At Hell Hill, Beth, Sully, Tenny, Ava, Floyd, and Frank stands around, as Bobby looks at Country, and then asks everyone "So who's going to look for Xavier?" Beth asks "Where did he go?" Ava tells them "I'm going to find him. I know where he went, and I'd like to have some answers for myself." Tenny tells everyone "That whore broke his heart, and he may never be the same." Sully yells at her Great-Grandmother "Stop calling my Mom a whore! I believe her." Tenny snaps "When one of my family's been wronged, it hurts me! I won't forgive Leigh for this." Beth looks at her Mother, and tells her "Mama, I tend to believe Sully." Tenny points over to the door, and asks her Daughter "See that broken glass Beth?" Beth nods, and asks "I know Mama. She hasn't been herself." Tenny yells "Damn right, she's a damn drunk, and slept with Xavier's rival! Hell Frank couldn't top this one in my book!" Frank rolls his eyes, and sighs "I'll never be able to live down cheating on Beth in your eyes will I Tenny?" Tenny looks at Frank, and tells him "When two people make vows, they don't jump the sack! I am a firm believer in that. J.D. never cheated on me, and I never cheated on him, and I am just so damn disgusted and angry that this woman that my Grandson loved with all he had in him broke his heart like this. It really pisses me off!" Ava tells everyone "Ciarra's at my estate right now with Samantha, and I am going to Valley Ridge." Ava tells Beth and Tenny "Samantha's staying with me, and she could use the two of you." Ava heads out, and Tenny asks her Daughter "Who's Samantha?" Beth tells her Mother "Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Cora's Great-Granddaughter." Meanwhile in Valley Ridge, Xavier sneaks inside HaleCorp, as he's slashed a guard's throat, as he notices a Doctor, and grabs them from behind, and slashes his throat, as he sees a room, and pulls out his Colt 45, as he enters.
At City Hospital, Sayyid sits at River's side, as River's asleep and Sayyid looks at him and says, as he flashes back "Keith and your Mother had an argument, and she came to me that evening in distress. We has a one night stand, and a few weeks afterwards, Eve told me she was pregnant, and at the time, I was awaiting my sentence for my part in the riots. We agreed to keep this a secret, and to lock it away forever, to protect you. It's one of many things I regret River." Outside, Eve and Aretha returns, as Willie looks at Eve, and tells her "I know." Eve asks "Know what?" Aretha looks at Eve, and says "River and Uncle Clem didn't have a great meeting a few days ago at my office, he won't take this well." Eve sighs "I'm thankful he's alive, but he won't forgive me for this Aretha. I know he won't. He has wondered about his Father for years and years, and he thought it was Keith, and some others, but all this time.." Willie tells Eve "Go in there. Clem's in there now at his side." Eve walks inside River's room, as Aretha asks her Mother "So River is Keith's Brother?" Willie looks at her Daughter, and tells her "Yes Aretha. He is."
Meanwhile at The Sunset Club, Keith and Andre walks inside his room, as Andre asks his Father "So explain to me. I really want to kill your worthless ass!" Keith tells Andre "Eve and I were signed to the same label and it was a few years before River was born. Eve had a major hit, and we were engaged to be married. She and I always had a connection, and still do to an extent. Clint Feldman and Chant Hale threatened to blacklist her and myself, and even threatened our lives." Andre is silent, as he looks at Keith, and says "That's hard to believe." Keith tells Andre "The music business is evil. It's all about the benjamins, and with Eve pregnant, and the fact both of us are black, they would have loved to have killed our careers. They destroyed J.B., and were itching at us, and Eve didn't want to give you up, and neither did I. So Eve made her album, actually the last R&B album she did before going jazz, and the label tanked it, and she went into hiding, and once you were born, we gave you to my Father, and he took you to a family in South Central, that he felt would be right for you. Don't think we wanted to do that, but we did at the time what was best. Otherwise, you, I , nor Eve would be alive today." Andre tells Keith "I want to be a rapper, but after hearing that, I don't think I want to now." Keith asks "So you want to rap?" Andre nods, and tells his Father "It was my escape, after my adoptive parents were murdered, I started selling drugs, and made some underground songs with Nathan's help. He's planned to help me get going in music." Keith looks at his Son, and tells him "I think I could help you better than Nathan. I'm signed to a CL Records, and Clarence is looking to branch out. How about the two of us try to work out our differences, and try and have a relationship?" Andre gets emotional, as he asks "Are you serious?" Keith starts to cry, as he says "I have been a coward and a piece of shit, and I owe you. When I head back to L.A., come with me, and I'll make you a star." Andre looks at Keith, and Keith looks at his Son, and they hug, as Keith tells Andre "We are a lot alike Son. A hell of a lot alike, and I need you, and you need me."
At Wallace's Corporate Headquarters, Mona looks at Fancy, as she laughs "You are my little tool. You have my family's money bitch, and I will kill for it." Mona yells at Fancy "I won't give you shit! Everything is legal, and frankly, you can have this damn company and I hope it fails!" Fancy turns off the safety, as she has her pistol aimed at Mona, and says "You have to die Mona. Everyone would be much better off. My poor Wallace.." Mona yells "You never gave a damn about Wallace! You only cared about you, and your boy toys!" Fancy shoots up, and screams "Listen bitch, you have no room to say a damn thing to me! I used my Son, I didn't give a damn about him, he's just a tool. A tool. Like you are, and Winston!" Suddenly, someone walks inside, and a shot is fired, as Fancy drops dead, as Wallace Manning Jr walks inside, and Mona goes "Oh my God you are alive?" Wallace looks at his Ex-Wife, and says "She found me, and after hearing that, I finished her off. She never cared about nobody." Mona looks at Wallace, as she's stunned, and says "I never thought I would see the day you would stand up to your Mother like that." Wallace responds "She's sick, and it's been a long time coming. And I think I'd like to go back to McCain." Mona looks at Wallace, and tells him "We have some issues to deal with." Wallace asks "Like what?" Mona says "My Sister's in crisis, and Clayton Hale is in charge." Wallace hugs Mona, and tells her "Since Mother's finally dead, we'll take care of Clayton, and I have some things to fix." Mona asks "Like what?" Wallace tells Mona "I want to have a relationship with my real Father."
Meanwhile at Whispering Hills, Ava returns, as Samantha and Ciarra sits next to each other, as Ciarra tells her Great-Great Niece the Martin family history, and Tenny walks inside, and looks at Samantha, as she goes "Wow. You look just like Ma." Samantha responds "Aunt Ciarra said the same thing, and Papaw was right about you Aunt Tennessee. You look exactly like he always described you." Tenny gets emotional, as Ava tells Samantha "I have to leave town, and help my Brother. You and J.J. make yourselves comfortable, and if you need anything, you have family." Tenny and Ciarra both looks at Samantha, and assures Ava "She's a Martin, and we take care of our own." Tenny tells her Sister "I think Sully's missing that baby." Ciarra takes a deep breath, as she says "I imagine so." Ciarra hands Ruthie to her Great-Great Grandmother, as Tenny takes her across the road to Hell Hill, as Ciarra tells Samantha and J.J. "Since Ava's gone. The two of you will stay with Floyd and me. We will work on reconnecting our family." Samantha hugs her Great Great Aunt, as Ava thanks Ciarra, and heads to pack her suitcase, as she prepares to head to Valley Ridge.
Across the road at Hell Hill, Bobby, Beth, Sully, and Frank sits in the living room, as they all worry for Xavier, and Tenny walks inside with Ruthie, and tells Sully "Go back home, and rest." Beth agrees, as Sully asks them "Will Daddy forgive Mom?" Beth says "I don't know Sully, but it's not going to be easy. I'm staying here with Gracie and Xavier Jr, and Country and Uncle Floyd will find Leigh." Sully picks up her Daughter, as she heads back to her Penthouse, and says to her Daughter "Daddy's missing you." Tenny tells Beth "I met Samantha, and she's going to need us." Beth hugs her Mother, and tells her "She can count on that Mama." Tenny glares at Frank, and tells her Daughter "Now you and Bobby take care of my Grandchildren, I have to check on Rose. She's moved in with me." Beth goes "What! She's staying with you?" Tenny snaps "Beth shut up and listen close. Rose was raped, and she has nobody except me and Nathan. I consider her like a Granddaughter, and you accept that!" Tenny walks out, and Beth shakes her head, as Frank tells Beth and Bobby "Keep me updated." Beth tells him "We will." Frank head back home, as night has fallen, and once outside, Frank looks through the window, as Bobby holds Beth in his arms, and Frank says to himself, with jealously in his eyes "I screwed up."
Back at City Hospital, Willie walks over, with Aretha, to Mary's room, as Hazel, Kane, and Lacey sits at Mary's bedside, and Hazel gets up, and hugs Willie and Aretha, and says "Mrs.Evans you still look the same as you did when we were kids." Willie grins, as she says "May look it, but as they say "black don't crack." Hazel introduces them to Mary's Grandchildren, and Aretha tells Hazel "We heard about Mary, and thought we'd stop in before we went home." Hazel thanks them, and Willie assures Mary's family "The Loves are fighters, and although Ruth lost her fight, Mary has a lot left for her." Hazel smiles, and says "Yes she does. And Daddy's getting his memory back, and he'll be here tomorrow when he's discharged." Willie tells them "I'll come by and visit tomorrow. Aretha and I are heading home now. It's been a rough night, and I want to see my Great-Grandson." Willie and Aretha heads out, as Hazel tells Kane and Lacey "Willie Evans is one of the best friends Mama ever had, she's like an Aunt." Kane asks "Didn't Aretha expose Lynn?" Hazel tells her Son "Yes she did, because I helped her."
In River's Room, River is still out, as Sayyid sits at his Son's bedside, and Eve tells him "Well it's out now." Sayyid says "It is. And I don't know if he heard my confession, but I'm not leaving his side." Eve looks at Sayyid, and tells him "River is a good man, a bit naive, and got some Keith in him when it comes to women, like Rachel, but he's smart, and he's very successful." Sayyid sheds a tear, as he tells Eve "You raised him well. I'm proud."
Meanwhile back at Hell Hill, Leigh walks inside, as Beth looks at her Daughter In Law, and Leigh asks "Where's X?" Beth tells her "He's gone Leigh. And I think you need to get help" Down at Chantel's Clayton and Rachel has dinner, as they laugh and Clayton tells Rachel "We have destroyed the Jackson Family permanently." Clayton's phone rings, as he answers, and rage grows in his eyes, as he hangs up, and tells Rachel "I have to leave. Things have backfired." Floyd and Country walks inside, as Country grabs Rachel, as Floyd grabs Clayton, as they tell them "Damn right they've backfired, and now the two of you will pay for what you've done you selfish bastards!" The lights go out, as Floyd and Country leads Clayton and Rachel out, as they drag them out of Chantel's. Meanwhile Ava has arrived at Adam's Landing International Airport, as she boards a plane to Valley Ridge, as she says "This is all about to be finished." In Valley Ridge, a woman walks inside HaleCorp. Meanwhile Xavier has entered a room, where Winston lays, as his eyes open and goes "Xavier!" Xavier aims his Colt 45 at him, and Winston tells him "Xavier, there's something you need to know." Meanwhile the woman walks out, as she makes a phone call, and gets no answer, and evil glares from her eyes, as she coldly says "It's just started."