Monday, June 24, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 356. And The Rivalries Rage

    At City Hospital, Sully is alert, and is being hydrated as she says "I have not felt right and my current doctor was backed up." Ginny tells her Cousin "Your Gram is a Doctor." Sully rolls her eyes. In the waiting area, Henry gets a text and he and Ruthie kiss, as he leaves, and Beth tells Xavier, Leigh, Brock, Gracie and Davey, Tenny, Ava, and Alyssa "Ginny is on her way and will tell us when she's settled in. She can no longer work unless it's drawing her fashion designs she used to do. I'm going to start now, and tell Dr. March and everyone to start looking." Xavier tells all of them "To think of losing her kills me inside. My princess. I raised her." with tears in his eyes as he grows emotional as Gracie asks her Father "Cutting my trust hurt me and your Grandson. Kill you any inside." Tenny slaps Gracie and Leigh goes "No time for none of that! Sully is dying." Ruthie tells them "Where is Cain? I have called him to no answer. I worry about him." At Country's Cottage, Country shows Jake, Jason, and Cain some guns, as Sayyid stands in the room, and goes "We'll be the ones you answer to. Understand that. Xavier will be the main one to worry about. And right now he wants Smallwood gone." Country laughs "Ol, Storm, hell of a name. He's about to meet X's storm." Cain is excited as he asks "So what do or who do we do first?" Sayyid tells him "Patience Son." At Sully's Mansion, in Cain's bedroom, sits his phone.

     At The Inn, Damian meets with Storm, as Storm says "Sully passed out and the family's together. So some free time." Damian says "Spoke to Escobar earlier and beware if you want his wrath. He'll want an answer." Storm says "I need work so yes I'll work for him." Damian says "He will greatly enjoy hearing that. You will grow greatly. Mark my words. Changed me. I'm set as long as I keep my loyalty to Escobar and the Santiago name." Storm is quiet, as they both drink. At La Trattoria, Escobar and Desi has dinner as Desi tells her Husband "Remember what you said, Class was.." Escobar goes trying not to lose his cool "It is mine dear, you just own a small percent. And the name stays." Desi says "Ok I trust you. I think you got the right mindset." Escobar answers "Me too." Escobar tells Desi "All I have in motion is going to plan. My family name is coming back." Outside Jackson Inc, a sniper watches Wade, but he disappears from sight. At The Sunset Club, another sniper watches Logan and Ty, and a shot is fired. Outside, Logan looks at Ty, as he's been shot in the chest, and people rush over, and Logan tries to keep his friend alive as the sniper leaves.

    At The Sunset Club, Russell, Lana, Summer, and Paul have dinner as Russell warns his Daughter "I better not see my name smeared in Aretha's trashy paper. I know I can depend on you to hold up my name." Summer nods silently, as Lana asks "Where are Jake and Drew? I yet to meet them and allow them to meet their new Grandmother." Summer goes "They have no Grandma, and tough shit there. I know you are out for my Dad's money." Russell snaps at his Daughter "What did I warn you about bringing up Lana's past? What if I brought up your past history because yours is longer than me." Paul tries to stop his Wife, as Lana is silent and Bobby has quietly walked in and watches as Summer yells "I'm the result of you wanting my Mom to helping her and my Uncle get away with my Aunt's rape!" Summer tells Paul "Let's go." Summer and Paul leave, as Russell apologizes to Lana as Bobby tells him "So you and ol' Edward have made a power play I heard. Said I was not allowed at the ALPD. Think Donny's gonna listen to that. I trained his ass." Russell warns Bobby "Stay out of my way. My turn to run this town with the Governor's family's help will pay dividends!" Bobby tells Russell "Last time that happened, it was nasty. You sure keep me away from the islands Marx." Bobby heads to his suite as Russell tells Lana "That was completely uncalled for." Lana agrees and goes "Surely you raised her better." Russell nods, and says "Comes from her Mother, a full blown whore in prison for the moment."

    At The Evans Home, Aretha and Eric enjoy a home-cooked meal by Aretha as quiet storm plays, and Eric tells her "This is a great meal. When my Sister arrives I will." Aretha laughs "We'll have to let her and my Mama meet. They'll hit it off. Mama needs more friends." Eric quips "I think Willie's the most loved lady in this town." Aretha tells him "Likely so. She's been around here longer than anyone and I wish she'd let Addie write her book." Eric goes "What's stopping her?" Aretha tells him "She is very quiet about her coming up. She raised her siblings except one. Mama was second of five. Two still living. One I keep in touch with, but keep it to myself." Eric asks "What's the scoop?" Aretha says "Married into money, and that was that." Eric tells Aretha "Encourage your Mama to share her life. You'll be publishing it, and it'd be a hit. Even a movie." Aretha agrees as they kiss. Meanwhile at Jackson Media, Jack and Javon have left, and Rachel and Wade walk around as they chat and Ava calls and tells Wade "So Uncle Floyd and Ciarra's place is yours if you'd like it." Wade asks "What about Logan?" Ava tells Wade "I do not trust him and think he's a snake." Wade sighs "Sadly a young me at his age." Ava laughs "Sadly you are right, but if he stays, we can bust him." Wade says "I decided to just let him have his own place and I move on and be alone and grow a feel of home." Ava agrees and hangs up, and laughs with Rachel "Someone to keep her in line."

      At Clint's Estate, Callie sits in the Clint's Den, looking at her phone in horror, as she yells "Cole, hurry up now!"  Cole runs in the living room, as Clint walks in and asks his Daughter "What the hell is wrong Callie?" Callie tells them "Someone shot Ty. We gotta get down there." Cole agrees as they head out and Clint is quiet as his thoughts are on anther subject, and says "Time to take you on Xavier, You are weak now." At City Hospital, Sully's in her room, as she is hydrated "I feel like I have a cold. Felt one coming on." Ginny assures Sully "You are tough and will overcome this." Sully tells her "I sure as hell will. I got to." In the waiting area, Country arrives as Xavier greets him with a hug, as does everyone other than Ava, as he says "I got the call Ty was shot by a sniper." Everyone is silent, before Tenny says "And I'd like to pay them for their effort. Extra if he dies." Everyone turns to her, as Country says "I know he was a piece of shit, but this seemed weird. He was with Logan when it happened." Xavier says "Wade and Logan are being targeted since Wade killed Angelica." Country tells Xavier "You best be watching your ass, because I'll be watching mine now for sure." Leigh tells everyone "Nobody stress Sully out when she can have visitors. Maybe best she don't to get some rest." Tenny agrees, as Xavier and Ruthie tell Leigh "We're seeing her. She needs it. We need it too." 

       At The Santiago Manor, Escobar and Desi walk inside, as Damian tells Escobar "One did not shoot because he left sight. The other shot Ty Bonner. It'll be no big deal." Escobar smiles, as Desi warns her Husband "You said you were not killing X?" Escobar says to his Wife in a dark tone "Xavier's already losing things, and today was proof. It's killing him." Desi yells, as Damian listens "You tried to to off Wade and Logan today. I do not trust you." Escobar answers "And I do not trust you. And no that damn store is not yours. But yours to run. Do not fail. And I got my own damn empire to look after you selfish old bitch. Enjoy the victory, it's the last one." Escobar and Damian head to his study, as Desi is silent, and thinks of Rachel, but does not call her overcome with fear.  At Jack's Mansion, Jack and Rachel sits inside his living room, as he tells Rachel "Close your eyes and hold out your hand." Rachel gets nervous and excited, as Jack lays a piece of paper, and Rachel looks and Jack says "I got our room and flight booked. I don't have much time for you to answer me Rachel Lane." Rachel kisses Jack, and says "Yes! Let's do this and finally be married!" 

     At Whispering Hills, Ava and Wade return, as Bree asks her Aunt "Why in the hell is he here on our night?" Ava tells her Niece "He's my guest. And the two of you will get along!" Bree sighs with disgust, as Ava tells Bree "Did you ever give him a chance to explain what happened?" Bree snaps "Hell no Aunt Ava. Screw this worthless piece of shit. He made his choice leaving town with Bridget." Wade yells "Not my choice Bree. I love you, and was ready to try to have that child with you that you long wanted." Bree laughs "Oh if you're not just full of shit." Ava, taking a drink of liquor, tells Bree in a serious tone "He means it Bree. If he did not, he would be somewhere else. Wade is like my Son, and I want the two of you to uh, work things..." Bree tells her Aunt "My child is near, and Wade Isaac Hale can go to hell!" Bree leaves, as Wade tells Ava "So how is Sully?" Ava pours them another glass of liquor and says "Not good. I'm scared. I have been there with Jack with Angelica's shit." Wade tells her "I spoke to Logan, and I think Angelica's people were behind it. They want revenge." Ava advises Wade "Might be best to lay low for now until this blows over." Wade nods in agreement. Bree meanwhile goes down the road and says to herself "Did he really?" as she heads home to call it a day.

      Afternoon turns to evening, and at City Hospital, Beth stands in the waiting area, where Brock, Gracie, and Alyssa remain as Ava's left, After Xavier, Leigh, and Mama see her, then the three of you. Then she rests. Ruthie's staying here." Brock tells his Grandmother "I'd do it if it was Mom or Dad." Beth tells her Grandson "I'm worried. There is a chance there isn't a heart." In another area of the ER, Steve and Dan tells Cole and Callie "Ty is dead." Country also stands inside, as he goes "I was his biological Father. Who shot him?" Cole says "Logan said it was meant for him." Country sighs "I need to find Daisy and break this to her. Better me than anyone else." At The Sunset Club, Daisy lays in bed and throws money upon a naked man and asks "Is this better than the standard life?" The man says "Why yes, oh yes!", as Daisy and the man has sex. Back at City Hospital, in the triage where Ty's dead body lays, Cole tells his Sister, and Country "I'll sign the death certificate." At Logan's Suite, Logan sits at his desk and sees a note addressed to him, leaving him to grow scared. Back at City Hospital, Sully is in a private room, as she tells her parents and Great-Grandmother "I will come through this cold." Xavier looks at his Wife as they know the truth, as Tenny walks over, and gently says "Yes sweet girl, you'll beat this flu going around." Tenny boldly tells Xavier and Leigh, fighting her emotions "Sully has the flu damnit!" Ruthie meanwhile remains and sits next to her Mother, as Sully says "Tell everyone I'll see them tomorrow." Xavier and Leigh hug their Daughter, as Xavier says "I love you Princess. You will overcome this, you are my Daughter." Sully says "Love you too Daddy." Leigh hugs Ruthie  and says "I'm ready if you need a break." Ruthie says to her Grandmother and Grandfather as Ruthie and Xavier hugs "This is a break from my nightmare room-mates." Xavier and Leigh walks out as Ruthie closes the door and Sully tells her Daughter "I'll handle my Sister and Storm." Ruthie says "You need to get well now Mom." Outside Sully's hospital room, Xavier and Leigh holds each other, as they cry as they think of the thought of losing their Daughter, as Leigh says "X, it could happen this time, for real." Xavier says somberly "It'll be ok my love. It'll be ok." as night descends.


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