It's the next morning in Adam's Landing,Upstairs in Beth's bedroom,Beth wakes up and looks over and sees Frank laying by her side and she nudges him,whispering"I think you need to sneak out before Mama wakes up."Frank looks at Beth and smiles as Beth smiles back and she says softly"I am glad you were here for me."Frank says to Beth"Just like old times."Frank gets dressed as does Beth and Beth tells Frank"Go through the front door so nobody sees you."Frank and Beth hug and Frank heads home as Beth heads downstairs.In the kitchen,Tenny and Allan are sitting at the table and Tenny asks her son"Want some breakfast?"Allan looks at his Mother and says to her"Only if Beth's cooking or Aunt Ciarra."Tenny laughs and turns on some coffee as Ciarra walks downstairs and Tenny asks her"How are you this morning?"Ciarra says to Tenny"That's a dumb thing to ask me.I feel like my heart's been ripped out of my chest."Ciarra sits down as Beth comes down the stairs and asks Ciarra"How are you?"Ciarra gets angry and yells at everyone"Stop asking me how I feel.I feel lost.That's how I feel!"Tenny tells Beth and Allan"I want the two of you to leave for awhile so I can have some time alone with Ciarra."Beth and Allan obliges and Beth tells Allan"I'll take you out for breakfast.I own a diner."Tenny and Ciarra are alone and Tenny asks her Sister"What have you decided to do about Jacob's funeral."Ciarra looks down and says somberly"Tennessee I don't even want to think about it.I'm taking his ashes to Blue Ridge today and have a private service.Would you go with me?"Tenny grabs Ciarra's hand and tells her"I will.Let's go soon though if you don't want Lily to be a part of it."Speaking of Lily,she walks in unannounced and looks at her Mother and Aunt and asks"So you Martins are still keeping your secrets."Ciarra rolls her eyes as Tenny gives her niece a dirty look.
At Jackson Inc,Bobby has arrived and Burt is in Xavier's office,holding the current edition of Aretha's tabloid,The Exposer.Bobby sees the front cover and Burt tells Bobby"This is bad press."Bobby rolls his eyes and pours a strong drink and says to Burt"There's about to be a storm in the Jackson and Evan families that I'm not sure can be fixed and Frank is in deep."Burt asks Bobby"How is Xavier going to take this?"Xavier walks in the office,returning after cutting his honeymoon with Leigh short due to Jacob's death,and tells them"I read it this morning.Who in the hell is Cale Stone?"Bobby is silent and Burt changes subjects and asks"Where's Leigh?"Xavier quickly responds"She's went to see Sully and Jared.We got a war on our hands and I'm pissed."Bobby pulls up the information he's gathered on Cale Stone and Xavier reads on and he looks at Bobby and asks him"Does Frank know about this?"Bobby responds"I don't think he does."Burt tells them"That may explain why he parked in that race in LaFayette."Xavier tells Burt and Bobby"I think we all need to be ready for war.What would possess Aretha to publish this?"Xavier is silent and says"This is about Rachel and Ava isn't it?"Bobby answers Xavier,telling him"Ruth told me on the phone of their fight and Rachel's now Ava's Daughter In Law."Xavier rolls his eyes and tells them"Brace yourselves,Rachel Lane has showed her true colors.And things are only going to get worse."Bobby and Burt agrees with Xavier and they all talk strategy.
At The Penthouse,Sully and Jared are sitting on the couch,holding hands,having coffee before they head to work and there's a knock at the door.Sully answers it to find her Mom standing on the other side and Sully welcomes her with a hug."Leigh jumps to the subject and asks Jared and Sully"I read this morning's Exposer with Xavier.What's going on?"Sully is suspicious as is Jared and Leigh shows them the paper and they are both shocked and stunned and they are speechless.Sully calmly tells her Mother"Jack and Rachel eloped.Aunt Ava didn't take it well and from the looks of it,she paid Aretha a visit last night."Leigh tells her Daughter and Son In Law"With Jacob's passing and everything that's going on,this family does not need this right now."Sully agrees and tells her Mother"I warned Rachel yesterday that if she caused our family any trouble,she'd have to answer to me."Jared puts his hand on his Wife's shoulder and sternly tells her"After what you've been through,you need to let Ava and Rachel deal with this amongst themselves."Sully tells her Husband and Mom"When Grandma,Gran,and Grandma Ruth sees this,all hell is going to explode."Leigh rolls her eyes and says to them"The only thing I'm worried about is the kid Rachel's carrying.That's my top priority in the matter.I'm not getting involved in this but I'm coming to the store today.There needs to be stablity at Class and I know Ava's temper,and I've heard about The Lanes.This is a disaster."Jared gets a text from Xavier and heads to Jackson Inc,kissing his Wife on the way out and Leigh and Sully heads down to Class to check on things.
Ava's at her mansion and walks out to the front door and picks up her edition of The Exposer and calmly walks into the kitchen and reads the cover story on her Brother.Ava's phone rings and it's the P.I. she's hired to watch Rachel and he tells her"Jack and Rachel are staying with Aretha."Ava hangs up the phone and thinks of the family and calls her Mother and gets her voicemail.Ava says to herself"You've screwed up big time Rachel."Ava heads out to The Farm to check on Frank and Ruth.At The Farm,Frank arrives and Ruth is waiting at the door for her Son.She is angry and delivers a stinging slap across Frank's face as he walks in and Ruth snaps at him"So you said to me you weren't sleeping with that hussy?"Frank doesn't know what his Mother's referring to and asks her"What are you talking about Mama?'Ruth throws the paper at him and yells"This is what the hell I'm talking about!How do you think Beth will feel when she sees this?"Frank has a look of guilt and is full of emotions as he reads the story.Ruth also asks"And I want to know some more about this Cale Stone boy.Something is amiss with him."Frank tells his Mother"I'm about to fire the son of a bitch.There will be nothing else to know about it.His ass is mine!"Frank storms out and Ruth throws up her hands in disgust and anger as she gets a call from Willie and asks Ruth"Did you read that trash?"Ruth tells Willie"Our daughters has caused a lot of trouble and I am pissed."Willie replies"This only happened for one reason and one reason only."Both Ruth and Willie replies"Rachel."Meanwhile Ava arrives at The Farm and asks her Mother"I take it you know?"Ruth asks Ava"So Rachel married Jack?"Ava rolls her eyes and nods.Ruth is furious and sternly tells Ava"This war with Aretha has caused both of our families much pain!"Ava tells Ruth"I warned Jack and Aretha about Rachel.But they fell for her lies."Ruth tells Ava"I am so angry right now and I don't know what to do.Frank's sleeping with his female driver who's old enough to be his Granddaughter and this Cale Stone,something is familiar about him."Ava assures her Mother"All I was doing was protecting my family Mama."Ruth hugs Ava and tells her"I know you were Ava.But this is going to hurt a lot of people."Ava hugs her Mother as Ruth tells Ava"I want you to call your P.I. and have him do me a favor as well."Ava asks"What is it?"Ruth says sternly"I want to know everything about Cale Stone."Ava makes the call and Ruth gets a text from Bobby.Ruth tells Ava"I think we got our answers on Cale Stone."
Back at Hell Hill,Ciarra is upset as is Tenny to see Lily as she tells her Mother and Aunt"The two of you were going to go and bury my Daddy and not invite me?"Ciarra starts to cry and gets upset and Tenny sternly tells Lily"After the damage you've done,why would your Mother want you around?"Lily yells at Tenny"You were the one that destroyed my marriage to Burt.Are you going to influence my Mother to do what you did and whore yourself and fly away?"Ciarra gets furious and Tenny delivers a hard slap to Lily and tells her with anger in her voice"Let me tell you one thing you spoiled brat,I will not let you come in here and play the innocent by-standard and take advantage of your Mama like you tried to before.I know why you're here and I won't allow it to happen at her most vulnerable time."Ciarra doesn't speak to Lily and Lily tells her Mother"I deserve to say goodbye to my Daddy.You won't prevent me from it."Ciarra looks at Lily and with tears in her eyes tells her Daughter"I blame you for the reason he's gone.We gave you everything you've ever wanted and you only hurt us time after time.I'm going to mourn my Husband by myself and my Sister will be the only one that will be with me.You need to go home Lily!"Tenny opens the door and tells her Niece"You heard her,get out!"Lily warns them"I may leave here,but I'm going NOWHERE!"Lily storms out and Ciarra breaks down and looks at Tenny and says with tears flowing from her eyes"Let's go on ahead to Blue Ridge.I want to get this finished with."Tenny makes a phone call and tells Ciarra"We'll be in Blue Ridge tonight."Allan returns alone and asks his Mother"Have you seen this?"Tenny sees The Exposer and the cover story and asks Allan"Where is your Sister?"Allan says"I have no idea.She left abruptly after reading the cover story of that tabloid."Tenny tells Allan"I'm going to Blue Ridge with your Aunt.Watch over Beth and help your nephew with Lily"Allan hugs his Mother and Aunt and assures them"I will Mama."Tenny and Ciarra leaves and Allan sits down and looks at the front page and says to himself with suspicion"Allison North?"
Back at Jackson Inc,Jared has arrived as Xavier and Burt are sitting in the office and Jared asks"Where's Bobby?"Xavier tells Jared"He's went to check on Ruth.How's Sully holding up?"Jared fills Xavier in and says"She's siding with Ava.Xavier quips"That's my Princess.She is smart."Jack arrives at the office and Xavier,Burt,and Jared all look at him and Xavier asks his Nephew"Do you know what you've done?"Jack answers"I married the girl I love."Xavier and Burt laughs and Xavier warns Jack"You should have listened to your Mother."Jack yells"I don't need a damn lecture from you.I know you feel the same way about Rachel as Mom does."Xavier gets up and tells Jack sternly"The only thing concerning that selfish bitch I care about is that kid she's carrying.You're going to get burned Jack.Just watch."Jack walks out of the office and calls his Wife,but gets no response.
At Class,Sully and Leigh are in Sully's office and they are going over some sales reports and Ava arrives with a look of anger and disgust.Leigh tells Ava"I heard about what happened."Ava shakes her head and Sully and Leigh supports Ava as Rachel walks in the office.All of them give Rachel an evil look and Rachel tells all of them"I'm leaving for a book signing.You gals best behave yourselves or else I may have to expose all of you!"Sully looks at Rachel with anger in her eyes and Ava pulls out a piece of blank typing paper and lights it up and stares intently at Rachel as Leigh walks up to Rachel and tells her sternly"I am only going to tell you this one time and one time only,I know your story and I'd been willing to have your back but you've proved to me what and who you are.If you hurt my family Rachel.You'll answer to me!"Rachel quips"All of you are crazy.Don't burn the store down while I'm gone.I do have stock in this company."Ava coldly answers"Not for long."Rachel smiles and leaves."At The Farm,Bobby's arrived with his laptop and Ruth tells Bobby"Show me what you know about Cale Stone."Bobby pulls up the file and Ruth reads it and has a look of horror and takes a deep breath."Bobby asks Ruth"Are you ok Ruth?"Ruth has a flashback and is silent for a moment and says to Bobby"Frank is going to kill him and he doesn't even know."At Chantel's,Cale is sitting at the bar,reading the cover story he sent to Aretha and smiles and says"Just wait until the next race.Then it's over King Frank!"and heads out.At FJR,Frank walks into the shop and yells"Where is that son of a bitch at?"Beth walks out of Frank's office and delivers a hard slap to Frank,knocking him to the ground and hisses"You lying son of a bitch!I opened up to you,made love to you last night and you've been with this tramp?"Frank is speechless as Allison walks in the shop and Beth looks at her dismissively and tells her"You can have him.You slept your way to the top.There should be a club for people like you!"Beth storms out and Frank has a look of guilt and disappointment and Allison offers to give Frank a hug but Frank rejects her.Frank looks at Allison and doesn't say a word and walks into his office and closes the door behind him.Allison stands outside,and she feels guilty and Cale walks into the shop with a smug look and Allison slaps the smug look off his face and asks him angrily"What in the hell is wrong with you?"Cale says coldly"Payback Allison.Payback!"