Thursday, March 28, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 355. Showdowns And Truths

     At Class, Sully's on the ground, as Ruthie and Leigh are at her side. Marco stands outside awaiting the paramedics, as Leigh tells Ruthie "Just send Beth a heads up." Ruthie cries as Sully is unresponsive, as Leigh holds strong. Henry yells at Desi "If Ruthie loses her Mother, you shall pay with blood. You caused this!" Desi snarks at her Grandson, as Escobar arrives "Ruthie does not love you Henry. When you left town she got a secret lover. Hmm who is he?" Xavier walks inside, as he rushes to his Daughter's side, as Escobar warns them "Now when you leave, I'll have your things sent. This is mine." Desi tells her Husband "No this belongs to me." Escobar pulls his pistol out, and shoots the ceiling, as Xavier angrily gets up, as Henry watches him as Xavier pulls out his Colt 45, and aims at Desi, and coldly goes "If I were you, or Escobar I'd be praying. Because if anything happens to my Princess, both of you will be sent non stop to hell where both of you belong." 

   At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Allan, Faith, and Haley sits in the living room, as Beth has rushed to City Hospital, and Tenny tells her Son "I hope Sully is alright. She's not been herself. Pale looking. I offered to fix her up and she said no. I swear that son of a bitch Storm better not be cheating with Ruthie though I am positive he is." Allan sighs, as Faith and Haley both shrug their shoulders "Mama you have a perfect intuition about these kinds of things." Faith asks "Gran what do you plan to do? I mean you are the most capable old woman I know.." Tenny warns "Watch it now." Tenny smiles "Oh Sayyid came by and visited and caught us up. He's watching that dog in heat. Don't wanna mess with Sayyid." Allan is silent, as Haley tells her Great-Grandmother "So going to go with me, Mom, and Bree for the procedure? Aunt Beth is supporting it." Tenny goes "Screw Bree, and her whore of  a Sister. If they were dead I might." Faith is taken aback, and goes "That's harsh! How could you say that? Bree is a good, kind person who you should welcome." Tenny snarks "Welcome to an empty six foot hole." Allan changes subjects and asks "So how is Sayyid since the divorce?" Tenny tells her Son "He's got Henry. Mentoring him to fill his shoes someday." Allan goes "Henry's got the best mentor there is. I deeply respect Sayyid." Tenny holds Allan's hand and says with empathy "He's the toughest person I ever met." At The Falcon Diner, Sayyid gets a text from Henry and pride comes across his face, as he sees Eve pop up on the phone and tears roll down his eyes, as he says "You killed me Eve. You broke my heart."

     At Landon-Hale, Russell sits inside Thorpe's office, as Thorpe sits along with his Son, as Luke asks Russell "So what is this plan you and the Governor's got going on?" Thorpe mumbles "More like how long before Lana sends you to the poorhouse with your past." Russell goes "All these years Xavier and his family has gotten away with everything and Edward and I fixed that. Monica owes me, and she has been outsted along with Paul. A new authority has taken place in this state, and Adam's Landing. So here's where you come in. Where is Clint?" Thorpe tells him "Handling a few things right now." Luke asks Russell "So Donny as DA means we can pull some devious shit now." Russell asks them "Heard about Class?" Thorpe asks "And who helped Desi Lane... ahh Lana." Russell goes "Desi needs to be erased, and Lana did not help her. The Santiagos." Thorpe says "Angelica Santiago Hale's family?" Russell tells them "She is married to Escobar." Thorpe tells them "That photo killed Ty's career, and Storm sent it but..." Russell walks to the door and says "It's a new day now. Enjoy it." Russell leaves, and Luke tells his Father "What's going on?" Thorpe sits back, and goes "This is karma. On many ends. With Russell involved, this is going to be something to keep an eye on.

     At Jackson Inc, Brock sits in his Sister's office, as he prepares to leave as Clint walks inside, and asks "What's going on?" Brock snaps at Clint "Get out of here. I have no time to deal with you. That's Dad's department and he's waiting for you." Clint says "It's about Jared. Tell Sully that he's in rehab." Brock says "Finally. I'll tell her. I have to go." Clint follows Brock out as he asks "Is everything alright?" Brock goes "No. She is on her way to the hospital." as they get on the elevator. In Javon's office, Aretha and Eric Hyman walks inside, as Eric tells Javon "I think selling my real estate holdings to you was a great blessing." Aretha adds "I agree." Javon tells Aretha "Mom was here and she was let go today from the ALPD." Aretha tells Javon "Edward's got a vendetta against Xavier, and he's cleaning house. Russell Marx is his mouth and ears." At The Falcon Diner, Paul, Summer, Jake, and Jason has lunch, as Paul fills them in and Summer tells her Husband "So what do we do with the boys? Jake wanted to join the ALPD, but this sounds sketchy. I think Xavier would be a safer bet." Jason tells his Mother "Uncle X has offered." Paul tells them "I think Xavier is the safer bet," Sayyid walks over, as Paul asks "How have you been?" Sayyid tells Paul "I've been better my friend. But training my grandson warms my cold heart. I got my own work to do now so excuse me." Sayyid walks out, as Summer looks at her Sons, and looks at Paul, as Paul tells Jake and Jason "We give you our blessing, Jason. Jake, your military record and all, you will work both ends. I'll call the shots, well except for Xavier." Jake and Jason grow excited, as Summer grows worried.

      Meanwhile Krissy walks into her new home, Cale and Allison's former Mansion, and is shocked and yells "Granny?" Addie turns to her Granddaughter and asks "Where's Angie? I called her but no response. I checked the freezer, the basement. No rope or anything." Krissy goes "Oh Mom's fall down the stairs and hitting her head." Addie asks Krissy "And why did you not take your Mom to the hospital? Oh yeah. Mr. Perfect" Krissy tells her Grandmother "I was out job hunting when it happened." Addie warns Krissy "I am happy my girl is here, but your Dad will not be safe from me if he keeps putting his hands on your Mom. And you need to stand up for her." Krissy sighs "Granny, with Todd in college, I'm scared of him." Addie hugs Krissy tightly, and assures her "Granny's here baby, and we will take care of your Mom." At City Hospital, Beth arrives as Sully is brought in, and Steve tells Beth "Dan's visiting his Wife right now." Beth tells him "So what. I'm here because of my Grandbaby." Steve fills Beth in, as Sassy follows them to the ER. In the waiting area, Leigh stands outside, as she cries for her Daughter, with worry and fear going through her as Gracie and Davey arrive and Leigh hugs her Daughter and Leigh picks up her Grandson and hugs him and they all embrace. Back at Class, Ruthie screams at Desi "My Mom dies bitch, your ass will die too." Escobar tells Xavier "If I were you, the loser, I'd watch what I would do what the old Colt 45." Xavier asks Escobar "What kind of shit do you have going on Escobar?" Escobar turns to Ruthie and says "Angelica is your Great Grandmother and you dear are a Hale." Desi adds "I'll let you run this as long as you.." Ruthie yells "Both of you go to hell. Grandpa shoot them both!" Henry walks over, and places his hand on Ruthie as Xavier's phone rings, and Xavier says "Thank you.", and says "I'll be damned." Ruthie asks "What Grandpa?" Xavier sighs "For once, it looks like this bitch got her precious Lane's back in her possession with this man's help." Desi laughs "Ha-ha. Told you Ruthie. Now where you want me to send you your shit?" Escobar tells Xavier "You will pay dearly for killing my Sister." Xavier tells his Granddaughter "Let's get to the hospital and check on your Mom." Henry and Ruthie embrace in a hug, and they follow Xavier to City Hospital, as Escobar warns Desi "This is mine. Remember that!" Desi laughs.

      At the ALPD, Donny Carter is inside his office, as Russell and Lana walks in and Donny and Russell hug, as Donny tells Russell "Looks like you picked a good lookin woman for a Wife." Lana quips "Since selling Dollar Time, a rich one." Russell tells his Wife "Go out in the lobby for a moment. I need to talk to my Nephew." Lana goes "But you are an only child?" Russell tells her "Edward and I are very close." Lana walks out, as Russell asks Donny "So now how are we about Paul?" Donny reminds Russell "Paul is straight-laced, and him being fired would hurt the department." Russell warns Donny "Issue the damn ultimatum I gave you. Do NOT let Bobby have no influence or else." Donny reminds Russell "My Dad is Governor and we are both lawyers with reputations to uphold unlike you. That cost you your election." Russell warns "Let's not discuss that farce." Outside Paul arrives, and hears Donny and Russell, as Lana tells him  "Meeting going on." Inside, Russell tells Donny "I don't give a damn, if Bobby steps one foot or his boss, Paul is fired." Paul walks in and tells Russell "I'm going to enjoy seeing you try you bastard.", and walks out. At Evans-Gore, Summer returns as Aretha and Eric are inside Aretha's office, as Eric tells Aretha "How about we meet at your place tonight." Aretha says "Sounds nice to me. Mama and Baby Boy returns home tomorrow." Eric and Aretha kiss, as Summer asks "Are you and Reverend Hyman dating? That'd be a headline for the century. Aretha Evans settles down!" Aretha laughs "He and I are dating and quite serious. Is this about your Dad?" Summer nods, as Aretha tells Summer "I already know. Write the expose. Put my name on the title." Outside Eric puts his phone in his pocket and hears her and asks "Will this man hurt you Aretha?" Aretha quips "I've dealt with Russell before. He knows better. Were you spying?" Eric goes "Tell you tonight." Aretha goes "Ooo the suspense." Eric leaves, as Aretha tells Summer "Something is going on, and we can make a difference." Suddenly the TV grabs their attention as Berry DuBois is on and she goes "My Mother is dead, and Willie Evans and her family will dearly pay. I'll make damn sure of that and more! The interviewer asks "How?" Berry laughs "Oh my new helper will take care of that." Aretha looks at Summer, both silent.

     At Jazz, Ava greets Faith and Haley with a hug, and tells Haley "This means so much to Bree. She's going to be an awesome Mommy." Faith asks her Mother "Want a drink on the house? Ava asks "Now Allan said they were always on the house?" Allan walks out and hugs Ava as he laughs "For you and a few others we know." Faith hands her Mother a drink, and they all pour shots as Ava tells them "I am in trouble. Jack is with Rachel." Faith goes "Ok now, fill me in. You told me you went and paid her a visit. Sounded like you and Bridget." Ava looks at Allan, and says "He could tell you some stories. Like saying her baby was his when she got pregnant the second time. Drugging Xavier and getting knocked up to abort it and blame me! She also hurt Jack yet, they are together again and Brock gets hurt." Haley tells them "Brock is a gentle soul." Faith says "Reminds me of Leigh." Ava says "He has his Dad too. A perfect mix of them. Sully is her Father in a female body." Meanwhile Ava gets a text and says "Speaking of Sully, I got to go! She passed out!" Ava leaves as Allan texts his Mother. At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny eats some gummies and sends texts to Beth to no answer, and talks to Leigh, as there's a knock at the door. Tenny answers as Alyssa and Tenny hug, and Alyssa asks "Want company? I'm so lonely." Tenny tells her "Sure sweetie. Want some gummies and we'll watch the soaps. Sully passed out. We might go down if you want." Alyssa asks "Did Aunt Beth take your wheels?" Tenny snarls "Old bitch.." Alyssa asks "Well?" Tenny says "Let's ride. Can I.." Alyssa laughs "No you can't. Enjoy being chauffeured." Tenny sighs "Whatever." They head to City Hospital.

    At Landon-Hale, Clint returns, and stands in the boardroom with Thorpe and Luke, as Logan stands inside with them and tells them "I can greatly help you and merge my hotels into the picture. I am not my wino Uncle and Son of Wade Isaac Hale, who ran HaleCorp, which Ava sold to her family. We can beat Jackson Inc." Cole walks inside, and adds "He'd be a great addition." Thorpe looks at his Brother, and Son, as Luke tells them "Logan has a strong record." Clint adds "Ruthless too. We need that. Jared was all talk." Thorpe tells Logan "Welcome to your family company." Across the street at Jackson Inc, Wade walks around his new office, as Jack and Rachel shows Wade around, and Wade tells them "I think we can kick Landon-Hale's ass. I looked at the information Ava gave me and we can get creative." Jack says "With Uncle Xavier back in the office, Damn right." Bree appears and goes "Wade?" Wade's eyes fill with tears and runs to Bree but receives a slap across the face, and yells "Bastard!" and runs away in tears, as Wade takes a deep breath, as Jack supports him, and Rachel hugs him, and goes "She doesn't understand what happened." Wade goes "It was expected and well, deserved." At City Hospital, Dan sits in his office, as his Wife, Angela Gore Watson. a nurse at the hospital, asks him "Can I go home early today? I'm really hurting after that fall." Dan sits back and laughs "A good wife will obey her Husband nurse. Angela goes "We live in Adam's Landing, and Mama's best friend is the only reason you and I got.." Dan slaps his Wife, and snarls hatefully "Shut up and understand it was all me. You did not do shit." Ginny walks past, headed to ER, and hears the fight and shivers in fear and concern with sadness overcoming her.

     At City Hospital, Ava walks in the waiting area, and hugs her Brother, as Brock stands next to Gracie and Leigh, as she hold her her twins tightly with each arm around them. Henry holds Ruthie tightly, as Ava asks Xavier "Did Desi hurt Sully?" Xavier says "Ruthie mentioned she's been not herself lately. Like sick, not what we've endured with Winston." Leigh tells them "I looked on my phone earlier and looked this up, my gut told me to. Let's keep this from Ruthie until Beth can give an answer." Xavier and Ava look, and Ava says with tears "Poor baby, and because of that damn bitch Angelica! I am so glad she is dead!" Xavier goes "Yes the world sighs a breath of relief." Meanwhile Brock, Ruthie, Henry, and Gracie chat, as Gracie tells them "Dad has ignored me but did hold Davey and play with him." Ruthie quips "I guess that's a good sign." Ruthie meanwhile tells everyone "My prince has returned." Henry tells Ruthie "Oh we have so much to catch up on." In the ER, Steve, Ginny, and Sassy takes Sully to a private room, as Beth heads into the waiting area. Tenny and Alyssa arrives, as Tenny hugs everyone except Gracie, as all ask Alyssa "How you holding up?" Alyssa takes a deep breath, and goes "Tenny's two blunts and those gummies on the way helps as a distraction. Everyone for a moment laugh, as Tenny walks over and holds onto Xavier, and says "You are too busy for me you know." Xavier says "Mamaw I got so much going on you know preserving our family names." Tenny smiles and closes her eyes, as she goes "And you have made your Grandpa J.D. and B.R. and Ruth proud too. You have me for sure." Beth walks out and says "I am just getting to the point, Sully's heart is rejecting." Ruthie asks her Great Grandmother "And where do we go now?" Xavier holds his Wife, as Tenny holds Ava, as Brock and Gracie holds each other as Beth says "Either she finds a new heart, or she will not be her much longer." with tears rolling down her face, running into Tenny's arms, as Tenny holds her Daughter in her arms, as everyone consoles each other.



Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 354. Another Door Opens, Another Closes

      It's the next day, and at The Mathis Compound, Sayyid, Henry, and Rachel have breakfast, as Rachel sighs "Sorry I am horrible, but made up with it with Buddy's. Hope it's ok for you Mr. Ross." Sayyid laughs "Call me Sayyid, and yeah, Buddy's is one of my favorite places. I knew him very well. Sold the chain and bought an island." Henry asks his Mom "So what do we need to discuss?" Rachel tells her Son "My Mom I noticed is having me tracked. She's been in my loft as well." Sayyid assures Rachel "I will protect you, as will Henry. We are all family now Rachel Lane." Rachel smiles, with tears in her eyes, as she says "Thank you Sayyid for letting me know my baby." Sayyid tells her, as he holds her as does Henry as she cries "I never agreed, and when Eve got with that pop star Corey Brewer,  I decided to do what was right, and Henry followed me. You have a great young man for a Son." Rachel turns to Henry, and goes with happiness in her emotions "I sure do" Sayyid yells "Now let's eat!" At Santiago Manor, Escobar sits on the back porch, as Desi joins him and says "I've waited for this day." Escobar warns her "Do not blow it or you are in trouble." Desi assures her Husband with a kiss he rejects "I won't." Escobar tells his Wife "How about go on down there?" Desi says "Great idea." and leaves, as Escobar makes a phone call and says "It's all in action now."

      At Jackson Inc, Xavier sits in his office, as Javon tells Xavier "I am giving you a heads up. Mom does a great job as DA." Xavier agrees, and says "I spoke to Monica already and called the new Governor." Javon I have no answer." Jack walks inside, and Xavier warns his Nephew "I heard about you and Brock. I expect the two of you to act like professionals, and I'm moved Brock upstairs, and left Jackson Media to Rachel to prevent tension. Enough of that already." Jack asks "So I suspect Sully's helping Ruthie with DL." Xavier goes "I think we can figure that one out." Also it's time to go after Landon. Jared's no concern at this point." All agree, as Jack and Javon heads to their offices, and Xavier makes a phone call, and coldly says "Just wanted to finish our talk Governor. You do that, and there will be another election and you will be in Lexington if you try it. The Governor responds over phone "I do not answer to the almighty X.", and hangs up. At Ruthie's Penthouse, Storm and Gracie cuddle, as there's a knock at the door. Storm answers as Leigh walks in and tells them "This looks like a mess." Gracie asks her Mother "So any luck with Dad?" Storm yells "He will disown you and Davey as long as I'm married to you." Leigh ignores Storm and says "Here is some money of mine I got separated from X. Some things he best not know." Gracie hugs her Mother, as Leigh adds "If you allow him to be in Davey's life, that would help your case." Gracie answers "Dad has to accept Storm." Leigh gets up, as she looks at her Grandson sleeping, and says "X will never do that sadly." Leigh heads to the door. Gracie turns to her Husband, sending Ruthie a text as she asks "Who are you texting?" Storm answers "The boss. Time to meet him." They kiss, and Storm leaves, as Gracie is silent.

       At Coffeeteria, Ruthie stands at the counter as Cole approaches her and says "My Dad and Uncle Thorpe are about to take your Dad out of the company." Ruthie tells Cole "I have to run now, I don't think of the son of a bitch." Over at a table Logan sits as Callie walks over and says "I am interested in someone else now." Logan gasps "I return to you and this is what I get?" Brock walks over, and says "Welcome back you self-centered bastard. Stay away from Callie." Logan warns Brock "Landon-Hale is kicking your ass Brock. Your Dad will never repair Sully's damage," Brock warns Logan "Don't start any shit..." Callie breaks them up, and tells Brock "Go to the office, and I'm going to mine." Brock and Callie walks out, as Logan is silent, and Cole walks over and goes "Some things don't change?" Logan nods, as they notice a girl, and Logan motions Cole, as Logan heads to the door, and Cole asks the girl "What's your name? Never seen you here." The person answers "Krissy Watson. And yours?" Cole says "Cole Landon, a high ranked executive at Landon-Hale. How about a date tonight?" Krissy responds "Yes I accept." Krissy leaves, as does Cole as Logan gives him a high five and they head to Landon-Hale. Meanwhile at Jared's Loft, Jared is awakened to knocks at his door as he answers to find Clint and Thorpe. Clint tells Jared "Now this is just damn sad. You have become a full-blown drunk." Thorpe agrees, looking at liquor bottles, and replies "No surprise your kids want nothing to do with you. And you got a shiner." Jared goes "Cain gave that to me." Clint tells Jared "We feel its best to buy you out. We'll retain Ruthie and Cain's trusts and leave the door open for them. Now we can change this with rehab today. Plane is waiting." Jared yells "Landon-Hale is mine!" Thorpe responds "Not unless you go to rehab." Jared takes a deep breath and looks around, and says "I do need help. Let's go." They head out as Jared enters rehab.

     At Santiago Manor, Damian stands in the living room, as he tells Escobar "Logan and Wade have returned. No sign of Wade, but Logan I figure is not worried." Escobar laughs in an evil tone "He should be. They shall pay with blood according to the umm, boss lady." Escobar asks Damian "So has Smallwood decided to join up with us?" Damian answers "No response, but think he'd help us out if needed." Escobar goes "If Ruthie Hale decides to defy my Wife, she will deeply regret it." At Sully's Mansion, Sully takes a deep breath and heads out. At Class, Ruthie and Marco are inside her office, as Marco gets a text from Leigh, and tells her "Leigh is coming too. Desi will NOT get this company!" Ruthie goes "Damn right. Grandpa bought this and gave it to my Mom! She's on her way. Did not sound like herself. Noticing that lately." Marco assures "Sully is the toughest woman I know besides Leigh. Sully is really the female X." Ruthie laughs. Desi walks in and goes "Nice to see the two of you so happy for me to kick your asses out of the door!" Ruthie gets up, and boldly and defiantly tells Desi "We are not going no damn where! This belongs to my Mama!" Desi yells "NO! This is mine and the deed to prove it." Ruthie walks over to her desk and lights a blunt and says "Show that to my Mama and Grandma when they arrive and then we'll fight this out. Have a seat you old bitch." Desi sits, as she snarks "Your family makes me so sick. Poor X and his offspring." Ruthie warns "I'm not the one for you to cry to now unless you want your ass beaten right now."

       At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Sayyid sits in the living room, as he catches up with his long time friends, and tells them "Henry's on his first tryout. Xavier told me he had some major business to attend to." Tenny asks Sayyid "So what is Henry doing? I know lately Country has been busy, and you and Eve," Sayyid goes "She really changed. I don't know her now." Sayyid tells them "I'm working for Xavier now watching Storm. Henry's doing it right now and Xavier wants Storm dead. But he's going to Class, Xavier wanted someone there." Beth sighs "That figures. It'd help Gracie get back in Xavier's good graces." Tenny adds "He's a dog in heat like Frank was, he's had Samantha, Gracie, Ruthie.." Beth goes  "Mama" Tenny tells her Daughter "Just wait. A horny man and two girls." All of them are quiet. At Chantel's, Gracie and Davey are out, as Logan sees Gracie, and asks "How is my Son?" Gracie angrily snaps at Logan "You disowned your Son so screw you, and stay away from us if you know what's best." Logan hears a man say "Time son, time," Logan turns his attention to his Father, as Gracie tells Wade "He's a wonderful little boy. Keeps me going. Too bad Logan lost out." Gracie motions for a check, as Logan warns Gracie "With Storm around, I'll get my Son. Dad will help me! He is a Hale!" Wade pulls his Son to a table and warns Logan "You blew it, and you need to check yourself before you get into trouble. People are watching us." Logan asks "Dad, who is it now?" Wade tells him as Logan gasps "But Dad.. didn't you.." Wade tells him "And now they want it the other way. We are number one." Logan is   quiet, as Wade adds "So watch your ass!"

       At Jackson Inc, Bree walks into Xavier's office, as he tells Bree "Shit's going down at Class. I think I might need to intervene. Henry is a rookie. Where the hell is your Daddy?" Bree tells her Uncle "Likely with that whore Daisy." Xavier boldly says "Time to test his loyalty too I guess." In Jack's office, Jack and Rachel chat, as Rachel asks Jack "So any ideas?" Jack tells her "Maybe elope?" Rachel kisses Jack and says "Perfect idea." Brock stands at the door, and says sadly "Wasn't for me you wouldn't know Henry. In Javon's Office, Monica sits at her Son's desk, and tells him "There's a new DA in charge at the ALPD. The Governor hand picked them. Paul is scared." Javon asks his Mother "And with your past with Russell..." Monica sighs "I am screwed." At the ALPD, new DA, Donny Carter stands in Paul's office, and snarks "One wrong move and your ass is gone Whitten. Your name carries nothing now." Donny walks out, as Paul goes "Something is going on." Paul texts his Father, and then sends a text to his Wife, and says "You and the boys, Falcon. Lunch." Back at Jackson Inc, Bree tells Xavier "Desi owns Class now so you will have to work dirty." Xavier laughs "Well I've done that before," Xavier makes a phone call to Adam's Landing Bank.

      At Class, Henry stands outside, unseen with his AK-47, as Sully and Leigh has arrived and Desi goes "Oh look, the whole gang except Xavier and Beth is here." Ruthie yells at Desi "This belongs to my Mama and you are not getting this!" Sully meantime feels weak, and Leigh asks her Daughter "Are you alright?" Sully answers "Yeah. I'm fine Mom." Desi sends a text. and pulls out a pistol and goes "Ok, I've been nice, but my sweet Escobar and I will straighten this out." The door opens, as Henry yells "Put down that pistol before I fill you with bullets!" Ruthie gasps with stars in her eyes, as everyone turns to Henry, and Desi drops the pistol and says "I'm your Grandma. Give me a hug." Henry aims at Desi, and yells "Screw you being my Granny. And you are a self centered bitch. Seeing you threaten innocent people and the girl I love. You deserve death!" Desi grows quiet, and Ruthie runs to Henry, as they embrace, and Sully passes out as Leigh looks at her Daughter and goes "Sully? Sully?". Desi watches on, as Ruthie calls 911, and warns Desi "My Mother better live." Desi tells Henry "So sad you are following the footsteps of thugs..." Henry picks up his AK-47, as Ruthie, and Leigh tell Sully "Stay with us.". as Henry warns Desi with anger rising in his voice "One more damn word and I'll spill your brains all over this room!"


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 353. Twisted Intentions

       Afternoon turns to evening, and at Paul and Summer's Home, Summer paces the living room. Jake and Jason tells their Mother "Uncle X is giving us a chance to learn life lessons, and Mr. Sayyid is a real OG." Summer yells at her Sons "I do not want either of you having no part in Xavier's merry band of thugs, Cain can do what he wants. Jake you are a war veteran!" Jake boldly says "Yes Mom. I'm perfect. Uncle Xavier even said so." Jason adds "Xavier doesn't think I'm ready," Summer tells them, getting a text "Paul's on his way home and dinner is almost ready," They head to the kitchen," At Sully's Mansion, Sully and Cain chat and Cain tells his Mother "You know my past, it won't get better. I want to be a fighter, Why not help Grandpa, Sayyid, and Uncle Country out?" Sully yells "Damnit you are my Son! And you can do a hell of a lot better!" Cain heads to his room angrily, as Sully is silent and gets a text. At City Hospital, Ginny stands at the nurses station, as she prepares to leave as a new doctor stands next to her and says "Won't be long I'll be your boss. I know how to move up without family ties," Ginny tells the other doctor "Just finish up so I can leave," The doctor put their hand on Ginny's shoulder, making her uncomfortable, as she quickly moves back, as Beth shows up and Ginny runs to her Grand-Aunt, as Beth asks "What just happened?' The doctor says "Ginny is skittish." Beth boldly says "You and I are about to see Dr. March about this Dr. Watson." Beth and the doctor, Dr, Dan Watson head to the new Chief of Staff's office. Inside, Sassy tells Dr. Steve Marsh "Here are those forms you wanted." Steve goes "Thank you. Like the new office?" Sassy laughs "Never thought I'd get a huge office and be head director of nursing here." Steve says "Terrance and Beth was working on it and I just.." Sassy and Steve hug, and Sassy leaves, as Beth rushes in with Dan and says "We need to talk about this son of a bitch."

     At Ruthie's Penthouse, Gracie plays with her phone, as Ruthie storms inside and says "This looks like a warzone Gracie." Gracie tells her Niece "My meds make me lazy." Gracie tells her Aunt "It looks like you let Davey take over. Lots of that going on." Gracie tells her "I heard a new company's arrived in town." Ruthie goes "If their name is DL, then war is declared." Gracie grows quiet, as Storm arrives and eyes Ruthie as he kisses his Wife, and whispers in her ear "Miss me? No sight of your Daddy?" Gracie answers "I did miss you today, so did Davey. And no sight of Dad or Mom. Gran now I did see her and that was a mistake. Storm gets a text, and tells his Wife "I need to talk to Ruthie outside, and go visit my partner." Storm and Ruthie walks out. They stop in the hallway, and Ruthie pulls the door and they embrace in a kiss, as Storm tells her "I'll text you when I'm finished." Ruthie tells him with stars in her eyes "Sounds good you bad boy." Ruthie walks inside, as she tells Gracie "He's meeting with his friend. Possible job, but he did not say who." Gracie tells her "Daddy's been quiet, eerily quiet." Ruthie tells her Aunt, as Gracie picks up Davey "We have our hands full, so the two of you staying out of Grandpa's way saves you," At Hell Hill, in Xavier and Leigh's bedroom, Xavier feeds his Wife chocolates, as they lay next to each other in bed, and Xavier and Leigh kisses each other on the forehead with stars in their eyes.

      At Clint's Estate, Clint and Thorpe are in Clint's den, as they both drink and make toasts. Thorpe tells his Brother "We're catching Jackson Inc. Now we got Save-Way, Dollar Time. Too bad that other company bought up the stock to Class. Whoever did I'd shake their hand." Clint warns him "Thorpe, we need to watch Hale. His behavior as of late makes me think Landon Brothers might be a future name." Thorpe goes with excitement "Let's do it. You and the kids have proven yourselves. Let's challenge Jared, and get him out." Clint reminds him "Big Brother he did help us.." Thorpe quips "Shit, he's disposable. Call him and tell him to meet us at Chantel's." Clint calls Jared, Jared, in his loft in a drunken state says "Yeah?" Clint tells him "Let's party. Chantel's. See you there," Jared hangs up, and drops his phone and goes to sleep. Thorpe asks "Well Clint?" Clint tells him "I'll give you a thousand dollars if he shows." Thorpe tells Clint "Time to ax the drunk." They head out. At Jazz, Cole walks inside and Russell and Lana awaits, and Lana tells her Son "Figured you should get to know Russell since we got married so quickly. Swept me off my feet," Cole goes "Normal for you Mom." Russell tells Cole "I am not trying to replace your Dad." Cole answers "That's a damn fact." Lana asks her Son "What's with your pissy mood?" Cole tells his Mother "You said the same about Uncle Thorpe too, twice. Dad a few times." Russell tells Cole "Do not refer to your Mom as whore. I've been married twice.." Cole asks "And engaged briefly to Desi.." Russell shakes his head and mumbles "That's off limits of discussion", Cole tells his Mother "If he makes you happy, good. I got work to do." Cole walks out, as Lana asks Russell "Afterwards can I take you to fireworks?" Russell asks "Where will they be?" Lana strokes her Husband's face and says "Anywhere you want them." They kiss and head out.

      At Santiago Manor, Desi sits in the living room, in fear as her Husband says "Nobody knows and it stays that way or else your Daughter, Grandson, Sister, family are killed violently. I will personally record each one for you to watch and enjoy." Desi tells Escobar "My lips are sealed." Escobar whispers in his Wife's ear "And I mean it, We will collect from you too Desi." At Rachel's Loft, Henry walks his Mother to the door, as they embrace in a hug and both cry, as Rachel tells her Son "I enjoyed today. Tomorrow we'll visit some more. We got so much to pick up on my little angel. Love you." Henry hugs Rachel, and in tears says "Love you too Mama.", as he leaves, and Rachel walks in and gasps "Ava! I noticed my door was open..." Ava quips "Likely you forgot to lock it thinking of sex with my Son." Rachel snaps "Do not start with me about Jack. We are older, and we are the endgame. Sam is gone, and now your Son has me. I also love J.J. like mine.." Ava tells her "Let me set something straight. You are a whore Rachel. You are out for one person, you. You just broke Brock's heart to get with my Son? Then they lose a close bond over you. I will not allow it." Rachel yells at Ava "Get out of my house, and accept it! Jack belongs to me." Ava coldly says "Over your dead body bitch." and walks out and says "I still have my lighter." Rachel looks around, as she shakes her head with disgust and anger as she takes a deep breath and says "Damn me!" Ava stands outside and looks in her purse, with a smile and sends Jack a text.

     At Hell Hill, Xavier and Leigh has gotten out of bed, as Beth visits her Son and Daughter In Law. Xavier assures her "Mother, I have Desi under control. You gotta keep an eye on Grandma," Beth laughs "That Son, is the hardest job. Owning a hospital is another one with that new doctor, Dan Watson, married to Addie's Daughter. Leigh tells her Mother In Law "Go talk to Addie about it and see what she thinks. The two of you are close friends after all." Xavier says "More like Sisters.'" Beth pulls out her phone to call Addie, who answers. Beth says "On my way" and hangs up. Beth hugs her Son and Daughter In Law, and says "Thank you both for that wisdom." Beth leaves, as Xavier calls Gracie, to no answer, and Leigh looks at her Husband. Xavier turns to his Wife, and says "I got a way to make her let me see my Grandson. Cut her from the will. Kill her trust, and Davey's... Leigh yells "That is harsh! How could you hurt our Grandson because Gracie married Storm?" Xavier walks out, and says to his Wife "See you in bed my love." Leigh is quiet as a few scenarios play in her head. At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny is alone, and eats a few gummies and lights a blunt as there's a knock at the door, and Tenny yells "Ruthie!" Tenny cracks the door, as Ruthie asks "Where's Gram? I thought she was helping Faith and Haley." Tenny quips "Well things changed, but it's ok. I'm on cloud nine when that old lady walks in the door. Now to you." Ruthie asks her Great-Great Grandmother "Gran have you eaten too many gummies?" Tenny goes "I don't trust Storm, and don't trust you. You have a whoring tendency." Ruthie's taken aback, as she goes "Gran are you now psychic. Oh wait a minute.." Tenny quips "Everything I have seen or felt was true, and Storm's eyes are on you, and you are.." Ruthie looks at her watch. and Tenny asks "Going to a hotel so Gracie won't know?" Ruthie yells "Gran it's already been a bad day. I'm going to the office." Tenny slaps Ruthie and says "You are lying. Get out and let me enjoy my high. I'm not telling." Ruthie storms out as Tenny goes "Whore." 

      At The Sunset Club, Country and Daisy walks into their suite, as Country ignores his Daughter's calls and tells Daisy "Now to discuss our future." Daisy asks him "Want to run off to Vegas and do it?" Country tells her "Baby we'll call my pal down at The Inn. He's a preacher for the right price." Daisy kisses him passionately and says "Let's complete our lives. To hell with whoever is against our love story." Country kisses Daisy, as they take off each other's clothes and begin to make love. At Paul and Summer's Home, Jake and Jason are upstairs, and Paul has called it a night, as Bree tells her Sister "I'm finally going to be a Mom! Aunt Beth is going to help as is Faith. Aunt Ava said she would, be was a no call no show at the get-together." Summer quips "It could be anything with her." Bree looks at her phone and says "I am tempted to see Dad. Xavier went to his cottage earlier and that whore was there." Summer goes "Country and Daisy have been together since she came back to town." Bree tells her Sister "And I know her and Lana's background too. She is trying to get my Dad and I will not stand for it. I mean Dad isn't perfect, and Mom did take his virginity to have me, but still.." Summer tells her Sister "Read this." Bree looks and goes "Hell no. No Summer.." Summer sighs "Paul said some shady things are up at the ALPD." Bree is quiet, as they hug, and Bree leaves as Summer calls it a night. Upstairs, Jake stands in his Brother's bedroom, and Jason goes "Paul needs us." Jake tells him "Tomorrow we'll make our choice." Jake heads to his room, as they call it a night.

     As nighttime arrives, Ginny walks into The Nursey at Frank's former farm now where Alyssa lives. Alyssa sits with tears in her eyes, as Ginny tells her Aunt "I know the feeling. Mom and Dad now lives at Southpoint Beach running FJR, but Dad said this place has too many memories. I am set since selling their mansion." Alyssa tells her Niece "Uncle Floyd decided to stay in Texas. I am alone. I miss my family Ginny." with tears flowing in her eyes, as Ginny begins to cry as they console each other, and Ginny says "Let's go inside and try to rest now Alyssa. We have each other now Sissy." Alyssa briefly smiles as they walk into the house, with Alyssa's head on Ginny's shoulder. At Whispering Hills, Ava walks inside, and Wade asks "Did you find where you were going?" Ava nods, and tells Wade "Tomorrow we'll work on your new life. Now think of where you want to work at Jackson Inc. Love you." Ava kisses Wade, as Wade says "Love you too, Mom." Ava stands at the stairs and looks at Winston's Grandson and smiles and goes "You look like him. Nighty night." Wade feels warm and loved as he heads to his room for the night.

     At Rachel's Loft, Jack walks in as he and Rachel takes off each other's clothes, and they begin to have sex. At The Mathis Compound, given to Sayyid in the divorce, Henry and Sayyid are in the living room, as Sayyid polishes his guns and briefcase and asks his Grandson "So all went well with Rachel?" Henry tells him "I am so full of anger at Eve and Dad over all of this." Sayyid laughs "That plastic surgery was her karma. And River is a Mama's boy anyway. But you, my grandson are a warrior like me, and you have a great future in your sights as one day you will fill my shoes." Henry tells him with a smile "Where do we start?" Sayyid tells his Grandson "We will meet Xavier and he'll tell us. Since you are a rookie and it's who I think, this should be simple." At Ruthie's Apartment, Gracie stands over Davey's crib and feeds her Son as she texts her Husband to no answer. Meanwhile at The Holiday Hotel, Storm greets Ruthie, as she is cautious and warns him "Gran knows." Storm quips "That old bitch is senile. Who will believe her?" At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Beth returns, as Tenny has passed out and calls it a night. At Hell Hill, Brock walks inside, as Xavier walks out of his study, and Brock tells his Father "Is it alright if I stay here?" Xavier asks "Is this about Rachel and Jack?" Brock asks "How do I deal with it Dad?" Xavier hugs him and goes "How you feel Son. You are my Son, so remember that fire and get some rest." Brock heads upstairs, as Xavier says quietly "Desi, Clint, Storm. X is coming." Xavier heads up as he calls it a night. 






Monday, March 25, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 352. Afffairs Of The Heart

       Afternoon has descended upon Adam's Landing, and at Hell Hill, Leigh walks inside, as Sayyid walks out of the study, and Leigh greets him with a hug, and tells him with empathy "I'm sorry about Eve." Sayyid sighs "Wasn't meant to be, but my Grandson is with me now and is a Ross. Does my old cold heart well. Makes it a little warm." Cain, Jason, and Jake walk out holding AK-47s, and Leigh asks "Uh, what is this?" Cain tells his Grandmother "Grandpa is going to let us join his team." Leigh sighs with disgust, and says "I am sure Summer and Sully will be upset, and I cannot believe X would do this." Sayyid assures Leigh "Xavier's not making them his 'helpers'." Leigh asks "And just where is my Husband?" At Country's Cottage, Country and Daisy lay in his bed, as they discuss Ty, and Daisy tells Country "I think Xavier killed my Son's career and maybe destroyed his life." Country tells her "Ty is a bastard Daisy. And X isn't a media person. I think X is right about Storm doing it. Storm has a vendetta." The door opens, as Xavier shakes his head, and asks Country "So this has been your hiding spot? In bed with this whore who sold Dollar Time, promised to Sully, to Jared!" Country tells his best friend "Xavier, now Daisy and I have a past that the fire is still there. I love her!" Xavier yells "I need you!" Daisy yells "Xavier, I can give him more than this rinky dink cottage," Xavier snaps '"Only thing you give is STDs."  Country walks Xavier to the door, and says "Look, I got you X. And I'm about to fix this." Xavier walks out , and says "Now to see Clint and his family. They want war, damnit they got it.      Back in the cottage, Country yells angrily at Daisy "DON"T EVER DISRESPECT THAT MAN AGAIN OR I WILL TAKE YOUR DAMN MONEY AND SEND YOUR ASS TO THE POOR HOUSE, OR LANA"S GUEST ROOM!" Daisy cries, and runs out, as Country fumes with anger and says "Xavier is right. X is always right,"

      At Jazz, Allan works the bar, as Tenny walks inside with Beth, and Allan tells his Mother and Sister "Warning. Ty is here with Cole, Logan, and Callie, and a new girl." Beth turns around, as Tenny tells her Son "I want to put a bullet or two in Ty's forehead." Beth adds "I think quite a few would like to do that." At Ty's table, Logan tells everyone, holding Callie's hand "We are going to elope tonight and then go after Davey!" Callie laughs "Nice try Logan." Ty tells them "Alyssa is going to regret hurting my livelihood. Cole tells him "Ty, I think Smallwood did that." Beth meanwhile listens, as does Tenny, as Allan tells them "Faith and Haley went to a doctor out west, when they return, Bree will be all set." Beth tells them "Logan won't get Davey. Oh hell no he won't." Allan tells his Sister, as Tenny reaches into her purse for her pistol "Just eavesdrop Big Sis. You will... Mama!" Tenny aims her pistol at Ty, and says "A two for..." Beth snaps "Turn on the safety and put that in the purse!" Tenny goes "You know how to ruin a fun time Beth." Beth tells her Brother "I think I'm going to leave before I lose my temper."Tenny says "I'm going to play with fireworks." Beth yells "Come on Mama." Allan hugs them, as they leave, and Ty mocks them loudly, saying "Look at them old women. Time for the old folks home I'd say." Beth and Tenny turn around, with anger in their eyes in silence until Beth smirks "Oh before we go." and both of them slap Ty and Logan across the face, and Beth whispers "Don't mess with me." Beth and Tenny leave, as everyone looks at an embarrassed Ty, and snaps "I hate Alyssa's family. They will pay for my marriage." Cole motions for the tab, as Logan tells Callie "Dad's at the bitch's house, and fine." Callie tells Logan "Ava loves him. She'll look out for him." Logan tells them "I'm done went over to that old woman's mansion to see Dad and warn her ass not to mess with Logan Walsh!" Logan leaves, as Cole tells his Sister "You go back home, I'll follow him." 

      At Whispering Hills, Ava has left, and Wade is alone as he scrolls on his laptop, and there's a knock at the door. Wade gets up and answers, as Xavier stands on the other side, and they embrace in a hug, as Xavier tells Wade "Welcome back. And welcome to Jackson Inc." Wade tells him "I know Logan is working with the enemy, and I also found out he's trying to compete with Jim's and Foodstar." Xavier nods, and adds "I heard that too from Jared. Lucky him Country wasn't with me or Sayyid." Wade rolls his eyes thinking of Sayyid and tells Xavier "I'm ready to go out into the world but Mom thinks it's best I hide a few more days, I mean.." Xavier goes "Ava thinks of you like a Son, and thank you for being here and looking out for my last Sister." Wade asks "What about.." Xavier laughs "Screw Jamie. See what else you can dig up and keep me updated." Xavier leaves as Wade gets a phone call, and they tell him "We' are waiting." Meanwhile at Santiago Manor, Storm has arrived as Damian greets him and says Escobar wants to talk to us in his study." Both head to the study, as Desi arrives and runs past them with happiness. They walk into his study, Escobar stands up and walks back and forth behind his desk, and says "So we now own Class. DL Inc owns Class. Now we agreed on Santiago-Hale for our company name." Escobar turns to Storm, and motions Damian as Storm tells both of them "Something more important has come up. We meet later.." Damian and Storm leaves, as Escobar motions to close the doors to the study, and tells his Wife "Have you forgotten already that I, and I mean me helped your  whiny, pathetic, narcissistic ass and you are pushing it with me and my family." Desi reminds Escobar "I will do as I please, now off to try and mend fences." Escobar asks with disgust "Rachel again?" Desi tells her Husband "I want to know my Grandson." Escobar laughs, and goes "I know his future already," Desi storms out, as Escobar waits before making a phone call.

     Meanwhile at Sully's Mansion, Sully walks inside and yells "How in the hell did you..." Jared tells his Ex-Wife "I still have a key for my house. Yeah, mine." Sully asks "Jared are you drunk because I changed locks." Cain sneaks in and runs quietly upstairs, as Jared goes "Cain was here putting something up Grandpa X gave him likely to off me. Your Dad is such a piece of shit, he should die instead of folks like Angelica,, Winston... Sully slaps Jared fiercely across the face and quietly, with anger says "Get out of here. You are wasting my time. Oh stop talking about my Daddy!" Jared slurs loudly "Xavier deserves to die." Jared pulls a pistol out and goes "He gave this to me when he considered me family. I'll use this.." Cain meantime walks in and yells "What's going on here? Dad, put up the gun," Jared puts up the gun, and turns to his Son, and rushes at him as a brawl breaks up and Sully yells at her Son "Cain! Oh God!" Jared punches Cain in the face, as Cain holds his own and pulls a knife from his pocket and gently rubs it across his Dad's stomach, as Jared is startled and lets his hand off of Cain's throat and Cain coldly tells him "Leave my Mom's house or you'll be the dead man you bastard. You piece of shit. And you best walk on the line or I'll tell Grandpa of this, he will not respond as well as me." Jared yells at his Son "Screw you Cain! Screw Ruthie, all of you!" Jared storms out, as Ruthie walks inside with rage in her eyes, as she tells her Mother "Check your laptop. I am sorry for going public on the stock trade." Cain looks at them with concern, as Sully gasps "We lost Class? To who though?" Ruthie says "DL. DL could be..." Sully asks Cain, as Ruthie turns to her Brother "So wanna help Mommy and prove to her that Cain can work alongside his Uncle Country?" Cain goes "Mom, I'm not a baby." Sully says "Well you're mine, and you can help us figure this out." Ruthie goes "Grandpa." Sully nods in agreement, as she tells them "Let's go for a walk kids." Sully, Ruthie, and Cain heads down to Hell Hill, which sits below Sully's Mansion, up on top of a hill.

     At Hell Hill, Leigh sits alone in Xavier's study, as she fumes looking at the news on her tablet and looks around and boldly says "In your dreams bitch. DL, Desi Lane. And next you'll be after my X. Not on my watch." Leigh walks over to a cabinet, and opens and gets a small gun, and puts it in her pocket. Xavier meanwhile returns, and Leigh walks out, and tells her Husband "Ruthie needs a lecture on business my love.." Xavier tells his Wife "We will help her. I decided to wait before confronting the Landons. I already hurt Thorpe's race team and Ty, Clint is next." Leigh reminds him "But Callie has a crush on Brock." Xavier goes "Too bad." Sully, Ruthie, and Cain walks inside, as Xavier tells his Granddaughter "Let's head to the study." Leigh tells Sully "Let you and me talk about X." Xavier rolls his eyes as Xavier also motions for Cain." They head into the study, and Xavier closes the door, and tells his Grandchildren "I have Desi covered, but the two of you are Hales. She's married to your Grandmother's Brother and the two of you should watch your step." Cain laughs "They don't scare me." Ruthie goes "Cain, Angelica and her family are crazy. Is Samantha enough to prove that, or that candle I got that meant to kill me?" In the dining room, Sully and Leigh talk, as Cain tells them "All I want is to help Grandpa and do what Uncle Country does." Sully warns her Son "I don't want you to, but if you do you answer to me. Grandpa will too." Leigh asks her Daughter "So did this deal Desi pulled push you into that dark side again?" Sully shrugs "Mom, I shall see." They talk, as Cain gets a phone call, and in Xavier's study, Xavier pulls out a gun, and hands it to his Granddaughter, and hugs her and whispers "For Desi."

       At The Sunset Club, Damian sits at the bar, as Storm arrives and says "Meeting. So that was a waste." Damian tells Storm "Escobar told me when we met outside briefly someone will be meeting us," Storm asks "Who is it?" Damian tells him "Diego is with this person." Storm rolls his eyes. At Rachel's Loft, Desi motions for a janitor and says "I'm Rachel's assistant and seem she forgot to give me a key." The janitor gladly unlocks Rachel's Loft, and Desi hands him a wad of cash, and walks inside, where she goes "She always was messy. Let's see what she's been up to." Desi walks around and snoops her Daughter's apartment. On the road, close to the lofts, Rachel is on the phone with Jack, who's at Jackson Inc, At Jackson Inc, Jack tells Rachel "That's wonderful news. See you tonight baby. Love you." Rachel goes "Love you more.", and hangs up. Brock stands at the door, and asks "Rachel?" Jack tells his Cousin "You need to face facts Brock. Rachel and I have history, and now we can have what we've always wanted. You are a kid. And you need to find someone your own age," Brock goes "But you broke Rachel and me up and earlier in the boardroom...." Brock punches Jack, and Jack punches Brock as a brawl breaks out in Jack's office until Ava arrives and yells "What in the hell is this?"  Jack and Brock stop, as Ava awaits and Jack tells his Mother "Brock and I were discussing business." Ava asks "Jack are you really seeing Rachel again?" Brock tells his Aunt "Yes! He broke us up. Like when Jamie broke you and Russell..." Ava goes  "Brock that's enough." Ava turns to her Son and says "I am truly, at a loss of words. How could you do this?" Jack yells "I didn't do a thing. Rachel and I are meant to be Mom!" Ava slaps Jack, and tells Brock "Go back home, and same for you Jack." Brock and Jack leave, as Ava follows and heads to Jackson Media, where she walks into Rachel's office, and writes a note, and leaves a cigarette lighter.

        At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Beth and Tenny walks inside with Faith and Haley, who beams of joy as Beth tells them "Bree is on her way, but Summer has to stay home." Tenny snarls "I hate those whores." Everyone goes "Oh shut up Tenny!" Beth warns her Mother "Ava's coming too, so you should behave when your other child you adopted arrives." Tenny laughs "I love Ava." Faith tells her Aunt "Everything is ready now for Haley to be Bree's surrogate." Haley adds "And Bree told me she would allow me to be in its life. Also willed the baby to me in case something happens. Beth tells her Grand-Niece "Bree is a sweet girl who is a lot like Ruth, though she was biologically related to us.." Beth turns to her Mother, and says "And is Ciarra's Granddaughter." Tenny lights a blunt and goes "I never will accept Jamie's rejects, and Ciarra's line is dead Beth, to me." Faith asks her Grandmother "Allison is sweet, and you hate her too." Tenny coldly says "She stayed with that trash and is an idiot. Screw her." Bree arrives, and everything begins to go underway. At Hell Hill, Xavier and Leigh are in the living room, as Xavier tells his Wife "What about I tend to you instead of the Landon boys. I'd prefer that." Xavier playfully flirts with Leigh as she says "Sounds good to me." They head upstairs into their bedroom, where they take off each other's clothes and make love. At Sully's mansion, Sully and Cain are in the living room, as Sully hangs up the phone with Gracie, and says in a disappointed tone "She is wasting her life with that piece of shit. Ruthie and I might have to chat, like we are about to do." At Santiago Manor, Desi returns, as she screams with horror "You're alive!" The person screams back "So are you!" Escobar walks inside and says "Early flight". Desi asks "What in the hell is she doing here Escobar?" The person says "Time to collect."

      At Whispering Hills, Ava walks inside, as Wade greets her and Ava asks him "Did you know about Rachel and Jack?" Wade goes "No I didn't. Wasn't she with Brock?" Ava sighs "Whores never change their spots." At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, everything is ready for the get-together as Faith, Haley, and Bree  socialize and grow close, as Beth gets a text, and tells her Mother "I'll cancel on my way to the hospital." Tenny asks her Daughter "Something wrong at the hospital?" Beth snarls "The new doctor strikes again!" Back at Whispering Hills, Ava tells Wade "I have somewhere to go. Damn I'm getting forgetful." Ava storms out in a rage, as Wade is curious. Back at Jackson Inc, Rachel walks into Jack's office, as she asks him "What happened?" Jack tells Rachel "Brock and I went at it. He's not over you Rachel, and Mom knows and well..." Rachel gasps with disappointment "She still..." Jack asks "Hate you? Yes she hates you Rachel. But we are meant to be." Henry walks in as Rachel and Brock are locked in a kiss, and Rachel introduces her Son to Jack, and he smiles, as Rachel tells Jack "Life is perfect now." Ava's on the road, as she says to herself "Well whore you didn't learn the first time. But now, you will."


Sunday, March 24, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 351. New Starts

     It's been awhile since we last went to Adam's Landing, and Frank Jackson died and a detested past character made their return(s). Lots was firing up, and now we shall pick up six months later.

     At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Beth sits in the kitchen, as Tenny sits in the living room, and smokes a blunt as Ruthie walks inside with Gracie, and Beth asks Gracie "So you left Davey with Storm I take it?" Tenny asks "Have you allowed Xavier a chance to spend time with him and leave that low life?" Gracie yells "Damnit I love Storm and we belong together, screw this!" Gracie walks out, as Ruthie tells her Grandmothers "The two of you are fiery today." Beth snaps "Desi is plotting something, she's laying low. Then Dollar Time was bought by your Dad and his partners. Yeah, and my Son is plotting, and that's not a good thing with his feelings about Storm." Ruthie asks "How do the two of you feel about Gracie and Storm? She is doing everything right. I look out for her." Beth sighs "With Xavier, she's playing with fire." Tenny adds "And Storm slept with Samantha, who was revealed to been trying to poison you and is batshit sad to say." Ruthie tells them, getting a text "I have to leave for the office." Ruthie hugs her Grandmothers and leaves as Ruthie walks into the hall and Storm walks out of Ruthie's Penthouse, and tells Ruthie "Wanna walk to the car together? I've got to meet a friend about some work." Ruthie warns him "Look, Grandpa might be around, and you need to watch yourself." Storm whispers "Wanna..." Storm touches Ruthie's hand, as they kiss, and get on the elevator, as a passion has formed between them. In Ruthie's Penthouse meanwhile, Gracie hangs up the phone, and says to herself "Try me Logan and I will hurt you really bad."

    At Summer's office at Evans-Gore, Summer finishes up an article, and sends her Husband a text, as she says "See you at Cantina soon love." Summer sighs "Paul you romantic fool of mine." Russell and Lana walks inside, as Summer asks her Father "So what the hell are you doing here with that money hungry bitch?" Russell tells his Daughter with force "Lana and I will be married soon, so watch your mouth around your new Mother!" Summer yells "Bree is my Mom as far as I am concerned! And you need to watch your ass Lana! Xavier is gunning for you and the Landons. Even Jared!" Russell warns Summer "Xavier need not mess with me. It'd be the worst mistake he'll ever make. I do have friends. And people owe me a favor. Come on Lana." Russell and Lana walks out, as Bree bumps into them, and tells them "Daisy needs to back off of my Dad before she sees another side of me." Russell tells Bree "Your sperm donor's a piece of shit, and no need for the energy." Russell and Lana walk out, head out,  as Bree walks into Summer's office, and they hug, as Summer tells her Sister "My Dad is a damn idiot. I know he helped reduce Julia's sentence, and Paul suspects he and Monica are in cahoots." Bree asks "Wanna go to The Sunset Club and discuss this further? I personally never trusted her. Same for Javon at Jackson Inc. Goody goodies." Bree and Summer head out. 

     At Jackson Inc, Sully walks into the boardroom, to see her Mother, Cousin, Brother, Rachel, and Javon sitting at the table, as Leigh tells her Daughter "Xavier called this. He's making an announcement." Javon tells them "He's taking control again. And he's furious." Leigh warns all of them "X has a lot on him. Gracie and Storm has pushed him to his limits, and then Dollar Time going to Landon-Hale after Lana promised Sully we'd get it, this is bad." Sully sighs "He's been helping me learn Jim's and Foodstar, and been running that end." Rachel goes "The media department is in great shape, and Brock does a great job running it." Xavier walks inside, and tells everyone "As of today I am sending Sully to help her Daughter at Class, I am taking my office back, and Ava will be joining me to help me steer Jackson Inc in the right direction. Ava will help me evaluate everything as she is a guru at business like myself, and Sully." Sully gasps with shock, as she goes "Daddy, are you firing me?" Xavier quickly says "Just do it. I'll reveal more tonight at your place privately." Leigh asks her Husband "X, is Desi and Escobar up to something?" Xavier nods, and says "Diego called me and gave me a disturbing update. All you need to know." I need to run, but this is where we are." Xavier walks out, as everyone looks around, and Jack gets up, as Rachel follows him, and Brock watches, as Sully tells her Brother "Look, you need to move on and find someone else." Brock says to his Sister, as Leigh walks over and hugs her Son "She chose Jack." Leigh whispers "They go back. Now listen to Sully." Javon heads to his office, as he gets a text.

      At The Holiday Hotel, Logan Walsh and Callie lay in his bed in his suite, as Callie gets a phone call, and tells Logan "Welcome back to Adam's Landing. I missed you baby." Logan kisses Callie, and says "I missed you too. Now I want to know where my Dad is." Callie tells him "We'll find him. I have waited." Logan asks "So the engagement is on again?" Callie holds Logan in her arms tight, and kisses him on the lips and says "Forever for you." At Whispering Hills, Ava walks into the kitchen, and says "I merged HaleCorp with Jackson Inc, and left Logan the free room at the hotel like you wanted. Now when are you going to go outside and see the sky. See the trees. You are with me now, not your Wife, not..." Wade turns to Ava, and says "Ex-Wife. I divorced Bridget after what she did, and Connor came back and then when I was recovering I heard them chit-chatting about what happened." Ava tells him "Escobar Santiago was behind it, and she took advantage since nobody here liked her, or your Son." Wade asks "Is Logan.." Ava nods, and adds "He's been tracking you through someone. So you need to keep laying low right here until I can learn some more. I'm going to see what I can learn now." Ava walks out, as Wade looks at a photo, and says "I missed you Bree. I hope you return to me when everything is settled." Ava stands outside, and says to herself, having a thought "A possibility."

    Back at Ruthie's Penthouse, Gracie had laid Davey down to nap, as Gracie walks into the living room, and Tenny says to her Great-Granddaughter "Boo." Gracie reminds her "Gran, you cannot barge in like this just because Ruthie gave Gram that key." Tenny smiles "But you and I need to have a uh, chat sweet little girl. It's about Davey, and his Grandpa." Gracie warns "Do not." Tenny warns "You are hurting that baby in there not leaving that bastard and seeing Xavier is right. I will not stop! I am almost a century old dear, I have seen everything. Storm makes Frank Jackson look like a semi-virgin dog in heat. I'd rather you... oh no never...." Gracie warns her Great-Grandmother "You should keep your damn opinions to yourself and focus on your mind. It's starting to wonder off into lala land." Tenny slaps Gracie, and yells "Screw you, and I don't like you and what you are doing. Beth is a great actress. Learned from the best, but I'm not acting! You Gracie Beth Jackson! You are an embarrassment to my family name and the Jackson name. Trash!" Tenny walks out, as Gracie throws a vase across the room after the door slams shut. Tenny returns to her Penthouse, and lights a blunt, and looks around and says to herself "Ahh Beth must of went to the hospital. I have quiet now."

     At The Sunset Club, Bree and Summer walk inside, as Addie and Aretha sits at the bar and welcomes them to a seat, as Summer asks Aretha "Shouldn't you be at the wedding?" Aretha tells them as she takes a drink "Baby boy and Gwen eloped. Mama went though. No stopping her. They will spend the honeymoon in Southpoint Beach, while Mama visits Davis Lane and helps Olivia and Allison out since Allison and Cale moved FJR down there and Sidney's driving for them now." Desi meanwhile walks by, and asks "Any news about me girls?" Aretha warns Desi "I know you are married to Escobar. I think everyone does. Have you and Rachel reconnected. I heard she has ghosted you. I mean you were dead." Desi laughs "Oh I have friends dear low life Aretha and the rest of you. I am Desi Lane and I am the best set ever to own what is mine again. Now excuse me, I have an appointment." Addie tells them "So Xavier almost married her?" Bree sighs "I was married to her Son." Aretha quips "And he was a piece of shit for real." Addie changes subjects and asks Bree "So you found a surrogate?" Bree tells them "I have, and Aunt Ava helped me. She's on her way with the girl who'll carry my baby." Summer smiles and says "Finally I'll be an Auntie." Addie gets a call, and tells them "Excuse me.", and walks out as Aretha tells Summer "I am proud of your work for The Exposer, and Evans-Gore Summer. You are doing wonderful." Summer gushes, as does Bree, as Summer says "It's hard and raising those boys of mine." Bree says "You are an awesome Mom sis." At Hell Hill, Cain, Jason, and Jake walk inside, as Xavier tells them "You are here for a challenge down the hill. Whoever wins, gets the job." Xavier takes his Grandson, and family to the Storm Shelter, where the walk in and see three pistols. Xavier tells them "When I start timing you, shoot those targets as fast as you can." Xavier counts down, as someone walks inside and Xavier turns and nods, and says "Go!" They start, as Xavier walks over and says "So you came back to help me since Country is preoccupied." Sayyid laughs "Not for long." Xavier yells "Stop." Xavier tells them "All of you won, but you'll answer to him." Sayyid looks at Cain, Jason, and Jake and says "And there'll be one more to come boys."

     At Jackson Inc, Sully sits in her office, as Brock sits inside with his Sister as Leigh has went to Class, and asks "Has Dad lost faith in us or does he know something bad?" Sully tells her Brother "Something is going on, and Daddy's been getting more involved thanks to Mom trying to distract him from Gracie, Storm, and Ty." Brock goes "Dad's really changed since he's getting older." Sully assures him "Daddy is a genius at business, and he and Aunt Ava can move mountains. Me with Mom and Ruthie, and Desi breathing, this is a smart move." In Jack's office, Jack is quiet, as the door opens, and Brock walks inside and says "Well Jack, I'm about to leave. Before I go though.." Brock punches his Cousin in the face, and snarls "Son of a bitch. You could not wait for me and Rachel to break up and you jumped." Jack says "Other way around." Brock says "Family doesn't screw family Jack. You ruined a great thing for me for yourself." Brock walks out, as Jack rolls his eyes, and wipes the blood from his lip. In Javon's office, Monica arrives and tells her Son "I want to have a date with my favorite child." Javon tells his Mother "Let's do that Mom." Downstairs at Jackson Media, Rachel sits in her office, as she hangs up the phone, and looks up. Someone looks at her, as Rachel goes "Henry? What to do need?' Henry asks "Rachel, I know." Rachel asks "Know?" Henry tells her "I know I am your Son. I found out over Eve and River arguing over it, and I turned my back, and joined up with Grandfather. He helped me find myself, and now I am Henry Ross and well, Mom I am here." Rachel's eyes fill with tears of joy, as she hugs her Son for the first time tightly and strokes his head, with hers on his shoulder, crying "My baby, my little boy.."

      At Class, Ruthie walks inside, as her assistant goes "Marco is in Italy right now with his Sister's death, and she wlll not..." Ruthie walks inside as Desi walks around, and says "So you dated my Grandson, and now you are playing store with Lane's. Sully was a bad Mother." Storm walks inside, as he warns Desi "I know you married Escobar, but you will not speak to Ruthie like that unless I tell her to kick your ass because I don't hit women." Desi yells "You killed your Mother setting the house on fire! I followed that, and I know where your Daddy's hiding." Storm nods "So do I bitch!" Ruthie yells "Shut the hell up both of you! Shit! Too damn much!" having panic, and says to Desi "Well you have wore out your unwelcome so security, or Storm throw your old ass out praying not to break a hip?" Desi walks to the door, and warns Ruthie "This is still the beginning little bitch, but closer to game time." Desi struts out. as Ruthie fumes. Meanwhile at The Falcon Diner, Beth meets up with Alyssa, as Beth asks her "How are you? Thank you for meeting me for a meal. Mama didn't want to come." Alyssa looks at Beth, and says "I miss my Daddy. I am trying. I've tried to work for Ruthie, because Daddy's shop is just as he left it. Cale and I figured it was best. Then Cale and Allison sold their place. Uncle Floyd returned to Maria's place and left town.." Beth asks in a gentle nurturing tone "Alyssa do you want to come stay with me and Mama. Frank left that place to you, and he was loved. A park and museum of his car collection could be a money maker." Alyssa goes "Something to consider." Beth changes subjects, and goes "Anymore run-ins with your piece of shit Ex?" Alyssa goes "He visited me at FJR, crying over that photo that cost him his new ride with Thorpe Landon." Beth goes "Landons and Bonners in Adam's Landing, and Desi too, we are cursed." Alyssa asks Beth "Did Connor move out next to you?" Beth answers "He went back to Sugar Creek, so there you go." Alyssa and Beth hug, and Beth says "All fixed sweet girl.

     At Jared's Loft, Jared finds his door open, as Xavier walks out of the bedroom, and holds a bottle of liquor and says "High dollar shine as we call it though it's that fancy stuff. It is good." Xavier takes a drink, and says "Jared, I want to see you before Clint, a loser, and Thorpe, one I pity. We have history." Jared asks "How did you get inside?" Xavier goes "Cain. He's staying with Sully, but also me and Leigh. He's in training today." Jared yells "Screw you son of a bitch!! You will not train my Son into the next Sayyid or Country, does he have..." Xavier growls angrily and forcefully "Jared, you were never a part of you kids lives. Connor went back to Sugar Creek, and Jason, you and Summer's Son, he wants to join. I'm training them. I'm really Cain's Daddy since you were to busy having flings while married to my Daughter. Ruthie and Cain saved your ass." Jared asks "So did you think the day would come you'd have a challenge." Xavier goes "Huh? Landon-Hale isn't shit." Jared says "Save-Way, number two grocer in the country." Xavier tells him "Well thanks for the heads up. Back to our talk. Summer has surprised me. You too. Saving my Princess. But just know one thing Jared, I taught you this business, so wherever you are, Landon-Hale, or selling watches on the street, it was me." Xavier walks out, as Jared calls Ruthie, and Cain, to no answer, and calls Connor, to no answer.

      At Jackson Inc, Sully, Jack, and Leigh are inside Sully's new office as Bree joins them. Sully tells them in a serious tone "Shit's about to go down. Daddy's on the warpath since he learned Jared got Dollar Time. Daddy's source said Jared and Clint's eyeing our biggest rival in groceries, Save-Way." Leigh goes "Xavier will declare war and this could get dirty. Sully, might want to tell Ruthie and Cain to make peace with Jared before its too late. X does not play around with this, and he's already on the warpath." At Whispering Hills, Logan arrives, and embraces his Father with a hug, and says "Dad I am so glad you did not kill yourself." Wade asks "Where did you get that thought" Logan goes "Word on the streets of Sugar Creek. Now let's talk about this woman you're staying with who has not let me have my money from my trust." Ava walks in and warns Logan "Wade is happy. Now do you want him to know?" Wade asks "What do I need to know? When Ava and I merged HaleCorp and Jackson Inc, you got the money from it, a lot and I mean a lot. Soo." Ava says "Your Son is a brat, a spoiled brat that parties and remember Davey?" Logan is silent, as is Wade, thinking of his Grandson. At Ruthie's Penthouse, Storm returns, and Gracie greets him with a passionate kiss, as they begin to have sex on the couch. Meanwhile at Jackson Media, Javon and Monica are inside his office, as Monice hands her Son a piece of paper, her hand shaking, fighting emotions. In Rachel's Office, Rachel sits, and smiles and she says "All's well now." Jack walks inside, and asks "Want a better day sexy?" Rachel and Jack have sex in her office, as Brock walks past and hears them, with anger in his eyes.