Thursday, April 10, 2014

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 302. Tying Knots

   At City Hospital, Allan and Olivia arrives in the Chapel, as a Priest arrives, and Beth is wheeled inside by Terrance, as Allan asks his Sister "Where's Mama?" Beth tells her Brother "She disappeared for a moment." Terrance tells them "I'll look around and see if I can find her. I don't think she left the hospital." Inside Beth's office, Tenny sits at her Daughter's desk, as she smokes a joint, and sighs, as she hangs up the phone "I think I'll have to take care of Frank myself." The door opens, as Casey walks inside, and yells at Tenny "You don't need to be in here. And no drugs allowed." Tenny looks around, and asks in a dazed tone "Who are you? And who are you to tell me what to do?" Casey boldly responds "I'll have you arrested." Tenny snarks "I hear your baby daddy wasn't shot and dumped in the swamp. Get lost whore and go pleasure the horny bastard before I have him shot." Casey warns Tenny "You have no room to talk to me anyway you want. I see where Beth gets her bitchiness from." Tenny gets up, and tells Casey "That baby will make you fat. And Frank will find another whore to sleep with. I hope you have a rebound.." Casey slaps Tenny, and Tenny returns the slap, as she warns Casey "Since it will be some time before my sweet Beth's back to herself, I think I'll make this office my second home and keep an eye on you. And tell Frank to wear a cup, because this bastard you're carrying will be the last bastard he helps create. Now get out, I'm smoking whore." Casey yells "I'm not a whore you demented old bitch." Tenny sighs "Now no need to get bitchy. You slept with Frank, and accept the fat, I mean fact you're a whore. Bye Dr. Spread her legs for old horny men!" Casey storms out, as Terrance bumps into her, and Casey yells "I can't stand that bitch. She can't be in there getting high." Terrance warns Casey "Tenny Sullivan can do as she pleases, and you leave her the hell alone. Also keep in mind I will have your ass out of here if you keep bothering Beth's family." Casey walks away fuming, as Terrance walks inside, and Tenny asks "Does Beth feel well?" Terrance nods, and says "She's fine Ms.Sullivan." Tenny smiles "Good. Bobby's coming."
   At Jackson Inc, Xavier sits inside his office, as Bobby walks back inside, and Xavier tells him "I should have killed him." Bobby tells Xavier "Well, don't worry about him. I think Tenny's plotting. I'm heading to meet with her." Xavier tells Bobby "I'll head down that way later." Bobby heads out, as he walks out of Xavier's office, where Ciarra and Floyd stand, and Ciarra asks Bobby "Did you get a call from my Sister?" Bobby nods, and tells Ciarra "She has something up her sleeve. Allan and Olivia are getting married today." Ciarra grows quiet, as she notices something inside Bobby's pocket, and Floyd tells Bobby "That looks like a box in your pocket." Bobby sighs "Well, I've carried this since Beth was shot. And I talked to my Son, and he supports what I'm planning." Ciarra gushes, as she goes "Are you proposing to my Niece? How romantic." Bobby responds "I'm marrying her. I love her, and Tenny wants us to get married now. She's calling the immediate family." Ciarra sighs "My Sister always has something planned." Bobby nods, as Xavier walks out of his office, and asks Bobby "So Grandma called you?" Bobby responds "Did she call you also?" Xavier nods, and shakes Bobby's hand, and tells him "I think Mother will accept, and you won't have to worry about my Brother now getting in the way." Bobby looks at Xavier, Ciarra, and Floyd, and tells them "Well let's head down to the Hospital. I was going to stay quiet, but I guess Tenny wants everyone down there." Xavier laughs, as he tells them "Leigh, Sully, and Millie are already heading down there, and where's Jared?" Jared and Winston walks out of his office, as Jared says to himself in a state of shock "I can't believe he's alive." Xavier asks "Who?" Winston tells Xavier "Jack and Samantha came home last night." Xavier's floored, as Floyd tells his Nephew "I meant to tell you, but got distracted." Xavier sighs "I bet Sis is happy. I guess that was what Leigh was going to tell me later." Winston smiles, and tells everyone "Ava's glowing with happiness. She hasn't been like this for a long time." All agree, and Xavier tells Winston "Tell Ava Leigh and I will be over there soon. We got a wedding to attend." Winston tells Xavier "Give Beth and everyone our best." Winston leaves to HaleCorp, as Xavier, Bobby, Ciarra, and Floyd heads to City Hospital.
    At Whispering Hills, Jack, Samantha, and Rashad walks around the property with J.J. and Little Sidney. They catch up on old times, as they all knew each other in Southpoint Beach. Samantha looks at Jack, and tells him "He reminds me so much of you." Jack tells Samantha "If I would have known what was going on, I'd found the two of you." Samantha holds Jack's hand, as she tells him "I never stopped loving you." Jack looks at Samantha, as Rashad tells them "From the look of things, it seems like the two of you never missed a beat." Jack laughs "I never loved anyone like I did Samantha." Meanwhile in the Main House, Ava sits inside, as does Victoria, Willie, and Aretha, as Victoria tells them "The paleness might be from the heart transplant my Mother gave to him, and Pedro likely did it with a gun to his head. I wouldn't put a damn thing past that witch." Ava is quiet, as Aretha and Willie asks "What are you talking about?" Victoria responds "Either a bad heart, or botched operation." Ava tells them in a scared tone "I can't lose him again. I just can't." Victoria sighs "I feel the same way about Samantha, but noticed anything wrong, yet she's her blood, and it's all about the family bloodline with her." Ava tells them "If you're right, I'll kill her and make damn sure she's dead this time. It won't fail again like in Argentina." Victoria reminds her "We did find Tenny." Ava sighs "That's right. She was catatonic when we found her." Willie tells them "I don't really know her, but she and Ruth had a hell of a relationship. Ruth hated her for years." Ava sighs "That's Tenny. She and Mama never got along. But they grew close towards the end." Ava looks at Victoria, Willie, and Aretha, as all are concerned "I just know I can't lose my baby again. And I'll make sure nothing happens to him, and Angelica will die!"
   Meanwhile at Cale and Allison's Mansion, Frank, Bree, and Cale arrive, as Allison and Ginny hugs Frank, and Frank holds his Granddaughter, as Allison has a look of dread on her face. Cale asks his Wife "What's wrong?" Allison tells her Husband "Grandma called, and warned me of Frank. She said he's going to be neutered. She also told me you could do the same thing because you are his bastard." Bree snaps "What in the hell is wrong with her? I never liked her, and it pissed me off when she got Grandma high the night she died." Frank tells his Niece, Son, and Daughter In Law, as he holds Ginny "That's Tenny, and she has it out for me. She has let it be known she hates me, ever since we met. (Flashback: Frank sits at the kitchen table inside Tenny and J.D.'s Mansion, as he meets Beth's Family for the first time. Tenny asks Frank "So you drive crazy on the roads for a living?" Frank responds "I am in Stock Car Racing Mrs.Sullivan." J.D. tells his wife "A form of automobile racing. Not really into it myself, but if you're successful, you can make some money." Tenny asks Frank "So your Daddy is a Moonshine distributor down south? Beth sighs "Mama.." Ciarra tells her Sister, as she and Jacob's there "Tennessee stop being a bitch." Tenny looks at her Sister, and tells her "I don't want a loser for a Son In Law. Allan's already with a woman I can't stand." Beth tells her Mother "Frank and I are getting married, so deal with it." J.D. is quiet, as he gives his blessing, as does Ciarra and Jacob, but Tenny gets up from the dining room table, and points her finger at Frank, and snaps loudly "I don't like you at all. And nothing will change it you redneck!") Allison tells everyone "I wish I could be close to her, but she seems to like Nathan and Xavier more." Frank sighs "Hell they help her out. She's crazy, and they allow it." Cale asks his Wife "Is there something else that's bothering you baby?" Allison tells him "Mom and Dad are getting married today at the Hospital." Cale asks his Wife "Do you think we should go? You know your Grandma, and Xavier will be there, and maybe your Brother?" Frank tells them "Go, and I'll watch Ginny." Bree stays with her Uncle, as Allison tells Cale "Mom will be there, and she isn't happy, but we're going." Cale rolls his eyes, and tells his Wife "I'm not taking any shit from Xavier." Allison tells her Husband "I'm taking no shit from Grandma." Cale and Allison heads out, as Bree asks Frank once the two of them are alone, and Frank holds Ginny "What's gotten into you?" Frank is quiet, as he asks his Niece "What are you talking about?" Bree warns her Uncle "You and Xavier reminds me of you and Grandpa." Frank quips "Well he's just like that son of a bitch."
    Meanwhile at Hell Hill, Lauren sits in the living room, as she watches Gracie, Xavier Jr, and Ruthie, and there's a knock at the door, and Lauren answers to find her Mother, as Emma walks inside and asks her Daughter "Why haven't you let me know you were alive?" Lauren responds "Well you acted like you didn't give a shit. You were so wrapped up with that bastard Pablo, and left Millie and I to fend for ourselves." Emma tells her Daughter "He's dead now." Lauren tells her Mother defiantly "Leigh Woods Jackson has been more of a Mom to my Sister and me than you've ever been." Emma yells "Oh really. I wasted my time crying over you when I thought you were gone! You are one ungrateful little bitch.." Lauren slaps her Mother, as she yells "Get the hell out of this house, and away from me." Emma snaps "You are turning into my Mother." Lauren sneers "Something else you never told me. Liar." Emma storms off, as Lauren shuts the door, and fumes over her Mother, as Emma says to herself "Leigh won't take my girls from me. I'll make damn sure of that! Same goes for Mother."
   At HaleCorp, Alexandra has arrived, and walks into the lobby, as Winston arrives a few moments later, and Alexandra asks Winston "I thought you were with Ava.?" Winston tells Alexandra "I had to make some visits." Alexandra and Winston gets on the elevator, as they head to Phillip's office, where Phillip and Jessica has passionate sex, and they make love on his desk, in candlelight. Winston and Alexandra gets off the elevator, and walk to the door, and opens it, as Winston turns on the light, and Alexandra screams "What in the hell is this! What in the hell are you doing with my Son you slut!" Phillip glares at his Mother, as Winston glares at his Son, and warns him "I'm not pleased to see this. There's a time and place for everything." As Winston talks to Phillip, Alexandra yells at Jessica "No! Don't say shit to me! I remember you like it was yesterday's nightmare. Sleeping with my Husband and having two brats from him!" Alexandra attacks Jessica, and Jessica yells "Get the hell off of me you old bitch!" Phillip breaks up the fight, and Winston yells "SILENCE!" Winston asks Jessica "Aren't you J.J.'s doctor?" Jessica nods, and tells Winston "This has nothing to do with J.J. This is between me and Alexandra." Winston warns Jessica "I won't allow my family to get involved in this." Winston turns to his Son, and tells Phillip "I hope you know this is an audition. You won't last long in the running like you're going boy." Phillip yells at his Father "I'd really hope Marx would arrest you for what you and Xavier Jackson, and you also Alexandra did to me." Jessica looks at everyone, and Alexandra tells her Son "I support Winston's actions." Jessica asks Alexandra "Now didn't you sleep with Mr.Hale? I know he's Winston's Son. Elliot told me about it." Alexandra slaps Jessica, as Winston pulls Alexandra back, as Phillip hangs onto Jessica, and Winston tells Phillip and Jessica in a stern voice "Get dressed and go to The Sunset Club." Alexandra yells "No. She best stay her sleazy ass away from Phillip if she knows what's good for her." Jessica snaps at Alexandra "Watch yourself old woman, the truth hurts. And I'll gladly tell your Daughter about what happened to Elliot." Winston nudges Alexandra out of Phillip's office, as Alexandra fumes "I hate her with all I have!" Winston tells her "Just head home, or back to Class. I'll talk to Phillip. I'm retiring from HaleCorp, and I am naming a successor." Alexandra sighs with sadness "I'm afraid Phillip may be too careless right now. He's been through a lot lately." Winston tells Alexandra "I understand, but he got what he deserved and we both know it." Alexandra agrees, as they head their separate ways, and turns around for a moment, before they head out.
    Back at City Hospital, Sully, Leigh, Millie, Nathan and Rose has arrived at the Chapel, as Beth glares at Rose, as Allan and Olivia welcomes everyone, and Sully and Leigh hugs Beth, as Sully cries "I was so scared Grandma." Beth assures her Granddaughter "I'll be alright sweetie. Sullivan's curse are car accidents, not a few gunshots." Sully cracks a smile, and Jared, Ciarra and Floyd arrive, as Nathan hugs his Grandfather, and Ciarra glares at Rose, and asks her in a snobby tone "What are you doing here? You should know how we feel for you." Beth tells her Aunt "Cut her a break. She did help Mama." Allan and Olivia looks at the priest, as he quips "I sense some hostility." Allan laughs "Yes there is." Olivia tells Allan "I don't know what to expect now. I thought this would be private." Cale and Allison arrives and Xavier and Bobby stands in the hall, as Tenny tells her Grandson "I got a surprise for your Mother and I think she'll accept." Xavier tells his Grandmother "I think this is a great idea." Bobby tells them "When Beth was shot, and I stayed with her the first night, when everyone was home, I knew she is the one for me." Tenny, Xavier, and Bobby walks inside, as Tenny glares at Cale and Allison with disgust in her eyes, as does Xavier, and Tenny snaps at her Granddaughter "Who told you to bring the offspring of that horny bastard that tried to kill your Aunt! Who?" Olivia steps in, and tells Tenny "She's your Granddaughter. My Daughter. And you're not going to treat her like shit." Allan tells his Mother "Cale's a good guy." Xavier is held back by Beth, Leigh, Sully, and Millie, as Beth tells her Son "She works alone." The priest yells "Can we hurry this family disagreement up?" Bobby yells "I want everyone's silence for a moment!" Everyone in the chapel, as Terrance walks inside with Sassy, and everyone inside are silent, Bobby walks towards Beth, and gets on bended knee, as he holds Beth's hand, and asks "Will you marry me Beth?" Beth looks at Bobby, as she's quiet, and starts to cry, as she hugs him, and says "Yes!"

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