It's the next morning in Adam;s Landing and at Hell Hill,Beth walks downstairs and smells something burning in the kitchen.Tenny's cooking breakfast and Beth shakes her head and tells her Mother"What do you think you're doing Mama?"Tenny smiles and sarcastically responds"I'm refreshing myself on cooking.I just remembered why your Daddy never let me in the kitchen."Beth laughs as does Tenny and they have coffee and discuss Xavier and Leigh's wedding the day before.Beth tells her Mother"Xavier and Leigh made a detour and went to the islands since there's a huge snowstorm in Blue Ridge."Tenny asks"How often does it snow in Adam's Landing?"Beth quips"At least once or twice every 4 to 5 years."Tenny tells Beth"I think I could live here since I don't have to worry about Jack Frost attacking every other month."Beth and Tenny laughs and then Beth says to Tenny"Aunt Ciarra and Uncle Jacob are sleeping late this morning.Normally they are up at Sunrise."Tenny reminds Beth"Ciarra,Jacob,and I aren't as young as we used to be and baby sister needs her beauty rest."Beth laughs and says to her Mother"Still arguing over who's the youngest are you?"Tenny quips with a smile"It keeps us fiery in our old age."Upstairs,Ciarra wakes up and says with a yawn"We overslept Pa.Time to wake up.I think Tennessee's trying to cook."Jacob's eyes are closed with a smile on his face.Ciarra says to her Husband once again"Jacob,wake up love."Ciarra is scared and grabs his hand and notices it's cold and has no pulse.Ciarra is silent as tears well up in her eyes and says calmly"This isn't real.Wake up Pa.Wake up please!"Jacob's gone and Ciarra lays her head on his chest,holding his hand and cries,as she knows it's real and she's in shock and cries"What will I do without you Pa?"
At The Exposer,Aretha is in her office and she's still reading the article she recieved a few weeks back.She is eyeing it and has a flashback to her fight with Ava a few nights back and shakes her head.She calls Rachel,who didn't come home the night before and gets no answer,causing Aretha to worry about her.The receptionist informs Aretha"Your Brother's here to see you."Aretha answers"Let him in."Terrance quips to his sister"Mama's going to be mad you weren't home for breakfast this morning."Aretha asks him"I take it you're her messenger?"Terrance responds"I went to check on Dad.It's getting worse.Mama isn't accepting the fact that he won't get better."Aretha says to Terrance"He knows who Mama is and who we are but he can't acknowledge us.I'm trying to persuade her to let a nurse stay with her.It's taking a toll on her and it breaks my heart."Terrance tells Aretha"I don't think having Rachel stay there helps much either.Mama told me about what happened with you and Ava."Aretha tells her Brother"I didn't stay for Xavier and Leigh's wedding.I left them a gift from all of us and left.Ava needs to step back and give Jack some independence."Terrance reminds Aretha"You should take into consideration that after all that Ava's been through over the years,she's only doing what any Mother would do and that's trying to protect her son.Rachel is out for herself Aretha.Her drama isn't helping anything at home as well.Mama's got enough on her plate and she doesn't need to be worrying about Rachel also."Aretha gets upset and tells Terrance"Since we're on the righteous path,did you tell our Mama your secret yet?"Terrance responds"I haven't yet.I plan to real soon."Aretha tells Terrance"Rachel is a good girl that has had it bad in her life.She needs someone to look out for her.And it's time you come out.You'd feel better and you wouldn't have to hide anymore."Terrance is quiet and looks at his watch and tells Aretha"I'm going to the Hospital.Beth's taking some time off to spend with her family so I'm watching over things.Just remember what I said about Rachel.I side with Ava."Terrance leaves and Aretha once again calls Rachel but gets no response.
At FJR,Frank arrives and checks the results from the Season Opener in LaFayette and he isn't pleased at all.Cale Stone finished 35th out of 40 cars in Michael's former ride as Allison finished in the Top 10,finishing 7th.Frank walks out into the shop and pulls his Team Director to the side and angrily asks"What in the hell happened with Cale's car?"The Team Director responds"He parked it after a few laps."Frank is heated and yells"I hope his ass is in town because I'm about to personally give him his damn walking papers and yours as well for recommending him.I don't run a damn start and park team."Frank walks back to his office and is furious and finds Allison waiting for him in his office.Allison notices Frank's anger and asks her boss"We did well in LaFayette.I'm proud of my team."Frank tells Allison"I am glad you did well.I'm pissed at Cale Stone.He's about to lose his damn ride if this keeps up.Thank God I have great sponsors.If not they'd bolted after his stunt in LaFayette."Allison gives Frank a kiss and assures him"Everything will be ok Frank.FJR's going to do great this year."Frank and Allison looks at each other and he returns her kiss and pulls back and stops for a moment and looks down and is quiet and embarrassed.Allison asks him"What's wrong Frank?"Frank tells Allison"After the test session a few weeks back,I swore that was it."Allison assures Frank"I'm your driver and you're my boss and my childhood hero.I know it's weird to have feelings for your driver and all."Frank says to Allison"Times have changed Allison.But I don't know what to say.I haven't forgotten about our night at the test session."Frank tells Allison"I'll meet with you later and we'll discuss your strategy for the next race."Allison silently leaves.Unknown to Frank and Allison,Cale was outside the office and has snapped a photo of Frank and Allison's kiss and makes a phone call.Frank walks out of his office and sees Cale and tells him"You and I got some things to discuss!"Frank points to his office and Cale goes inside as Frank follows."
At Class,Ava is in her office and makes a phone call to Jack and doesn't get no response and she says to herself"Maybe I'm wrong about Rachel.Maybe she isn't so bad."Ruth arrives and asks Ava"Did you get in touch with Jack?"Ava responds"No I didn't.He's mad at me and maybe I deserve it."Ruth tells her Daughter"You are only doing what any Mother would do Ava.But remember one thing.Rachel is carrying your Brother's child and if you did anything to cause her to lose the baby.It would hurt this family and we need no more of that in our family."Ruth changes subjects and asks"Where's Sully this morning?"Ava answers"She's at the Hospital.She had an appointment with Dr.Cole.I think the way things are going,maybe I need to see him too."Ruth advises Ava"That may be a good idea."Meanwhile,Jack and Rachel are in a hotel room in Southpoint Beach and Andy arrives at their room and warns Jack and Rachel"You better pay me nicely for this because this isn't going to be good at all."Rachel quickly responds"With the royalties I make off my book.You'll be rewarded nicely."Andy tells them"I want to repair my life and all but if the two of you truly love each other,then I don't have any problems."Rachel quickly snaps"Let's just do it already."
Back at Hell Hill,Beth and Tenny are in the kitchen and both are growing concerned about Ciarra and Jacob as Tenny's filled Beth in on Jacob's health.Ciarra walks down the stairs calmly and silently and looks at her Sister and Niece.Ciarra is silent and can't speak and Beth asks her Aunt"What's wrong?"Tenny notices Ciarra's looks and motions and is silent as well as Ciarra says slowly,holding back the tears,in a somber tone,with her hands shaking"Jacob is gone.My Husband's gone."Beth and Tenny grabs Ciarra and holds her as she says to them starting to cry"I don't believe this."Beth calls the paramedics and goes to Ciarra and Jacob's room as Tenny sits down with Ciarra and holds her hand as Ciarra says somberly"He was so excited to see Xavier and Leigh renew their vows.Tennessee I am scared."Tenny,fighting back tears tells her Sister"I know how it is to lose the one you love.It's the end of an era.All of the Sullivans are gone now.Just think of the reunion he's having right now with my J.D."Ciarra shakes her head and asks Tenny"What do I do Tennessee?How do I move on.60 years and now he's gone."Tenny assures Ciarra"Jacob didn't die suffering as J.D. did.You were with him and he was at peace.He went the way we all want to go."Ciarra is shocked and stunned as the Paramedics arrive and Beth walks back down and tells her Aunt"It's real."The Paramedics arrives to take Jacob's body to City Hospital and Beth tells her Aunt"I am going to do an immediate autopsy on him and you figure out how you want to handle this."Ciarra tells Beth"I don't know how to break this to Lily.She didn't know his health was failing.He didn't want her to worry."Tenny and Beth holds Ciarra as they all cry together and Tenny tells her Sister"You have to call her.She needs to know.Don't make the mistakes I did.You have your family Ciarra.I'm here for you."Jacob's Body is carried out and Ciarra follows the Paramedics and asks them"Can I ride with you?"They nod and Ciarra climbs in and grabs Jacob's hand as Tenny and Beth follows.Tenny tells her Daughter"I'm going to call Lily and you go to the Hospital."Beth asks her Mother"Are you ok?"Tenny tries to smile and holds her Daughter's hand and says"I'm ok Beth.I just want to be alone."Beth understands and leaves as Tenny sits down and looks up and shakes her head silently and cries.
At FJR,Frank and Cale are finishing up on their discussion and Frank sternly tells him"I have built this team from my bare hands without any help.If you ever do what you did again.I'll whoop your ass into next year."Cale tells Frank"We had a vibration,out of my control."Frank yells"Vibration my ass!That car should have won!You get the hell out of here and remember what I've told you."Cale snaps at Frank"Maybe you should be more of a hands on owner and be at the track or are you too damn scared old man?"Frank gets up and snarls"You cocky son of a bitch."Cale walks out with a smile on his face and Ruth has overheard the conversation and asks Frank"That kid needs his ass whooped if you ask me."Frank shakes his head and says"I don't understand these young drivers these days."Ruth agrees and reminds Frank"At least your other driver did well so it will work out."Frank is silent,shaking his head in frustration.Cale is outside the shop and runs into Allison and she sees him and says"How did it go with Frank?"Cale angrily asks Allison"How was the sex with the old man Allison?"Cale leaves and Allison has a look of defeat as she heads back in the shop.
Aretha is at the Exposer,still unable to get in touch with Rachel and is worried about her and she receives a picture from Cale of Frank and Allison.Aretha is silent and saves the picture and finally receives a text from Rachel,saying"I'll be back in town tonight."At Class,Ava's in her office and Winston walks into the office with a look of anger and yells at Ava"You have messed with the wrong man you psycho!"Ava sits back in her chair and calmly asks"What's wrong Winston?"Winston shows her his eviction notice and tells Ava"At least you won't be happy too long."Ava asks Winston"What do you mean Winston?"On a plane,heading back to Adam's Landing,Rachel and Jack sits next to each other and Rachel kisses Jack and says"It's official now."Jack gives Rachel a kiss as he is quiet.Rachel reminds Jack"Mommy Dearest can't do a thing about us now."Jack tells Rachel"She won't take this well."Rachel looks at her wedding ring and looks out the window and smiles,thinking to herself"I know she won't."At City Hospital,Beth and Terrance are outside the morgue as Ciarra's inside with Jacob.Sully runs into her Grandmother and notices Beth's sadness and asks"What happened?"Beth tells Sully"Uncle Jacob passed away last night."Sully is saddened and hugs her Grandmother and tells her"Daddy will hate this."Beth quietly says"I let him know and he's sending Aunt Ciarra flowers and has offered to pay for the funeral or whatever Aunt Ciarra decides to do."Ciarra walks out of the Morgue and tells Beth"Go ahead and make the call to the funeral home.He wanted to be cremated and that way we can give him what he wants."Beth and Sully hugs Ciarra and Ciarra begins to leave.Beth whispers to Sully"Go with her.She doesn't need to be by herself."Sully follows as Beth's asked.At Hell Hill,Tenny's in the living room and is silent and sees J.D. and Jacob's spirit and Jacob tells Tenny"Tell Ma I'm fine."Tenny wipes a tear from her eye and says"I will.Watch over us."Both J.D.and Jacob replies"Always"as they disappear.Tenny turns on the TV and there's a knock on the door.Tenny answers the door and is stunned and shocked at who's arrived as the man says"I'm home Mom."