Monday, November 29, 2021

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 313, "The Reboot" Part 1.

    It's been a long time since we've last visited Adam's Landing and the families and lives of its people. In 2014, things exploded, and left lasting impacts on many of our characters. As time has passed, children grow, some pass on, and things have changed since our last episode of Daylight And Darkness. The series since were "dreams", but now we go back to the end of the show all of you knew and loved so much as did I in creating and writing this great serial, ladies and gentlemen, Daylight And Darkness: The Reboot!

     Over five years have passed since last visiting Adam's Landing, and so much has changed and evolved among Adam's Landing's citizens and at Hell Hill, Xavier sits inside his study, as Leigh walks inside, and tells her Husband "I have had some wild dreams again X. I'm getting worried." Xavier quips "Try some of mine." Leigh takes a deep breath, as Xavier gets a text, and Leigh asks her Husband "Everything ok?" Xavier nods and says "Yes my love. It's time." Leigh sighs "X are you sure about this? Can you really step away from Jackson Inc because all you've done in your life is work." Xavier tells his Wife "Our kids are grown, and time to pass the batons." Leigh walks out of the study, as she has a thought, and goes "You're lying to yourself X. And there's more to this."

     At Tenny's Penthouse, where Beth now lives with her Mother, Beth walks into the kitchen, and drinks a cup of coffee, as she opens a pouch, and is silent for a moment, and sends a text, and the front door's unlocked, as Allen, Olivia, and their Granddaughter, and newest doctor at City Hospital, Ginny Stone walk inside and Allen asks his Sister "Has Mama called you yet? Her phone is going to voicemail." Ginny sighs "When it happened, she seemed dead inside afterwards. Like a zombie." Beth tells them "Mama's not good with this sort of thing. But she's honoring her wishes. It's the after effect I'm most worried about." Olivia reminisces "When she and I went on that road trip to L.A., and she drove.." Allen tells his Wife "Olivia, she flew on Xavier's jet this time." Beth tells her Brother and Sister In Law "If she doesn't return by tomorrow, we're going to Blue Ridge."

     At Whispering Hills, Ava, Winston, Jack and Samantha, who's now his Wife sits in the kitchen, as they have breakfast and Jack tells his Mother "J.J. is doing great in Unity." Ava sighs "I can't believe he's grown." Winston meanwhile asks his Granddaughter "Have you spoken to your Mom lately?" Samantha nods, and says "She's in Sugar Creek, but steering clear of she who shall not be named." Ava quips "I'd love to think Angelica's kicked the bucket, but likely somewhere.." Winston finishes "plotting." Jack goes "I know Wade still keeps in touch with her. And his Wife, well she's her new Mother.." Ava quips "That whore's flock fits her perfectly. Jamie, Angelica the evil bitch of South America, and Casey Ryan, who Beth made disappear." Winston changes subjects, as he asks Jack "So what's the game plan at Jackson Inc with Xavier's plans?" Ava tells her Husband "Winston you know already. And you need to go handle your bastard Grandson and get control on HaleCorp, or let Sam." Samantha gasps "Me?" Ava asks "Wouldn't you like to have something to do now that J.J.'s moved? You helped me in the past and were quite a pro." Samantha tells her Mother In Law "Let Jack and I consider it. Time for us to leave anyway. We're going to check the progress on our estate over in Bannister Hills." Ava hugs her Son and Daughter In Law, as they leave, and Winston looks around, as Ava tells him "Guess now we need to get moving ourselves." Winston goes "Go where?" Ava glares at him and sighs "Hell who knows Winston."

    At Sully and Jared's Mansion, built next door to Hell Hill, Ruthie, now an adult walks into the kitchen, as Sully and Jared read their Son, Cain's report from boarding school with dismay. Ruthie asks her Mother "What has Grandpa got in mind?" Jared sighs "He's going to test this marriage." Sully snaps at her Husband "I think we had that talk Jared! If Daddy is stepping down, I will step up so to speak. It's the worst kept secret thanks to Mom." Ruthie tells them "I'm helping Grandma with Class, and her friend's moving back." Jared gets a text, and snarls with disgust "Oh shit. Wade did it. Son of a bitch!" Sully asks "Jared what's wrong?" Jared walks out, as Ruthie looks at her Mother, and asks "Are the two of you having problems?" Sully looks at her Daughter, and grabs the keys, as she checks her phone and goes "Ruthie, I don't have an answer for you sweetheart. For your Dad, he will always be conflicted sadly. And my Daddy doesn't forgive, and sure as hell doesn't forget. You and Cain are the reason Jared Hale walks alive." Ruthie quips "Grandpa has that reputation." Sully laughs, as they hug "Sweetie, we all do in a way."

    Meanwhile at the headquarters of The Gossiper, rival to The Exposer, Jamie is inside her office, as her assistant walks in and tells her "Your Daughters are here Ms. Marx." Bree and Summer walk inside, as Jamie tells them "Now that my biological Mother is dead.." Bree sighs "You're scheming aren't you? I hoped my talk with Uncle Frank might've worked." Summer tells her Sister "She was close to me. And she and you were close Bree. I think we deserve something." Jamie, in a cunning tone says "Girls we all do. Walter's attorney is coming to town to help me fight that old bitch and Beth and the rest of them." Bree boldly goes "Oh no Mother! I am not about to get into a war with Aunt Beth and Allan. With Tenny likely going to you know who..." Summer laughs "Xavier's not worried about..." Jamie smiles "I know all about little Junior quitting college and living abroad. I just haven't shared it yet." Bree warns her Mother and Sister "Just know if the two of you want to go to battle over Grandma Ciarra's estate to leave me out of it and know I'm not cutting either of you a damn break if I meet you in court." Bree walks out, as Jamie tells her Daughter "Summer, she doesn't know what I know." Summer sits and sighs "It is sad the two of you never grew close." Jamie laughs "Well it doesn't matter now. I'm getting what I deserve from the old bitch, and Tenny Sullivan if her mind still works will not test it." Summer walks out, as she works with her Mother, and Rachel Lane. Jamie makes a phone call, and goes to voicemail, which she hangs up and sends a text.

      At The Farm, Frank, and his Daughter with Casey Ryan, who disappeared from Adam's Landing after their Daughter, Alyssa's birth sits with her Father as she goes "I hate this bitch you are seeing. Want me to tell Aunt Beth?" Frank tells Alyssa "Cale doesn't need to know either. I know you've noticed things been rough lately between him and Allison." Alyssa gets a text, and heads out as she tells her Father "Seriously consider enjoying a life without commitment." Frank asks "When did you turn into such an adult?" Alyssa quips "Graduating high school, and working with Sully down at Class." Frank is quiet, as he has a thought and leaves. Meanwhile at FJR, Cale is in his office, as he talks to his Wife, and Allison warns her Husband "You're working too much." Cale snaps "Damnit I've had enough, now I have things to do for next season!" Cale hangs up as someone sits inside his office and goes "So when are we going back to our Suite?" Cale snaps "You being here is bad enough. If Dad shows up, god knows what he might do."

    Meanwhile at Jackson Inc, Xavier arrives in his office, and notices a message, and rage fills his eyes, as Jack arrives and asks "Another of Jamie's minions calling about Brock?" Xavier nods, and says "I am trying my best to keep this from Leigh. She sees him as her Little X. I don't want what happened years ago to happen again." Jack tells his Uncle "If she's smart she'll keep her mouth shut." Jack walks out, as Xavier makes a phone call, to no answer and says "I am about to come find you and fix this and you will see what I truly am capable you spoiled son of a..", and hangs up, and gets up to pour a drink with anger in his eyes. At Class, Sully, Leigh, and Ruthie sits inside, as Leigh tells them "Alyssa told me of Frank's new woman. Isn't there an Erica Lane related to Rachel if I recall?" Sully tells them "Yes, it was Desi and Olivia's Brother's Daughter. He died from cancer years ago. Desi was still in charge." Ruthie asks her Mother and Grandmother, as Leigh gets a text from Xavier Jr, and replies "Send you some later son." Sully notices and bluntly goes "Mom are you giving Brock money? Daddy will royally go batshit! Daddy told me of college.." Leigh sighs "Not today Sully. He's my Son." Sully asks "And do you go this far out for Gracie? She's in college." Leigh snaps "X favors the two of you and Millie wherever she is! Brock has me, Beth, Tenny, and did have a bond with Ciarra.." Ruthie cries "I'll miss Aunt Ciarra. How's Gran?" Sully answers "No answers since going to Blue Ridge to honor her wishes. Uncle Floyd was injured and in a Lexington Hospital. He's stable still thankfully." In a Holiday Hotel in LaFayette, Xavier Jackson Jr, who goes by Brock, walks the floor, as Rachel lays on the bed, and assures him "Your secret is safe. Think Xavier Senior will allow this to hit the media platforms and newspapers?" Brock turns, and tells her "He never has looked at me like I'm good enough. But I sincerely hope you're not playing me for Jamie's vendetta against my family. Gram. Gran, and my poor Aunt Ciarra plus some have been through too damn much! But..." Brock drops his pants, as Rachel jumps and wraps her legs around him, as they have sex.

     At HaleCorp, Ava arrives, as Jared asks "Where the hell is Grandfather?" Ava answers "The Sunset Club Jared. I got the message. He doesn't need to know and best you don't know anything but that I'm speaking for him." Jared smirks "You and my Father In Law must think a merger's about to return again." Well that's not happening. You and the almighty Xavier can kiss that goodbye!" Ava sits in Jared's chair in his office, and asks "So tell me who is this man they call Clint." Jared paces, as he says "He worked in the past for Wallace's, and Sullivan's when he started out. Cutthroat like Grandfather. Speaking of him, why are you really here?" Ava snaps "Wade Isaac Hale! He has hurt Winston. He feels betrayed Jared. Is it in your blood to do that. I know Summer never commits. I know Winston has put me through hell, but he's.. well let's say he is retired and best left like that for all of us. I'm protecting him!" Jared asks "Want to meet Clint?" Ava orders "I am going down to The Sunset Club now Jared, but you fill me in. Expect it to be by call. I hate texting. Bobby's runoff with Russell is over now and welp!" Ava leaves, as Jared is silent, and gets on his computer, and types 'Clint Landon', as his eyes widen.

    At City Hospital, Beth walks inside, as she's greeted by Terrance, Rashad, who has retired from racing to follow his medical career as, a surgeon and also sports medicine. Terrance is now CEO, as Beth owns the hospital and its Chairman. Beth asks "Where is Sassy?" Terrance tells them "Dr. Williams has caused much drama on his wing. Her first challenge as head of nursing. Got a feeling a lawyer will be needed, and know one." Beth tells her longtime friend "Call him then. Craig Williams won't ruin my hospital because.." Rashad quips "You own it." Beth nods, as she gets a text, and heads off, as Dr. Craig Williams appears, and says "I used my hiring power, and hired this Dr. Kyle Webb. He doesn't prefer it, but he and I are very close. If a Uncle and Nephew can work here, with another who doesn't need it, and another who owns it.." Rashad warns Craig "Beth has never liked your type. Don't be surprised if you have to go find a new hospital." Craig warns "It's only begun." as he walks off, and the others look at themselves with dread.

    Back at Jackson Inc, Xavier hangs up the phone, as he yells "Damnit!" Xavier gets a text from Bobby, and takes a deep breath. At Class, Leigh sits in her office, as she privately speaks to Brock, and tells her Son "You need to come home Son. I miss my baby." Brock, sitting naked in a hotel suite, with Rachel next to him, says "I will when I'm ready. Dad did the same. So did you." Brock hangs up, as Leigh wires him a large sum of money, In Sully's office, Ruthie and Alyssa talk, as Ruthie suggests "Time to get Ginny and have girl's lunch somewhere." Alyssa agrees, as Ruthie calls Ginny, as she answers at her station at City Hospital, and tells her Cousin and best friend "It's a mad house here right now. I'll take a rain check." Ginny hangs up, as Craig touches her face, and says "Good. Continue to be the good young doctor and see where it gets you. And this never happened." Craig leaves, as Ginny shivers, feeling violated and scared. At Chantel's, Sully walks in, as Jamie and Summer greet her, and Sully warns her Aunt and Cousin "I am only here for business." Jamie tells her Niece "So are we, and here you are. How's Auntie Tenny?" Sully snarls "You two never gave a damn about Aunt Ciarra, and look at you.." Summer goes "Sully, you know damn well we grew close, unlike she and my Mom." Jamie quips "Well now back to my life, and how to spin this." Sully warns them "Mess with my Gran, or Uncle Floyd, and it will be the worst experience you've ever seen you two selfish bitches." Sully heads to her table, as Summer looks at her Mother, and Jamie silently looks at her Daughter, as they return to The Gossiper's Headquarters. As they walk out, Jamie gets a text, and replies "Perfect."




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