At The Farm, Frank glares at Xavier, as he tears into his Brother, as he yells "How does it feel Frank? You made your own Son kill himself? Do you feel better now?" Frank asks Xavier "Why does it matter to you?" Xavier grabs Frank, as Bree screams at Xavier "Get off of Uncle Frank!" Bobby walks over, and Frank looks at Bobby, and snaps "Anytime something happens, you always have to call Xavier." Meanwhile Casey watches on, as Xavier looks at her, and goes "I heard you were sleeping with my Brother." Casey responds "I take it you are Xavier Jackson." Xavier glares at Casey, then looks at his Brother, and tells him in disgust "Wallace wasn't a bad guy. He ridden our family of his Mother, and all he wanted was a Father." Frank yells "He had a damn Father! I didn't have a damn choice!" Xavier yells "You should have accepted him you stubborn bastard!" Casey steps in, as she tells Xavier "After what I heard.." Xavier bluntly stops her, and snaps "You don't have a damn say in this matter, so get lost." Frank yells at Xavier and Bobby "Get your asses off this property!" Xavier looks at Frank, and warns him "I won't forgive this, and your Mother would be appalled at the way you're acting. You aren't 30 years old, and you have sure lost your way." Xavier speeds out of the driveway, as Bree looks at Casey, and tells her "Don't get involved in our business." Frank asks his Niece "Are you siding with Xavier?" Bree looks at Casey, and tells Frank "I think Grandma would be disappointed. I don't approve of you and Casey, and Wallace was sincere." Frank tells his Niece "You need to follow you Uncle, or Cousin, and Bobby and get the hell out of here!" Bree looks at her Uncle with disappointment, as she leaves, and Bobby tells Frank, as he heads out "Now that you have Casey, leave Beth the hell alone. Just be damn lucky I can't prosecute you." Bobby leaves, as Cass follows, and Frank tells Casey "Screw them all!" They walk inside, as Frank gets a liquor bottle, and pours himself, and Casey a drink.
At Class, The crowd grows silent, as Millie freezes on the catwalk, as Aretha yells "Isn't there something you want to tell everybody girl?" Leigh looks at Sully, as Rashad glares at his Mother, with anger, as Willie hands him his Son, and tells Rashad "Go to the dressing room and be there for Millie." Rashad glares at his Mother, as Sully asks Aretha "What's the reason for this?" Aretha responds "I think Amelia should be the one to answer that. She's a damn liar, and I think she should tell you, not me." Leigh walks Millie to the dressing room, as Sully looks at Aretha, and motions her to her office, as Willie follows behind them, and once inside, Sully tells Aretha "I don't know what in the hell is going on between you and Millie, but you crashed my fashion show, and I'm pissed." Aretha replies "Not as pissed as you're going to be when you find out what I've found out." Sully asks "And what exactly is that Aretha? I know Millie's past, and that's why I hired her." Aretha asks "Do you know all of it Sully?" Willie yells at her Daughter "I think you need to chill your ass out Aretha!" Sully looks at Willie, and tells Aretha "I think you should listen to Ms.Evans, and go somewhere and chill." Aretha looks at Sully, and warns her "I strongly recommend you heed my advice. Ask that girl why she's walking around with your Daddy's picture." Aretha heads out, as Willie tells Sully "I'm sorry about that. She is taking things too far with that girl." Sully is silent, as she tells Willie "I'm going to check on her." Willie heads out, as she asks Aretha "You didn't tell me about that part?" Aretha tells her Mother "It's about to be out in the open."
Meanwhile at City Hospital, Beth and Olivia delivers Rachel's baby, as Rachel is in a coma, and Allan and Eve watches on closely, as Beth tells them "It's a boy." Eve walks over, as she looks at the baby, and tells Beth "I'm a Grandmother. And I have no damn idea how I'm going to tell River he has a Son." Olivia looks at Allan, as she walks over to him, and says "At least Nathan won't have anything to worry about now." Allan sighs "Yep. Now he can get well and get back to his music, though he will need me, and you, and the family. It's going to be hard for him to accept life without Mama." Beth looks at her Brother, and tells him "He will have that Allan, and Rachel just caused all of us hell." Beth turns her attention to Eve, and tells her "I think now you need to go back to Sugar Creek, and take this child with you." Eve asks Beth "What about Rachel?" Beth looks at Rachel, as Terrance walks inside, and tells Eve "Leave her to me. You take this child and give him a good life. Here's your second chance." Eve cries, as she holds her Grandson, and tells everyone "He looks like Andre and River. When do I need to leave?" Beth gets the baby, and tells Eve "I'm calling the Hospital in Sugar Creek, and I'll arrange his check-ups. He's healthy, and don't worry about Rachel causing you any trouble." Beth checks on Eve's Grandson, and tells Eve "I think you need to leave as soon as I clear everything." Beth takes Eve's Grandson to the maternity ward, as Eve looks at Allan, Terrance, and Olivia, and tells them "I'll keep in touch. Tell everyone my goodbyes, and I'll return to finish the album once things are settled at home." Terrance tells Eve "I'll let Mama and Aretha know. But what about Clem?" Eve is quiet, and walks out into the hallway, where she calls Sayyid, and asks "Where are you?" Sayyid responds "I'm at Winston and Ava's." Eve tells him "Come see me. And meet your Grandson." Sayyid responds "I'm on my way." At Whispering Hills, Ava and Winston looks at Sayyid, as a smile grows on his face, as he tells Ava "I'm a Grandfather again." Winston and Ava breathes a sigh of relief, as Ava tells her Husband "At least that whore's child doesn't have our blood running through its veins."
Back at Class, Millie sits in her dressing room, as Rashad and Little Sidney consoles her, as does Leigh, as Millie asks in frustration "I don't understand that woman. It's like she has it out for me. I feel like she's racist." Rashad tells Millie "Mom's not racist at all. She's like you said a few days ago." Millie answers "Yes she is!" Leigh asks Millie "What would make Aretha do something like that? She's never done that before." Sully walks inside, and tells Millie "I just spoke to Aretha, and I want to know something." Millie looks at Sully, as Leigh watches on, and Millie asks Sully "Are you about to believe her?" Sully asks "Why do you have a picture of my Daddy?" Rashad grows silent, as does Leigh, as Millie looks at them, and says "I need to know some things." Leigh asks Millie "What would you be doing with Xavier's photo? If you have it, I want to see it." Sully adds "Me too. If you know something, you need to tell us now." Millie takes a deep breath, as Sully assures her "I'm not going to tear into you, I want you to be honest." Millie looks up, and says to Sully, and Leigh, as Rashad is silent, and holds Millie's hand "I think I am Xavier Jackson's Daughter." Leigh grows silent, as Sully goes "You're kidding? Aren't you?" Millie opens her purse, and pulls out a photo, and shows it to Sully and Leigh, as they grow silent, and Millie starts to cry. Meanwhile at The Exposer, Willie asks Aretha's secretary "Is my Daughter here?" The secretary replies "She hasn't arrived." Willie rolls her eyes, as she walks out with frustration showing. Aretha meanwhile stands at the front door at Hell Hill, as she yells "Xavier?" to no response, and Aretha walks to her car, as Xavier pulls up, and he asks Aretha "What are you doing here?" Aretha tells him "We need to have a talk. There's something you should know." They walk inside, into Xavier's study, where Aretha pulls out a bag, and asks Xavier "Do you know this girl?" Xavier looks, and responds "No." Aretha tells him "Millie Paige is walking around with a photo of you." Xavier is silent, and Aretha tells him what she knows, as Xavier grows quiet, and asks Aretha "Where is it?" Aretha hands a scrapbook to Xavier, as he flips through, and says to her "Oh shit. I know her." Aretha responds "The woman?" Xavier has a flashback, and tells Aretha "I was lied to."
Meanwhile back at The Farm, Frank and Casey has a few drinks, as Frank vents "I can just imagine what that son of a bitch has in store. He's about to kill FJR over this!" Casey tells him "Why would he do that? He's not an idiot." Frank, who's got a slight buzz, tells Casey "My Brother, when it comes to this type of shit, doesn't see dollar signs, he sees revenge. He's done it before, and I am just waiting for him to do it again. My whole family worships his ass. Ava, now Bree. He is my Father reincarnated." Casey kisses Frank, and tells him "Don't worry about that. He isn't going to put his Nephew out of a ride, who just had a child." Frank laughs "The only person in this family Xavier gives two shits about is Ava, and they are quite a pair them two." There's a knock at Frank's door, as he yells "Go away!" Ava walks inside, as she tells her Brother "Bree just told me about everything." Frank snaps "Screw him, and screw you and your Husband Ava. I don't want to hear you." Ava looks at Casey, and asks "Who's the tramp?" Casey glares at Ava, as Ava tells Frank "You really screwed up. You hurt your Niece, pissed Xavier off, and myself as well. What in the hell is your problem?" Frank yells "Why are all of you feeling bad for Wallace Ava? He is the real reason our Mama is dead! Good riddance I say!" Ava slaps Frank across the face, and tells him "If Mama was here right now, she'd do the same damn thing. You are just like Daddy. Just like him." Frank screams "Get out of my damn house you crazy bitch!" Ava looks at Casey, and tells her "He's yours now to deal with." Ava looks at Frank, and warns him "If you're not careful, you're about to lose everyone that cares about you." Ava leaves, as Casey looks at Frank, as she tells him "Go to the bedroom, and I'll turn off the phones, and lock the doors." Frank heads to his bedroom, as Casey begins to lock up the house, as Cale, Allison, and Ginny arrives, and Casey tells them "He'll get in touch with you later. He's not well." Casey goes to the bedroom, as Allison looks at her Husband and tells him "Something just happened." Cale, holding their Daughter, responds "Shit's just hit the fan Allison."
Back at City Hospital, Sayyid arrives, as Eve meets him outside, and tells him "I'm leaving town tonight, before Rachel wakes. I don't want our Grandson anywhere near her." Sayyid looks at Eve, with sadness in his eyes, as he tells her "That's smart thinking. I want to meet him." They head to Maternity, where Beth checks out Eve's Grandson, and says to the baby "I hope you get the life you deserve, and never worry about Rachel Lane." In Rachel's room, Olivia and Allan stands inside, as Terrance finishes everything, and tells Olivia "I'm leaving the call to Beth." Olivia tells him "Good idea. I think Allan and I are going to see our Granddaughter." Terrance tells them "Go ahead." Olivia and Allan heads out, as Terrance makes a phone call to Casey, as her phone is off, and leaves her a message, saying "I'm not letting you quit." Meanwhile at The Farm, Casey and Frank are in bed, as they have sex, and the passion rises in the bedroom, as Casey tells Frank "I hope this makes you feel better." Frank tells Casey "It definitely does." Meanwhile at the ALPD, Bobby and Cass sits inside his office, as Cass asks Bobby "Did Bree ever return?" Bobby responds "No she didn't. Frank really should be ashamed of himself." At Chantel's, Bree sits at the bar, as she has a drink, and someone approaches her, and she turns around as she asks him "What are you doing here?" Colt tells Bree "Take a good guess. But what's bothering you?" Bree sighs "My Uncle." Colt hands the bartender some money, and tells Bree "Talk to me." At Class, Sully sits inside her office, as Jared walks inside, and tells her "Alexandra's taking care of things. What happened?" Sully looks at her Husband, and responds "Millie may be my Sister." At Hell Hill, Aretha has left, and Xavier sits inside his study, as he has another flashback, as anger grows in his eyes, as Leigh walks inside, and asks her Husband "We need to talk about Millie." Xavier looks at his Wife, as tears start to fall from his eyes. At The Exposer, Aretha sits in her office, as she takes a drink, and looks at her computer, as Rashad storms inside, and yells "I sure as hell hope you're happy!" Aretha looks at her Son, and tells him "I did what I had to do." Meanwhile at The Sunset Club, Millie walks inside her suite, as she notices her room has been ransacked by Aretha, and yells "Damnit!" Millie sits on her bed as she pulls out a joint, and lights it, and Millie sees a bluebird inside her room, as she grows curious, and opens the window, and Millie freezes, as the bluebird transforms, and Millie asks in a scared tone "Who are you?" Tenny's spirit responds "I am your Great-Grandmother, and I've been watching you."
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