It's been 3 weeks since we last visited Adam's Landing. When we last left off, Frank was revealed as the Father to Wallace Manning Jr. Ava had paid Summer a visit at Russell's Loft, with her gun in tow. Ruth had collapsed at Hell Hill while watching Gracie and Xavier Jr, and found by Floyd. There was a lot of action beginning to take place and damning secrets beginning to unravel. Now we pick up D&D, three weeks later..
It's a rainy day in Adam's Landing, as a plane arrives at Adam's Landing International Airport, and the pilot calls Xavier, at Jackson Inc and tells him "They are here Mr.Jackson." Xavier, sitting in his office alone, tells his pilot "Thank you." Xavier hangs up the phone, as Tenny walks inside her Grandson's office and Xavier looks at his Grandmother, and asks her "I hear you're still rocking out at the penthouse?" Tenny, in a unassuming tone, looks up and says in a distant tone "Who? Me? I am an old woman Xavier. I don't do those things." Xavier looks at his Grandmother and reminds her "Didn't I tell you to keep it quiet? Sully is pregnant, and I know about your new friend." Tenny rolls her eyes and sighs "Damn Ciarra won't stop ratting me out. Where is the bitch?" Xavier rolls his eyes, as he tells her "Aunt Ciarra's at Uncle Floyd's. He hasn't returned home." Tenny quips "Maybe he found himself a whore and decided to stay where-ever he went. I hope so." Xavier gets frustrated and sternly tells his Grandmother "I want to make this perfectly clear Grandma. I think it's time you accept things, and deal with them. And I am tired of the rivalry between you and Aunt Ciarra. Uncle Floyd is missing, and I seen that card you sent Aunt Ciarra. Quite tasteless." Tenny sighs "You don't have no humor Xavier. Just like J.D.." Xavier tells her "Papaw and Uncle Jacob would want you to be there for your Sister." Tenny heads to the door and quips "Oldest Sister has Clair Feldman now. I don't know Ciarra." Tenny heads out, as Xavier makes a phone call.
At Floyd's home at Whispering Hills, Ciarra sits in the living room, as she goes over the sales reports from Emery's, as Clair walks inside and asks Ciarra "I see you are moving forward? You don't even act like you give a damn about my Daddy." Ciarra looks at Clair and tells her in a tone of frustration "I am scared about your Daddy Clair. I do work also and I am handling Emery's alone right now. Floyd will be back. I feel it." Clair yells "You can't feel because you don't love him." Ciarra keeps her composure as Clair continues "If you loved Daddy, you would be frantic!" Ciarra gets up and boldly tells Clair "You are really pushing me to my breaking point. I have tolerated your disdain for your Father and I being together, and about to marry, and I think you need to grow the hell up! I could judge you as well!" Clair screams at Ciarra "Don't judge me bitch.." Ciarra slaps Clair in the mouth and snaps "I have had enough now! I am not concerned for one reason, I know where Floyd went, and he is on his way home." Clair snaps back "You knew where my Daddy was and didn't tell me? How dare you!" Ciarra looks at Clair, as she heads to the door to go to The Penthouse "He told me to stay quiet. If he wanted you to know, he would have told you." Ciarra walks out, as Clair rolls her eyes and is silent for a moment as she says to herself "He went to L.A." Clair calls her Son Nathan James, and his phone goes to voice mail, and Clair makes a phone call to her Husband, Clint Feldman, and his phone has been turned off, and Clair takes a deep breath, as she walks into Floyd and Ciarra's bedroom and notices her Father's rifle is gone and has a look of dread in her eyes.
At Hell Hill, Beth sits in the living room, as Terrance calls from City Hospital and asks Beth "How is Ruth doing?" Beth tells Terrance "She is putting on a great act. She is in complete denial." Terrance, sitting in his office tells her "Mama forced me to tell her about Ruth. I couldn't keep it from her." Beth sighs and tells Terrance "I'm not upset Terrance. Ruth needs to open up and she's at Willie's as we speak." Terrance tells Beth "She isn't supposed to be driving." Beth takes a deep breath and responds "She knows. With all that's going on right now, she is losing it and it scares me, but she is so stubborn." Terrance sighs as he tells Beth "I have a page. Tell Ruth to be at City Hospital tomorrow." Beth tells him "I'll make sure of it." and hangs up, as there's a knock at the door and Beth walks over and opens the door and starts to cry as Allan tells his Sister "Are you slowing down Big Sis? You weren't at the hospital.." Beth grabs her Brother in a hug, as she tells him "What are you doing here? Where's Olivia and my Nephew?" Allan looks at his Sister and asks "Are Gracie and Xavier Jr upstairs?" Beth shows Allan the baby monitor and tells him "Let's walk out on the porch." Beth and Allan walks outside, and Beth pulls out a joint, and Allan laughs "You still can't roll a joint Beth. Always too damn tight." Beth looks at Allan and laughs "I learned from you hippie." Allan looks at Beth, as she takes a toke and laughs "I have missed you and Mama." Beth holds Allan's hand, as she tells her Brother "I have missed you also. Don't forget about Allison." Allan takes a deep breath, as Beth passes the joint to Allan and he pulls an envelope out of his pocket and tells Beth "I got back what's mine now and I am here to stay." Beth holds onto Allan's hand in a tone of content, as they smoke together and Beth tells Allan "I am just glad you are back and alive."
Meanwhile at Class, Leigh and Sully sits inside Sully's office, as Sully tells her Mother "I think everything is set for the fashion show." Leigh looks at her Daughter and tells her "I am so nervous I don't know if I can walk the runway again." Sully assures her Mother "You will be perfect for this Mom." Leigh reminds Sully "Did you forget about X? He isn't crazy about me returning to Modeling." Sully looks at her Mother and tells her "Daddy is just scared. He used to have nightmares about Paris often. He relived that moment so often, and I know he still does today, otherwise he wouldn't be upset." Leigh sighs and looks at Sully and changes subject, as she asks Sully "Have you noticed anything off about Cass Walker?" Sully tells her Mother "He's working for Daddy and Bobby. He seems normal to me." Leigh tells her Daughter "He's been watching me closely, like he has an attraction to me." Sully assures her Mother "Cass knows that you are married and happily married. He wouldn't attempt to break up you and Daddy." Leigh tells her Daughter "I have also noticed Desi has been around him also. Something's up between them and Mona. I know it." Sully looks at her Mother and tells her "I think you're paranoid Mom." Sully gets up from her desk, as she tells her Mother "I think I'm headed home. This pregnancy is exhausting and I have felt like shit all the time." Leigh tells her Daughter "I will keep an eye on things for you honey. Go home and rest. X said he would talk to Tenny about her music." Sully laughs "I sleep better when she isn't home than when she is. Since Aunt Ciarra moved, Gran has went wild. People are always in and out." Leigh asks "Is Jared's Mother still staying with Tenny?" Sully tells her "Gabriella left the other day. She and Jared had a disagreement and she left town." Leigh tells Sully "I figured that was coming." Sully sighs "Me too." Leigh hugs Sully, as she tells her Daughter, noticing her baby bump "Go home and rest up. I have things covered and you need to focus on your pregnancy." Sully walks out, as Leigh calls Marco, who's in Europe and tells him "I think Desi and Mona are trying to break my marriage up."
At The Evans Home, Willie and Little Sidney sits in the living room as Ruth tells her best friend "I am about fed up with the Mannings and Winston. They have caused so much stress and stain on my family.." Willie stops Ruth and asks her point blank "So are you sick Ruth? Terrance.." Ruth looks at Willie and tells her "Willie I am upset that Terrance said anything to you. I am going to pay him a visit." Willie sternly tells Ruth "Why are you hiding this from me? After all we have went through?" Ruth looks at Willie and tells her "I am not sick and I'm not dying! If I was, I would tell you." Willie gets frustrated, as she puts Little Sidney in his crib, and sits next to Ruth, and tells her "I know you aren't well. You can't keep hiding Ruth. And it isn't like you." Ruth looks at Willie and grabs her hand, as tears fall from her eyes and Ruth tells her "With all that's going on, I swore Beth to secrecy, and Floyd. Too much is going on and I don't want the family to worry about me Willie. I am FINE!" Willie yells "You are not! And the longer you keep telling yourself that, is the less time you have left unless your stubborn ass accepts the truth and confides in her family so they can be there for you!" Ruth looks at Willie, with a scared look, as Willie tells Ruth "Either you will tell your family, or I will Ruth!" Ruth is silent, as Willie warns Ruth "Do you have a death wish?" Ruth looks at Willie and starts to cry, as she tells Willie "I can't accept it and at my age I don't want to fight this again." Willie holds Ruth, as she assures her "You have everyone to help you. You just need to let them in." Ruth cries "I can't say anything until my family is together."
Meanwhile at The Farm, Bree sits in the living room, as Frank arrives and asks his Niece "Why are you still here? I thought I told you I was over Wallace?" Bree tells her Uncle "I am here for another reason. We need to discuss Grandma. She isn't well." Frank looks at his Niece and tells her "I know Bree. Beth won't tell me anything and Uncle Floyd is gone and he hasn't said anything though he was watching Mama closely after her collapse." Bree tells him "She hasn't quit the cigarettes either. It's almost like she's embracing death. When I saw her yesterday, Grandma gave me this." Bree pulls out a ring and Frank looks at it and tells Bree, with a look of dread "That's her wedding ring. She wouldn't give it away." Bree tells her Uncle "She has a list written too. I found it and it's like a bucket list." Frank gets up, as he looks outside, and tells Bree "Everything is getting to her. I could kill that son of a bitch and his Mama for the hell they've caused our family. Xavier isn't the only one with a temper." Bree asks Frank "Have you checked The Storm Shelter recently? Dad's been down there." Frank looks at Bree and laughs "Must be why Wallace hasn't been seen." Bree tells Frank "Grandma told me that Xavier had a guest." Frank changes subjects and tells Bree "I've never heard you call Country "Dad". What changed?" Bree tells him "We are growing close. He's been staying at the mansion with me and we are bonding." Frank hugs Bree and tells her "I am glad that you are growing close with Country, sadly I can't see Wallace as a Son. That's a part of my life I want to forget." Bree tells him "I think everyone would like to do that, but it's been spreading like fire in town." Frank shakes his head in anger "Damn Fancy. I think I am going to The Storm Shelter and visit my Son." Frank leaves, as Bree follows behind him.
At Jackson Inc, Xavier sits in his office, as Jared walks inside and tells his Father In Law "I think you need to see this." Jared hands something to Xavier, as he looks at it and asks Jared "What in the hell is this?" Jared tells Xavier "Burt has been acting weird lately, as have Grandfather." Xavier looks at Jared and tells him "Burt's strange anyway and your Grandfather hasn't helped things." Jared tells Xavier "I can't believe he lied to Burt and Ava about Summer's child. He already has two Grandchildren. Something doesn't add up." Xavier takes a deep breath and asks Jared, as he looks over what Jared gave him, and asks "Do you believe that Winston knows about this?" Jared looks at Xavier and tells him "I wonder if Ava knows?" Xavier yells in frustration "Russell Marx has caused more pain on this damn family and Summer will meet my wrath if he doesn't do as directed." Jared looks at Xavier and reminds him "She's carrying Bobby's Grandchild?" Xavier responds "And Bobby isn't very happy either. We are both mad as hell about this!" Jared tells Xavier "Also for the record, Paul is sleeping with Fancy Manning also." Xavier nods his head, as he tells his Son In Law "Bobby is pissed about that. Fancy is a whore and Paul is playing her like a deck of cards." The door opens as Desi walks inside and looks at Jared and Xavier and tells Jared "I need a moment alone with X." Jared walks out, as Xavier asks Desi "Why are you here?" Desi looks at Xavier and tells him "I need to tell you something. Leigh is cheating on you." Desi hands a picture to Xavier, and he looks at it and is silent.
At Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny walks inside, as a young woman sits in the living room and tells Tenny "Your Sister stopped by and got the rest of her things." Tenny looks at her and asks "Did she get everything?" The woman responds "She left this letter." Tenny rips the letter up and tells the woman "Here's some money for watching Precious for me." The woman asks Tenny "I thought we were going to smoke together?" Tenny looks at the young woman and laughs "That's right. I forgot." Tenny pulls out her marijuana pouch and asks the woman "Have you been partying lately? Sully needs to rest." The woman tells her "That would be you Tenny." Tenny angrily responds "That's Ms.Sullivan!" The woman sighs "Whatever...Tenny." Tenny rolls her eyes and snaps "Ok Rose! Call me Tenny. But only privately." There's a knock at the door, as Tenny fires up a joint and she asks Rose "Are you expecting someone?" Rose responds "No." Tenny laughs, as she takes a toke "I'm hearing things." The door opens, as Allan, Olivia, and Nathan James, Tenny's Grandson walks inside and Tenny yells "My boys!" Allan hugs his Mother, as Olivia tells Tenny "We are home to stay." Nathan stands back as Precious growls at him and Tenny yells at Precious "That's you're Uncle." Tenny hugs her Grandson and asks him "Did that bastard run you out of Los Angeles?" Nathan tells his Grandmother "He's dead." Allan tells his Mother "Clint is dead. Nathan, myself, Sayyid, and Floyd made damn sure of that, and now I have my copyrights and masters, and my Son's a billionaire." Nathan is quiet as Tenny looks at Nathan and says with a smile "I'm glad you killed that piece of shit." Tenny looks at Rose, Allan, Olivia, and Nathan and tells Rose "Go outside and check the hall and see if Sully or Jared is home." Rose walks out and Tenny asks Nathan "Do you have any gifts for your Grandma?" Nathan smiles, as he pulls out his marijuana pouch and Tenny tells them "We're having a party tonight!" Tenny calls Beth, as Olivia calls Allison, and Rose walks back over and tells Tenny "It's quiet across the hall." Tenny, with a joint in her mouth, walks over to the stereo, as she tells everyone "Since nobody's home across the hall.." Tenny turns on the stereo and turns the volume up and laughs "I can't hear well." The party starts at Tenny's, meanwhile across the hall, Sully sits in the living room, as she calls Jared and tells her Husband "I think Gran didn't get the memo."
Back at Floyd's House at Whispering Hills, Ciarra returns as she notices the house is empty and she says to herself "Maybe Clair left. I need a break from her." Ciarra hears a voice come out of the bedroom, as Floyd looks at Ciarra and tells his fiancee "Howdy my beautiful lady." Ciarra latches to Floyd, as she tells him "I am so glad you're home." Floyd looks at Ciarra and tells her "I took the jet with Allan, Olivia, Nathan, and Sayyid back home." Ciarra holds onto Floyd, as she tells him "I have missed you so much. Carry your phone with you!" Floyd tells Ciarra "I took care of Clint. Clair or Nathan has nothing to fear now. Where is my Daughter?" Ciarra tells him "She left while I went over to Tennessee's to get the rest of my things." Floyd gets his phone and asks Ciarra "Dial her number for me." Ciarra dials Clair's number, as Floyd calls her number and it goes to voicemail and Floyd asks Ciarra "How's Ruth?" Ciarra tells Floyd "She isn't well." Floyd shakes his head, as he tells Ciarra "Something's wrong and she won't tell nobody what's going on." Ciarra assures him "She'll open up maybe when Ava comes home." Floyd asks "Where is Ava?"
At The Evans Home, Willie sits in the living room, as her door opens and Sayyid yells "Willie!" Willie looks at her Brother and goes "Clem!" Willie holds onto her Brother as Sayyid asks his Sister "What's wrong Willie?" Willie looks at Sayyid, as tears start to fall and she says in a scared tone "It's Ruth. She's sick." At Hell Hill, Beth sits in the living room, as Leigh returns from Class and Beth tells Leigh "Allan and Olivia are home and I'm headed to Mama's for her Welcome Home Party for them." Leigh rolls her eyes as Beth assures Leigh "I'll make sure she behaves herself." At the ALPD, Russell walks into the visitation room, as the jailer brings Ava in the room and Russell tells his Ex Wife "I plan to have your hearing in the morning. You went too far with Summer and I am going to make you pay for it." Ava's silent, as Bobby walks inside and tells Russell "Leave my client the hell alone you bastard and tell that whore you have for a daughter to watch her ass!" Russell looks at Bobby and asks him "Why are you defending the woman that tried to kill your Son?" Bobby looks at Russell and warns him "One thing, family loyalty. And if I catch you in here again with my client, I will whoop your ass Marx!" Russell coldly tells Bobby and Ava "Nothing will keep me from releasing Ava. I don't give a damn about what's going on, she tried to kill my pregnant Summer, and she will pay for this." Ava is silent, as she gives an evil glare to Russell and Bobby tells Russell "Get out of here so I can talk privately with Ava." Russell leaves, and Ava tells Bobby "What's going on with Winston?" Bobby takes a deep breath and tells Ava "Russell has denied visitors for you. He's determined to keep you behind bars." Back at Hell Hill, Beth and Leigh sits in the living room, as Frank and Bree arrives and asks Beth "Where's Mama? She didn't answer the phone." On the highway, two cars are on the side of the road as there's been a car crash. Clair gets out of her SUV, as she looks at the other car and a look of horror comes over her face, as Xavier pulls up and looks at the other car and looks at Clair and rush to Ruth's side as she's unconscious.