At Jackson Inc, Xavier stands in front of his family as he tells Leigh, Sully ,Jared, Floyd, Maria, Ciarra,Winston and Burt "Wallace Manning Jr has made this personal. I will nail his ass to the wall and make damn sure the bastard lives to regret the day he wanted to battle me!" Xavier's phone rings and it's Beth, and she tells her son "Turn on the TV." Xavier turns on the TV and the news is on and the top story is "Xavier Jackson and the Jackson Family: The Beginning Of The End.." Everyone watches on quietly, as their eyes grow red, and Xavier is silent. At Hell Hill, Bree is upstairs, laying in bed as Ruth sits in the living room and watches the newscast and she is silent and has another flashback and rolls her eyes and walks upstairs to the nursery, as Shannon sits with Gracie and Xavier Jr, as Precious lays on the floor asleep and Ruth tells Shannon "I have somewhere to go. Keep an eye on Bree and if she asks, tell her I had to run an errand." Shannon asks Ruth "You look angry." Ruth tells Shannon "I have something to take care of." Ruth walks into her room, and loads her pistol and says to herself "Fancy Barr Manning, you are about to regret this. Mark my damn words bitch!" Ruth heads out. Back at Jackson Inc, Xavier tells everyone, as all are angered and infuriated "The only end is for Wallace and his family. He's come to Adam's Landing and he's trying to take power and that bastard's about to learn about my wrath!" Xavier storms out of his office and Leigh tells everyone "Wallace has made a low blow when it came to this." Winston responds "I would hate to be Wallace Manning right now." Everyone nods in agreement as Sully tells her Mother "We need to get down to Class and make sure Desi hasn't tried to make a return." They leave and Jared heads to his office, and Floyd tells Burt "You're damn lucky that Xavier has your back. Otherwise I would kill your worthless ass!" Maria follows behind her Father, as Burt watches on and Winston makes a phone call to his Wife, and doesn't get a response and asks Burt "So Ava was caught in traffic?" Burt looks at his Father and tells him "She is at the house right now." Winston rolls his eyes and tells his Son "I knew this was bound to happen." Winston heads out and Ciarra looks at Burt and asks him "Did I see what I think I seen in your eyes?" Burt asks his Former Mother In Law "What are you talking about?" Ciarra tells him "I seen the way you looked at Maria. You still love her." Burt tells Ciarra "Let's just focus on the company." Burt heads to his office, as Ciarra heads to her office and she gets a text from Tenny, telling her "I'm in L.A.. Don't have sex with the Cowboy!" Ciarra responds with a laugh "Too late."
At the new Headquarters for Wallace's, Wallace sits in his new office, as he asks his secretary "Are you single? I'd really like to break my desk in." The secretary responds "You are a pig." Wallace grabs her arm and tells her "And I am your boss also so remember that!" The secretary walks out and Wallace sits back in his chair, as he watches the TV and says to himself "This is going to be such a nice town once I dethrone Xavier." At Desi's Home, Mona has arrived and Desi tells her "I set everything in motion this morning. I've had the TV on and I can only imagine the reaction on their faces." Mona responds "Wallace sent Russell Marx a nice check and I just wonder how they will function with Xavier out of the picture?" Desi looks at Mona and tells her "I may have my reservations with X, but there is something I really need to get off of my chest." Mona asks Desi "What is it?" Desi looks at Mona and responds "After all the hell we have been through over the years, when he almost died awhile back, I was scared. I realized something and I have to admit, I still love him." Mona asks Desi "Are you crazy? You still love that bastard after he robbed you blind and gave your family's company to his Daughter? You still love him?" Desi looks at Mona and nods and tells her "I have thought about a lot of things and I deserved what I got. One thing about Xavier is that he will protect the ones he loves. I honestly can't say the same for Wallace." Mona is quiet, as she thinks for a moment and confesses to Desi "He has never truly loved anyone except Wallace's. Wally never had a Father. Wallace has just bought him what he wanted and gave it to him to keep him out of the way, and I can't begin to count the times he's cheated on me. And the ironic part is his Mother sits back and says nothing. She's the real reason we're here." Desi changes the subject back to Xavier and tells Mona "When I had Bren, I regretted not letting him know, and she caused a lot of trouble for X and I. And to be perfectly honest, Sully isn't really a bad girl. Xavier raised her by himself, but with Beth around, that wasn't great, but otherwise. He raised her well and he isn't a bad man. He had it rough." Mona looks at Desi and reminds her "You're married Desi. Xavier's married." Desi looks out the window and tells Mona "The only man I've ever truly loved was Xavier Jackson and I think it's time to lay this down." Mona tells Desi "You are one of the few friends I have and I support you. Wallace is another story and he's hurt me many times. Let's just start Lane and Manning on our own and forget about Fancy." Desi likes the idea and tells Mona "It's time I admit my mistakes and I face up to my part in this."
Meanwhile at The Exposer, Aretha and Candace has finished signing a contract and Candace gives her the videos and photos of her affair with Wallace and Aretha tells her "Now you just remember to hold up to your end of the deal." Candace tells her "I intend to do just that. With what you've told me, Wallace's could be destroyed and when Wallace and Mona married, there wasn't a pre-nuptial agreement. She divorces him and he's screwed." Aretha laughs and tells Candace, as the receptionist tells Aretha "There's a visitor." Aretha tells Candace "Just remember what I said." Candace nods and as she walks out of Aretha's office, she bumps into a woman and goes in shock "Eve Mathis?" Eve ignores Candace, as she walks into Aretha's office and Aretha and Eve hug and Aretha asks Eve "What are you doing here?" Eve responds "I have a brief layover before going to Los Angeles. I had wanted to talk to Ava, but I thought I'd come by here since she wasn't home." Aretha asks Eve "Ava should be at Jackson Inc or at her estate." Eve sighs "Well You and Ava have something in common and I wanted to get some information." Aretha asks "About Rachel Lane?" Eve begins to rant, telling Aretha "Damn girl's sleeping with my son and I just can't stand the bitch. Nothing but a damn tramp,whore.." Aretha quips "All of the above?" Eve responds as she rolls her eyes "Yes. I'd like to break them up. She's after my money Aretha. That's why she's after my River." Aretha tells Eve "When she was here, she gave me her sob story and even wrote a book that sold a lot of copies." Eve's phone rings, and it's her pilot and she tells Aretha "I've got to head back to the Airport. I'm going to be a judge on the new talent show The Next Icon. Clarence called me and asked me to be a part of it and I figured oh what the hell." Aretha laughs "Keith's a judge also." Eve rolls her eyes and sighs "Damn." Eve asks Aretha before she heads out "How's Rashad doing? I seen where he became a stock car driver." Aretha responds "Yep, and a Daddy. But Latoya Shane left town after Rashad decided to stay here because of Mama." Eve takes a deep breath and tells Aretha "Like what Rashad's Daddy did to you. Fame can get to someone. Living away from L.A. can bring things back into balance." Aretha nods in agreement as they hug and Aretha gives Eve Rachel's book and Eve tells Aretha, as she leaves "There's only room for one diva in the music business. Latoya will learn that!" Eve heads out and Aretha sits back and says to herself "Latoya is damn lucky. Very damn lucky!"
At Burt and Bree's Mansion, Summer sits in the middle of the room, with her hands and legs tied to the chair, and gagged, as Ava plays with the A/C and laughs "It's 65 in here and nice and comfortable." Summer screams, as her naked body shivers and Ava walks over to Summer and pulls the towel down and asks her Niece "Now do you want to discuss your exit plan?" Summer screams at Ava "I will kill you Ava! I promise that bitch!" Ava tells Summer "How about we go the other way around and I send you to hell with your Mommy? The two of you can catch up." Ava slaps Summer across the face and tells her "I bought those drapes over the windows and there's candles in here. All I need is something flammable." Summer warns Ava "Do you want another divorce from Winston? If he knew what I did, and what you're doing, then he would divorce your psycho ass and not look back!" Ava asks Summer "And what would that be you lying whore?" Summer tells Ava with a smile "I will be having Winston Hale's Grandchild. I didn't take the pill. It isn't Chant's because I had it aborted, but it's Burt's.." Ava pauses and pulls out her pistol and tells Summer "So you've lied to Burt as well?" Summer nods and unknown to Ava, Winston has listened in and he tells his wife "You untie her now!" Ava asks her Husband "Why? She caused my favorite of her whoring Mother's offspring to lose her child. Ever heard of an eye for an eye?" Winston warns Ava "If she is carrying my Grandchild, then you leave her the hell alone Ava Jackson! You need to be at Jackson Inc anyway. Your Brother's in some deep trouble as are all of your family!" Ava tells Winston "I am trying my damnest to rid problems from my family!" Winston tells his wife sternly "You will not do a damn thing to Summer until we know for a FACT she's pregnant. If not then you can do whatever in the hell you want to her. But until then, you untie her and she's staying with us!" Ava looks at Summer and tells her "You best be lucky Winston saved you." Ava unties Summer and tells her "Put on some damn clothes and we're going down to the Hospital! We'll find out for sure! Because I want to know!" Summer runs up the stairs and Winston warns his Wife "Get a grip Ava! If that is my Grandchild, then you won't harm her. Do you understand me?" Ava glares at her Husband as Summer comes downstairs and Ava pushes her out the door, as she tells Winston "We're about to find out if this bitch is pregnant or not, if the latter, she'll be joining Mommy!"
At the ALPD, Bobby sits in his office, as he takes a drink of liquor and Russell Marx walks inside Bobby's office and tells him "I have a present for you Bobby." Bobby opens the envelope and yells at Russell "What in the hell is this?" Russell responds "I am going to pardon Brock Jr and Tommy of their crimes and let them go and there's not a damn thing you can do about it!" Russell also throws another envelope at Bobby and he opens it and looks at Russell, as he tells Bobby "You can do the honors, or I can do the honors. I am now the State Attorney General and I think it's time for a change in this town." Bobby looks at Russell and warns him "You are going to have a walking target on your back." Russell also tells Bobby "One more thing, you're fired. I've hired a new DA and you can defend your clients. I want to rid Adam's Landing of the corruption."
Meanwhile at Class, Sully and Leigh sits in her office as Marco tells them "I think the two of you might want to see this." Marco shows them an article online and tells Leigh and Sully "Since she can't get Class, she's teaming up with Mona and Fancy Manning to go head to head with Class, and Emery's." Sully yells "Damnit! Damnit!" Leigh tries to calm her Daughter down, as she tells her "Don't worry about this Sully. I will handle this. You don't need anything to disrupt your pregnancy." Sully looks at her Mother and tells her "They are messing with the wrong woman!" At Jackson Inc, Jared sits in his office, as he's been on the phone talking to vendors to Jim's and Foodstar, and Burt walks inside his office and both look at each other with defeat on their face. Jared tells Burt "All the name brand products have been given an ultimatum from Wallace and if they supply us, then he's going to shut them down." Burt looks at Jared and tells him "We need to prepare ourselves." Jared looks at Burt and tells him in a tone of dread "Yes we do."
Back at Desi's Home, Mona and Desi discuss their pasts and Mona tells Desi "You know Wallace has destroyed any redemption you had. Now that he's done his part, Xavier's family will come after you." Desi takes a deep breath and tells Mona "I have faced them before and I will defend X!" Meanwhile Mona gets a notice on her phone of a new post from The Exposer, and she screams "That Bastard! That son of a bitch did it again!" Desi asks Mona, as she is fuming "What is it?" Mona hands her phone to Desi and goes in a tone of shock "Oh my god." Mona tells Desi "After seeing this, both of us will let the Jackson family know what's coming!" Desi and Mona heads out for Jackson Inc. At the ALPD, Bobby packs his things and tells Russell "You can do the honors, because I'll make damn sure you will lose you son of a bitch!" Russell smiles and tells him "I won't be losing." The new DA, Johnny Manning walks inside and Russell tells Bobby "A changing of the guard. Out with the old, in with the new." Bobby heads out and Johnny tells Russell "What do you want me to do?" Russell sits down and tells him "Wait and then I'll give you the go ahead."
At Wallace's Corporate Headquarters, Wallace sits back as he gets off the phone with Russell and his Brother, Johnny, and smiles and sits back at his desk as his door is kicked open and Xavier walks inside, with his Colt 45 aimed at Wallace and tells him in a angry tone of frustration "Alright you son of a bitch, you are about to pay!" Wallace laughs "Pay for what? I haven't done nothing wrong Xavier." Xavier calmly, and coldly tells Wallace "You have come to Adam's Landing and all you have done is hurt my company and robbed my Brother of his racing team he built, and now you're going very low." Wallace looks at Xavier and quips "It looks like you have lost." Xavier turns off the safety and tells Wallace "If I lose, then you lose." At Hell Hill, Floyd and Maria have returned and Bree sits in the living room and Floyd sits next to his Great-Niece, as Maria tells her "We're sorry about the baby." Bree sits silently as she watches TV and she tells her Great-Uncle and Cousin "Have you looked outside?" Floyd nods and asks "Where's Ruth?" At Chantel's, Fancy sits at the bar, as she flirts with the bartender and tells him "I do have an attraction for young men you know." Ruth walks inside and taps Fancy's shoulder and Fancy turns around and Ruth asks Fancy "Do you remember me?" Fancy snubs Ruth and says as she looks at her tablet "I don't know who you are you old hag." Ruth slaps Fancy out of her bar-stool and says "Does that ring any bells?"