Friday, April 15, 2022

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 326. Ends And New Beginnings

       Its a New Year in Adam's Landing, and as some chapters have closed, and begin their final goodbye. Also  its time for new chapters to begin and new rivalries, friendships, romance, and the mystery and intrigue that make soaps what makes us love them so. When we last left off we were at a major cliffhanger, Angelica, Wade, Xavier, Country were in a standoff with guns drawn, as Winston was held as "insurance" by his former Wife. Samantha was injected, and passed out. Ava had a heart attack, but will face choices. Things have forever changed for many families in Adam's Landing, and a new era has begun. Now the next chapter begins for Adam's Landing, we return as winter has turned to spring.


     At Jack and Samantha's Mansion in Bannister Hills, now finished, Jack walks downstairs, as Samantha looks at him silently and has breakfast, and Jack asks his Wife "Do you want to call J.J.? He's asking about his Mom." Samantha stares blankly at her Husband, and gets up and heads upstairs, as Jack has a flashback, and smiles, saying "Finally that bitch is dead once and for all." At Wade's new Penthouse, next door to Beth and Tenny, Wade walks around the living room, as he says "I know what this party is, but Jared cannot be trusted. Bridget returns. Connor will have a pal!" Connor Walsh, Wade's Step-Son with his Wife, Bridget Walsh and goes "I know you hate me." Wade goes "You are just odd. Like Cody. But..." Connor looks down with sadness, and heads to his new job at City Hospital, as Wade yells "You deal with your own damn issues. I have a legacy to save!" Connor ignores him and leaves, as Wade sends two texts, and grins.

       At Hell Hill, Xavier walks into the bedroom, with breakfast, as Leigh smiles "My love, how sweet! You are such a romantic. But its easier to sleep knowing Angelica's dead." Xavier nods, and says "Ava will need us today. Mother's coming over, and Gran too." Leigh tells her Husband "Sully will be at the office, and Ruthie too. Told her to. Needs to spend some family time." Xavier agrees, but says "She is our Granddaughter. It's natural. Sully may need a reminder herself.." They kiss, and start off the day. At Jackson Inc, Sully arrives, as Bree makes coffee and asks "So when do we need to schedule a meeting with Jared's lawyer?" Sully walks into her office and says "After today we will. I know the guy is a snake." Bree asks "How does it feel stepping into Xavier's shoes?" Sully quips "It's bittersweet Bree." At HaleCorp, Jared sits inside his office, as Clint asks "Did my Brother get you all you needed?" Jared reads through, and smiles "I am about to own 25 percent it appears." Clint sits at his desk, as Wade has returned to HaleCorp, claiming his old office, and goes "Wade is getting on my nerves. But my back-up plan is in motion." Jared asks "What are you talking about Clint?" Clint grins, and says "I'm about to control Adam's Landing media with what's in mind Jared."

    At The ALPD, Monica walks inside, as Paul greets her and says "The Governor thinks you've held Jamie long enough. He's expecting her release." Monica laughs, and goes "Tough shit Russell Marx. He must not know I have learned this place quite well. How's Summer?" Paul answers "She's doing well. Seeing a therapist at City Hospital." In the visitation room, Jamie sits inside with her Brother, as Frank tells her "I can't help you get out of here. I agree there seems to be someone that wants you in here." Jamie goes "My Daughters, Xavier is one for sure. Beth. Tenny. Brock." Frank asks "Brock?" Jamie smiles "Yes Frank, I know some info on Little X I wonder if Beth's knows." Frank warns "Releasing those pictures of Uncle Floyd and Tenny lost you a lot here. If you do get out. Do us all a favor and leave town." Frank motions the jailer, as Jamie gets emotional, and asks "Do you give up on me too like the rest?"  Frank is silent, and leaves, getting a text.

   Meanwhile at The Falcon, Beth and Tenny has breakfast, as Beth looks at her Mother and asks "Mama what would you call good news?" Tenny answers "You stop telling not to brag about filling Lily with bullets?" Beth sarcastically quips "How about my old dog in heat telling his Sister Jamie to go to hell?" Tenny laughs, and goes "Well I take it the new houseguest is helping him out it seems. Maybe he is finally maturing, but I'm not telling you to go over and marry him or sleep with him or.." Beth sighs "Mama..." Tenny yells, as Allan walks inside and joins his Mother and Sister, as Tenny hugs her Son, and says "Now Mommy killed that bitch Lily, want me to go find that sorry piece of shit married to your Daughter? I'll do him too." Allan goes "Leave it alone Mama." Beth tells her Brother "Welcome to my life." Allan tells them "Olivia's staying with her Dad in Southpoint Beach still. She mentioned no sign of Cale, or Erica since she took her back after the abortion." Tenny goes "I think Cale and Erica are in a cheap motel room that charges by the week. He's trash, and Erica Lane and her family except Olivia? Trash!" Beth and Allan both look at each other, as Tenny gets up, and walks into the kitchen, as Beth covers her eyes, and Allan sighs "Oh shit." getting a text.

   At Chantel's, Rachel greets Brock with a kiss, and gushes "That was good last night. I can't believe we will soon be together." Brock smiles, as he says "I am a better person because of you. I know my parents are against it, but when I announce it to Ruthie and Alyssa..." Rachel stops him, and goes "Oh no! It's amazing your Grandmother hasn't figured it out yet. And let's face the facts Xavier Brock Jackson Jr, your family hates me. We are getting too comfortable being out in the open." Brock sighs "Damnit that is ancient history with Jack, and my Father." Rachel reminds him "I know how they work, and if Beth finds out, she will kill me for sure." Brock assures her "We are in love Rachel. We will be married soon. I will talk to my Gran. She has her ways..." Rachel gets up, as she says "I need to head to the office Brock. And Tenny would kill me. She is batshit!" Rachel leaves, as Brock leaves with doubt and sadness in his eyes.

   At City Hospital, Ginny, Rashad sit in Terrance's office, as he tells them "I am not a fan of the shrink." Ginny tells Terrance "Connor Walsh is a good person." Terrance snaps "No he is fake! I can tell.." Rashad asks his Uncle "What are you saying?" Terrance gets a page and leaves, as Ginny asks Rashad "What's going on with Terrance?" Rashad tells her "I have no idea. He is very private." Meantime Connor has arrived in his office, as a man stands inside and asks with a smile "Enjoying your job here?" Connor smiles, and says "It's very nice. I can't stand old man Evans." The other man laughs "Me either. But... you will grow here. I promise. Now off to visit my patients and let me know how Samantha Hale is. I think she should be committed." Connor agrees, as the man walks out, and makes a phone call. At Jack and Samantha's Mansion, Samantha's in the bedroom, she is silent. Staring in the mirror, as she sees her image, and says "Give up. Let me in Sam." Downstairs, Summer comes over, as Jack updates his Cousin, and Summer tells him "Diego is in town. He is searching." Jack tells Summer "Diego is screwed because Angelica would never reveal her secrets. She was a evil bitch, and if she was alive, I'd kill her! My Wife is like a zombie!" Jack cries "Mom's coming home, I want my Wife Summer!" Summer consoles her cousin.

    At Hell Hill, Xavier and Leigh sit in the living room, as they check their phones, and Leigh quips sarcastically "This is retirement action X. Staying home and not risking your life all the time!" Xavier looks at his Wife, and asks her "Why aren't you with Ruthie down at Class?" Leigh asks her Husband "You could go to your office and check on things." Leigh adds "Ruthie is great, like Sully. We did a good job. Brock too, and Gracie." Xavier and Leigh get up and hold each other and kiss, as Xavier tells his Wife "We have the Sullivan Love." Leigh kisses him tightly, and smiles "Damn straight Xavier Jackson!" At Jackson Inc, Sully and Bree sit in Sully's office, as she tells her Cousin "Daddy just told me Jared will be destroyed if he goes for it." Bree gasps "Sully, this is going to hurt Aunt Ava. She's now really the head of HaleCorp, and knowing her if she's up to it taking charge when she returns today. I know how Uncle Xavier thinks." Sully reminds her in an annoyed tone "Daddy plays by his rules. And honestly, I'm ok with it, and Aunt Ava too. He's a bastard. A terrible Dad to Ruthie, Cain, Jason, and that one with Bridget the whore of the Midwest." Bree advises her "Sully, if Xavier made peace with Wade, give the girl a chance. You're divorcing him after all." Sully is silent. 

   Meanwhile at HaleCorp, Wade struts into his Jared and Clint's office and goes with a excited tone "Oh today is the end of the two of you losers. Jared, Xavier and I are pals now you know." Clint snarls "You son of a bitch. I am going to show both of you who runs this town soon as Xavier pays me." Jared boldly states "And I will have a seat on that board at Jackson Inc with my percent! But I would gladly make sure to help my friend gain power." Wade asks, growing suspicious "Don't threaten me with empty threats." Clint yells "He killed my Wife Wade! I know one of his people did his dirty work. Jared's explained him to me damn well and not once has he crossed paths with me." Wade laughs at Clint "And best not to or he'll tear your ass to shreds." Wade looks at his Brother, and warns Jared, laughing "Remember when you cheated with Summer and Bridget, and Xavier has your ass whooped?" Jared warns him "He hated you too. Don't get comfortable!" Wade heads to his office and tells them "Well call me Mr. Hale fellas!" Wade walks out, and Clint tells Jared "He and Ava don't know shit yet. Same for Xavier. He's over at his beloved Hell Hill hiding." Jared warns Clint "When you see your Brother again, ask for help if he comes for you. He will be pissed over what's in store."

    At The Gossiper, someone walks around Rachel's office and looks around with a grin. In Jamie's former office, Rachel and Brock pack, as she prepares to move to her new position for DuBois Publishing as CEO, and owning a percentage. Rachel and Brock discuss her new position, as he asks Rachel "So what's the latest with Jamie?" Rachel quips "Bitch is done for now Brock. And she reminded me a lot of my Mom." Brock goes "Damn." At the ALPD, Jamie sits in her cell, as Monica walks inside with the jailers, as Jamie asks "I said no damn visitors. Screw all of you!" Monica snaps at her "No bitch, back at ya Jamie!" The jailers break them up, as Ava walks in and smiles "Ahh... Perfect." Jamie goes "Oh shit." Ava tells Monica and the jailers, Paul arrives and orders them to stand down "I dreaded this trip home without the true love of my life, but seeing this just helps my heart." Jamie snarls "I wish you'd die Ava." Monica angrily snaps, "Jamie Marx, when I walk outta this damn cell. Ava and I are going to press a few more charges on you. Ava and I are friends you know.." Jamie yells "Ava, you are a pathetic bitch. You know I was not part of what happened to you.." Ava delivers a fiercely blistering slap across her sister's face, and says "I'm going to see my Son now. Oh what a nice surprise to see!!" Ava leaves, as Monica and Paul walk out, and Jamie grows nervous and yells for a phone call from her cell.

    Back at Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Beth and Tenny walks inside, as Tenny asks Beth "So are you going to tell me why you and Allan had that private chat at The Falcon?" Beth lights a blunt, and goes "Mama, Allan can handle it, and if he needs us, he'll call us." Tenny sighs, as Beth passes the blunt "I guess so." At The Farm, Floyd sits inside, as Frank comes in, and Allan follows yelling "He learned from you Frank! I did not raise her!" Frank yells "Listen you son of a bitch, I'm about to whoop your deadbeat ass right now. Best thing you can do is leave! I can't help it!" Allan warns him "Don't test me, and pass that message onto your offspring. My Mama is so on point about you. How could I not see it?!!" Allan walks out, as Floyd walks inside, as he asks his Nephew "What was that about?" Frank tells him, and says "Hell's about to break loose now.." Floyd goes to the liquor cabinet. At Cale and Allison's Mansion, Allison pours a drink of whiskey, and gets another text, as she sends a text to her Husband, typing in caps "CALE GET HOME NOW!!!" Allison takes a full swallow, and throws the cup across the room, screaming "Damn! How could he do this? How!" Allison grabs her phone, and makes a call.

    At Class, Leigh walks into Ruthie's office, as Ruthie greets her Grandmother, and Leigh asks "Want to go downtown and have lunch? X went to Jack's to meet Ava when she arrives." Ruthie agrees and asks "So what is Papaw going to do to my Dad? I am scared." Leigh looks at her Granddaughter, and holds her hands tightly, and says "You and Cain are the only reason he wouldn't kill him. Your Mom may be at Jackson Inc, but your Grandfather is still calling the final shots." They hug and head out. At Chantel's, Sully and Bree sit at a table, as Jared approaches, and walks up." Sully bluntly asks "What do you want Jared? Where's your power playing friend and your lawyer?" Jared grins "You are just like your Father Sully. And get ready for a huge power play. You aren't ready." Bree tells him "Get lost as I will use this against you. And I do know Thorpe Landon. So leave us alone." Sully tells Jared "You are the one who changed Jared. And I'll make damn sure you pay for my pain bastard!" Jared walks off, as he sees someone and says "Let's meet at The Sunset Club." Back at Sully and Bree's table, Bree gets a text, and says "Aunt Ava's returned. On her way to Jack's." Sully looks at her, and they motion for the waitress, and prepares to leave.

    Back at Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Brock arrives, as Tenny answers and asks "What do you want?" Brock walks in, as he asks his Great-Grandmother "Is Gram here?" Tenny answers "Beth got a call and left. How are you? Never around much." Brock is silent, as he slowly goes "About that. I am seeing someone and I'm in love." Tenny is quiet, as she asks "Sullivan Love?" Brock says "I think so. But she's older than me. Old enough to be my Mom." Tenny asks "Who are you seeing Brock?" Brock asks "Will you keep it a secret from Gram. Mom and Dad has so far." Tenny says to her Great-Grandson "Yes I will. I am old and will forget in a moment when I smoke this other blunt Beth left for me. Wanna burn it down with Gran and visit?" Brock nods, as Tenny pulls it out and hands it to him and says "Light up and we'll shoot the shit!" At DuBois Publishing, Rachel sits at her new desk, as she looks around and says "Cover story on Jamie Marx. The fall. Best seller!" A woman walks inside, and warns "Not so fast Lane." Rachel's jaw drops, as she goes in awe, and welcomes the woman and says "Welcome to Adam's Landing Ms. DuBois." Berry DuBois, Doris DuBois' Daughter goes "Eve told me about you." Rachel grows nervous as Berry checks Rachel silently.

    At Jazz, Beth joins her Brother, as he fumes over what he knows, as Beth warns "Keep it from our Mama!" Allan yells "She'll find out! You know our Mama!" Beth takes a deep breath, and says "Olivia's coming back, so that'll help. It isn't Frank though you need to attack." At The Farm, Floyd looks at Frank, as they sit in the nursery, and Floyd tells his Nephew "I never expected that from Allan Sullivan." Frank sighs, as they discuss the situation "I am sure Tenny is having a field day over it. Or will once you tell her." Floyd goes "Oh no! I'm not saying anything to her when I meet her again for breakfast." Meanwhile at Coffeeteria, Ginny meets her Mother, as Allison fills Ginny in, as Ginny gets upset, and Allison says "I wanted to get out. I don't believe this. I just.." Ginny consoles her Mother. Meanwhile in Southpoint Beach, Olivia writes a note, and sticks it under a hotel door, and heads to her rental car and heads to the airport, returning home with rage in her eyes.

     At Jack and Samantha's Mansion, Xavier has arrived, and hugs his nephew, and opens his arms to Summer, and hugs his Niece, as Jack asks him "How's HaleCorp?" Xavier smiles "Just fine Jack. Take care of your Wife, and your Mom went to see Jamie. Did not turn out well." Jack and Summer laugh, as Summer tells her Uncle "Dad wants Mom released." Xavier quips "Monica DuBois isn't letting her out. Believe me. It's personal there." Upstairs, Samantha stares in the mirror, as her image says "Look, it's ok. Look at your history. And you'll be free to be free and start all over better than ever. I will see to it Sam." Sam asks slowly "Who are you?" The image says "Bella Martin. Good enough for you?" Samantha is silent, as "Bella" says "Just relax and let go and I'll take care of everything." Back downstairs, Jack tells his Uncle and Cousin "Mom's almost here." Xavier says "I am going to miss my friend being close by." Jack is silent, fighting tears, as Summer is quiet. The doorbell rings, and Jack answers, as Ava walks inside, and tightly hugs her Son, and says "I'm home baby." She sees Xavier and Summer and feels some comfort, and smiles at her Brother and Niece, as Sully and Bree walk inside, and everyone embrace in a hug, welcoming Ava home. Samantha is upstairs meantime, as 'Bella" looks at Samantha, and Samantha is silent, as 'Bella' goes "You'll be better than ever." Samantha shivers, as she looks at her image in the mirror..









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