At Jackson Inc, Sully returns and greets her Cousin, as Jack tells her "Come over and look out the window. Looks like the building across the street's got a new tenant." Sully walks over, and looks down as she says "Oh he's so busted.", glaring at her soon to be Ex-Husband in the new building, as Jared, standing in an empty room, hangs up the phone, as he notices her and shuts the shade. At HaleCorp, Ava and Wade glare angrily at Clint in silence, as Clint asks Ava and Wade "So both of you know everything? What exactly are you talking about? Ava tell me this since you know everything.. Did your Brother kill my Wife? I know his ass did!" Ava turns to Wade and says "Go to your office and leave me alone with him." Wade asks "Don't you uhh.." Ava smiles with fury, calmly saying "It's personal now Wade. Wait. Now get lost." Wade struts out, as Ava awaits, and once Wade walks out, Ava pulls out some files, and asks "So you two bastards where in cohorts with the old bitch, and here's a new business idea." Clint snarls "Your family is going to pay for killing Lily.." Ava rolls her eyes, and warns him "I have nothing to lose, and I know one thing. My Brother will not respond to this well. I won't if my sweet Niece suffers." Ava walks out, as Clint is furious. Ava walks to Wade's office, saying to herself "Oh hell no you won't dare. For damn certain once I tell Xavier!"
At Hell Hill, Xavier sits in his study, as he speaks to Wade, as he gets updated, and sighs "We'll meet tonight..", as Beth storms in and yells "Ok Son! What in the hell is going on?" Xavier hangs up, and asks "Mother what in the hell is wrong?" Beth takes a deep breath, and says "Just met up with your Wife at The Sunset Club. She got a call and didn't finish.." Xavier rolls his eyes, and Beth asks "It was about Brock and some girl. I don't like what I'm feeling Son." Xavier gets up, and pours a drink, and tells his Mother "I don't lose any sleep over my Son. And neither should you. It'll benefit us." Beth gets frustrated, and snaps "I don't give a damn about business Xavier, I am interested in my Grandson and finding real love. Not a whore, not some young Rachel Lane out there..." Xavier yells "Answered your question Mama! There you go! I did give you a hint..." Beth gasps "Excuse me? Did you just say.." Xavier answers "Rachel Lane! I know how you feel. But I am watching her closely." Beth storms out, as Xavier takes a deep breath, and says to himself "Only God can help you now Brock." At Rachel's Loft, Brock walks inside, as a knock's at the door, and Brock answers. Jared quips "I have an idea." Brock welcomes his Brother In Law inside.
At Chantel's, Bree and Country have lunch, as Bree tells her Father "It's nice to have you back. Good to know you and Uncle Xavier have mended fences." Country gushes "Well Bree, you've done good by helping Sully with Jackson Inc." Bree smiles "Thanks Dad." Monica, Paul, and Bobby join, as Bobby tells Bree "We need to talk about Jamie." Country rolls his eyes, as Bree asks "Where's my Sister?" Paul answers "She's talking to Russell. He's hellbent on her release." Monica notices her Mother in Law, and tells everyone "I'm going over to visit Mama and Rachel. Jamie's staying in jail if I can help it!" Monica walks off, as Bobby asks "How did the meeting with Thorpe and Clint go?" Country laughs "Oh hell Bobby.. Clint and Jared's itching for X's wrath once he finds out everything." Paul is silent, as he reads a text from his Wife, and takes a deep breath. Bobby turns to his Son, as Bree also gets a text, and Country and Bobby ask "What happened?" Over at Doris and Rachel's table, Rachel sighs "I have my past. But today.." Doris asks "Rachel, do you have a conflict of feelings? Honey, are you attracted to Eve's Son?" Rachel snaps "No! It's much deeper." Doris has a brief flashback, and goes "Oh Gotcha now... Well let's fix that problem." Monica meanwhile has walked back to Bree, Country, Paul, and Bobby. Monica snarls "I hope someone runs Marx out of office. Son of a bitch!" They head out, as Bobby and Country tells Monica "Time to visit Hell Hill. Xavier will have a solution."
Meanwhile at The Falcon, Frank and Floyd walk inside, as Thorpe greets them, and asks "So what are you doing here? Cale drives for me now. I know about your latest screwup." Frank warns Thorpe "Your ass is bound to really piss the wrong person off." Floyd adds "Xavier's already watching you and your Brother." Frank quips to his Uncle "They are sorry. That's for sure!" Thorpe snaps at Frank "My team has kicked your ass in the past few years. Maybe time for the old champion to sell his team!" Tenny walks inside, as Frank yells "Landon, my new driver will be strong. And if you mess with Cale. I'll kick your ass! Thanks for wasting my time." Floyd meanwhile sees Tenny, as she watches Thorpe walk out, and claps at Frank, and goes "Brava! Good to see Cale has you looking out for him and teaching the dog some new tricks on how to be a male whore." Floyd asks Tenny "Are you feeling better?" Tenny glares at her former Son In Law, and snarls "When Frank breathes? And Cale is running around Southpoint Beach like a virgin on spring break? It's his damn fault. I should kill them both!" Frank warns Tenny "Watch your damn threats or I'll be making a phone call to Beth." Tenny asks "So where's Alyssa? Do you know? I heard she eloped with someone." Floyd rolls his eyes, as Frank asks his Uncle "Why did you tell Tenny?" Floyd goes "We are friends." Tenny adds "I like Floyd. But you, no." Frank tells his Uncle "Let's leave. I got to help my Son." Tenny tells him "Do that Frank. I'm planning to help him. Help him out with this pistol in my purse." Floyd warns her "Stop!" Frank responds "Try it you old bitch and you will have a bad day. Let's go Uncle Floyd." Floyd sits with Tenny, as she smiles and says "I want to talk to him. So you get lost." Frank yells "Come on!" Floyd gets up, and shrugs, and Tenny goes "Tell your Son I said to go to hell." Frank and Floyd leave, as Tenny looks in her purse, and leaves.
At Class, Leigh, Ruthie, and Marco are inside Leigh's office, as Bridget arrives, and Leigh and Ruthie rolls their eyes, as Bridget asks "Well where's Sully? Thought I'd extend an olive branch." Ruthie coldly goes "I'd like to extend something." Ruthie walks up to Bridget, and slaps her across the face, as Bridget asks Ruthie "What was that for? Looks like you have some problem with me. Why?" Leigh snaps "You slept with her Dad whore. You also had his child too. Sully has been moved up, and Ruthie's now in charge." Marco motions to Leigh and says "Your Husband wants to speak to you." Leigh talks to Xavier, as Ruthie yells at Bridget "Get out of my store, and never come back! I know Wade and my Grandpa is friendly, but you will be a whore and homewrecking bitch in my eyes!" Leigh hangs up, and yells "Shit!" Bridget walks to the door, and says "I'm back to stay. And I'm about to come for you." Bridget walks out, as Ruthie asks her Grandmother and Marco "Come for me?" Leigh tells her Granddaughter "She just said she wants to go to war." Back at Hell Hill, Storm and Samantha show up at Storm's Cottage, as Xavier greets them and asks Storm "Why are you with my Nephew's Wife?" Samantha asks Xavier "And what business is it of yours sir?" Xavier gets out his phone, and says "Let me call Jack.." Storm tells Xavier "They broke up." Xavier is silent, and walks off as he gets a text, and Samantha goes "Let's go to my house Stormy." They head off, Xavier returns home, and is silent, looking at Jack's number, and saying to himself "Damn."
Back at Jackson Inc, Sully and Jack sits in his office, as Rashad arrives and notices anger in the room, as Jack tells his best friend "Samantha's left." Sully tells them "I need to make a visit to my Daughter's new neighbor!" Sully storms out, and Rashad tells Jack "I have the lab at City Hospital still running tests. Beth has said she wonders if it's a concoction Angelica had created." Jack tells him "Mom said the same. I think they might be right. I wish I knew what to do about it." Rashad tells him "I think Connor can help her." Jack goes "If she will get it." At HaleCorp, Wade and Ava sit in his office, as Clint's left, and Wade and Ava goes over what they've found, as Ava yells "These bastards are paying for this! That's a fact!" Wade agrees, and adds "Xavier will have the answer." Ava quips "I think he's going to have some guests soon." Back at Rachel's Loft, Brock listens to Jared, as he fills him in on his plans and tells Brock "What do you have to lose? I've always been there for you. I'm offering you something your Father gave Sully." Brock snaps "I'm not interested. You hurt my Sister, my Niece who I consider a Sister. I love my family Jared." Brock walks his Brother In Law to the door, and says "Now if I were you, I'd stay away from Rachel, and don't even involve me in this plan or her if you know what's good for you." Jared snarks "Brock, you are losing out. Go ask the almighty X for help. He will never go as far for you as your Sisters." Jared walks off, as Brock walks inside, and lights a blunt.
Down at The Gossiper, Berry and Aretha sit in her office, as Doris walks in and tells them "Be easy on Rachel." Berry asks her Mother "Did she return with you?" Doris nods, as Aretha and Berry look at each other, and Berry says "Someone came to see her. I let them wait in her office." Doris asks her Daughter "What is your problem with Rachel?" Aretha answers "Ask Eve, and who just arrived looking for her." Rachel walks inside her office, as Beth sits at Rachel's desk, and calmly says "So you've got your whoring claws into my Grandson. Now I know why nobody told me." Rachel warns her "I have changed Beth and love him. He really is a great man. A gentleman." Beth gets up, and walks over, and says "He's a good kid. And I am warning your ass, don't hurt him. And don't expect me to warm up to you. Ditto for my Daughter In Law. I do not trust you." Rachel yells "Beth can you try to move on? I have forgiven you." Beth snaps calmly "Your child is in a better place bitch. You made me do what I did with some help. But hurt Brock, and you will make the worst mistake.." Beth pulls out a syringe, and asks "Remember this? I put your Mom, and you in one with this oldie. I will again." Beth walks out, as Rachel calls Brock, to no answer. Beth stands in the lobby, as Berry tells her "Thank you for that enlightening look at Rachel." Beth smiles "Watch her." Beth leaves, as Doris and Aretha walk into the lobby, and Berry goes "I want to see Eve." and returns to her office, as Aretha warns Doris "Beth caught her up."
At the new office building, Thorpe meets his Brother, as Clint tells him "They know." Thorpe grins, as Clint asks his Brother "But what they know is not what I know?" Clint asks "What do you mean Thorpe?" At Hell Hill, Xavier sits inside his study, as he's filled in by Bobby and Country, as Xavier picks up the phone, and goes "Looks like I need to send a friendly reminder to Russell Marx again." At the ALPD, Monica, Paul, and Summer are inside Paul's office, as Summer cries "We can't let my Dad have his way. He's scared." Paul tells his Wife, as Monica is quiet, reading a text "Bree's going to make sure that does not happen. She has assured you she has no chance in hell." Monica tells them "She's in solitary until court. Jamie is finished." In a padded cell, Jamie screams at her Daughter "I will be out, and I will destroy you!" Bree gives her Mother the finger, and tells the jailer. "Only one visitor." Bree walks out, as Jamie paces her cell. At The Farm, Frank sits in the living room as the phone rings, and Floyd answers and looks at his Nephew, as Floyd goes "Ok. Be safe." Frank asks "Allison?" Floyd tells him "I think you need to head down there. They are driving." Frank gets up, and Floyd hugs his Nephew, and goes "Now don't start a war." Frank tells him "I'm going down there and fix this." At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Beth walks inside, as Tenny smokes a blunt and goes "So my Daughter's keeping secrets? I know one I'm not telling you ha ha ha!" Beth snarls "Chill out Mama! And what secret?" Tenny struts to her bedroom and goes "Oh? Well one I'll keep to me." Tenny walks off, leaving Beth suspicious. Next door, at Wade and Bridget's Penthouse, Bridget sits in the living room as the doorbell rings, and hangs up the phone and walks to answer it and goes "Sully..." Sully delivers a fierce slap across Bridget's face, and warns her "Next time you see me, I'll sharpen my razor."
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