At Hell Hill, Floyd and Ciarra looks at Xavier, Leigh, Sully, Jared, and Ava, as Floyd tells everyone "As soon as Ruth and everyone arrives, we're having a wedding." Ava hugs her Uncle, and asks Ciarra "Does Tenny know about this yet?" Ciarra tells Ava "Floyd made this call on his own." Floyd nods, as Xavier and Leigh asks "Is this really the right time for a wedding?" Leigh tells her Husband "X this is a great way to the day to end. And I don't believe there will be any objections." Ciarra and Sully coughs for a moment and Ciarra tells them "I know of two. My Sister, and Clair." Sully looks at her Husband and tells him "I think we need to head over to the Penthouse to change." Sully and Jared heads out, as Xavier and Leigh heads upstairs, and Ava tells her Uncle "I need to head over to the house and change myself." Ava hugs Floyd and Ciarra, and heads across the road, as Ciarra tells Floyd "I need to head over to find something nice to wear. And you should as well. I seen that suit in the closet." Floyd looks at Ciarra, and tells her "Let's just keep things normal and try not to make this a fancy wedding." Ciarra tells her Husband "I will bring you something to wear when I return." Floyd asks "Why can't I follow?" Ciarra laughs "Floyd, you know that rule.." Floyd whispers "At our age, that rule doesn't apply." Ciarra rolls her eyes and sighs "Well follow me then cowboy." Floyd and Ciarra heads across the road as well, as they prepare for their wedding.
At Tenny's Penthouse, Beth arrives, as Tenny, Rose, Mandi, and Nathan are celebrating, and Beth looks around the room and asks her Mother "Who in the hell are these people Mama?" Tenny looks at her Daughter, as she takes a toke from her blunt, and laughs "Mama has found herself some new friends. And the boy is your nephew." Beth looks at Rose and Mandi, and asks Rose "Didn't you steal my Mama's jewelry?" Tenny walks up to Beth and whispers "I set her up. Don't get bitchy." Tenny hands her blunt to Beth and quips "I know you need this." Nathan checks his phone, and asks his Grandmother and Aunt "Who's getting married at Hell Hill?" Tenny has a confused look, as Beth is quiet, and Tenny tells everyone "Why do I get the feeling that my Oldest Sister is about to marry that damn horny cowboy." Beth tells her Mother, as she checks her phone "Because Aunt Ciarra and Floyd are getting married. And with Ruth coming home, it will lighten things up." Tenny looks at Rose and Mandi, and tells them "I have a wedding to crash. I'm taking Precious with me." Rose checks her phone and tells Tenny "I've been summoned to Hell Hill also." Tenny laughs "You are related to Granny." Beth snaps "Stop that Mama! You best behave yourself and I mean it!" Tenny rolls her eyes, as she heads to her bedroom and looks at Beth, and sighs "Don't turn your bitch switch on Beth. Socialize with Rose, Mandi, and Nathan and smoke up." Tenny heads to her bedroom, as Rose passes a joint to Beth, and Beth looks at Rose and Mandi and warns them "I will only tell you one time, and one time only. I will not tolerate the two of you using my Mama or taking advantage of her." Rose and Mandi looks at Beth and assures her "We think the world of Tenny Dr.Jackson. We have tried to watch over her since Ciarra moved out." Nathan asks his Aunt "So it's true what Dad said about you?" Beth asks her Nephew "And what did my Brother tell you? That I'm fiery?" Nathan takes a toke, and sighs "That and you weren't someone to piss off." Beth takes a toke, and tells Nathan "Listen to Allan. If anyone in here would like to know what happens when you try me, just ask Desi Lane, or her daughter." Beth heads out, and Rose and Mandi looks at Nathan, as Rose quips "I think Ava is sweet compared to Dr.Jackson." Nathan looks at them, as Tenny walks out with her cane and sunglasses, with her scarf on, and tells everyone "Time to go to Hell Hill." They all head out, as Nathan has a flashback, and says to himself "I think I am beginning to understand Xavier better since meeting Aunt Beth."
Back at Hell Hill, Ruth is rolled inside, as she's in a wheelchair, with Frank, Cale, and Allison and Ruth looks around and asks her Son "So where's my surprise?" Frank tells his Mother "Bree's at The Farm at the moment Mama. She and your surprise will be here shortly." Ruth notices chairs, and asks "Why do I get the feeling that something's about to happen?" Cale tells his Grandmother "Maybe Xavier's going to kill Winston or Russell." Ruth laughs "If that was the case, then we'd be down at The Storm Shelter." Frank walks around, as Ruth pushes herself around the living room, and Xavier walks downstairs, wearing a white suit, and hugs Ruth and quips "I see you are feisty." Ruth asks Xavier "What's the occasion?" Xavier looks at Frank, Cale, and Allison, and Ruth asks all of them "What are yall planning?" Xavier looks at Ruth and tells her "You will find out soon." Bree walks inside, as she's dressed up, and tells her Grandmother "Look who's here." Andy walks inside and he tells his Grandmother "It isn't like you to be in a wheelchair." Ruth looks at Andy, and tells him "I imagine you already know." Andy nods, and Ruth asks her Grandson "Why are you dressed up like you are about to preach a sermon?" Everyone takes a deep breath, as Frank tells his Mother "There's a wedding about to happen." Ruth asks "Who's getting married?" Leigh walks downstairs and tells everyone "Ava's on her way, and Ciarra has just called and they are about to head over in a few minutes." Ruth looks around suspiciously and says "I think Floyd is about to finally tie the knot with Ciarra." Everyone's quiet, as Ruth looks around and tells everyone "This is beautiful. It's about time for the two of them to marry."
Meanwhile at The Sunset Club, Mary arrives at her suite, as she takes a deep breath and prays "Give me strength. I haven't been to The Jackson Estate in years." Mary's Son, Rev. Lynn Caswell asks his Mother "What is wrong with you Mama?" Mary looks at her Son, and asks "Why are you here?" Lynn sternly tells his Mother "I am here to take you home! I am tired of you being up here in Adam's Landing and you need to be with Daddy instead of trying to be there for Aunt Ruth and my disobedient Daughter!" Mary glares at Lynn and sternly tells him, without raising her voice "I plan to be here until Ruth goes to be with the Lord! And I am beginning to get tired of the way you have been acting. I am an independent person and I don't need you, Hazel, or Janet to be watching over me like I am a feeble old woman! If you can't be here for your family, then go home." Lynn looks at his Mother, and sighs "If you plan to stay here, then I am too. And I am warning you now, stay away from Rose!" Mary looks at Lynn, and warns him "You are changing, and I don't like it! Now I have to freshen up, and I don't need you here talking down to me!" Lynn storms out with a look of anger, as Mary checks her tablet, and notices a story in The Exposer, as Mary gasps "Oh my stars."
At The Evans Home, Aretha arrives, as Willie is dressed and Aretha asks her Mother "Where do you think you're going Mama?" Willie tells her Daughter "Go get dressed, Floyd's getting married." Aretha tells her Mother "I wasn't supposed to say anything. I already knew and Ava told me not to get all snazzy." Willie looks at her Daughter and smiles "I am so glad Ava is home and out of the jail." Aretha sighs with relief "I am too Mama. And the news gets better." Willie asks her Daughter "What else has happened?" Aretha tells her Mother "Tyrone Gray is dead. Uncle Clem and Xavier killed him cold." Willie looks at Aretha, and tells her "About time. Where's my Grandson and Little Sidney?" Aretha tells Willie "They're down at FJR, and we need to get over to Hell Hill." Terrance walks inside and tells his Mother and Sister "The chauffeur's here. Let's ride!" The Evans head out.
Meanwhile at Floyd's home at Whispering Hills, Floyd waits for Ciarra, as he hears a knock at the door and he goes to answer, as the visitor tells him "I'm here Pop." Floyd starts to cry, as Maria has returned and Floyd asks his youngest Daughter "Where's Shannon?" Maria tells him "She's out at the ranch. I caught a flight to be here." Floyd holds Maria in his arms, as he tells her "Your Pop's about to marry the woman of his dreams." Maria starts to cry, as she tells Floyd "I heard about Aunt Ruth, and I can't believe it." Floyd looks at Maria, and tells her in a somber tone "None of us can. That's why Ciarra and I are getting married now, instead of waiting." Meanwhile in Floyd and Ciarra's bedroom, Ciarra finishes her makeup, and looks at a picture of Jacob, and kisses his picture and says gently "My heart will always be with you Pa." Back in the living room, Floyd and Maria catches up, as Maria asks "So I have a nephew?" Floyd nods and tells her "He hasn't been around much. And he's also Tenny Sullivan's Grandson." Maria rolls her eyes, as she sighs "Oh shit." The door opens, as Tenny and Precious walks inside, and Tenny sees Floyd and Maria and asks "Why in the hell are you here? Don't you know it's bad luck to be with the bitch before the two of you exchange rings and mate." Maria snaps at Tenny "You are still a mean old bitch!" Tenny asks Maria "So where is your Daughter? Did she wise up?" Maria tells her Father "I think I'm heading across the road before I do something I would regret." Maria heads out, as Floyd warns Tenny "You better not be here to crash this wedding! We are doing this so Ruth can be here to witness it." Tenny looks at Floyd and tells him "I am about to surprise you cowboy, I am here to thank you." Floyd is taken back, as Ciarra walks out and sees her Sister, and Tenny tells her Sister and Floyd "I am glad the two of you are getting married. I envy the two of you." Floyd is shocked, as he asks Tenny, as Ciarra starts to cry "Are you high?" Tenny quips "I'm always high, and I am serious. By the way, I helped Ava escape." Ciarra and Tenny hugs each other, and Ciarra tells her Sister "I am so glad you are here Tennessee. It means so much." Tenny hugs Floyd and warns him "If you hurt her....I know you wouldn't. I know love when I see it." Tenny and Precious heads across the road, as Floyd asks Ciarra "Are you ready?" Ciarra hugs Floyd, and tells him "I am. This feels like a dream." Floyd sighs "After hearing Tenny, it may be."
Back at Hell Hill, Beth walks in, as Sully and Jared follows behind, and Beth looks around and sees Willie, Terrance, and Aretha. Frank, Bree, Cale, Allison, and Andy. Xavier asks his Mother "Is Grandma coming?" Beth sighs "I think Sayyid and Country need to keep an eye on Mama." Ruth comes down the elevator, as she laughs "This is so beautiful." The door opens, as Maria arrives and she runs over to Ruth and hugs her tightly, as Ruth asks Maria "Where is Shannon?" Maria tells her "She's back in Texas. Candace is there. I heard about everything and I am here." Ruth smiles, as Ava walks inside and Ava sees her Mother and cries "Mama!" Ava runs over to Ruth, and Ruth stands up, as she holds onto her Daughter and cries "You are free. Thank God!" Ava looks at her Mother and tells her "I would thank Tenny. She was the mastermind." Ruth holds onto Ava tightly, as Xavier, Leigh, Sully, and Jared watches on as does everyone else and Nathan arrives, with Rose and Mandi and Tenny walks inside a few moments later, with Precious, and Mary arrives and looks around and Xavier sees Ruth's Oldest Sister and walks over and introduces himself, and Mary looks at Xavier and tells him "Last time I saw you, you were a baby." Xavier laughs "You haven't changed at all Aunt Mary." Mary hugs Xavier, Leigh, Sully, and Jared, and walks over to Rose, and looks at Mandi, and asks her Granddaughter "Who is she?" Rose responds "My partner." Mary is quiet, as she whispers in Rose's ear "Your Daddy is in town. Be cautious." Rose rolls her eyes, as Mary looks at Mandi, but doesn't say anything and they take their seats, as Frank and Bree sits next to Ruth, as does Ava. Willie, Aretha, and Terrance sits behind Ruth. Beth, Xavier, Leigh, Sully, Jared, and Gracie and Xavier Jr takes their seats, as Tenny holds her Great-Grandchildren." Nathan looks around and asks Tenny "Where's Dad and Olivia?" Beth tells her nephew "He has a visitor. He should be here soon." At Jazz, Allan and Olivia sits in his office, as Allan looks at Keith Ross, and Allan asks him "Would you sing at my Aunt's wedding?" Keith tells Allan "I'd be honored." Allan, Olivia, and Keith heads for Hell Hill. They walk out, as Clair sits at the bar, as she's drunk and yells at Allan "Tell my Daddy that I won't bless his union with your crazy ass family!" Allan ignores her, as they walk out and Lynn walks inside, and sits next to Clair, as he tells her "I think I remember you. Aren't you Floyd Jackson's Daughter?" Clair turns to Lynn, and tells him "Unfortunately. Aren't you the Reverend who can't keep it in his pants?" Lynn orders a drink, and sighs "The tabloids lie." Clair tells Lynn "Keep telling yourself that. And tell your wife to stop harassing me!" Lynn looks at Clair and sighs, with defeat in his eyes "My life is over, and if my Mama finds out about us, then it's not going to be good." Back at Hell Hill, Everyone has arrived, as Andy stands in the middle of the room, as Floyd and Ciarra arrives, and Allan, Olivia, and Keith walks inside a few moments later, as Allan and Olivia sits with Cale and Allison and Keith sits with his Aunt Willie, and Aretha and Terrance. Sayyid and Country arrives, as does Bobby, as the wedding starts.