Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 357. When Reality Strikes

   It's the next morning, and at City Hospital, Sully lays in her bed and looks at Ruthie sitting next to her asleep, and a message on the markerboard saying "Get well Mom!" from Cain. Sully cries as she says "I can't think of it." At Hell Hill, Xavier and Leigh drink coffee as Cain joins his Grandparents, with worry as Leigh assures her Grandson "When Sully sees what you did, it will touch her," Xavier tells his Wife "If there was a way.." Cain tells him "Grandpa, the black market organ sales" Xavier snaps "Never mention that again because I can go beyond and do not ask anymore questions in advance Cain!" Leigh tells her Husband "Think we should head on down and let Ruthie get a break?" Xavier nods, as Cain says "I'm not staying away from my Mom!" Xavier grabs Cain forcefully and goes "If she has any health issues because of you boy, I'll beat your ass to kingdom come. Might even kill you.." Leigh breaks up her Husband and their Grandson, as they head to City Hospital. 

   At Ruthie's Penthouse, Gracie and Storm has breakfast, and Davey plays in his crib as there's a knock at the door. Gracie hesitantly walks over to answer, as Tenny welcomes herself inside and says "Well look at Mr. Perfection." Storm goes "Good morning Mrs. Tenny." Tenny responds "For me that would be you down in that hospital, in the morgue in a freezer..." Gracie yells "Damnit Gran we have enough going on, no need for you to start more." Tenny sighs "At least Sully is smart, less than I can say for you. Once her Daddy's baby girl, now his shame." Gracie asks her Great-Grandmother "Could you go back home and leave us at peace?" Tenny warns "You best remember that yourself. Do not hurt your Dad anymore Gracie." Tenny turns to Storm and warns coldly "And if you were wise, you'd leave where nobody wanted you before you umm, die." Tenny walks out, as Gracie yells "That old bitch needs to watch it! They all do." Storm hugs his Wife, and reminds her "You and me against the world.", kissing her, as they run to the bedroom as Storm thinks of Ruthie. Back at Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny gets a text and sighs "Watch it Cain or you'll deal with Gran too. I'm old, and ain't got a damn thing to lose at my age, lighting a blunt and taking a sip of coffee. At Coffeeteria, Beth picks up coffee, as she heads to City Hospital, as Desi walks up and asks "How is Sully doing? I'm so worried about her." Beth warns Desi "If you were smart, which you are not, you'd stay the hell away from me. My Granddaughter's in the hospital and my Son is hurting, my Great Granddaughter and Grandson is hurting. Adding to that is you and your endless bitching for your precious store. You stole it, and you stole it again from Ruthie. You did not help shit. So if anything happens to Sully, you'll answer to me." Desi coldly tells her "Tell Sully to get well, and oh you might want to watch your attitude Doctor Beth Jackson if you knew what was good for you.", as Desi walks out and Beth heads to City Hospital, rolling her eyes.

    At Jackson Inc, Brock walks into his office, as Ava and Wade are there, and Ava tells her Nephew "Go down to the hospital and be there for your family Brock. I have it from here. I keep up with everything, and Jack and Javon will catch me up. I'm training Wade anyway." Brock sits and says "I'd rather be here. I hate seeing my Big Sister possibly dying." Ava looks at Brock with empathy, as Wade tells them "I've been in contact with Xavier. He's kept me up on the developments. He's really taking it hard." Ava says to Wade "That's only natural. We've been through our shares." Inside Javon's office, Monica stands inside with her suitcase, as Javon says "Mom, you don't have to leave town."  Monica hugs her Son tightly, and says "Oh hell the yes I do. I am not getting involved with Berry, and Russell has things hot enough. Time to start anew. I'm proud of you, and keep doing your thing." Monica and Javon hugs as they cry, and Monica heads out, and leaves Adam's Landing, as Javon walks over to Jack's office and notices it empty and calls him, as Javon says "You have my word." In Bree's office, Country walks behind his Daughter, as he tells Bree "I would think a Mama would wanna know if her Son was dead." Bree goes "Or a Dad to know he has a Grandkid coming. Someone to spoil fishing and hunting." Country smiles and goes "Ah shit that'll be nice. And maybe a few other things." They laugh, as Country tells his Daughter "Well now I'm finding Daisy, and kiss her ass goodbye when I find her!" Bree goes "You better or else she'll see me unleash a dose of Grandma Ruth!" Country laughs as he leaves, and Bree sits and reads some files and gets a phone call. 

    At Thorpe's Mansion, Cole and Callie are consoled by Lana, as Luke and Thorpe offers their condolences on Ty as Thorpe asks his Son "So you think Logan is right?" Luke tells his Father "With what know about the Hales, and Santiago family, there's enough to back it." Lana walks over, and says "My Sister has been out of touch." Thorpe tells his Ex-Wife "She's likely backing a pimp somewhere. Or off getting high or drunk. No telling with Daisy Bonner." At The Sunset Club, Daisy lays next to Clint, as he laughs "That was great! You still got the touch Daisy!" Daisy looks at her phone and sighs "Ugh, the hillbilly." Clint tells Daisy "So the two of you still plan to get hitched now?" Daisy whispers in Clint's ear seductively "He's just tends to me how I need, and he is a hitman. I am a rich woman now, and my baby's going to be a racing legend." Clint is silent, as Daisy asks "Ok the mood just changed?" Clint gets out of the bed, and says to Daisy "You need to call the hillbilly. I need to go to the office now." Daisy asks "Clint, what are you hiding from me?" Clint dresses and walks out as Daisy looks around and calls Country, to no answer. Back at Thorpe's Mansion, Thorpe hangs up the phone and goes "Daisy does not know yet about Ty." Lana asks Thorpe "And where is your Brother?" Thorpe tells everyone "He was sleeping with Daisy last night. He did not tell her." Lana sighs "Might be best." Callie tells her Mother "Country was with us last night. He called her many times." They grow silent as they mourn, and worry for Daisy, as she drives down the road and says to herself "You never avoid me."

     At The Falcon Diner, Angela and Krissy walks inside, as Addie greets her Daughter and Granddaughter with a hug, and tells Angela "Take the mask and shades off and let me see." Krissy tells her Grandmother "Mom fell last night." Addie snaps "That's it! I know you are protecting that son of a bitch you have for a Dad." Angela tells her Mother "I hope you and him don't cross paths. He's denying your help in me and him working at City Hospital." Addie goes "Beth knows Angela. She has you covered and if Dan ever does anything with her around, she is prone to kill." Krissy gasps "So Granny tell me about Dr. B as some call her down at the hospital." Addie laughs "Once she put Desi Lane in a coma and made everyone think she was dead. Then did similar to her Daughter with the baby scandal. She and I need to do something soon. I mean I did get Wade and Bridget's Penthouse.." Angela gets a phone call and Addie asks "Is that your hubby? Don't answer. I'm here Angie." Angela listens, as Krissy asks "And how are things with Beth's Mama? She seems to not like you." Addie sighs "Tenny is one of those you just can't explain. At Coffeeteria, Dan gets coffee, and bumps into someone and gasps, as Country grows angry and says "The damn name is Country Danny, or should I call ya Doc?" Dan asks "Where have you been? Do you know Mama is still down in her trailer in Unity crying over you. I have to live here because of my Wife, and now you?" Country warns Dan "Do not cross my path again if you know what's good for you. I'll call Mama when I am damn well ready and screw off now you worthless piece of shit." Dan sighs "But you are my Brother..." Country puts his coffee on the table, and punches Dan in the face. Dan falls yet catches himself, as Country grabs his coffee and says with anger "And never say that again Dr. Danny the perfect one." Country leaves as Dan is silent and goes "My Brother.. you never said goodbye."

     Meanwhile at Evans-Gore, Aretha and Eric sit inside her office, as Aretha has hung up the phone and says to her fiancé "Rashad and Gwen's on their cruise, Mama left Southpoint Beach. I have not spoke to her, and Uncle Clem checked in and said he saw Berry on TV." Eric asks "Well the good now! What happened last night?" Aretha, in a flirting manner, kisses Eric, and goes "The reverend and a single woman went in her room when her Mama was out of town. He then sinned and.." Aretha and Eric kisses passionately, as she whispers "He enjoyed his sin he cried for repentance." Eric smiles, and goes "Aretha Evans... you are quite the woman." Aretha looks Eric down and says "And you, are quite the man, and lover." They hear a cough, as Willie stands at the door and asks "So Doris died and Berry is threatening Clem? She better not try! Come home and this bitch..." Aretha asks her Mother "So did you enjoy your vacation?" Willie says to her Daughter "I did. Davis remembered me, and Rashad and Gwen are enjoying the married life and their honeymoon very much. Little Sidney's doing great. I'm going to check on Clem now. I hope you have Berry DuBois covered girl. And no I have no condolences for her Mother. A society climbing whore who broke my Brother's heart!" Willie walks out, as Eric gets up, and sighs "Time for me to head to the church. She is on the path." Aretha nods, as they kiss and Eric walks out, as Aretha smiles as her heart flutters with love.

     At City Hospital, Xavier and Leigh arrives at City Hospital, as Beth greets her Son and Daughter In Law with a hug, as Cain walks in and Beth hugs her Great-Grandson, and says "Dr. Marsh and Ginny's running a few tests. Everything is fine right now. Ruthie walked out for a moment to get some air. I told her it was ok." Leigh tells her Husband, getting a text "Can we talk in Beth's office X?" Beth shrugs "Yes that's fine. I'll sit out here and visit with Cain." Xavier and Leigh walk to his Mother's office, and walks inside, as Leigh snaps at her Husband "You have done it Xavier! I cannot believe you have cut off Gracie and Davey, your Grandson! Over Storm X? I mean I gotta say this constant war after war... I'm tired." Xavier asks his Wife "What are you saying?" Leigh yells "I'm not leaving you if that's what's in your head! But you open Gracie's trust back up, and not for her, but our Grandson and accept what is. I feel like Ruth with your Dad.." Xavier gets angry and warns his Wife, heading to the door "Never say that last part again. Think a moment, and you'll know how good you truly have it." Leigh's eyes widen as Xavier walks out, and Leigh says to herself "Well he has a point." In the waiting area, Bobby arrives as Beth hugs him, and is updated, as Xavier tells Bobby "Let's go to Mother's office." Xavier and Bobby walks off, as Leigh walks out, and Leigh tells Beth "I told your Son how I felt. I don't know if it registered, but we'll find out." Beth is silent, and quietly says "Look, his ways are like B.R.'s, but he means well always Leigh and loves all of you." In Sully's room, Steve and Ginny finish the tests on Sully, who asks "So can I get the hell out of here?" Ginny says to her Cousin "Not just yet." Steve adds "Your Grandmother said she wants another test done to rule out some things and talk to you." Sully rolls her eyes and dread overcomes her, as Steve and Ginny walks out, as Angela walks up, and sighs "Sassy ordered me to her office. She hates for nurses to be late. And she was not friendly over the phone." Ginny laughs "Nurse Sassy takes no shit. And since you are married to Dr. Watson and your Daughter OBGYN..." Angela says "I'm on top of the list." Angela leaves, as Steve tells Ginny "I've been here just for a short time since you and Rashad decided to hire a Chief of Staff, and I am new to this town and all. What is her story and Dan's? I do not like him and shocked with Dr. B's reputation she'd hire him." Beth walks past, as she tells Ginny "I'll fill him in. Go take everyone to see Sully dear." Ginny walks away as Beth simply goes "I'm helping my friend. If anyone sees Dan lay one hand on Angela, let me know. Take action in your own hands and expect a huge raise from me and Addie Gore, who hates him." Steve tells her "Boss, everyone does." Beth shrugs, as Xavier, Leigh, and Cain follow Ginny to Sully's private room.

     At Class, Marco sits at his desk as Desi struts inside, and sighs with happiness "My store is mine again, and you there." Marco looks at Desi, as she tells Marco "I want you to pack up. You are now fired. I will hire my own people to help me. I don't want no leftovers of the past regime in here to try to take this again." Marco walks up to Desi, and defiantly and boldly goes "I and everyone may be gone Desi, but we shall return and you will be finished." Desi sits at Ruthie's desk, and grabs a box, and says with a laugh "When hell freezes maybe, but nah, you all should of stayed private and this could of been well, prevented." At City Hospital, in the parking deck, Ruthie and Henry finish putting on their clothes, as they've had sex and Ruthie tells him "I'm so glad you are here. Are you staying?" Henry tells Ruthie "I've got some training to do today, but I'll check in tonight." Ruthie and Henry kiss, as they look at each other with love in their eyes, as Ruthie and Henry gets out of his SUV, and Henry walks Ruthie to the door, as Ruthie walks into the hospital, Henry watches her with stars in his eyes until Storm walks out of a hallway, and Henry sees Ruthie and Storm embrace in a heated kiss, and Ruthie warns him "Thanks for checking on me, but we should not be in this building together." Storm asks "It's hard to see you, and Gracie never leaves." Ruthie tells him "How about if Mom is feeling better we go to The Sunset Club?" Storm agrees, as they head their separate ways, and Henry heads to The Mathis Compound, making a phone call. 

      At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny is standing at the door, as Alyssa walks out and goes "Aunt Beth really does hide those keys." Tenny snarls "Yes she does! I want to go pay some visits. And you have a friend to hang out with, and a nice car to drive." Alyssa warns Tenny "Do not embarrass me Tenny." Tenny asks "Want a blunt and a gummy?" Alyssa nods, as they walk out and Addie bumps into Tenny as she goes "Oh you are moving into the cursed penthouse I see?" Addie says "Yes Tenny, I am. Beth told me about it and I wanted something nice. It's also next to you." Tenny goes "Floyd is not returning, so hope it does not kill you or anything. I mean you are old." Addie laughs "And what about you? I heard you were alive and rode horse and buggy." Alyssa stops Tenny, as Addie laughs "Oh she'll smoke some pot and be fine." Addie walks inside her Penthouse, as Tenny tells Alyssa "Ok I decided where we go. You follow my directions." Alyssa nods as they get onto the elevator. At Bree's office at Jackson Inc, Bree sits as Summer, Paul, and Jason walks inside and Summer tells her Sister "So we decided to let Jake join up with Uncle Xavier and Country. Jason's working with Paul." Bree sighs "Monica left, and Russell is upstairs with Javon discussing what happened." Paul snarls "Russell and Edward Carter's really close, and he's buddies with Donny, our new DA. That man is out for revenge and has help." Bree looks at her Nephew and warns "So you aren't planning a double are you?" Jason goes "Hell yeah. ALPD as a mole for my family... this is my dream." Bree warns her Sister "This is a bad idea." Paul tells Bree "Right now, we have no other options. Literally things are not well and I'm even considering resigning before it gets worse though Dad told me to stay. He's banned from the ALPD." Bree is shocked, and says "Well this changes everything then." Upstairs, Russell sits at Javon's desk, explaining his Mother's reasons for suddenly leaving as Javon says "I get it now. And you are protecting you and yours. Get your ass out of my office now." Russell tells Javon "Hey, I'm sorry...but.." Javon yells "Get the hell out!" Russell leaves, as Javon grows emotional and gets a text. He reads it, now enraged and breaks his phone, throwing it against the wall.

      Meanwhile at Jackson Inc, Ava walks out of Jack's office, as she is silent, and makes another phone call to no answer. Russell bumps into her, as Ava asks her Ex-Husband "And why the hell are you here? Think I haven't kept up with your little revamp." Russell goes "Ava, your family has karma to get. I'm going to make sure I get it. Maybe I still should be Governor, but we have Edward, my best friend." Ava laughs "Edward, Donny, and Edward's Son, Eddie... your hands are all over this." Russell quips, as the elevator opens "Yes, and I'm finally going to prove my power." The doors close, as Ava laughs to herself. In Wade's office, Wade hangs up the phone and yells "Oh really Logan! I can show your ass and your new friends some tricks of the damn trade Son!" Cocky bastard.." Ava walks in and asks "What is it?" Wade goes "My Son is friends with them folks across the street." Ava sighs "Are you surprised?" Wade answers "No. Not really." Wade changes subjects, and tells Ava "So I heard from Diego. I wanted to find out about Ty's murder." Ava listens, as Wade fills her in, as Ava gasps "Oh no. I heard the stories." Wade adds "Escobar's introduced them to Desi, and.." Ava warns Wade with a laugh "I think Desi's time with her dear Lane's, I mean Class will be very brief."  Wade warns "They are here to collect." Ava asks "And where do I come in?" Wade goes "The poison? Well this one's more crafty." At Santiago Manor, The woman sits in Escobar's study, as Damian tells her "Everything is set. And I don't know about Smallwood. He's distracted and seeing Ruthie Hale, my Sister's Granddaughter." Diego stands inside, as the woman turns to Diego, and says "So what do you think?" Diego shrugs "From all I have heard, all's in motion." The woman tells Diego "Kill Storm Smallwood." Damian warns "Now Ms. Santiago he's who we.." The woman screams "I demand he feels pain!" At Ruthie's Penthouse, Gracie walks out of the bedroom, laying Davey to nap as the door opens and Storm walks in, and Gracie greets her Husband with a kiss, and says "Well time to go to the hospital." Storm kisses his Wife again, and whispers "We have a quiet moment." They head to their bedroom, where they undress each other and has sex.

     At City Hospital, Cain and Ruthie are inside Sully's room, as Sully tells her Daughter and Son "I need both of you to take care of each other right now." Ruthie looks at her Brother, as Cain tells his Mother "Grandpa taught me how to do that." Ruthie nods "Same for me Mom, and you too!" Sully tells them "And stay yourselves, I need that." Sully motions as she hugs her children tightly, with tears in her eyes. In Beth's office, Bobby finishes, going "Russell and the Carters has all wheels in motion. They think they can blackball me but my connections are stronger." Xavier, sitting at his Mother's desk, goes "And it all connects. I will not back down and it's time Russell pays dearly." Bobby agrees, as he asks "Shouldn't we go back to the waiting room?" Xavier nods, as they walk out, as Xavier's eyes are red. In the waiting room, Beth, Leigh, and now Brock arrives, as they hug him and Brock tells them "I felt since she's alive and all. I'm scared." Leigh tells her Son, giving him a hug "Sully is strong, and she will make it." Beth nods in agreement, stroking her Grandson's head as Thorpe walks inside, and asks "Where's Ruthie and Cain?" Xavier and Bobby arrives and Xavier asks "Thorpe, now is not the time. What the hell is it?" Thorpe looks down, and says "Easier from one of you." Beth, Leigh, Brock, and Bobby look at Thorpe, as Xavier snaps "Just say it and get out of here!" Thorpe tells them "Jared died in the paramedic truck on the way to rehab. It ran off the road, and blew up." Thorpe walks out, as Xavier looks around, as all of them is silent. At Country's Cottage, Country sits at the kitchen table and drinks a bottle of liquor, as he shoots his pistol at some beer cans on the counter, as Daisy walks in and asks "So what do you have to tell me?" Country goes in a dark, serious tone "So you don't know? I called and called. Cole or Callie, Lana did not tell you?" Daisy yells "Damnit Country what happened?" Country yells "Ty is dead! He was shot by a sniper!" Daisy starts to scream as she cries "No! My Baby!" Country coldly tells her "Too late for any damn pity from me, and it's over. So get out. OUT!" Daisy goes "But you and me.." Country says "He's dead now, as are you whore." Daisy walks out, and sits on the step and cries and mourns her Son, as Country sits back down inside and takes another drink and says to himself "Damn right it's over." At Class, Desi walks around, as Marco has left. Movers pack up Ruthie and Leigh's things as Desi looks over things as Desi turns and goes "Shouldn't you be in a nursing home?" Tenny, holding her pistol, aiming at Desi, asks her "Shouldn't you be in a bodybag you withered old whore?"







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