In The Exposer, the cover of the website reads in bold print "Ruth Love Jackson 1930-2013. Forever the Queen of Adam's Landing." Aretha sits back in her office, as she has a flashback to her childhood, and looks at Ruth's picture and somberly says "You were the strongest lady I knew besides Mama. It won't be the same." At Whispering Hills, Ava sits in her living room, as she continues to drink, and is quiet, as the door opens, and Frank walks inside and asks his Sister "How are you Ava?" Ava looks at her Brother, and tells him in a sad tone "Our Mama's gone Frank. What do we do?" Frank begins to break down, as he cries "I don't know." Ava looks at her Brother, as she holds her emotions in, and tells her Brother "I don't know what to tell you." Frank tries to hug his Sister, and Ava backs away, as she turns away and tells Frank "I want to be alone. I will deal with this my own way." Frank pleads with Ava "Please don't lock yourself away. You need your family." Ava looks at Frank, and tells him "You have Cale. Xavier has Leigh, and Sully. Beth has them and Tenny and Ciarra. Willie has her kids. Aunt Mary has her kids too. I don't have anybody. I am alone Big Brother." Frank tells his Sister "You are not alone and don't say that! We are the last of Mama's Children, and she wouldn't want us to break apart." Ava points to the door, and tells her Brother "Give me space." Frank walks out, with concern in his eyes for his Sister. Ava stands by the window, as she looks out, and has a thought, and walks towards her bedroom, where she opens a box.
At Jackson Inc, Bobby sits in his office, as Xavier arrives and Bobby tells Xavier in a somber tone "I'm so sorry about Ruth." Xavier hugs Bobby, as Bobby tells Xavier to sit down, and Bobby tells Xavier "We have to get the family together to discuss Ruth's last wishes. She had me draw up a new will a few weeks ago, and
she made sure that everything was taken care of." Xavier asks Bobby "Who's the executor?" Bobby tells Xavier "All of you Xavier. You, Beth, Frank, Ava, Bree, Cale, and Floyd. All of you need to pick a spot today so we can discuss the arrangements." Xavier looks at Bobby, and tells him "It's going to be hard. I talked to Aretha earlier, and she told me Ava's not doing well, and Mother's in denial. I don't think she's in the right state right now to make any decisions." At City Hospital, Beth sits in her office, as Leigh, Sully, and Jared has left, and Beth is quiet, as Terrance walks inside and tells her "It looks like a tornado came through here." Beth stares at Terrance, with a look of emptiness in her eyes, as she tells him in a defeated tone "I can't do it Terrance. I just can't." Beth begins to break down, as she punches her desk, shaking and crying uncontrollably, with anger in her tone "I am a damn failure! Screw Me! I let her down. Everyone!" Terrance walks over, and holds his boss, as Beth yells "Leave me be! I don't want anybody around me!" Tenny walks inside, with Precious as Security yells "No dogs allowed." Tenny yells "Kiss my ass!" Tenny walks inside, and looks at Terrance, and tells him "Let me have a moment with her." Terrance walks out, as Beth looks at her Mother, and runs into her arms, as she cries. Tenny holds Beth, and doesn't say a word, as tears fall from Tenny's eyes. Allan walks inside with Olivia, and Allan walks over to his Mother, and Sister, and Olivia walks outside, as she receives a message from her Father, Davis Lane. Davis tells Olivia "I'll be in Adam's Landing tonight. Give everyone my condolences." Olivia responds "I will Daddy."
At Floyd and Ciarra's home at Whispering Hills, Maria sits in the living room, with her Father, and Step Mother, and tells them "I can't believe Aunt Ruth is gone." Floyd tells his Daughter "I know." Floyd's phone rings, as it's Bobby, and Floyd tells him "I'll be there shortly." Floyd hangs up and tells Ciarra and Maria "I have to go down to Jackson Inc to discuss Ruth's will." Ciarra hugs her Husband, and Maria hugs her Father, and they both tell him "On your way out, go check on Ava." Floyd nods, as he heads out. Floyd gets in his Pickup, as he drives down to Ava's Estate." Meanwhile, Ava paces the floor in her bedroom, as she holds a pistol. Ava is quiet, and in a paranoid state, as she paces the room, and looks down , as she doesn't say a word. Ava looks up, and looks back down, as she holds her pistol, and stares at it intently.
Meanwhile at The Sunset Club, Mary returns, as she sees Rose, Nathan, and Mandi in the lobby and Rose asks her Grandmother "How are you handling this Maw?" Mary looks at her Granddaughter, and says somberly "She's with the Lord now in heaven." Nathan tells Mary "There's no such thing. I believe in reincarnation. If there's a heaven, it's like purgatory." Rose looks at Nathan, as Mary tells Nathan "I know there's a God, and there's a Heaven. Are you an atheist?" Nathan nods, as Mary asks Nathan "What could make you turn your back on God?" Nathan responds "Living with my Step-Father and Mom. Raised in synagogues, and I hate religion." Mary shakes her head, as Rose tells Nathan "Don't get my Grandma started." Mary notices Lynn walk inside, as Clair holds his hand, and Nathan, Rose, and Mandi looks on, and Mary, Nathan, and Rose shakes their heads in disgust. Mandi quips "Looks like The Exposer really does tell the truth." Mary walks up to her Son, as Rose, Nathan, and Mandi follow, and Mary taps Lynn's shoulder, as he turns around and smiles "Mama. It's so good to see you. I'd like for you to meet.." Mary tells her Son, in a tone of anger "How could you Lynn? How could you disgrace your Father and I the way you have?" Lynn asks his Mother, in a shocked tone "Clair Feldman is joining Caney Head Chapel. We've been discussing her baptism." Rose laughs "Baptism my ass." Lynn looks at his Daughter, and snarls "Well I see you are here to take advantage of your poor frail Grandmother. Why am I not surprised?" Rose yells "Who do you think you are talking to you hypocritical bastard! You can't fool all of us! I know damn well about your history. I hope Mom finally wakes up and takes you to the bank!" Lynn snaps "Just like you to say that. And who's the boy and girl? A menage a trois? You experimenting?" Mandi yells "Shut up you piece of shit!" Mary looks at Rose and Mandi and tells them sternly "Stop it now!" Mary looks at her Son, and tells him "I am not frail and Rose sure isn't taking advantage of me! You are the one who should feel ashamed for there-self. Look at you." Mary turns to Clair, who's silent and Nathan asks his Mother "I never thought you were like this? Grandma's right." Clair snaps at Nathan "Tenny is a pothead. She has hallucinations. You can't believe a damn thing out that demented old bat's mouth!" Rose, Mandi, and Nathan all defend Tenny, as Mary looks at Clair and tells her "You are Floyd's Daughter. He's going to be so disappointed in you." Clair snaps at Mary "He can kiss my damn ass too! And so can you Nathan if you don't support what I'm doing in my new life! And I want some money! I didn't divorce Clint. Give Mom some cash!" Nathan yells "No way in hell!" Nathan storms off, as Rose looks at her Father, and slaps him forcefully, as she snaps "You disgust me." Mandi follows, as Mary looks at her Son, and Floyd's Daughter, and tells them with hurt in her voice "You disgraced everything your Father and I stand for and our name Lynn. We will be discussing this." Mary walks away, and Lynn looks at Clair, and kisses her and says "I'm not worried." Clair smiles, as she takes a drink, and seductively tells him "I've crushed for you since I was a girl."
At The Evans Home, Sayyid and Keith arrives, as Willie sits in the living room and goes through a box of photos, and Sayyid and Keith hugs her, and Willie tells her Brother and Nephew "She's free." Sayyid tells his Sister "It's hard to believe." Willie looks at her Brother and says "Clem, we have an angel now watching over Adam's Landing." Sayyid tells his Sister "I would agree." Keith checks his phone, and tells his Father "I have to go meet with Allan. He's at City Hospital and I'm finalizing the sale of my percentage, and Jermaine's of Jazz to Allan. I'm focusing on my comeback, and Jermaine is having some issues right now with Latoya." Willie and Sayyid both roll their eyes, as they hear Latoya's name, and Willie tells Keith "I hate that bitch for what she did to my Grandson and Great-Grandbaby. Her Mama isn't much better." Keith looks at his Aunt and asks "What do you mean?" Willie tells him "Sassy hooked up with Rashad, and slept with Tyrone." Keith yells "Shit! That whore! She's in L.A. now with Jermaine!" Willie and Sayyid both roll their eyes, as Willie quips "If she was smart, she'd stay her ass out in L.A. if she doesn't want her ass beaten by me. That family has dome harm to my Rashad and Little Sidney." Sayyid looks at his Sister, as he quips "Damnit Willie! You haven't shown this much fire since you were young!" Willie tells her Brother "I've made a choice, and I will do what I want now. I have nothing really to lose and my family's united. Sassy best stay away from my Grandson or else Aretha and I will be kicking that bitch's ass!"
At Hell Hill, Leigh, Jared, Sully, and Country sits inside the living room, as Sully asks Country "Since when did you become a nanny?" Country laughs, as he takes a drink from his whiskey bottle "Since Ruth got sick." Country tells them, as he gets quiet "Hell Hill won't be Hell Hill without Ms.Ruth. She was like a Grandma to me." Leigh, Sully, and Jared tells Country "I don't believe nobody in Adam's Landing would have one bad thing to say about Ruth. She was one of the nicest, sweetest people you only met once or twice in your life." Country agrees, as Leigh quips "I know a person in The Storm Shelter though that wouldn't be mourned and missed like Ruth." Sully and Jared agrees, as Country tells them "She's pissed right now. She will be out for revenge if she's released." Leigh and Sully looks at Country, and Sully turns to her Husband, as she tells Jared "Time to practice for when Ruthie comes." Leigh tells Country and Jared "Sully and I are going down to have some chitchat with Desi." Leigh and Sully walks out, as Country looks at Jared and laughs "Those two look to be ready to even the score." Leigh and Sully walks down the hill, as they walk inside The Storm Shelter and Desi yells "Who is it?" Leigh turns on the light and tells Desi "I want to discuss a proposal. If you answer correctly, you'll be free." Sully stands by her Mother, as Desi asks "What do you want?" Leigh tells Desi "Leave Adam's Landing and never come back again." Desi laughs "No way in hell. The two of you won't run me out of my home!" Leigh snaps "Ok Desi. These are your options then. Either stay here and die, or you sign a contract stating that you stay away from Class." Desi is quiet, as she frantically says, with fake tears "I'll do anything." Sully looks at Desi and laughs "Nice act. Too bad I don't buy it." Leigh tells Desi "I'm dead serious. Sign a contract, or you will be left here to die." Desi tells them "I'll sign the contract." Leigh pulls out an envelope, and pulls out the contract, and hands Desi, as she looks at the contract and reads it and reluctantly signs it. Leigh looks at Desi, as she unlocks Desi's chains, and Desi is freed as Sully warns Desi "Come near my store again, your ass is mine. You and I aren't finished bitch." Desi laughs "That is a certainty Sully. I will have Lane's back, even if I have to tear Class to shreds. I will win!" Desi runs off, as Leigh shakes her head, and Sully asks her Mother "Why did you decide to release her?" Leigh tells her Daughter "I'm testing her." Leigh pulls out a pistol, and tells Sully "Ruth gave this to me last month, after Junior tried to kill me." Sully and Leigh walks out of The Storm Shelter and heads back to Hell Hill.
Meanwhile at at Jackson Inc, Bree, Cale, and Allison has arrived at Bobby's office, as Xavier greets them all with a hug, and Frank arrives a few moments later, and he and Xavier embraces in a strong hug, and Bobby tells them "Now the only ones we're waiting on are Beth, Ava, and Floyd." At City Hospital, Beth sits on a desk, in her office, as Tenny consoles her Daughter, whispering gently "Mommy's here. Go ahead and cry my sweet girl." Terrance walks back inside, and Tenny looks at Terrance, and tells him "She's having a hard time with this. Watch after her." Terrance assures Tenny "I always will Ms.Sullivan. She's my best friend." Tenny tells Terrance "I'm glad Beth has you to turn to as well." Beth's phone vibrates, and it's Xavier, who texts "Come to Jackson Inc. Bobby needs to discuss some things with us." Beth shakes, as she's overcome with emotion, and slowly suffering a nervous breakdown." Tenny tells Terrance "Put a towel under the doors." Terrance gets weary, as Tenny pulls a joint out of her marijuana pouch, and Tenny lights it up and passes it to Beth, and tells her "Smoke this sweetie. You should pull yourself together. Ruth needs you." Beth smokes, and is distant, as she continues to cry, and passes the joint back to her Mother, as Terrance keeps look out outside, and Tenny tells her Daughter "Come on. I'll take you down to Jackson Inc." Beth looks at her Mother, and grabs her hand, as they walk out, and Precious runs behind them, and Terrance yells "Ms.Sullivan, get his leash!" Tenny walks Beth to the elevator, and Precious catches them, and they head out for Jackson Inc. At Ava's Mansion, Floyd walks inside, as he notices quiet, and yells "Ava? Where are you?" In the bedroom, Ava sits at her desk, as she holds her pistol, and stares at it, while she hears her Uncle's voice, and looks around the room, and panics. Floyd looks around, and heads towards Ava's bedroom, as the door opens, and Winston walks inside, and Floyd hears him, and walks into the living room, and coldly tells Winston "Get the hell out of here!" Winston is quiet, as Ava walks out, and sees Winston, and her Uncle, and looks at them without any emotion, as she holds her pistol, and aims.
At The Sunset Club, Mary sits in her Suite, as she receives a phone call from her Oldest Daughter, Hazel, and she tells her Mother "I got something to tell you. The home's gone Mama." Mary asks Hazel "What do you mean?" Hazel tells her Mother, as she sits in her home in Unity "Daddy tried to set a fire this morning, and the house caught on fire. We're alright, and I salvaged a few things, but the home is gone." Mary is quiet, and tells her Daughter "I'm so thankful you and Miles made it out." Hazel tells her Mother "Aunt Ruth was watching." Mary starts to cry, and tells Hazel "She certainly was."
In Lynn's Suite, at The Sunset Club, Lynn and Clair lays in the bed, as their clothes lay on the ground, and Lynn ask Clair "Did you enjoy yourself?" I did." Clair tells Lynn "I did too. I feel like going another round." Clair jumps on top of Lynn, as he laughs and gets up and tells Clair "We will, I need to check my phone and check on something." Lynn walks into the bathroom, as he gets his phone, and Clair sits in the bed, with a smile on her face. In the bathroom, Lynn checks his messages, and finds a message that makes him drop his phone, as he says to himself, with anger on his face "The Exposer will regret destroying my reputation!"
In Nathan's Suite, he sits, with Rose, Mandi, and Andre, and they all smoke, as Andre's brought Nathan a pound of marijuana. All of them sits in shock, as Rose tells everyone "That smug bastard's in town and I hate him. He was never a Father. Too worried about himself, the church, and his women. My Mom is blind when it comes to Dad, and I hope now she wakes up, but I doubt she will." Nathan looks at Rose and tells her "I can certainly feel where you are coming from. I had to deal with thinking for years Clint Feldman, the most corrupt, evil piece of shit I thought was Dad tried to run me off, and he treated my Mom like she was his punching bag. I feel so good since killing him." Rose looks at Nathan, as Mandi notices a look in Rose's eyes, and Nathan's, as there's a connection growing between them. Andre meanwhile tells them "I was adopted years ago. My parents gave me up when I was born. It was rough and I looked up to the famous leader of the Black Panthers, and legendary King of the Streets, Sayyid Ross. He was my idol. I hear he lives here in Adam's Landing." Nathan tells Andre "He works for my Cousin, Xavier. I will introduce you to him. We killed Clint together. He's a monster." Andre smiles, as everyone in the Suite has connected, and a friendship and kinship begins between Nathan, Rose, Mandi, and Andre.
At Jackson Inc, Beth arrives as Tenny walks inside with her Daughter, as Beth is clearly devestated, and Xavier sits next to his Mother, as he holds her hand, and Bobby tells Beth, Xavier, Frank, Bree, Cale, and Allison "Now the only ones we are missing are Ava and Floyd." Frank tells Bobby "I just seen her earlier, and she may not be in the right place right now for this. She is a ticking time bomb." Bobby tells everyone "Ruth called me a few months back, after Wallace's paternity was revealed and after she collapsed, and told me she had Cancer and her days were few, she had a will drawn up, as to how she wants everything to go regarding her funeral, assets, and her last wishes." Bobby looks at the family, and tells them "It's stated that Ava and Floyd has to be here before we can go forward with the reading. Somebody call them." At Whispering Hills, Winston looks at his Wife, as Floyd pleads with his Niece "No Ava. No." Ava has her pistol aimed at her chest, as she despondently responds "I am going to be with Mama and Jack. And Winston, you took away moments from me that I will never get back." Winston snaps at Ava "Do it Ava. Kill yourself. You, and the world would be better off." Floyd looks at Winston, with rage in his eyes, as he grabs Winston's cane, and doesn't say a word, as he begins to swing at Winston, and beats him, and Ava looks at Winston, and Floyd, as she holds her pistol, and aims at Winston for a second, then then turns the gun to her chest, and fights with herself, and moves her aim around, and shoots.