Thursday, June 27, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 360. Backstabs And Breakdowns: Part 2.

     Evening begins to descend in Adam's Landing. At Paul and Summer's Home, Paul walks in, as Summer and Bree have prepared dinner. Paul asks his Wife, as they kiss "Where's Jake and Jason?" Bree tells Paul "They got text and left." Summer tells her Sister and her Husband "I think Uncle Xavier has called them up." Bree sighs "Damn, going down the same road as my Dad." Paul disagrees, and says to Bree "I think this will work well once we can get Governor Eddie and his cronies out of the ALPD." Bree nods, as Summer agrees with her Husband, as Bree tells them "Well, it could have its benefits." At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Allan and Olivia sits in the living room as Alyssa has left. Olivia tells them "I'm going to be here as long as needed. I do not want to run into my Sister at all if I can help it, and I know Beth needs some help." Tenny assures Olivia "Sully will be fine, that much I know!" Allan asks his Mother "Did you say the blunts were in your bedroom?" Tenny says "Yes Son. Go fetch them for Mama." Allan heads to his Mother's bedroom, and Olivia bends over, and boldly tells her Mother In Law "I only tolerate your old ass now. After the way you've treated Ally, I cannot forgive that you mean old bitch." Tenny shrugs "Well at least you aren't related to the late sperm donor, Too bad your Daughter married his piece of shit for a Son,," Olivia snarls "That is exactly why they left! To get away from you. Allan and I have placed our house up for sale by the way, and when it is sold, he will be away from you, and you will NOT be welcomed!" Tenny whispers "Smoke that dream in your peace pipe bitch." Allan returns, as Tenny and Olivia are all smiles, and Olivia grins and goes, as Tenny rolls her eyes "Just discussing the weather difference." Allan nods, but does not believe her, taking a deep breath with dread on his face,

      At City Hospital, Beth stands inside the area Sully's private room is inside the Nurse's Station, and Steve, Kyle, and Sassy are inside as Kyle says "Ginny met up with.." Kyle hands a file to Beth, who reads it and goes "Have all of you kept your mouth shut about the waiting room to Sully?!" Everyone nods, as Steve tells Beth "She has no clue. We talked about Jared awhile, and her designs. Kept her mind off work." Beth warns "One more, do not tell her Jared's dead. She needs nothing to upset her. The kids and everyone is getting the hell out of here tonight! My orders. Only one family member can stay!" Steve warns "You need to go home and.." Beth says "I am the best choice." Sassy goes "Leigh? Xavier?" Beth shakes her head and says "I got an idea." Beth pulls out her phone and makes a phone call. Everyone listens as Beth goes "No worries. You can drive back once someone shows. She will enjoy this. Thank you." Beth hangs up, and shrugs "I think she will be very well taken care of, I hope." Outside, inside the Parking Garage, Xavier drives out, as he talks to someone on the phone and says "On my way there." At City Hospital, a nurse passes by, as Dan returns to his office, as he goes "We were going to meet in private." In a calculated tone, Escobar says "Good evening Dr. Watson, so you failed me. Do you know what that calls for?" Two men stand behind him, as Escobar walks up to Dan, and says in a tone of anger "I could lose billions because of..." Escobar looks over his shoulder. One man winks at the other, as they grab up Dan, and begin to bear him, as Escobar locks the door, and sits behind Dan's desk and reads patient files as Dan yells for the men to stop, as they beat him mercilessly. 

      In the waiting room, Brock holds his Sister, as Beth holds Davey, and Leigh asks Ruthie "What turned you onto this piece of shit?" Storm yells "I am not a loser or a sorry piece of trash you stuck up bitch!" Brock delivers a hook to his Brother In Laws face, as Gracie glares at her Niece and with fury, hisses "Oh rent free to stay, oh that's right, you had to have sex with Storm didn't you?" Ruthie cries and pleads "Gracie! Everyone! I did not mean for this to happen.." Leigh snaps at her Granddaughter, slapping her hard across the face "I do not know where X went, but I can tell you this, your ass won't live this down girl. You?" Leigh gets emotional, as Cain asks his Sister "So Ruthie, when did you start screwing people like Storm?" Ruthie slaps her Brother, and runs out of the waiting room, as Bobby meanwhile walks back in and says "Xavier is not answering." Brock looks at his Niece, holding his Sister in his arms, as Beth warns her family "I will not tolerate my family falling apart like what happened years ago." Gracie screams at her Grandmother "Hand me my baby! I am out of here! I can't take this.." Beth asks her Granddaughter "Gracie, think you're alright to leave?' Gracie says "Gram, I'm fine. I need to leave before I kill this backstabbing whore! Someone I once thought of as a Sister.. I hate you Ruthie." Ruthie cries, as she holds her stomach, and Leigh looks at Beth, as Brock and Cain are silent and Storm asks Gracie "Can we talk?" Gracie spits in her Husband's face, holding her Son, and walks out in a fury, as Brock tells Storm "Now you can get out too." Bobby sends some texts meanwhile. In the parking garage, two men arrive, as Country greets them and says "Your test has arrived fellas. Now put these ski masks on." Back in the waiting area, Leigh looks at Bobby, as he tells Storm "You must have a death wish." Storm huffs, as he asks Ruthie "So what do you want to do?" Ruthie looks around, as Beth glares at her Great-Granddaughter and says to herself in her head "Mama's right again." Cain glares at his Sister, as Brock glares at his Niece, and Leigh tells her Granddaughter "You and Storm get the hell out of here!" Ruthie cries, and Storm comforts her, as Ruthie tells him "We are done." Storm sighs, and says "Ok. I give..." Storm walks out. Beth asks Ruthie "How long have you been getting sick?" Ruthie is silent, as Beth tells Ruthie "Let's go, and you and I are having a talk." Leigh yells "Great idea! Keep her away from me!" Ruthie cries uncontrollably, as Beth has dread in her mind. A nurse walks by. Storm meanwhile walks to his truck, and a bag is placed over his head by two men, as they take strong-arm him, dragging Storm into to a van.

     Meanwhile at Wade's new home at Whispering Hills, formerly Floyd and Ciarra's Home, Wade sits in the living room and Diego tells him "So here is the information I have for you. My Father and Alexis.." Wade asks "Alexis?" Diego sighs "Angelica's youngest Sister. She's the so called spokesperson." Wade asks his Cousin "Has Ava been updated on all of this?" Diego nods, as he says "She is keeping up." Diego asks "Have you got security for Logan?" Wade pours himself and Diego a drink, and snaps "My Son is me all over! I want to kick his ass back to Sugar Creek! But he does need protection." Diego assures Wade "No worries." At Whispering Hills, Ava checks her phone and makes another call to her Son, to no answer. Ava is silent, and a thought crosses her mind, and at Wade's Home, Diego gets a text, and says "Ava calls. Gotta run. Everything will be ok. Alexis is the level headed one, only one who can keep my family of psychos in check." Wade goes "With all I know, I will be shocked." Diego leaves, and heads off as Wade sends Logan a text, saying "Watch your ass you cocky bastard." At Bree's Mansion meanwhile, Bree returns with her Sister and Brother In Law as night descends, Paul and Summer comforts Bree, as Faith tells them "I am so sorry. Haley just couldn't bring herself to it. I am getting tested tomorrow though. Wish Mom had of come with me, but she's preoccupied at the moment." Bree quips "Aunt Ava for ya. Thank you Faith. You have no idea what this means to me that you'll be my surrogate." Paul meanwhile gets a text, and has a look of dread on his face, reading them. Summer and Bree both ask Paul, as Faith excuses herself and leaves "This is going to be bad. And now I'm fired from the ALPD thanks to my Father In Law's scheme with the Santiagos." Bree rolls her eyes, and Summer hugs her Husband, as she gets a text, and goes "Well now I know where the boys were?" Bree asks "Jake and Jason?" Summer asks Paul "Do you still feel safe with them working with Uncle Xavier?" Paul sighs with sadness "At this point, better Xavier than the ALPD. I'm going home and calling a friend. About to see what I can do." Paul leaves, as Bree tell her Sister, as Summer prepares to follow "Russell and the Carters will not keep this up. I work on the other side." They hug, as Summer tells her Sister "Exactly. Hope Faith passes." Bree goes "Me too.", as Paul and Summer leave. Bree walks back inside, and pours herself a drink, with sadness in her eyes as her phone rings. She sees it is Wade, and ignores him, and sighs "I want you with me right now, but can't stand the sight of you..", taking a drink of wine, and calling it a night.

     At Sayyid and Henry's Compound, an angry Henry storms inside and screams, as Sayyid, Willie, and another woman walk out of the kitchen, as Henry screams "Smallwood been with my girl. The only girl I love! That bastard will die! Mark my damn words Storm Smallwood is going to die!" Sayyid assures his Grandson "With what he has done, Xavier will make his remaining days, weeks, or even mere hours pure hell." Willie recalls "Henry, this is similar to what happened years ago in his family involving B.R. and Ruth's two girls Ava and Jamie. It was much worse. Really messed Ava up..." The woman meanwhile is silent, and goes "It's been an honor having dinner with the two of you. I'll go on over to your house Ms. Willie and make myself at home." Willie smiles and says "Do that sweetie, and rest." The lady goes "All of you do the same. Can I pray over all of you? I understand..." Sayyid tells her "Bishop Hyman, I follow the rituals, but I'm neutral in my twilight." Everyone holds hands, as Bishop Teresa Hyman says a powerful prayer, and looks at Henry, and gently says "Son, you will have her again. The two of you are meant to be." Teresa leaves, and Willie heads to the door, as Sayyid assures his Sister "I'm watching out for Berry to return. She will pay if she comes after any of us." Willie hugs her Brother, and holding a pistol, smiles "Sure will Clem. I'm older than you so keep in mind we tend to umm.." Sayyid jokes "Taking a page from Tenny Sullivan's handbook Willie?" Willie shrugs "Not really. I have my best friend's spirit with me all the time. I miss her." Sayyid goes "I miss Ruth too." Willie leaves for the night, as Henry asks his Grandfather "So now what about Berry DuBois and the plan?" Sayyid heads upstairs, and tells his Grandson "You follow Xavier's lead my son. This is between me, Berry, and my Sister. We got this." Sayyid also calls it a night, as Henry walks outside, and lights a blunt, and holds his pistol, and says "I hope hell has its way with your ass or I will Smallwood."

     Meanwhile at The Falcon, Alyssa has dinner alone, as Xavier walks up, and tells the waitress "This is on me." Alyssa tells her Uncle "I can afford my own meal."  Xavier sits next to her and says in a gentle tone "I cannot thank you enough for helping my Mother with my Grandma, and I know it's been hard since Frank died and Cale and Allison moved and Uncle Floyd too.." Alyssa opens up and says to her Uncle "Ginny works so much at the hospital, and Tenny helps keep my mind off of that son of a bitch I regret marrying. Did you have him killed?" Xavier laughs "No sweetie, I wish though." Xavier tells Alyssa "I want you to always remember I'm here for you, and Aunt Leigh, and Aunt Ava." Alyssa hugs Xavier, and says with tears in her eyes "Thank you for looking out for me Uncle X. You rock. I know my Dad is smiling on you." Xavier says "He's smiling down on his strong willed daughter he loved and I do and proud of." Xavier gets a text, as he tells Alyssa "Gotta run." Xavier runs out, as Alyssa is quiet, and sends Ginny a text, and finishes her meal before calling it a night. Outside, Xavier sits in his SUV, and makes a phone call, and says "I'm on my way now." In a van, Storm screams "Release me you son of a bitches! I bet Xavier is behind this shit!" Storm hears silence, as the van comes to a stop, and the doors open, and three men pull Storm out, as his hands are tied behind his back, and head covered with a bag.

     At Santiago Manor, Escobar walks back inside, as Desi greets her Husband, and he tells his Wife "Watson failed me." Desi laughs "Well I did not fail you, or our family dear. I got the pardon approved, and oh they will be distracted now. I know that much." Escobar and Desi kiss, as someone asks "Where is Alexis?" Escobar turns and says "She's the face for our family for now, and you are getting restless." Angelica looks at Desi, and asks "So you came through?" Desi nods and says "Of course. Anything to get back my beloved store and stick it to Beth's self righteous ass once and for all. I called in a favor.." Angelica yells "You bitch Alexis did that! I did this and you need to be kissing my ass and drop your damn ego trip! I am the head of this family, and you better not forget it!" Escobar asks his Wife "Desi, wanna go make love?" Desi kisses her Husband, and heads to their bedroom. Angelica walks into the study, and calls Alexis, to no answer. At Landon-Hale, Clint, Cole, and Callie walks past Thorpe's office, as Clint and his children look at each other, and leave for the evening. Inside Thorpe's office, Thorpe and Alexis are on his desk, and he asks "Wanna see my house and warm my bed baby?" Alexis kisses Thorpe, and touches him and says "Hell yes!" They put on their clothes and head off to Thorpe's Mansion. 

     Back at City Hospital, Beth finishes the exam, as she looks at her Great-Granddaughter with disappointment, and goes "You are pregnant Ruthie. Is Storm the Daddy?" Ruthie cries "Yes. He had this aura about him, and he came after me first. Not me going after him." Beth tells her, and warns "I believe you, and this is going to be some huge news, not the way I wanted to expect my own Great-Great Grandchild but it is what it is." In Sully's Room, a nurse stands by, and is silent as Steve, Kyle, and Ginny rush inside, as Sassy comes and tells the nurse "Go get Beth right now!" In the waiting area, Leigh sits outside, as she texts her Husband and tells him "I'm staying here. I back you all the way my love." Brock and Cain sits next to her, and Cain asks his Grandmother "Do you hate my Sister now? How are we going to tell Mom?" Leigh sighs "I am angry as hell. I am angry that X allowed this felon into our lives, and Cain I dread telling Sully that she's going to be a Grandmother. This is a nightmare from hell.." Brock tells his Mother "Gracie is not responding." At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Allan and Olivia has left, as Tenny is silent, and stares at the TV in a dazed tone as there's a knock at the door and Tenny hears Gracie's cry and walks up and Gracie's at the door, holding her Son, and cries uncontrollably, as she goes "Storm slept with my Niece and she is pregnant! I am so damn stupid Gran! How did I not know??" Tenny tells her Great-Granddaughter, and Great-Great Grandson "Come to Gran sweetheart.." Tenny hugs them tightly, as Gracie cries, and Tenny consoles her, and says "I am so sorry Gracie. Oh I am so sorry this happened to you baby. Your Gran will protect both of you. And you go stay at Hell Hill, I will monitor Ruthie." Gracie is quiet, and says "I think Daddy and Mom would approve." Tenny asks "Want me to tag along?" Gracie nods, as Tenny tells her gently "You have me on your side, it will be ok. I know that." They head to Hell Hill as Tenny asks "Can I drive.." Gracie says "NO!", as she hands her Davey as they get on the elevator and Addie gets off the elevator.

      Back at Whispering Hills, Ava gets a text from Xavier, as she cries and says "Damn." She calls Diego, who sits in front of Jack's Mansion, as she asks "Anything happening?" Diego answers "No." Ava sighs "Well, give up and watch your family." At Rachel's Loft meantime, Jack and Rachel arrive, and Jack tells Rachel "I hope my Mom does not have another heart attack over this." Rachel asks "Why? We just took a little flight to Sugar Creek and now we are finally together as Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Hale." Jack and Rachel kiss, as the newly married couple heads to Rachel's bedroom as Rachel asks Jack "Who placed this on the wall? Who's watching me?!" Jack sighs "This could be my Mother's doing. She has ownership in this building.." Rachel sighs "It could be my crazy Mother who returned from hell." Jack tells his Wife "We'll handle it." They head to the bedroom, where they take off each other's clothes and makes love on Rachel's bed. Back at Wade's Home at Whispering Hills, Wade prepares to call it a night, as he gets a phone call from Logan. Logan, sitting in his suite at The Holiday Hotel, tells his Father "I think with Jared dead, we can buy out Landon." Wade boldly goes "I'll do that Son, and you are not even ready for that task!" Logan goes "Landon-Hale Dad, your last name." Wade tells him "Logan, that was Jared. He is dead now." Logan asks "So wanna take this over with me?" Wade answers "On my own damn terms Son." and hangs up, taking a drink and calling it a night.

     In an Abandoned Schoolhouse, Storm has the bag pulled from over his head, his hands tied behind his back, legs shackled to the floor as Country, Jake, and Jason stands in front of him, and Storm snarls with anger "I knew it! Xavier will not defeat me! I am not going anywhere!" Country whispers "When X arrives, he'll make that call. Until then... we're gonna head out. Watch out for rats." Jake and Jason asks Country "Think we passed Uncle Xavier's test?" Country laughs "Oh shit, the two of you are naturals! I know he will be proud." Xavier heads down the road, and suddenly has a thought, and for a moment he smiles. At City Hospital, Beth has rushed into Sully's room, as Beth yells "What in the hell has happened?" Steve, Ginny, Kyle, Sassy all surround Sully's bed, as Ginny walks over, and looks at her Great-Aunt, and is silent, as Beth walks over, and begins CPR and yells "Come on! 1. 2. 1.2!" Steve walks over, as he looks into her eyes, as Ginny, Kyle, and Sassy, walks over and Beth turns and looks at her Granddaughter and looks down, and walks into the waiting room. In the waiting room, Leigh sits next to Brock, as Ruthie is silent, as is Cain. Brock tells his Mother "Everything will be fine Mom. We don't need to let what.." Leigh asks Ruthie "How are you going to explain this to Sully when she is home, and I do not want you upsetting her until her new medicine kicks in with this bombshell." Bobby walks inside and goes "I think Donny and Russell will meet their match. Paul was fired. I called a friend. Sorry to leave.." Suddenly the doors open, and Beth stands in front of her Daughter In Law, Grandson, Great-Granddaughter and Great-Grandson as she is silent, and Bobby notices her expressions, as Leigh looks at her, as all do and Beth takes a deep breath and looks up as she tells all of them, and says "I'll call my Son." Xavier nears the Abandoned Schoolhouse as he drives his SUV and his phone rings over the radio, as Xavier goes "Mother?" Beth says "Come back to the hospital now." Xavier tells his Mother "I need to..." Beth finishes and they hang up, and Xavier stops his SUV, and in a state of disbelief and shock, staring into the darkness.





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