Monday, October 14, 2013

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 229. Saying Goodbye: Part 2

   At Whispering Hills, three shots are fired in the air, as plaster falls from the celing, as Ava falls to the ground and Floyd turns to Winston, and angrily tells him "Get the hell out of here." Winston snaps back "Ava and I are married!" Ava snaps at Winston "If you want to breathe you bastard, leave me the hell alone!" Winston heads for the door, and reminds Ava "We are still married." Ava yells "Not for long." Winston heads out, and Floyd walks over to his niece, and gently tells her "Ava we need to meet with Bobby. Your Mama wouldn't want you to be doing this." Ava looks at her Uncle and asks "Doing what? I miss her. I want to be alone. Get used to the feeling." Floyd gets emotional, and puts his arm around Ava, as she sits on the floor, and assures her "You have your family Ava. And Tenny and Ciarra. Aretha, Willie, and Ruth told me awhile back that when this day comes, we have to pull together." Ava looks at her Uncle, as he holds her, and Floyd tells Ava "Let's head over to Jackson Inc and hear what Bobby has to tell us. We have to be there. Ruth has a clause in her will." Ava sighs "I need some air anyway." Floyd and Ava walks out, as they head down to Jackson Inc.
   At Jackson Inc, Bobby looks at Xavier, Beth, Frank, Cale, Bree, Allison, and Tenny, and tells them "Floyd should have been here. I'm starting to grow some concern for Ava. Ruth said she would be the one who would have the hardest time with her passing." Xavier and Frank both tells Bobby "Ava's likely to not show up." Tenny hangs up her phone, and tells Bobby "Ciarra said Floyd went to check on Ava and there were gunshots." Everyone shakes, as they grow scared, and Bree tells her family "I really hope Aunt Ava didn't do what I think." Frank tells his Niece "Ava wouldn't do that. She may, but I doubt it." Beth meanwhile is silent, as she looks at Bobby and says "Let's just get this over with. If we are going to sit around, I'd just as soon be home." Xavier looks at his Mother, and reminds her "Grandma has made it clear that you are the one she wants to watch after her family." Beth yells at everyone "I can't! I just can't do it!" Tenny looks at Beth, and asks her Daughter "Want Mommy to take you home?" Beth nods, and Bobby reminds Beth "Ruth made it clear you were supposed to be here Beth." Tenny looks at Bobby, and everyone and tells them "Cut my Daughter some slack. She's having a hard time, and she hasn't accepted this yet!" Xavier tells his Mother "Pull yourself together. I mean it Mother!" Tenny snaps "I'm taking Beth with me and if any of you holds it against her, then I will kick your ass! She's already been through enough." Tenny walks over and whispers to her Daughter "Let's go to my Penthouse." Beth, Tenny, and Precious heads out, and Bobby looks up, with frustration in his eyes, as he vents "Ruth wouldn't like how this is turning out." Xavier tells him "Mother's really kicking herself over this. I have never seen her this way before." Frank agrees, as Bree tells them "Aunt Beth's the one I'm worried about. Especially with Tenny." Frank tells Bree "When J.D. died, Tenny left town, she will likely tell Beth to do the same thing. Anything to stick it to the family.." Xavier yells "Enough!" Xavier tells Bobby "Let's just get this started and I'll tell Mother her part when I get home!" Ava and Floyd walks inside, and Bobby begins to read Ruth's will.
   Meanwhile at Jazz, Allan arrives, as Keith and Sayyid sits in the bar, and Allan motions for them to walk into his office. Keith asks Allan "I thought we were meeting at City Hospital?" Allan tells him "It'd be easier to do this here." Keith pulls out some forms and tells Allan "Here's my deed, and Jermaine's to Jazz. I'm going to work on my career, and Jermaine is too distracted to focus on Jazz." Sayyid is silent, as Allan asks Keith "Are you sure you want to sell? Nothing better than extra income." Keith looks at Allan, and tells him "I got my catalog and masters. I want to focus on my music career and I've got a tour that's about to start very soon." Allan tells Keith and Sayyid "Since Rich was killed, I think I'm done with the music industry. I am content to run Jazz and help Nathan with Nationwide Records and be around for my family. Ms.Jackson's death is affecting Beth and I've never seen her like this before." Sayyid tells Allan "Ruth's death has affected everyone in town. Like Aretha wrote in her paper, she was the Queen of Adam's Landing." Allan tells them "I never knew Ruth like Beth did, but she always watched after my Big Sis. And I think sometimes my Mama is jealous over it." Keith and Sayyid both roll their eyes, as Sayyid laughs "Tenny Sullivan still has her fire." Allan laughs "Mama lives in her own world. After my Daddy died, it changed her. I remember when I was a kid, and my Grandma and Grandpa Martin was killed in that car accident, Mama held her emotions in. Beth takes after Mama. And Ms.Jackson's passing is her test." Keith and Sayyid both assure Allan "Beth is one strong woman. She will pull through." Allan sighs "I hope so."
   At The Exposer, Aretha sits in her office, as she looks at the hits on The Exposer's page, and she receives a message from her Secretary, and tells her "Reverend Caswell is here." Aretha responds "Let him in." Lynn and Clair storms inside Aretha's office, as both of them yell "What in the hell are you trying to do?" Aretha sits back, and quips "Sell subscriptions and expose hypocrites." Lynn yells "Bitch, you are playing with fire! I am a Reverend.." Aretha looks up, and responds "Oh? Reverends don't sleep around and disgrace their church like you have." Clair snaps "You are still a smart-ass after all these years." Aretha looks at Clair and tells her "And you are still a bitch I see." Aretha looks at Lynn and asks him "Since you are here, clarify why Rose has the last name "McClain", instead of Caswell. She's Mary's Granddaughter, your Daughter. I see no marriage certificates to anyone named McClain." Lynn responds in a tone of disdain "Rose isn't worthy of my last name, and she's going to hell for being who she is, a conniving, sinful, brat who sleeps with Women, and taking advantage of my poor Mama!" Aretha laughs "Well Reverend, I guess you will be in hell too. You could fool a fool, but I'm not scared of you, but you should be scared of me!" Lynn and Clair yells at Aretha "Stop writing about our private lives. You are destroying our reputations!" Aretha asks "Got money? Lynn? Clair....wait I think you are broke. Lynn, wanna donate some money you have stolen from your church to keep me quiet?" Lynn snarls "I have never stolen any money from Caney Head Chapel!" Aretha gets up, and asks, as she shows Lynn a piece of paper "Really? Someone sent this to me. I think you need to pray, and get out of my office!" Lynn warns Aretha "If you hurt my Mama, I will live to see you regret it! My Aunt has died and you are causing my family pain." Clair nods, and Aretha looks at Lynn, and tells him "You are the one causing pain, and I have work to do!" Lynn and Clair storm out, as Aretha shakes her head, and says to herself 'Poor Mary. How did she end up with that for a Son."
   At Hell Hill, Leigh, Sully, Jared, and Country sits in the living room, as Ciarra and Maria walks inside and asks Leigh "Have any of you heard anything yet?" Leigh looks at Ciarra and tells her "X just sent me a text and told me Beth and Tenny left Jackson Inc. Beth's really taking Ruth's death hard." Ciarra sits down, and tells Leigh, Sully, Jared, and Country "I can imagine she is. Ruth and Beth were very close." Sully tells her Great-Aunt "Grandma's not herself. When I saw her this morning, she looked disheveled. I am worried about her." Maria tells everyone "I'm heading up to visit Gracie and Xavier Jr." Maria heads upstairs, as Leigh gets a text from Xavier, and tells everyone "It's about to get very interesting now." Sully, Ciarra, Jared, and Country are curious as Ciarra asks Leigh "What did Xavier tell you?" Leigh tells everyone, and Sully looks at everyone and says adamantly "Grandma needs to pull herself together for all of this. And I really hope this doesn't get ugly/" Country tells everyone "I am shocked. Ms.Ruth's about to challenge everyone." Leigh sighs,as she reads Xavier's text "I have a feeling someone won't be very happy with Ruth's choice." Ciarra, Sully, Jared, and Country all responds "Frank."
  At Jackson Inc, Bobby has finished reading the will, and The Jackson Family are stunned, as Frank tells Bobby "Why didn't my Mama put me over her estate?" Bobby tells him "She felt that you had enough going on." Bree, Ava, and Floyd all tells Frank "We have no problems with the will." Xavier also sides with Bree, Ava, and Floyd, as Cale and Allison sides with Frank, as Frank tells them "Beth slept with my Daddy, and now Mama's giving everything to her? I don't agree." Xavier warns his Brother "Don't start. Now's not the time!" Frank yells "Mama wouldn't put Beth in charge of things." Frank asks Bobby "Did Beth pay you to do this?" Cale and Allison turns to Frank, as does Xavier, Ava, Bree, and Floyd, as all of them tells Frank "This was what she wanted so respect it!" Bobby looks at Frank, and tells him "Beth didn't know about this. Ruth was very quiet about having this will drawn up." Frank yells "We seen her earlier and she can't handle this! What in the hell was Mama thinking? Putting Beth in charge of her estate? The woman who slept with her Husband, had a child, then married him?" Xavier gets angry and yells at Frank "I was that child Frank! And don't even tempt me to explain who's at fault for that." Xavier glares at Frank, as he yells "Since this is over, I'm going home!" Bobby stops Frank, and tells him "Now we have to discuss the arrangements. So sit back down!" Frank yells at Bobby "Mama should have split the will between her family!" Ava looks at her Brother, and slaps him forcefully and yells "Now's not the time to think about yourself! If Mama was here she would tear into you." Xavier yells "Let him leave. If he doesn't want to be a team player, then let him go pout somewhere." Bobby yells at everyone "All of you has a part in this, and Ruth wanted everyone to be together as one! Now stop this childish shit and sit the hell down so we can finish this!" Frank sits back down, with frustration on his face, as Bobby reads Ruth's funeral arrangements, and tells everyone "All of you has to work together. If not, then all of you can only blame yourselves for not honoring Ruth's wishes. Now's the time to come together, not break apart."
   Meanwhile at Tenny's Penthouse, Beth sits on the couch, as Tenny walks into the living room with Precious, as Tenny asks her Daughter "Are you sure you want to do this?" Beth tells her Mother "I'm not a Matriarch Mama. I have made my choice and I have to do it." Tenny sits down, and advises her "Don't do what I did Beth. I was very selfish when I left Blue Ridge and stayed away all those years. I lost a lot. I was scared and frightened to live without J.D. and when he died, all my emotions came out." Beth looks at her Mother, and responds "I remember when Grandma and Grandpa died, Aunt Ciarra was devastated, but you just held things together." Tenny sighs "An act Beth. I was floored and it hit me hard, but I held it in, took it out at work and business, and kept my emotions inside. Doing that will eventually break you. Beth, you hold a lot in, and it's seeping out." Beth cries "Mama I don't think I can handle this!" Tenny asks her Daughter "So you really want to bolt?" Beth nods, and Tenny asks her "Where are you going?" Beth sighs "I don't know yet. I think I'm going back to Blue Ridge. But don't tell anybody where I am. I need some time to myself." Tenny puts her arm around Beth, and tells her "I'm going with you. You don't need to be alone." Beth looks at Tenny, and pleads "I just want to wrap my mind around all of this. Figure out what I'm doing next." Tenny sighs, and hugs her Daughter, and tells her "Tell your Daddy hello for me." Beth nods, as she hugs her Mother and asks her "Please don't tell Xavier or the family where I am. Only you know where I'm going." Tenny reminds Beth "Xavier will find out eventually. You know he will." Beth rolls her eyes, and responds "Just tell him that I need some time to me." Tenny looks at Beth, and warns her "I will try, but I can't make any promises." Beth tells her Mother "Trying is better than nothing." Tenny shakes her head, as Beth hugs her Mother, and tells her "My flight leaves shortly. I have to go." Tenny hugs her Daughter, and tells her "You call me. At any time my sweet girl. I'll keep my eye on things here." Beth thanks her Mother, as she heads out, and Tenny looks up and says "Watch over her. She's having a hard time."
   At The Sunset Club, Lynn and Clair walks into the lobby, as Mary sits at a table, with Willie, and Lynn walks up to his Mother, and glares at Willie and angrily yells "You need to get your Daughter in check!" Willie snaps at Lynn "She's already in check. More than I can say to you." Mary looks down, as she is emotional, and Lynn asks his Mother "Are you ok?" Mary is silent, as she doesn't look at her Son, and Willie yells at Lynn and Clair "Leave her alone!" Clair looks at Willie and tells her "You have no room to be giving orders." Willie looks at Clair, and asks "Does Floyd know? Because he will and when he does, he's going to be very angry." Clair snarks "The last person I worry about is him." Clair grabs Lynn's hand, as she tells him "Let's go upstairs and relax." Lynn follows Clair, as Mary cries, and tells Willie "He really broke my heart. Where did I go wrong?" Willie looks at Mary, and tells her "You did nothing wrong." Mary looks at Willie, and tells her "Ruth's gone, and my home. And the more I read about Lynn, the more my heart breaks." Willie hugs Mary, and assures her "You have two wonderful Daughters and Miles. Our children will hurt us sometimes, but then we heal." Mary looks at Willie, and tells her "Miles and I saved Caney Head Chapel, and Lynn is destroying our legacy." Willie stops her, and sternly says "He's ruining his name. Not yours. Anyone who knows you or Miles knows what the two of you are about, and you're not at fault." Mary looks at Willie, as her phone rings, and she answers it and Mary answers "Really? But.." Mary gets emotional, as she hangs up and looks at Willie and asks her "Miles' medication was destroyed in the fire. Hazel just told me that his memory is coming back. It's a miracle!" Willie asks Mary "Doesn't he have Alzheimer's?" Mary nods, and Willie has a suspicious look, as she has a thought and asks Mary "Who is Miles' Doctor?" Mary responds "My Daughter In Law. Lynn's Wife." Willie rolls her eyes, as Mary asks her friend "Why do you have that look on your face?" Willie asks Mary "Something doesn't add up."
   Meanwhile Ruth's will reading has finished, and at Hell Hill, Xavier walks inside, as does Floyd, as Leigh, Sully, Jared, Ciarra, and Country are inside and Xavier and Floyd tells them of Ruth's arrangements. At Whispering Hills, Ava returns as she sits on the couch and tells herself "Pull yourself together." Bree returns to her Mansion, as Andy sits inside and Bree tells her Cousin of their Grandmother's will. At The Farm, Frank, Cale, and Allison arrives, as they walk inside the Greenhouse, and Frank looks at his Mother's flowers, and tells his Son and Daughter In Law "Can you help me with this?" Cale and Allison nods, as Frank pulls out some stands, as they make Ruth's floral arrangements for her Funeral. At Adam's Landing International Airport, the loudspeaker says "Flight to Blue Ridge, now boarding." Beth looks at her ticket, and boards the plane.

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