At The Jackson Burial Plot, at Hell Hill, Summer walks down the aisle, as Rachel runs behind her. The entire crowd looks on, as Ava instantly hands Gracie and Xavier Jr to Sully, and Xavier, Aretha, Tenny, Olivia, Davis, Mary, and Nathan stand up, as rage and anger shows in Ava's, as she charges towards Summer and Rachel shrieking in anger "No hell you just didn't try to crash my Mama's Funeral you whores!" Ava grabs Rachel by the hair, and begins to slap her in the face, and Summer pushes Ava away, but Ava comes back with a powerful swing to Summer's face, and she almost falls, but catches herself, and a fight begins between Summer and Ava, as Aretha glares at Rachel, and Xavier looks at Sayyid, and they head after the camera crew, with anger in their eyes, as Frank and Cale follow behind them, as well as Allan. Meanwhile Tenny looks at Rachel, as she looks at everyone, and warns them "If you dare try, I'll destroy all of you!" Precious attacks Rachel, as Tenny calls him off, and picks Rachel up by the shirt, and angrily snarls "Bitch you don't want to try me. Don't underestimate me!" As Maria and Bree break up Ava's fight with Summer, and Ciarra, Leigh, Sully, Olivia, and Rose stand behind Tenny, as Rachel laughs "It's your family that's about to have it's reputation destroyed. Are you sure you want me to press charges?" Aretha pulls Rachel from Tenny, and delivers a punch in the face, as she angrily yells "The damn nerve of you bitch!" Aretha takes her hits at Rachel, pinning her to the ground, as she punches Rachel, and Willie and Rashad walks over and Willie yells at her Daughter "Stop it Aretha!" Rashad pulls his Mother off of Rachel, as Aretha yells at Rachel "You are one sick bitch! You know that Rachel!" One sick ass bitch!" Meanwhile, Ava is pulled away from Summer and Floyd and Maria sits with Ava, as she shakes with fury, and she turns her head and sees Rachel, and Ava walks up, and slowly approaches Rachel, as Bree takes Summer away from the Burial Plot, and sternly tells her Sister "You're not about to ruin our Grandmother's Funeral Summer!" Summer tells her Sister "Rachel put me up to it." Bree angrily escorts Summer from the grounds, as Ava stands in front of Rachel, as Aretha and Tenny grab her, and coldly tells Rachel "This is it Rachel. You won't get away from me now. Nobody crashes my Mama's Funeral." Ava pulls out her Pistol, and aims at Rachel, as Xavier angrily tells the director of the cameramen "Don't worry about the cameras, I'll write a check to your boss with one hell of a recommendation." Meanwhile Sayyid, Frank, Cale, and Allan takes control of the cameras, and destroys them. The cameraman takes Xavier's offer, as he yells at his crew "Get the hell outta here!" The cameramen heads to their vans, as Xavier walks back towards the pulpit, and sees Ava, and Rachel, and pulls out his Colt 45 and shoots.
Meanwhile at Jackson Inc, Winston looks at his Grandson, as Jared has his pistol aimed at his Grandfather, and angrily tells him "You won't come down here and take a damn thing from Xavier you bastard." Winston tells his Grandson "You truly are a failure Jared. I should have never looked for you. Should have left you with that psycho bitch you call Mother." Country walks towards Winston, and tells him "You need to get the hell out of this building now Winston. Don't push it." Winston looks at Country, and tells him "You wouldn't hurt me Country. We're friends." Country tells Winston "And that was before you stabbed Xavier and his family in the back. Now let's do this the easy way, or the hard away?" As Country pulls out a pistol, and Winston looks at Country, and Jared, and tells both of them "Neither of you will shoot me. Both of you are weak ass peasants!" Winston stands in front of them, and taunts "Come on. I'm not scared of you!" Jared, and Country has their pistols aimed at Winston, and Winston's eyes begin to twitch.
In Blue Ridge, Beth sits on the porch of Tenny and J.D.'s Mansion, on The Sullivan Estate, as Bobby walks up, and tells Beth "It's raining out here Beth." Beth asks Bobby in a despondent tone "How did you find me?" Bobby tells her "I took a guess, since this is your hometown." Beth looks at Bobby, and tells him "You're smart." Bobby asks Beth "Why are you here Beth? You really need to be back in Adam's Landing. You're the one in charge of Ruth's Estate. You make the final decisions on her assets." Beth sighs "Bobby, I didn't choose to be the executor.Right now, I'm too lost to be making choices." Bobby walks over, and touches Beth's shoulder, and assures her "Nobody holds anything against you back home. Everybody's having a hard time accepting Ruth's passing." Beth tells him "But they didn't find her. I found her dead and I couldn't save her. It wasn't her time to go!" Beth begins to get upset, and tells Bobby "I always vowed to keep my personal feelings out of the medical field, but I'm having a hard time with that. 46 years as a Doctor, and all this time to realize how much good I am to people. I couldn't save Ruth, how can I walk back in the Hospital with a lab coat on, and take care of people. I can't take care of anyone right now." Bobby walks over, and holds Beth tightly in his arms, as he kisses her forehead, and gently tells her "It's ok. You are safe." Beth is silent, as Bobby holds her gently, and Beth tells him "I resigned from City Hospital." Bobby is stunned, and asks Beth "What? You own part of it, and in charge as CEO." Beth tells him with defeat in her voice "It's time for something new. I'm taking some time to myself, to get myself together." Bobby tells Beth "I won't leave your side. I promise you." Beth and Bobby looks at each other, as Bobby touches Beth's face, and gently kisses her.
Meanwhile at Hell Hill, Everyone at Ruth's Funeral stare at Xavier, as he's has shot up, and a haze has come over the Burial Ground, as a voice is heard from the haze, and says with disappointment "Look at this. I can't rest." Ruth's spirit walks out of the haze, and everyone sees her, as Ava is speechless, as Frank breaks down and cries, as does Bree, Xavier, Willie, and everyone as Ruth tells everyone "On a day all of you need to be together, you're not. This breaks my heart." Ava is speechless, as she lets Rachel go, and Rachel runs out in a frantic state." Frank and Bree cries to Ruth "We're so sorry." Ruth looks at them, and everyone else, and tells them "It's just emotions. And all of you have to take care of each other, to move ahead." Ava looks at her Mother and asks her "Are you alive Mama?" Ruth responds "I'm always alive. As long as I'm remembered. And Sully will do a fine job with Little Ruthie." Sully holds her stomach, as she cries, and Leigh holds her Daughter, as both have started to cry. Mary sees her Sister, and says to herself "It's actually true." Tenny, Floyd, Ciarra, Maria, and Rudy all look on with shock in their eyes, as does Willie, Aretha, Rashad, and Sayyid, and Willie tells Aretha "Yall have woke the dead. Oh lord!" Willie faints, and Aretha catches her Mother, and brings her back, as Willie looks around in awe. Cale, Allison, Allan, Olivia, Davis, Nathan, and Rose, all are stunned, as none of them say a word. Ruth tells them "I have to go now. Mourn me. And move forward, as a family." Ruth disappears, along with the haze, as Andy tells everyone, as he stutters "I'm truly at a loss of words."
At Jackson Inc, Winston looks at Jared, and Country, who are both aiming at him, and Winston taunts them, as he says "Both of you are cowards. Trash." Jared screams "Screw you! I hate you with everything I have in me! Country keeps his aim on Winston, as Winston's eyes twitch again, and he loses his balance, and begins to shake, as he falls to the floor." Jared and Country walks over as Country tells Jared "Seizure." Jared looks at Country, and asks him "Do I save him, or let him die?" Country reminds Jared "Ava's his Power Of Attorney in case he is rendered incompetent." Jared tells his Grandfather "I think I'll let Ava make the choice for me. I'll send you to the hospital, and from there, it's up to Ava, and it's really going to be close old man!" Winston can't speak, and he lays on the floor, as he shakes. Jared calls 911, as Country looks on and Jared hangs up, and tells them "They're on the way. It'll be a short while before Ava will be able to come to the hospital. She's at her Mama's Funeral right now, and a Jackson Funeral is never boring." Country responds "Ain't that the truth.", as they look at Winston, as Country heads downstairs to meet the paramedics, as Jared stays in his office, with his Grandfather.
In Blue Ridge, Beth and Bobby sits in the living room, as Bobby has set a fire, and Beth sits on the couch, and Bobby sits next to her, and holds her, and Beth tells Bobby "This place has always been a place I could find peace. Floyd really did outstanding work on the restoration after it nearly got destroyed." Bobby tells Beth "Floyd's one of the best architects in the world. He's built quite a few of Adam's Landing's landmarks." Beth tells him "I know he built the present City Hospital." Bobby adds "He also built the headquarters of Jackson Inc, and The Sunset Club." Beth tells Bobby "That doesn't surprise me. He was always a workaholic." Bobby laughs, as does Beth, and Beth tells Bobby "Shouldn't you be home taking care of the estate?" Bobby tells Beth "I need you to go with me if I do. You have to help me." Beth tells him "I don't think I can." Bobby assures her "I won't let you out of my sight. And I know nobody else will either. Everyone knows you're having a hard time." Beth tells Bobby "I know they do." Bobby gently asks her "Then why don't you let Xavier, and Sully, and Tenny be there for you then? You need them, and they need you. You are needed and wanted at home Beth." Beth looks at Bobby, and Bobby tells Beth "We don't have to leave tonight Beth. We can leave tomorrow. It's nasty outside anyway." Beth kisses Bobby, and tells him "You don't know how much it means to me that you are here." Beth holds Bobby, as they watch the fire.
Back at Hell Hill, Ruth's Funeral is almost over, as Andy looks at Tenny, and she walks up to the pulpit, and tells everyone "I am Beth's Mama, and I know many of you are wondering where Beth is, and why she isn't here, and I am supposed to read this letter she wrote me, but these words are so sad, and Beth will heal, but it will take time." Tenny looks at everyone and walks back to her seat, and Andy concludes the Funeral, as Andy tells everyone "Once Bobby and Beth returns, we'll do a dedication, when the urns are given out." Everyone prays, as Ruth's funeral is concluded, and Xavier hugs Leigh, Sully, and Gracie and Xavier Jr, as everyone embraces each other. Ava is overcome, and Tenny, Ciarra, Aretha, and Willie are by her side, as she breaks down in tears "My Mama's really gone. My Mommy." Frank cries as Cale and Allison comfort him. Floyd is quiet, as Maria holds her Father, and Rudy stands by him. Bree stands next to Mary, and both of them are in tears, and holds each other, as Nathan holds Rose, and Allan and Davis holds Olivia. As Frank and Ava both mourn their Mother's death, Sayyid walks over to Xavier, as Rashad heads over with Aretha, as she comforts Ava, and Tenny, Ciarra, and Willie all stand by and support Ava as well." Frank walks over to Xavier, as he tells his Brother "I'm sorry Xavier." Xavier hugs Frank, as an outpouring of love is shown between everyone at Ruth's Funeral. Meanwhile, Ruth returns to heaven, and B.R. waits for her, and B.R. asks Ruth "So how did everything go?" Ruth hugs B.R., and tells him "They will be fine." B.R. and Ruth disappear into the clouds."