Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 358. Only Takes A Second

     At Class, Desi walks around, and looks up and says "Yes Tenny, this is mine now. And you need to put up that gun before you hurt your old, frail, senile body." Tenny asks "Who are you calling senile? I have my reason. I wanna make a deal. Wanna give me your heart?" Desi goes "Old woman are you insane? That means you kill me." Tenny nods, and adds "And then your heart keeps Sully going strong." Desi yells "Get out of my office before I call the cops." Tenny puts her gun up, and warns "I mean if something happens to Sully, I am and sure many, will aim for you. That's right. Aim." Tenny walks out, as Desi fumes as she gets a text from Escobar. Downstairs, Tenny greets Alyssa, as she asks "Want me to take you to the hospital now?" Tenny says "No, back home. I want to be nosy." Alyssa goes "Whatever you want." Back in now Desi's office, Desi looks at the portrait of Sully on the wall, and laughs "Well looks like you lost little girl.", as she takes it down and throws it on the ground with a laugh. 

     At City Hospital, Beth stands at the nurse's station, as Dan has arrived and Beth talks to Ginny, Steve, and Sassy, telling them "These labs make me a bit unnerved." Dan asks "Sully?" Steve nods, as Ginny cringes, and Beth asks "So you were her new Doctor I noticed Dan?" Dan tells Beth "I am actually, but haven't been allowed to care for her due to her Granny getting in the way." Beth looks at Dan, with rage in her eyes, as she calmly snaps at him "That is my Granddaughter and I am a Doctor. I also own this place and I am your boss. I hired you on just because of your Wife being my best friend's Daughter and Granddaughter on for the same. You were part of the package. So talk or I'll kick your worthless ass." Dan tells Beth "I changed her medication recently due to shortages. She seemed fine." Beth yells "She is not! She is dying Dan!" Steve steps in, as Ginny walks over to her Aunt's side, as Steve goes "What about trying her off the medication Dr. B?" Beth says "What I planned anyway. But do we have a replacement?" Ginny walks off to check, as Dan warns Steve "I am top of my field, I don't deserve third degrees from this old bitch known to put healthy people into comas for the hell.." Beth slaps Dan, as he warns Beth "Never slap me again because I slap back." Beth coldly and sternly warns him "And if you do it to your Wife in my damn hospital you worthless bag of shit, I will handle you. Mark my words." Beth walks to Sully's private room, as Steve warns Dan "Sully is well handled. She is the boss." Dan coldly tells him "She owes me Steve." Dan walks off, as Steve gets a page.

    Meanwhile at City Hospital, Sully visits with her parents in her room, as she tells them "Grandma and Dr. Marsh said maybe tomorrow they'll make me go home, but one hundred percent bedrest for now and did Grandma mention anything about medical companies with you Daddy?" Xavier nods, and says "Mother's an expert at that sort of thing, and will find out all we need to know." Sully sighs "This sucks. I can't believe this is happening." Sully cries, as Xavier and Leigh consoles their Daughter. In the waiting area, Brock sits with Ruthie and Cain, as he tells them "I know this is likely the last thing you want to hear." Ruthie cries uncontrollably, as she says "Mom's possibly dying. Daddy's dead now! What else Brock? What is next?" Cain shrugs "He tried to always turn me against the family I know and love. Last time we were together, we got into a fight." Cain walks away, as Ruthie walks over to Brock, as he consoles his Niece. Gracie, Davey, and Storm walks inside, as everyone look and gasps "This is gutsy Gracie.", warns her twin Brother, as her Niece is quiet, and Nephew warns Storm "I have no problem kicking your ass in this hospital. Gram owns it, so either leave or it's about to light up!" Storm tells Cain and Brock "I will be wherever my Wife is, and Xavier can deal with it!" Gracie adds "That's right. He has to accept this." Leigh walks into the lobby as she sees Storm and warns him coldly "Nobody wants to see you, and if X sees you he'll explode and nobody needs this." Leigh turns to Gracie, and warns her Daughter "Are you seeking attention or some shock and awe bringing him here?" Gracie responds "Once again, Daddy can deal with it. Screw what all of you think of it." Ruthie is silent meanwhile. At The Mathis Compound, Henry sits as he thinks of what he seen earlier, as Sayyid walks into the living room with Willie as Sayyid asks his Grandson "So what have you decided?" Henry sighs "I don't know really. Seeing Ruthie with that loser." Willie tells Henry "Maybe now that you are here, she'll come back to you. I think there's something there." Henry grabs his pistol, and says "Damn right there is." Henry heads to the door, as Sayyid asks "Where are you going?" Henry tells his Grandfather "Time for Storm to face judgement day." Henry walks out, as Willie tells her Brother "And now let's talk about Berry." Sayyid picks up his briefcase, and smiles to his Sister "Ain't a thing to me." Willie smiles and gets up, as she hugs Sayyid, and says with content "I'm so glad you're back Clem." Sayyid responds "Me too."

     At Jackson Inc, Diego sits inside Wade's new office, as he gives his Cousin some information, as Wade sighs "Damn, and she's wants payback." Diego goes "They are united and the last ones who want to keep the Santiago name in everyone's head. A name of power and blood." Wade quips "That's all they are about." Diego laughs "Desi Lane thinks she owns Class, but Escobar is baiting her. The family is about to make a big reveal." Wade asks "What kind of reveal?" Diego fills Wade in on some more information on his Grandmother's family. At Santiago Manor, Escobar sits inside his study, and asks the women in the room "So how are we going to debut our plan Sisters?" One woman says to Escobar "I will go since I am not believed to be dead, and if not could be." The other woman and Escobar says "Our guest should be here shortly. It's nice to feel this power again." The other woman goes "You are not the one with power, it is me! Do not make me demonstrate." At Landon-Hale, Logan walks into Clint's office, as Thorpe is inside, as he and Clint argue "So you slept with Daisy, and don't know about what happened?" Clint yells "I slept with Daisy, why do you care? And we know the paramedics got Jared, so I am confused." Thorpe says to his Brother "The facility said he never arrived. Our paramedics said they have no clue." Logan asks "What if his Grandmother's family got him?" Thorpe and Clint turn to Logan and says "That's possible. Escobar is powerful, and gaining more of it too." Clint says "We need to do that too Thorpe." Thorpe snaps "I don't play the game like he does, or Xavier! And if you ever do you are finished!" Clint is silent, as Logan adds "Escobar likely has some help." Thorpe tells Logan, and looking at Clint "Clint and I are going to find answers." Thorpe yells at Clint "Let's go visit Escobar, then we'll talk to Lana. She is close to Desi Lane." Thorpe and Clint head out, as Logan walks back to his office, and smiles. 

    At Jackson Inc. Ava walks into Javon's office, and asks him "So what have you found?" Javon motions Ava over to his computer screen, as she goes "They own it?" Javon nods, as Ava sighs "Oh shit, this changes everything. I'm calling Xavier now!" Ava walks over and calls her Brother, as Javon makes a phone call, and warns "I heard already what you got in mind, and think I know who's backing your ass, stay away from me. You ain't shit!" Ava hangs up, as she asks Javon "Who was that?" Javon goes "I made a call to Berry. She's on her way to town." Ava rolls her eyes, as she says "Aretha sent me a text about her earlier. All of you best hope she does not cross my path after her and Bridget wrote those lies about me in her magazine." Javon asks "How is Sully?" Ava says "Now that we know what we know, she is going to be fine I pray. But somebody has some hell coming their way. That much is for certain." At City Hospital, Xavier and Beth stands in the hallway outside Sully's private room, as Beth snarls "So the company that made her anti-rejection pills are owned by those bastards. We don't owe them shit unless they got something planned." Xavier tells his Mother "They are going to pay. We just have to watch them. Desi being married to Escobar, she will help without knowing." Beth asks her Son "By doing what she does best?" Xavier nods, as Beth hugs her Son, and says "Your princess will be fine baby." Xavier holds his Mother, as they both start to cry. Inside Sully's room, Steve and Ginny check on Sully, as Steve tells her "So that's where we are now. Your Dad's going to look further into it and Dr. B, aka your Grandma." Sully sighs "Well, that's a relief! What do I do in the meantime?" Ginny tells her Cousin "Well, you rest until we find your new pill supplier. You need no stress. Stay home. Lay around and watch movies. Take it easy Sully. I order you to as a Doctor, and also family." Sully tells them "I do miss drawing. I will try to." Outside, Beth stands, as Xavier hangs up the phone, and says "I'll go out into the waiting room Mother. You take care of my Princess, and watch her former Doctor." Beth tells him "Damn right, he's about to be a former staff member too." In Dan's office, Angela stands, as Dan tells his Wife "Your Mother is going to pay for this if anyone in Beth's family or Beth come after me." Angela reminds her Husband "Dan, I work here and need to go back to work, but being Addie's Daughter, that will.." Dan slaps his Wife, and yells "Enough with that shit, you know how this will end, so don't get too damn comfortable you worthless old bitch." Angela walks out with tears in her eyes, as Dan paces his office.

      Meanwhile at Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny and Alyssa sit in the living room, and eat gummies together as Tenny tells her "I know Beth hired you." Alyssa sighs "I was just going to keep it quiet. I know you enjoy your freedom. I enjoy being with you. With Dad now gone, Uncle Floyd moving back to Texas, and Cale and Allison moving off it's lonely." Tenny gently asks "And how is Ty's death affecting you?" Alyssa goes "He deserved it. He treated me like shit. I wish it had of been me." Tenny hugs her, and goes "I wish I could help." Alyssa goes "Always." Next door at Addie's Penthouse, Addie walks around her living room as she gets a text from Angela and walks out, and heads next door and knocks, as Alyssa answers, and Addie hugs her and says "Sorry I've been distant sweetie, lots of things going on." Tenny asks Addie "What the hell do you want? Alyssa and I were about to party." Addie asks "Have you spoke to Beth today?" Tenny answers "No, she's been busy with Sully and her heart." Addie tells Tenny "I offer my best wishes. I know that has to really hit all of you very hard." Tenny sighs "Sully is my Great Granddaughter. She will be alright." Addie changes subjects, and looks at Alyssa, as she goes "Addie wants you to do a autobiography. You can tell everyone the truth." Addie adds "This is your chance to put all those trashy books about your family out to pasture. And lots of money for you, and me." Evans-Gore will back it." Tenny sits and lights a blunt, and says "Ok, I will do it, and you will do it my way." Addie goes "Whatever you say Ms. Tenny." 

   At Chantel's, Desi walks in, and sees Lana and Daisy and walks over to their booth, as Desi asks them "Well girls, wanna make an investment in what will soon be formerly Class?" Lana snaps "Desi, I have no time for you right now." Daisy adds "We don't owe you nothing now. My Son is dead and just go away." Lana agrees, as Desi warns Lana "What if I were to visit Russell? He does not know you like me. Does he know you and Daisy are professional whores?" Lana warns Desi "If you don't leave, my fiancé will be glad to arrest you." Desi warns them "I know neither of you want to challenge me. So don't try. Now excuse me." Desi leaves as she yells "Here I am." Back at Lana and Daisy's table, Daisy tells her Sister "I'm leaving town Lana. Enjoy myself awhile and try to get over Ty's death." Lana tells her "Daisy, that would be best for you. I'm going nowhere though. I think I have finally found happiness in Russell. So sorry about you and Country." Daisy looks over at the bar and spots Bree, and tells Lana "That bitch at the bar is the reason." Bree hears them, and walks over and asks Daisy "Want me to drive you to the airport bitch? My Dad wants nothing else to do with you." Daisy snarls "Country does not give a damn about you Bree..." Bree slaps Daisy, and yells "We are very close, and I'm not watching you or anyone hurt him! So yeah blame me, and if you come around him again and I am watching, your ass belongs to me! Grandma taught me some things.." Bree walks back to the bar, takes a drink, as Daisy looks at Lana and says "Screw Adam's Landing. I'm going back to pack my things and leave." They get up and head to The Sunset Club.

    At Santiago Manor, Thorpe and Clint arrive, as Damian tells them "Escobar is not available." Thorpe looks at his former Son in Law and goes "Get the hell out of my way you piece of shit. Now where is the son of a bitch? I can make sure your Mom stays in prison for life." Damian is silent, and points to the study, as Thorpe and Clint opens the door, and Escobar goes "Oh well I have visitors." Thorpe asks Escobar "Tell me about Jared? Where is he?" Escobar asks "Now who is Jared..." Clint yells "Oh shit now you know who he is." Escobar hatefully says "A failure in all aspects. Disappointed my dear dead Sister." Thorpe goes "So let's get to the damn point, I think you know." Escobar gets up, and tells Thorpe and Clint "I suggest now the two of you leave." Thorpe warns "This is just starting. I'm going to find out what happened." Escobar laughs "Good luck boys." and walks into another room, as Damian walks in and goes "Now leave." Thorpe and Clint walk out, as Thorpe tells Damian "If you know something, talk before you pay dearly." At City Hospital, Xavier sits inside his Mother's office, as Bobby sits inside and Xavier tells him "Country just arrived." Bobby has been filled in and says "So what's the plan?" Xavier tells him "Go out in the waiting area, and keep an eye on things." Xavier heads out, as Bobby is silent. In the waiting area, Leigh has returned to Sully's Room, as Beth now walks out as Gracie and Storm cuddle next to each other, as Ruthie is silent, and Brock and Cain look at Beth, as she asks Storm "Who invited you here?" Gracie asks her Grandmother "You've been the nicest one, don't turn on me." Storm yells at everyone "I am here with my Wife! She has a damn Son!", picking up Davey and adding "Xavier will regret cutting that trust." Beth is silent, eyes turning red, as Ruthie stays silent, as Cain yells "Storm! Grandpa hates you, and Grandma will tell him you are here." Brock asks "Where is Dad?" Beth tells her Grandson "Brock, he's putting everything together right now." Bobby walks in and sees Storm, and warns "Leave now or I'll make a phone call." Storm laughs "You old man, Xavier has lost, and I'm free now." Beth asks Storm with anger "What the hell do you mean Storm?" Storm laughs "That bastard has no idea what's coming.." Beth walks over and punches Storm in the mouth, as Gracie gasps, as does Cain "Gram!" Beth tells him "Go get a nurse to check that lip.", and returns to Sully's room, as Cain tells Storm "So take that hint, and get out before I do the next punch." Bobby warns all of them "Everyone will stay calm, and collected." 

     At Jackson Inc, Ava and Wade sits in Xavier's office, as she hangs up the phone and Wade tells Ava "I think Grandmother and her family are going all in." Javon walks inside, and asks "How did Escobar get into this situation?" Ava tells them "This has Desi Lane written all over it." Wade asks "Where's Jack and Rachel today?" Ava is silent, and walks out, and sends Jack a text, to no response. Back at City Hospital, Beth walks into Sully's room, as Steve and Sully chat and Leigh walks in as she says "X wanted a kiss." Steve asks Beth "So Dr. B, what is going to happen? I'm new to this." Sully asks her Mother "Who should tell this man about Daddy?" Beth warns Steve "Believe this much, hell's about to come to life." At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny and Alyssa sits and smokes a blunt as Alyssa asks her. as Tenny checks her phone "What's the latest?" Tenny sighs "Shit's about to go down at the hospital. That much is for certain. Damn!" At Chantel's Desi meets two women and says "Welcome back to town.." One woman says "So I changed my appearance and got on the staff." Desi smiles "Excellent. Beth will love this." The other woman says "And don't forget Desi, and you, who is in charge." Desi says "Yes.", with disgust as the woman quietly snarls "I am Alexis Santiago, and Desi Lane, do not forget it." Back at City Hospital, Dan is in his office, as Country sits at his desk, and Dan goes "Look, I have to work right now." Country says "I'm not here to say I'm ready to mend fences. I'm here to keep your ass in this office." Dan's door opens, as Xavier walks in, and says "Danny Watson.. Country's little brother." Dan asks "What is going on?" Xavier pulls out his Colt 45 and aims at Dan and asks him "Tell me who is paying you besides my Mother or die. I want answers now." In the waiting area, Cain and Storm has broke into a fight, as Brock and Bobby pulls them apart, as Ruthie is silent, and Gracie picks up her Son, and yells "Leave my Husband alone! All of you!" Beth walks out, as she yells at her Granddaughter "You and Davey can stay here, but Storm needs to leave." Gracie snaps "Gram, we are a package deal." Henry yells "SMALLWOOD!" and aims a pistol at him, as Ruthie gets up, as her jaw drops and asks "Henry? What the hell!?" Beth, Brock, and Cain are silent, as Henry asks Storm "Who tells your Wife, and these people? You or me?" Ruthie looks at Henry, as Gracie looks at her Husband, as Storm is silent and Henry asks again, turning off the safety "Now who will it be Smallwood?"








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