want to hurt you,just your family.But I will.The man gets a phone call and is told"My part is done."The man hangs up and sits back and tells the bartender in a tone of confidence"Everything is in motion."
In Sugar Creek,Ava and Country sits in their rental car,as they prepare to leave for the airport to return to Adam's Landing.Country tells Ava"I think we need to leave now."Ava snaps"Shut up!I call the shots and I am going to watch this place explode when that bitch walks inside."Andy calls Ava and tells her"They are headed back to the Motel."Ava tells Andy"Go home and stay quiet."Rachel and her new boyfriend,River Mathis,walks into The Sugar Cane Motel and Wade sees them as they walk inside and tells Rachel"Your Mom was here earlier and she had to leave."Rachel tells River"She must have gotten ran out of Adam's Landing as well."Wade tells Rachel"She's checked out and left.But she left you a gift."Rachel is suspicious and she and River heads up to her room."Outside,Ava and Country sits in the rental car,as Ava sits back and pulls out a small bottle of wine and tells Country"I hear the best vineyards in the United States are here.Ava takes a drink and tells Country"Feels like the 4th of July.Watching fireworks."Ava has a evil smile as she watches on.Meanwhile River and Rachel walks into their room,and Rachel tells River in shock"Wow this is nice,Mom did all this?"River says to Rachel"She must want to make peace."Rachel sees a bottle of wine on the nightstand and some glasses and says"I'd say so."River dims the lights as he tells Rachel"Night Time is the right time for this."River walks over to light the candles,as Rachel undresses,and as River lights the candles,Rachel's room erupts into flames."Ava and Country watch from outside and Ava tells Country"Time to head back to Adam's Landing."And Ava drives off,as The Sugar Cane Motel is on fire!"
Meanwhile in Sugar Creek,Rachel is at a Night Club with a man and Andy stands unknown to everyone as he texts Ava and tells her"Rachel is partying with a man by the last name of Mathis."Ava,in her room tells him"Keep your eyes on her and it will give me enough time to get everything ready."Ava hangs up the phone and gets a key and says"Room 10.Yep Rachel,your time has arrived."Ava calls Country,who's at a gas station and Ava tells him sternly"Rachel is gone.Fill up the gas can and bring it to me!"Country hangs up and reaches for his wallet to pay the clerk and remembers that Ava's got his wallet and he gives the clerk some money and heads back to The Sugar Cane Motel and thinks about what Ava found in his wallet earlier and has a flashback to his teenage years,and has a image come into his head and says with fear"That was Ava."Country takes a deep breath and heads back to the motel,as Ava's waiting for him.
Back in Blue Ridge,Beth heads back down to Park Lane Hospital,and walks into Sully's room as she has now learned of what has happened with The Sullivan Estate and asks her Grandmother"Who's behind this?"Jared looks at Sully as does Beth and both of them tells her"Right now I don't know.But when we find out who,they will be dealt with.Nobody will get away with desecrating my family's grave and home.I will see to it!"Sully asks Beth"So where will we stay while we're here."Jared tells his wife"Xavier told us to go over to his old mansion and stay there.He is on his way to town as we speak."Sully gets emotional as she tells her husband and Grandmother"I grew up in Gran's old house.Daddy lived there until he moved to Adam's Landing and it was like a paradise.Aunt Ciarra would take me down to Emery's and buy me sketch pads and fabrics and she'd help me make clothes.This hurts."Beth grabs Sully's hand and assures her"Everything will be fine Sully.Just worry about getting well."Sully gets ready to leave and Beth gives Jared some keys and tells him"Head over to Xavier's old mansion and get settled in.It is spooky anyway but it will be safe."Sully comes out of the bathroom and hugs Beth and she and Jared heads to the home Xavier and Leigh lived in together years ago,as Beth heads back to The Sullivan Estate.
In Adam's Landing,Burt's at Jackson Inc and has finished watching the news and Winston's with him and Winston asks Burt"Who would have went after Tenny and Ciarra?"Burt tells Winston"Blue Ridge has fallen in recent years,I am thinking it could be gang related.Royal Park has gotten a bad reputation in the last few years and when I was still in Blue Ridge.Royal Park Mall was beginning to decline and Xavier told me that he believed things were changing for the worst."Winston asks"Does Xavier still own the mall?"Burt tells his Father"He does and he's planned to renovate and try to clean up the area but I don't know if it will be possible to do now."Winston shakes his head in disgust and asks Burt"What if Desi's behind this?"Burt looks at Winston for a moment and says"Desi's never been to Blue Ridge.She's careless,but she wouldn't go this far with a vendetta I don't think."Winston reminds Burt"Take it from me son,when you want something as bad as she does with Class,you will pull out all the stops to get it.With what's happened with The Sullivan Estate,that only gives her more of an opportunity to take back Class,especially if Tenny finds out."Burt is quiet and tells Winston"I don't think Desi had a part in this."Winston gets a phone call and it's Ava and he answers and she tells him"I'll be home tomorrow."Ava hangs up and Burt asks Winston"What's the latest with Ava."Winston shakes his head and tells him"All she said was that she'd be home tomorrow.She's about to do something.I know that tone in her voice."Winston and Burt are quiet as they worry for Ava and Winston tells Burt"We may need to call Bobby and be ready."
Meanwhile at Hell Hill,Sayyid has returned and tells Xavier"I just seen on the news about what happened in Blue Ridge."Xavier looks at Sayyid and asks him"Do you know anything?"Sayyid tells Xavier"When I was in Blue Ridge,I controlled the streets until I was sent to Prison."Leigh stands in the living room as she tells her husband"I hate this so much.The thing that scares me is that Sully is up there right now and if somebody's going after us,then she may be in trouble."Sayyid walks over to Leigh and puts his hands on her shoulders and tells her"I'm going to Blue Ridge with Xavier.You stay here."I guarantee that whoever did this will be dead.I will put a bullet in them for this!"Xavier looks at Sayyid as the pilot calls Xavier and says"The jet's ready."Xavier tells Sayyid"Go pack a bag."Sayyid looks at Xavier and tells him,as he shows him a briefcase and opens it,displaying an array of weapons,tells Xavier"I got what we need.No thing for us."Leigh hugs Xavier and tells him with tears"Be careful my love.Protect our family."Xavier tells Leigh"You just be here for Grandma and Aunt Ciarra and our two babies up in that nursery.I love you."Xavier gives Leigh a kiss and he and Sayyid heads for the airport to leave for Blue Ridge,as Leigh sits down and worries for her family.
At Ciarra and Tenny's Penthouse,Tenny arrives and finds Allan and Olivia there with Ciarra,who's in her chair crying.Tenny looks at Allan and Olivia and asks them suspiciously"What is going on?"Allan is silent and fights his emotions and Olivia tells Tenny"It's ok."Tenny pats Precious and sends him to his room,as she looks at them and says"No it isn't.My sister is very sensitive,but it takes a lot for her to be like this."Ciarra looks at Tenny and Tenny notices something in Ciarra's eyes and Tenny calmly asks Allan"Did something happen to Beth?Sully?Xavier?Tell me!"Allan holds his Mother's arm and walks her over to the couch with Olivia by his side,and he tells his Mother"I don't know how to tell you this,so I'm going to just come right out and say it."Tenny stares at Allan intently as he tells her"Someone has vandalized The Estate."Tenny asks"Vandalized?"Allan looks at her and says"Your and Daddy's home is destroyed.Aunt Ciarra and Uncle Jacob's place was hit quite badly and someone has desecrated Daddy's and Uncle Jacob's graves."Tenny calmly lights a cigarette and doesn't say a word.Ciarra is beside herself in anger,as she cries"Why are people in this world so damn cruel?"Tenny pulls out her phone and Allan tells his Mother"Xavier's on his way now to Blue Ridge.You need to stay here."Tenny is silent and tells Allan and Olivia"Go home."Allan tells his Mother"We're here for you Mama."Tenny yells at them"I said GO HOME!"Allan and Olivia leaves as Tenny looks at Ciarra and tells her"Do you want to go to Blue Ridge?"Ciarra looks at Tenny and tells her sister"Tennessee,don't think what I think you are.You are acting like you did when J.D. died years ago."Tenny looks at Ciarra and coldly tells her"Somebody is behind this Baby Sister,and when I find out who it is,I am going to kill them for what they've done.Nothing or nobody will stop me.I am out for blood."Tenny walks over and makes a phone call and tells them"I want the talk to the media immediately!Send them to The Penthouse!"Ciarra tells her sister"We don't need to talk to the press right now."Tenny tells Ciarra"You go somewhere then.I'm putting out a bounty and I want revenge."Ciarra heads to her bedroom as Tenny stands in the living room,and grabs a piece of china and throws it across the room and yells with anger in her voice"Not again!Not again!"
Back in Sugar Creek,Country has returned to The Sugar Cane Motel and walks into Rachel's room,and notices the room set up with candles and Ava stands in there and tells Country"I want Rachel to feel nice and cozy as she lights up."Ava grabs the gas can and pours gasoline all over Rachel's room and tells Country"Now it's time for us to leave for home.I have taken care of what I had to.Now it's your turn."Country asks Ava"Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?I don't understand what's going on."Ava responds"You know damn well what I'm talking about Country.You were 15 years old,sleeping with a 22 year old whore.A baby is born 9 months later."Country is quiet as Ava tells Country"I have always knew about you and Jamie's sex games.You always had the hots for her like every man in Adam's Landing did.It's caught up to you now."Country asks"What are you talking about?"Ava tells Country"While you were gone,I called Mama and she told me something.It's been confirmed and you lied to me."Country tells Ava"It was in the past where it should have stayed."Ava quips"It's out in the open now Country!"Ava tells him"Our bags are packed and I still have your wallet.Time to go."Ava opens the window to Rachel's room and throws out the gas can and tells Country"I wonder if Bree inherits the infamous Jackson family trait?"Ava and Country heads to their room to leave,as Ava is quiet and in a eery calm,and Country fears what's to come.
In Blue Ridge,Beth meets with Sully and Jared at Xavier and Leigh's old mansion,and they walk inside and Beth tells them"It looks different in here."Sully responds"He never did change anything here.He left it as it was after Mom was thought to had been dead."Beth tells Sully"It was very hard for him to be here with all the memories,but he'd come over here often and talk to her.You and Jared have The Sullivan Love.My Mama and Daddy,Aunt Ciarra and Uncle Jacob,Xavier and Leigh all fell in love and the love never died.If your Mother wasn't alive,I am scared to think where Xavier would be."Sully quips"I fear I'd be calling Desi Step Mom."Beth laughs slightly and says to her Granddaughter"I don't believe Xavier and Desi would have never married.Desi is too selfish to love anyone other than herself."They sit on the couch and turn on the TV and Tenny's on the air as she makes an announcement and Beth shakes her head,as does Sully and Jared,as in Adam's Landing,Leigh is in front of the TV and same for Allan and Olivia,Winston,Burt,as Tenny tells the media"I want to say to everyone right now that I am angered beyond words at what these disgusting heartless bastards has done to the home I shared with my beloved husband and my sister's home and my family's grave.I am issuing a $10,000,000 bounty for anyone that can find who was behind this and bring them to me.My sister and I are both angry and mad as hell,and I hope the person who did this is enjoying themselves at the moment,because it won't last long and that's a damn promise that I intend to keep!"Tenny walks away from the camera and tells them"Cut!Now leave!"The press leaves the Penthouse,as Ciarra walks out of her bedroom and asks her sister"$10,000,000 dollars Tennessee?Tenny looks at Ciarra and tells her"You worry too much.We're rich and we can do this sort of thing.You offer money,people talk."In Blue Ridge,a man sits at the bar in Royal Park,after watching Tenny's announcement and orders another beer and says"I don't want to hurt you,just your family.But I will.The man gets a phone call and is told"My part is done."The man hangs up and sits back and tells the bartender in a tone of confidence"Everything is in motion."
In Sugar Creek,Ava and Country sits in their rental car,as they prepare to leave for the airport to return to Adam's Landing.Country tells Ava"I think we need to leave now."Ava snaps"Shut up!I call the shots and I am going to watch this place explode when that bitch walks inside."Andy calls Ava and tells her"They are headed back to the Motel."Ava tells Andy"Go home and stay quiet."Rachel and her new boyfriend,River Mathis,walks into The Sugar Cane Motel and Wade sees them as they walk inside and tells Rachel"Your Mom was here earlier and she had to leave."Rachel tells River"She must have gotten ran out of Adam's Landing as well."Wade tells Rachel"She's checked out and left.But she left you a gift."Rachel is suspicious and she and River heads up to her room."Outside,Ava and Country sits in the rental car,as Ava sits back and pulls out a small bottle of wine and tells Country"I hear the best vineyards in the United States are here.Ava takes a drink and tells Country"Feels like the 4th of July.Watching fireworks."Ava has a evil smile as she watches on.Meanwhile River and Rachel walks into their room,and Rachel tells River in shock"Wow this is nice,Mom did all this?"River says to Rachel"She must want to make peace."Rachel sees a bottle of wine on the nightstand and some glasses and says"I'd say so."River dims the lights as he tells Rachel"Night Time is the right time for this."River walks over to light the candles,as Rachel undresses,and as River lights the candles,Rachel's room erupts into flames."Ava and Country watch from outside and Ava tells Country"Time to head back to Adam's Landing."And Ava drives off,as The Sugar Cane Motel is on fire!"
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