Thursday, June 27, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 359. Backstabs And Breakdowns: Part 1

        As afternoon descends upon Adam's Landing, at City Hospital, Bree and Summer sits inside Ginny's office, as she tells them "Krissy got a page from her Dad, she ran out." Bree tells Ginny, as Summer sits next to her Sister for moral support "So how did things turn out? Will Haley be able to carry my child?" Ginny looks at the results, and tells her Cousins "Bree, Haley is a perfect match. Ready when the two of you are?" Bree smiles, as she looks at her Sister with tears in her eyes, and says "I'm going to be a Mommy." They all hug inside Ginny's office, a moment of joy. Inside Sully's Private Room, Sully and Steve chat alone as he tells her "I lived in Blue Ridge for a time before moving here myself. I worked at Park Lane Hospital in the same position I'm in now, and was married, until she slept with someone else." Sully tells him "I can relate completely. My Ex cheated on me with my Cousin, briefly married her! Then she had his Son! To boot!, he turns and screws my arch rival!" Sully gets angry and takes deep breaths, as Steve asks "Do you have feelings still for your Ex Husband?" Sully sighs "Eh, I don't know. He is the Father of my two greatest things, my kids." Steve goes gently, as he holds her hand "And they are awesome, and your family are awesome and love you. I will make damn sure you stick around for years to come." Sully smiles at Steve. 

    At City Hospital, in the waiting room, Henry yells again, as everyone has turned to him. Henry's pistol is aimed at Storm. Gracie looks at her Husband, and asks "Storm? What is he talking about?" Leigh stands next to Beth, both in shock, and Beth walks over and picks up her Great-Grandson, as Cain looks around, as Brock also watches. Ruthie asks Henry "What is this?" Henry yells "Ruthie! I know something you don't, now two others do, one is Storm. If he does not answer, I'll help your Grandpa off his ass." Storm yells "Henry, your Grandpa has turned you into a thug like he is." Henry screams "Shut up Smallwood! One more word and I'm putting a bullet between your damn eyes!" Leigh intervenes, and asks "What the hell is this? This drama is not needed here! We are here for Sully!" Henry looks at Storm, and keeps his pistol aimed at him, and says "Storm Smallwood, all mighty and tough, is a bitch." Ruthie asks "What is wrong with you Henry! Stop please!" Cain asks Brock meanwhile "What the hell is this?" Brock shrugs "Hell if I know, but once Dad walks out here, game over. I got a bad feeling." Cain asks Ruthie "Sissy, what does Henry know?" Ruthie is silent, as is Storm, as Henry yells "Yeah, too damn bad I didn't pull out the damn phone!" Brock tells Henry "Look, put down the gun and chill." Henry tells Brock "Sorry, I'm waiting." Beth gently says "Sully does not.." Henry yells at Beth "Look old lady I know what you did, and as far as I am concerned you and Ava Hale, and Olivia, and Eve Mathis can go straight to hell." Silence fills the room, as Leigh gets Davey, and holds her Grandson, and Beth returns to Sully's private room, as Gracie asks her Husband "Storm? What the hell is this?" Storm is silent, as he looks down, twitching his hands. Ruthie sits as her nerves hit a fever pitch and silent. Brock and Cain watch on, as Henry continues to keep his pistol aimed at Storm, and says boldly "We can do this as long as you like."

     Beth heads to Sully's room, and before she walks in, sees Angela and asks "Did Dan?.." Angela takes a deep breath, as Beth grows angry and boldly orders "Go to your Mama's house and Dan is meeting with my Son and Country as we speak." Angela goes "Dr. Beth, I heard about these meetings." Beth tells her with anger "When he puts my Granddaughter in the hospital fighting for her life, that qualifies for a firing, and I'm going for his license to practice medicine. He's over. Might be before the end of the day if he pisses my Son or his best friend off." Angela sighs "Beth, Country and Dan are Brothers." Beth laughs, walking into Sully's room "I'm sending Addie a text, and you leave now. I'll double the pay and then some ok.." Angela nods, and sighs as she walks out. In Dan's office, Xavier walks over, and sticks his Colt 45 to Dan's head, and asks him "Tell me who you are helping? What is the agenda in place?" Country tells Dan "Look little Brother, you need to talk before X kills you. Where where you? You destroyed me when you took away Mama!" Dan yells "Country! I got her off the liquor! She's well now!" Country yells "I did not know until I called Unity, and she did not know me. She's in a nursing home you BASTARD!" Country pulls out his pistol and aims at his Brother, as Xavier yells "I know you had a deal with a pharmaceutical company Jim's used to use connected to Escobar, and you got paid by Escobar Dan. Now should you even speak?" Xavier grabs Dan, and goes "I'll let you live. Stay away from Sully, and if she needs a new heart, I'm coming for you." Xavier and Country walks out, as Dan is scared and shaken up, and makes a phone call. Outside, Bobby meets Xavier and Country and warns "Storm's in the waiting room. Henry's there ready to kill him and your family is the main subject..." Xavier punches the wall, and yells "Damnit! I've had it now!" Xavier storms away, as Bobby and Country looks at each other, watching Xavier, as he heads past the waiting area and talks to himself.

    Meanwhile at Jazz, Ava arrives, and Faith hugs her Mother, as Ava asks her Daughter "So what is your news? I have heard nothing from Jack. I'm getting worried." Faith sighs "Haley has decided she can't do the surrogacy for Bree. I hope you understand." Ava tells her "I hope Bree understands, because she has always wanted a child. She'd be such a great Mom." Faith goes "I am willing. I'm still young enough to do it, and she is family." Ava asks "Now are you sure?" Faith pours herself and Ava a glass of whiskey, and tells her Mother "Mom, it's my honor to help make it happen." Ava gets a text, and yells "That bitch!" Faith asks "What bitch?" Ava angrily says "Rachel Lane  and Jack is missing. I have a Tenny Sullivan moment coming, maybe time to go talk to her." Faith asks "Aren't they dating now?" Ava nods with disgust on her face, and goes "That whore will not be a part of my family! That's a damn fact!" At Jackson Inc, Logan and Cole, who takes a deep breath, walks into Wade's office, as Wade warns them "Ava is here and she will not want to see you." Logan asks his Father "So Dad, Cole and I have decided to make the Holiday Hotel public and sell to Landon-Hale, our last name.?" Wade snarls "Logan Walsh, you just made the biggest damn mistake in your life. Selling the hotel I built from the ground up and gave to you to keep in our family. You..." Wade rushes his Son, and Cole breaks them up, as Wade asks Cole "Your family has an agenda to destroy my Grandfather and Ava's family?" Cole goes "I'm neutral. Talk to Dad or Uncle Thorpe." Logan yells "Jared is dead! I have his part now! We can..." Wade points to the door and goes "Get out of my sight. Both of you before I do something I just may regret."

    At Class, Escobar walks into Desi's new office, as Alexis sits at the desk, and tells her Brother "All is in motion. Xavier and his family has no idea what's to come." Escobar tells his youngest Sister "Dan Watson has failed. Xavier will come for us." Alexis reminds her Brother "And there is a bounty on the name Hale Escobar, now Sully Jackson, Mother to dear Angelica's grandkids, in the hospital. I think it's perfect, and my spy has sent me this." Escobar looks at Alexis' phone and watches a video, as she says "Yeah, and it will all implode itself, but my Edward, he will help the Santiago name return to power and its working." Escobar asks "So why meet here? Shouldn't we be meeting back.." Alexis boldly says "Desi Lane is a pawn. Once her use is over, she will be too. She's too loose and I done my homework on her." Escobar pulls out his pistol, and says "This can keep her in line.", and laughs, as does Alexis. Desi walks inside, and gasps and goes "Why are you here Alexis?" Escobar gets a text, and says "I have to go." Escobar runs out, and Alexis walks over, and whispers in a stern, eerie tone "I am your superior Desi Lane. And I am going to make damn sure you do not.." Alexis pulls out her knife, and holds Desi at the throat, and says "Do not cross me bitch. Remember who the bosses are." Desi is silent, and Alexis laughs "I need to go now, bye bye Sis." Alexis leaves, and Desi shivers in fear. Escobar is in his car and is on the phone. Dan tells Escobar "Look, I uh, uh.." Escobar screams "You will answer to me for this mistake! And City Hospital might need a few new Doctors and fast with what my family and I have in mind and you think of your family now, because I am with a 45." Escobar hangs up, and drives down the road.

     In the waiting room, the standoff continues with silence in the room, as Henry keeps his pistol aimed at Storm, as Gracie watches on with fear in her eyes. Ruthie begins to feel unwell, as her nerves grow to a fever pitch, and Cain holds his Sister's hand for support, and Brock tries to talk to his best friend, telling him as Beth and Country arrive "Just say what's going on and let's be peaceful." Henry snarls "Screw being all peaceful. My heart is shattered Brock, by someone in this room." Tears flow from Henry's eyes, as he looks at Ruthie and cries "I love you Ruthie. You are the only girl for me and you have hurt me so badly." Storm tells Henry "You need to just leave." Country and Beth tells Storm "No Storm, your ass needs to leave!" Gracie yells "Now I want to know what in the hell is going on! My baby is here luckily with Mom right now, and Dad is somewhere likely locked and loaded. What is going on?" Henry says "I don't think Xavier knows what I do, nor most of you. And when he does know, it's on. It's going to explode!" Henry aims again at Storm, as Country asks Henry, walking over to him, and putting his arm around his shoulder, as Beth checks her phone and shakes her head "What is going on buddy? Just say it." Brock reminds Henry "I'm here bro." Brock walks over, as Henry says "Gracie." Gracie answers "Yes?" Storm grows nervous. Ruthie squeezes tightly to Cain's hand, as Leigh and Davey walk into the waiting area, as Henry takes a deep breath and says "Storm and Ruthie are together now I have seen with my own eyes." Silence fills the waiting room, as jaws drop, and Gracie grows furious, as does Beth, Leigh, Brock, Cain looks at his Sister. Storm glares at Henry, as Henry says "Smallwood you are a coward. A true damn coward." In Beth's office, Bobby and Xavier talk, and Bobby warns him "I think you should remember that the Carters and Russell are in a power play before we go into battle." Xavier tells him "I've had enough of this. Time for it to end!" Xavier walks out, and Bobby follows, as Xavier heads to the waiting room.

      Meanwhile at Evans-Gore, Krissy sits at her Grandmother's desk, along with Angela, as Angela tells her Daughter "Beth talked to Mama about your Dad. I would not underestimate that woman. She hates Dan." Krissy sighs "We met up for some sweets, and she said we'd return here. She then disappeared." Angela asks "Where did she..." Addie walks into the room, as Aretha follows, along with Sayyid, carrying his suitcase and sitting at Addie's desk, laying his suitcase on her desk, and opening it, and asks Addie, Angela, and Krissy "So which gun you wanna use to kill this coward?" Angela gasps "Mama, did you.." Aretha tells them "My Uncle's Grandson right now is at the hospital, and my Mama's family, well you see they don't mess around." Sayyid tells them "So Danny Watson, Country's brother who I learned allowed his Mother to go homeless and was just found dead, gotta inform him. Back to my visit, Dr. Danny needs to die. He's involved with the Santiagos, and Xavier's princess might die as a result, meaning a war of wars." Angela and Krissy are speechless, as Addie tells her Daughter and Granddaughter "Dan is going to be lucky to breathe. I'm over his treatment of you Angie. I never forgot what he did to Krissy..." Krissy shivers, as Angela holds her, and Aretha warns "Xavier is not the one. His family are very powerful and he makes things happen." Sayyid goes "Did this man molest his Daughter?" Angela holds Krissy, as she cries having a flashback, as Addie fills Sayyid in, and Sayyid picks up his briefcase, and says "I have made my final choice. See you all later. Need to go to the hospital to check on a few folks and a coward." Sayyid leaves, as Aretha asks "Need me to help you all." Addie tells her "Just pray for us." Aretha tells them "I'm gone now, so know I'm here." Aretha leaves, as Addie tells Angela and Krissy "Now to my Penthouse until further notice," They leave, as Angela and Krissy are silent with worry and concern, as Addie grins.

     At Landon-Hale, Alexis arrives and walks into Thorpe's office, where he sits and gasps "Did hell have a snowstorm? Alexis Carter!" Alexis and Thorpe embrace in a hug, as she tells him "I am working on getting away from Edward. But, I'm sticking around." Thorpe and Alexis looks at each other, and they kiss, as Thorpe tells her "Let me lock the door. My God I never believed you'd come back." Thorpe locks the door as passion erupts between them, as they take off each other's clothes and makes passionate love on the floor in his office. At Jackson Inc, Javon has left as evening's approached, and Ava rolls her eyes as Desi asks "Where is my Daughter?" Ava asks Desi "Damn if you got some nerve coming into my family's legacy bitch. I would love to know where that whore is. She is M.I.A.." Desi begins to cry, as Ava laughs "Shit, you been alive and really never have reached out to her. You must be screwed." Desi sighs "I'm leaving since Rachel isn't here. Maybe she's home." Desi walks out, as Ava calls Jack, once again to no answer. At City Hospital, in Sully' private room, Steve shuts the door, as Beth walks in and asks "Did she finally go to sleep?" Steve asks "How can that fight out in the waiting room be stopped?" Beth looks at Steve, and asks "Did she hear anything?" Steve shrugs "She went to sleep awhile ago. I'm glad she's resting." Beth goes "Me too Steve. You have done wonderful, and I see something between you and your patient." Steve goes "Dr. B, I am taking care of your Granddaughter, and we know for certain she will survive." Beth walks out, as Steve watches Sully sleep, as Beth closes the door, and warns the staff "One damn word of what's happening to her and I'll fire your ass!" Beth returns to the waiting room.

     In the waiting room chaos ensues, as Gracie cries uncontrollably, and Ruthie is silent, and holds her stomach. Storm has a pistol aimed at him by Henry, and Country also has his gun aimed at Storm, as Cain stands next to Brock, as his Uncle is silent. Leigh looks at her family and goes "I don't... I just, what in the hell is going on?" Leigh walks over to console her Daughter, and hands her Davey, as Gracie clutches to her Son tightly. Henry quietly, and coldly says "Today you meet the hellfire always awaiting you Smallwood. And you screwed my woman. I knew you were a piece of shit since the day I met you." Storm warns Henry and Country "The two of you needs to put those guns down, and accept me as Gracie's Husband." Leigh goes "Oh never. I never liked you, you piece of trash. X made a mistake getting you out of prison, where you belong." Xavier and Bobby walk in.. Eyes turns towards Xavier, as he asks "What in the hell is this?" Henry asks Storm "Game time coward. You tell him or me?" Ruthie finally cries "Don't tell him!" Gracie looks towards her Niece and snarls "I cannot believe you have been sleeping with my Husband Ruthie. How?" Xavier's jaw drops, and looks around the room, and looks at Storm, and says "Well Son, this happens in families sometimes. It'll be ok." Xavier hugs his Wife, and Leigh cries "I can't take this!" Xavier assures her "It will be ok my love. I will make certain." Xavier walks over to Ruthie, as she vomits, and is silent, as Gracie asks her Father "Can..." Xavier holds Gracie, as she cries "Daddy, you always know. I should have listened to you. I'm so sorry." Brock also walks over, along with Cain and Leigh, comforting Gracie, as Xavier looks towards Storm, with Country and Henry ready to shoot, and walks over and says "No, this is not needed fellas." Xavier goes "Put up he guns. He's married to my Daughter. Family. He's family." Bobby is silent, as Beth walks out and asks "What is going on?" Bobby says "I don't have no idea what's going on inside his head." Henry looks at Ruthie, and goes "You broke my heart, but it's still yours." Henry walks out with sadness in his eyes, as Ruthie vomits again, and Brock and Cain look towards Beth and Leigh, as Xavier comforts Gracie, all silent, as Beth says with dread "Oh hell. Here we go again." Xavier walks out calmly, and send three texts.





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