It's the next morning in Adam's Landing and the death of Desi Lane has been announced on the Morning News,which leaves many in shock and mixed feelings.At Hell Hill,Beth makes a phone call to City Hospital and asks a member of her staff"Has Xavier heard of this yet?"At City Hospital,Xavier and Leigh has seen the news and Xavier's silent as Leigh asks him"Are you ok X?I know you and Desi had a history together."Xavier looks at Leigh and says calmly"I am surprised but not surprised.Would you be upset if I said I did feel sad?"Leigh grabs Xavier's hand and tells him lovingly"I understand that.She was your first love.And there was Bren."Xavier looks at Leigh and tells her"These kinds of things like death doesn't get to me much.After I lost you,and my Father,I look ahead but I do honor those I loved."Leigh asks Xavier"Did you still love Desi?"Xavier answers"We had some good times over the years but she hurt my Princess and she proved to me who she really was when she tried to take Jackson Inc.I would rather look ahead to our trip."Leigh tells Xavier in a serious tone"X,you are going home and rest once your discharged.Our trip can wait."Xavier gets impatient and says to Leigh"I got something waiting for us that can't wait."Leigh gets curious and asks him"What are you planning?"Xavier smiles and kisses Leigh and says"I will show you rather than tell you."Leigh sighs and shakes her head,looking at Xavier and tells him with a laugh"One thing about you that hasn't changed is that you are still stubborn and you love to defy the odds."Xavier laughs"Damn Right."Terrance arrives and tells Xavier"You can go home today.You were very lucky."Xavier tells Terrance"I couldn't leave yet."Xavier looks at Leigh and they look each other in the eye and Xavier tells Terrance"I couldn't leave my girls."Terrance smiles as Xavier signs his release papers and tells Leigh"Let's go."They head out hand and hand.
At Class,Ava has arrived in her office and sees Sully sitting at her desk and Ava yells excitedly"Welcome back!"Sully and Ava hug and Ava asks Sully"Did you hear about Desi?"Sully tells her Aunt"I heard on the radio this morning.No love lost."Ava tells Sully"I certainly understand why you feel that way.If anything happens to Jamie or Junior,it likely wouldn't bother me much at all."Sully nods and tells Ava"I think it is karma.I can't feel any sadness after what's happened between Desi and I.I'd rather look ahead."Ava agrees with Sully and tells her Niece"Make yourself comfortable Sully.I have to take care of some things.If you need me,call me."Ava hugs her Niece and leaves and Sully sits back with a smile and the secretary tells Sully"You have a visitor Ms.Hale."Sully asks"Who is it?"Tenny walks in and Sully gets ecstatic seeing her Great-Grandmother for the first time since Sully was a child.Tenny gives Sully a hug and Sully asks her"How did you know I was here?"Tenny laughs"I turned up the hearing aid.Beth told me you were released and knowing Xavier and Leigh,you were likely back at work."Sully laughs"Jared tried to keep me at home but I wanted to be here."Tenny and Sully catches up on things and Sully asks her Great-Grandmother"Have you visited Mom and Daddy yet?"Tenny quickly responds"I figure they are busy this morning.Beth told me he's being released."Sully tells her"I plan to see them shortly when they return home.You should come with me.Daddy would be so happy to know you're here."Tenny is silent for a moment and tells Sully,grabbing hand"I want him to rest first before I arrive.With Beth and Leigh with him,.I know he's ok."Sully is taken back but doesn't say anything and insists"I really think you should come with me Gran."Tenny sighs"Oh,what the hell I guess so."Tenny and Sully leaves and heads to Hell Hill to visit Xavier.
At The Farm,Michael knocks at Frank's door and Ruth answers the door and gives Michael a hug and asks him"How are you holding up Michael?I offer my condolences to you and your Sister."Michael thanks Ruth and tells her calmly"My Mother isn't in pain now and she's in peace."Frank walks into the living room and Frank grabs Michael in a hug as Michael tells his Car Owner and Father Figure,crying"My Mom's gone."Ruth and Frank console Michael and Frank tells Michael"If you need anything Michael,don't be afraid to ask us."Ruth tells Michael"You will make it through this.It will be hard,but it's possible."Michael looks at Ruth and Frank as his tone turns from sadness and grief to anger and says"Xavier killed my Mom.He ran her off the road.Why does that heartless bastard survive while my Mom dies?"Ruth stays quiet as Frank and Michael walks outside on the porch.Frank tells Michael"Xavier didn't kill your Mom.It was an accident.That road is dangerous and there's been many accidents on that stretch.We don't choose when we leave this earth."Michael confides in Frank"Xavier hurt her in so many ways Frank.I wish it was him rather than my Mom."Frank understands Michael's pain and bites his tongue since Xavier is Frank's Brother and was lead for many years to believe his Son.Frank takes a deep breath and tells Michael"I know you're angry and Xavier does have a mean streak,but he wouldn't kill your Mom."Michael then asks Frank"How do you know that?He took her company and her home from her.He also froze her accounts and was going to let her rot in Unity Prison after Winston Hale was supposedly murdered.He only cares about himself.I hate that man with all I have in me."Frank is quiet and looks up as Ruth looks out the window,as Michael gets angry and in his grief yells"It isn't fair.Why does evil people like Xavier and Winston live and breathe while an innocent woman like my Mom dies?"Frank sighs"I can't answer that but all I can tell you is that you need to let this anger go and turn this energy into something positive.Racing Season's close and you will have a lot of motivation to win that title if you use it the right way."Michael tells Frank somberly"Right now I feel alone.I have no family left."Frank tells Michael"I'm here for you Michael.Remember that."Michael hugs Frank and leaves to plan his Mother's funeral.Frank walks back inside and Ruth is angry and tells her Son"I understand that Michael is mourning,but I will not tolerate that kind of talk about Xavier.In times like this,you let your grudges go."Frank tells his Mother"He is hurting Mama.I know what happened but I didn't tell him."Ruth asks her Son"What caused the accident?"Frank tells her"Desi ran Xavier off the road and it's a miracle Xavier survived.Both cars were destroyed but being a retired stock car driver,I can tell intentional from un-intentional."Ruth shakes her head and is silent and Frank and Ruth heads over to Hell Hill to visit Xavier.
In the Evans home,Willie and Aretha are on the porch,having a cup of coffee and Rachel walks outside and looks at the scene of the accident that took her Mother.Aretha asks Rachel"Are you ok?"Rachel sighs and tells Willie and Aretha"I mourned her loss years ago.I don't intend to mourn again."Rachel begins to leave to see Jack as Michael pulls up and asks his Sister"How are you?"Rachel tells her Brother coldly"It's too late Michael.It's too late."Michael gets angry and yells"Mom's dying wish was that we grow closer.Can't you give that to her?To me?"Rachel gets livid and yells at Michael"After the way all of you treated me after what Rodney did to me all those years ago and all of you turned your backs on me,you expect me to forgive and forget just because Mom's dead?No Michael,it doesn't work that way.I am focusing on myself now,and my child.I'm done.I've already mourned my loss and I have no intentions of having a relationship with you.I have my life and you have yours.I'm finished!"Rachel walks into the house and Michael attempts to follow but Aretha stops him and tells Michael"Give Rachel her space."Michael yells at Aretha"You were another one that hurt my Mom.You helped destroy her and.."Willie interrupts Michael and defends her Daughter,sternly telling Michael"I won't tolerate anybody disrespecting my Daughter on my property,or in my presence.I am sorry your Mother's gone,but you will not come here and cause trouble."Michael looks at Willie and tells her"Your daughter writes trash for a living and helped my Sister destroy my Mom.Right now I don't give a damn what anyone thinks."Willie gets angry and slaps Michael and tells him"I want you to leave.If Rachel wants anything to do with you,that's on her.If she doesn't,I can certainly understand."Michael leaves and Willie shakes her head in disgust and looks at her Daughter and tells her"That young man's not coming on my property and disrespect anyone I love.I don't give a damn what's his reasons,but he has no respect."Aretha gives Willie a hug and they walk back inside to check on Sidney as Rachel heads out.Aretha asks Rachel"Are you going to see Jack?"Rachel tells Aretha"I want to be by myself."Aretha hugs Rachel and she heads out,Aretha watches on and looks up and says"Watch over her."
Back at Hell Hill,Ava has arrived first and Beth tells Ava"I got the results."Ava is curious to know the results and Beth tells Ava"I'm going to tell you after everyone leaves."Ava is curious and asks Beth"Are you planning a welcome home party for Xavier?"Beth tells Ava"I got something to tell all of you."Meanwhile,Sully and Tenny has arrived and Tenny receives a text and tells Sully"I got to take care of something sweetie."Sully begs Tenny to come inside and Tenny looks at the text again and sighs and follows her Great-Granddaughter inside.Frank and Ruth also arrive to Hell Hill as does Bobby,Burt,Country,Jared and Jack and everyone's curious,yet suspicious as to why they have arrived.Beth tells all of them"I got something to tell all of you."Sully asks her Grandma"Where's Daddy and Mom?"Beth tells her Granddaughter"Your Mother and Father has left town.That's why all of you are here."Tenny asks Beth"Where did they go?"Beth tells her Mother"They have returned to Blue Ridge but they will return and when they do,all of you will be here."Everyone's quizzical and Beth tells them"Xavier has a surprise for Leigh and all of you are a part of it.Xavier gave me strict orders to make sure nobody tells Leigh what he has in store."Sully asks Beth,with caution"What is going on?Is something wrong?"Beth passes around papers to everyone and tells them"This is just the thing we all need."Everyone's stunned and Ruth and Sully starts to cry as does Beth and the tears are of joy.Tenny is quiet and has a look of defeat but keeps her composure and Sully hugs her Grandmother and cries"My family's going to be back together again."Beth smiles and says"Yes they are my dear."Meanwhile,on Xavier's jet,Xavier and Leigh are sitting next to each other and Leigh looks at Xavier with suspicion and asks him once again"What are you planning X?"Xavier grabs Leigh and tells her"Once we return to Blue Ridge,you'll find out."Leigh looks at Xavier and he holds her in his arms and says to her"I love you Leigh Woods Jackson."Leigh lays her head on Xavier's shoulder and looks at him with stars in her eyes and says"I love you too Xavier D. Jackson."