Thursday, June 27, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 360. Backstabs And Breakdowns: Part 2.

     Evening begins to descend in Adam's Landing. At Paul and Summer's Home, Paul walks in, as Summer and Bree have prepared dinner. Paul asks his Wife, as they kiss "Where's Jake and Jason?" Bree tells Paul "They got text and left." Summer tells her Sister and her Husband "I think Uncle Xavier has called them up." Bree sighs "Damn, going down the same road as my Dad." Paul disagrees, and says to Bree "I think this will work well once we can get Governor Eddie and his cronies out of the ALPD." Bree nods, as Summer agrees with her Husband, as Bree tells them "Well, it could have its benefits." At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Allan and Olivia sits in the living room as Alyssa has left. Olivia tells them "I'm going to be here as long as needed. I do not want to run into my Sister at all if I can help it, and I know Beth needs some help." Tenny assures Olivia "Sully will be fine, that much I know!" Allan asks his Mother "Did you say the blunts were in your bedroom?" Tenny says "Yes Son. Go fetch them for Mama." Allan heads to his Mother's bedroom, and Olivia bends over, and boldly tells her Mother In Law "I only tolerate your old ass now. After the way you've treated Ally, I cannot forgive that you mean old bitch." Tenny shrugs "Well at least you aren't related to the late sperm donor, Too bad your Daughter married his piece of shit for a Son,," Olivia snarls "That is exactly why they left! To get away from you. Allan and I have placed our house up for sale by the way, and when it is sold, he will be away from you, and you will NOT be welcomed!" Tenny whispers "Smoke that dream in your peace pipe bitch." Allan returns, as Tenny and Olivia are all smiles, and Olivia grins and goes, as Tenny rolls her eyes "Just discussing the weather difference." Allan nods, but does not believe her, taking a deep breath with dread on his face,

      At City Hospital, Beth stands inside the area Sully's private room is inside the Nurse's Station, and Steve, Kyle, and Sassy are inside as Kyle says "Ginny met up with.." Kyle hands a file to Beth, who reads it and goes "Have all of you kept your mouth shut about the waiting room to Sully?!" Everyone nods, as Steve tells Beth "She has no clue. We talked about Jared awhile, and her designs. Kept her mind off work." Beth warns "One more, do not tell her Jared's dead. She needs nothing to upset her. The kids and everyone is getting the hell out of here tonight! My orders. Only one family member can stay!" Steve warns "You need to go home and.." Beth says "I am the best choice." Sassy goes "Leigh? Xavier?" Beth shakes her head and says "I got an idea." Beth pulls out her phone and makes a phone call. Everyone listens as Beth goes "No worries. You can drive back once someone shows. She will enjoy this. Thank you." Beth hangs up, and shrugs "I think she will be very well taken care of, I hope." Outside, inside the Parking Garage, Xavier drives out, as he talks to someone on the phone and says "On my way there." At City Hospital, a nurse passes by, as Dan returns to his office, as he goes "We were going to meet in private." In a calculated tone, Escobar says "Good evening Dr. Watson, so you failed me. Do you know what that calls for?" Two men stand behind him, as Escobar walks up to Dan, and says in a tone of anger "I could lose billions because of..." Escobar looks over his shoulder. One man winks at the other, as they grab up Dan, and begin to bear him, as Escobar locks the door, and sits behind Dan's desk and reads patient files as Dan yells for the men to stop, as they beat him mercilessly. 

      In the waiting room, Brock holds his Sister, as Beth holds Davey, and Leigh asks Ruthie "What turned you onto this piece of shit?" Storm yells "I am not a loser or a sorry piece of trash you stuck up bitch!" Brock delivers a hook to his Brother In Laws face, as Gracie glares at her Niece and with fury, hisses "Oh rent free to stay, oh that's right, you had to have sex with Storm didn't you?" Ruthie cries and pleads "Gracie! Everyone! I did not mean for this to happen.." Leigh snaps at her Granddaughter, slapping her hard across the face "I do not know where X went, but I can tell you this, your ass won't live this down girl. You?" Leigh gets emotional, as Cain asks his Sister "So Ruthie, when did you start screwing people like Storm?" Ruthie slaps her Brother, and runs out of the waiting room, as Bobby meanwhile walks back in and says "Xavier is not answering." Brock looks at his Niece, holding his Sister in his arms, as Beth warns her family "I will not tolerate my family falling apart like what happened years ago." Gracie screams at her Grandmother "Hand me my baby! I am out of here! I can't take this.." Beth asks her Granddaughter "Gracie, think you're alright to leave?' Gracie says "Gram, I'm fine. I need to leave before I kill this backstabbing whore! Someone I once thought of as a Sister.. I hate you Ruthie." Ruthie cries, as she holds her stomach, and Leigh looks at Beth, as Brock and Cain are silent and Storm asks Gracie "Can we talk?" Gracie spits in her Husband's face, holding her Son, and walks out in a fury, as Brock tells Storm "Now you can get out too." Bobby sends some texts meanwhile. In the parking garage, two men arrive, as Country greets them and says "Your test has arrived fellas. Now put these ski masks on." Back in the waiting area, Leigh looks at Bobby, as he tells Storm "You must have a death wish." Storm huffs, as he asks Ruthie "So what do you want to do?" Ruthie looks around, as Beth glares at her Great-Granddaughter and says to herself in her head "Mama's right again." Cain glares at his Sister, as Brock glares at his Niece, and Leigh tells her Granddaughter "You and Storm get the hell out of here!" Ruthie cries, and Storm comforts her, as Ruthie tells him "We are done." Storm sighs, and says "Ok. I give..." Storm walks out. Beth asks Ruthie "How long have you been getting sick?" Ruthie is silent, as Beth tells Ruthie "Let's go, and you and I are having a talk." Leigh yells "Great idea! Keep her away from me!" Ruthie cries uncontrollably, as Beth has dread in her mind. A nurse walks by. Storm meanwhile walks to his truck, and a bag is placed over his head by two men, as they take strong-arm him, dragging Storm into to a van.

     Meanwhile at Wade's new home at Whispering Hills, formerly Floyd and Ciarra's Home, Wade sits in the living room and Diego tells him "So here is the information I have for you. My Father and Alexis.." Wade asks "Alexis?" Diego sighs "Angelica's youngest Sister. She's the so called spokesperson." Wade asks his Cousin "Has Ava been updated on all of this?" Diego nods, as he says "She is keeping up." Diego asks "Have you got security for Logan?" Wade pours himself and Diego a drink, and snaps "My Son is me all over! I want to kick his ass back to Sugar Creek! But he does need protection." Diego assures Wade "No worries." At Whispering Hills, Ava checks her phone and makes another call to her Son, to no answer. Ava is silent, and a thought crosses her mind, and at Wade's Home, Diego gets a text, and says "Ava calls. Gotta run. Everything will be ok. Alexis is the level headed one, only one who can keep my family of psychos in check." Wade goes "With all I know, I will be shocked." Diego leaves, and heads off as Wade sends Logan a text, saying "Watch your ass you cocky bastard." At Bree's Mansion meanwhile, Bree returns with her Sister and Brother In Law as night descends, Paul and Summer comforts Bree, as Faith tells them "I am so sorry. Haley just couldn't bring herself to it. I am getting tested tomorrow though. Wish Mom had of come with me, but she's preoccupied at the moment." Bree quips "Aunt Ava for ya. Thank you Faith. You have no idea what this means to me that you'll be my surrogate." Paul meanwhile gets a text, and has a look of dread on his face, reading them. Summer and Bree both ask Paul, as Faith excuses herself and leaves "This is going to be bad. And now I'm fired from the ALPD thanks to my Father In Law's scheme with the Santiagos." Bree rolls her eyes, and Summer hugs her Husband, as she gets a text, and goes "Well now I know where the boys were?" Bree asks "Jake and Jason?" Summer asks Paul "Do you still feel safe with them working with Uncle Xavier?" Paul sighs with sadness "At this point, better Xavier than the ALPD. I'm going home and calling a friend. About to see what I can do." Paul leaves, as Bree tell her Sister, as Summer prepares to follow "Russell and the Carters will not keep this up. I work on the other side." They hug, as Summer tells her Sister "Exactly. Hope Faith passes." Bree goes "Me too.", as Paul and Summer leave. Bree walks back inside, and pours herself a drink, with sadness in her eyes as her phone rings. She sees it is Wade, and ignores him, and sighs "I want you with me right now, but can't stand the sight of you..", taking a drink of wine, and calling it a night.

     At Sayyid and Henry's Compound, an angry Henry storms inside and screams, as Sayyid, Willie, and another woman walk out of the kitchen, as Henry screams "Smallwood been with my girl. The only girl I love! That bastard will die! Mark my damn words Storm Smallwood is going to die!" Sayyid assures his Grandson "With what he has done, Xavier will make his remaining days, weeks, or even mere hours pure hell." Willie recalls "Henry, this is similar to what happened years ago in his family involving B.R. and Ruth's two girls Ava and Jamie. It was much worse. Really messed Ava up..." The woman meanwhile is silent, and goes "It's been an honor having dinner with the two of you. I'll go on over to your house Ms. Willie and make myself at home." Willie smiles and says "Do that sweetie, and rest." The lady goes "All of you do the same. Can I pray over all of you? I understand..." Sayyid tells her "Bishop Hyman, I follow the rituals, but I'm neutral in my twilight." Everyone holds hands, as Bishop Teresa Hyman says a powerful prayer, and looks at Henry, and gently says "Son, you will have her again. The two of you are meant to be." Teresa leaves, and Willie heads to the door, as Sayyid assures his Sister "I'm watching out for Berry to return. She will pay if she comes after any of us." Willie hugs her Brother, and holding a pistol, smiles "Sure will Clem. I'm older than you so keep in mind we tend to umm.." Sayyid jokes "Taking a page from Tenny Sullivan's handbook Willie?" Willie shrugs "Not really. I have my best friend's spirit with me all the time. I miss her." Sayyid goes "I miss Ruth too." Willie leaves for the night, as Henry asks his Grandfather "So now what about Berry DuBois and the plan?" Sayyid heads upstairs, and tells his Grandson "You follow Xavier's lead my son. This is between me, Berry, and my Sister. We got this." Sayyid also calls it a night, as Henry walks outside, and lights a blunt, and holds his pistol, and says "I hope hell has its way with your ass or I will Smallwood."

     Meanwhile at The Falcon, Alyssa has dinner alone, as Xavier walks up, and tells the waitress "This is on me." Alyssa tells her Uncle "I can afford my own meal."  Xavier sits next to her and says in a gentle tone "I cannot thank you enough for helping my Mother with my Grandma, and I know it's been hard since Frank died and Cale and Allison moved and Uncle Floyd too.." Alyssa opens up and says to her Uncle "Ginny works so much at the hospital, and Tenny helps keep my mind off of that son of a bitch I regret marrying. Did you have him killed?" Xavier laughs "No sweetie, I wish though." Xavier tells Alyssa "I want you to always remember I'm here for you, and Aunt Leigh, and Aunt Ava." Alyssa hugs Xavier, and says with tears in her eyes "Thank you for looking out for me Uncle X. You rock. I know my Dad is smiling on you." Xavier says "He's smiling down on his strong willed daughter he loved and I do and proud of." Xavier gets a text, as he tells Alyssa "Gotta run." Xavier runs out, as Alyssa is quiet, and sends Ginny a text, and finishes her meal before calling it a night. Outside, Xavier sits in his SUV, and makes a phone call, and says "I'm on my way now." In a van, Storm screams "Release me you son of a bitches! I bet Xavier is behind this shit!" Storm hears silence, as the van comes to a stop, and the doors open, and three men pull Storm out, as his hands are tied behind his back, and head covered with a bag.

     At Santiago Manor, Escobar walks back inside, as Desi greets her Husband, and he tells his Wife "Watson failed me." Desi laughs "Well I did not fail you, or our family dear. I got the pardon approved, and oh they will be distracted now. I know that much." Escobar and Desi kiss, as someone asks "Where is Alexis?" Escobar turns and says "She's the face for our family for now, and you are getting restless." Angelica looks at Desi, and asks "So you came through?" Desi nods and says "Of course. Anything to get back my beloved store and stick it to Beth's self righteous ass once and for all. I called in a favor.." Angelica yells "You bitch Alexis did that! I did this and you need to be kissing my ass and drop your damn ego trip! I am the head of this family, and you better not forget it!" Escobar asks his Wife "Desi, wanna go make love?" Desi kisses her Husband, and heads to their bedroom. Angelica walks into the study, and calls Alexis, to no answer. At Landon-Hale, Clint, Cole, and Callie walks past Thorpe's office, as Clint and his children look at each other, and leave for the evening. Inside Thorpe's office, Thorpe and Alexis are on his desk, and he asks "Wanna see my house and warm my bed baby?" Alexis kisses Thorpe, and touches him and says "Hell yes!" They put on their clothes and head off to Thorpe's Mansion. 

     Back at City Hospital, Beth finishes the exam, as she looks at her Great-Granddaughter with disappointment, and goes "You are pregnant Ruthie. Is Storm the Daddy?" Ruthie cries "Yes. He had this aura about him, and he came after me first. Not me going after him." Beth tells her, and warns "I believe you, and this is going to be some huge news, not the way I wanted to expect my own Great-Great Grandchild but it is what it is." In Sully's Room, a nurse stands by, and is silent as Steve, Kyle, and Ginny rush inside, as Sassy comes and tells the nurse "Go get Beth right now!" In the waiting area, Leigh sits outside, as she texts her Husband and tells him "I'm staying here. I back you all the way my love." Brock and Cain sits next to her, and Cain asks his Grandmother "Do you hate my Sister now? How are we going to tell Mom?" Leigh sighs "I am angry as hell. I am angry that X allowed this felon into our lives, and Cain I dread telling Sully that she's going to be a Grandmother. This is a nightmare from hell.." Brock tells his Mother "Gracie is not responding." At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Allan and Olivia has left, as Tenny is silent, and stares at the TV in a dazed tone as there's a knock at the door and Tenny hears Gracie's cry and walks up and Gracie's at the door, holding her Son, and cries uncontrollably, as she goes "Storm slept with my Niece and she is pregnant! I am so damn stupid Gran! How did I not know??" Tenny tells her Great-Granddaughter, and Great-Great Grandson "Come to Gran sweetheart.." Tenny hugs them tightly, as Gracie cries, and Tenny consoles her, and says "I am so sorry Gracie. Oh I am so sorry this happened to you baby. Your Gran will protect both of you. And you go stay at Hell Hill, I will monitor Ruthie." Gracie is quiet, and says "I think Daddy and Mom would approve." Tenny asks "Want me to tag along?" Gracie nods, as Tenny tells her gently "You have me on your side, it will be ok. I know that." They head to Hell Hill as Tenny asks "Can I drive.." Gracie says "NO!", as she hands her Davey as they get on the elevator and Addie gets off the elevator.

      Back at Whispering Hills, Ava gets a text from Xavier, as she cries and says "Damn." She calls Diego, who sits in front of Jack's Mansion, as she asks "Anything happening?" Diego answers "No." Ava sighs "Well, give up and watch your family." At Rachel's Loft meantime, Jack and Rachel arrive, and Jack tells Rachel "I hope my Mom does not have another heart attack over this." Rachel asks "Why? We just took a little flight to Sugar Creek and now we are finally together as Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Hale." Jack and Rachel kiss, as the newly married couple heads to Rachel's bedroom as Rachel asks Jack "Who placed this on the wall? Who's watching me?!" Jack sighs "This could be my Mother's doing. She has ownership in this building.." Rachel sighs "It could be my crazy Mother who returned from hell." Jack tells his Wife "We'll handle it." They head to the bedroom, where they take off each other's clothes and makes love on Rachel's bed. Back at Wade's Home at Whispering Hills, Wade prepares to call it a night, as he gets a phone call from Logan. Logan, sitting in his suite at The Holiday Hotel, tells his Father "I think with Jared dead, we can buy out Landon." Wade boldly goes "I'll do that Son, and you are not even ready for that task!" Logan goes "Landon-Hale Dad, your last name." Wade tells him "Logan, that was Jared. He is dead now." Logan asks "So wanna take this over with me?" Wade answers "On my own damn terms Son." and hangs up, taking a drink and calling it a night.

     In an Abandoned Schoolhouse, Storm has the bag pulled from over his head, his hands tied behind his back, legs shackled to the floor as Country, Jake, and Jason stands in front of him, and Storm snarls with anger "I knew it! Xavier will not defeat me! I am not going anywhere!" Country whispers "When X arrives, he'll make that call. Until then... we're gonna head out. Watch out for rats." Jake and Jason asks Country "Think we passed Uncle Xavier's test?" Country laughs "Oh shit, the two of you are naturals! I know he will be proud." Xavier heads down the road, and suddenly has a thought, and for a moment he smiles. At City Hospital, Beth has rushed into Sully's room, as Beth yells "What in the hell has happened?" Steve, Ginny, Kyle, Sassy all surround Sully's bed, as Ginny walks over, and looks at her Great-Aunt, and is silent, as Beth walks over, and begins CPR and yells "Come on! 1. 2. 1.2!" Steve walks over, as he looks into her eyes, as Ginny, Kyle, and Sassy, walks over and Beth turns and looks at her Granddaughter and looks down, and walks into the waiting room. In the waiting room, Leigh sits next to Brock, as Ruthie is silent, as is Cain. Brock tells his Mother "Everything will be fine Mom. We don't need to let what.." Leigh asks Ruthie "How are you going to explain this to Sully when she is home, and I do not want you upsetting her until her new medicine kicks in with this bombshell." Bobby walks inside and goes "I think Donny and Russell will meet their match. Paul was fired. I called a friend. Sorry to leave.." Suddenly the doors open, and Beth stands in front of her Daughter In Law, Grandson, Great-Granddaughter and Great-Grandson as she is silent, and Bobby notices her expressions, as Leigh looks at her, as all do and Beth takes a deep breath and looks up as she tells all of them, and says "I'll call my Son." Xavier nears the Abandoned Schoolhouse as he drives his SUV and his phone rings over the radio, as Xavier goes "Mother?" Beth says "Come back to the hospital now." Xavier tells his Mother "I need to..." Beth finishes and they hang up, and Xavier stops his SUV, and in a state of disbelief and shock, staring into the darkness.





Daylight And Darkness: Episode 359. Backstabs And Breakdowns: Part 1

        As afternoon descends upon Adam's Landing, at City Hospital, Bree and Summer sits inside Ginny's office, as she tells them "Krissy got a page from her Dad, she ran out." Bree tells Ginny, as Summer sits next to her Sister for moral support "So how did things turn out? Will Haley be able to carry my child?" Ginny looks at the results, and tells her Cousins "Bree, Haley is a perfect match. Ready when the two of you are?" Bree smiles, as she looks at her Sister with tears in her eyes, and says "I'm going to be a Mommy." They all hug inside Ginny's office, a moment of joy. Inside Sully's Private Room, Sully and Steve chat alone as he tells her "I lived in Blue Ridge for a time before moving here myself. I worked at Park Lane Hospital in the same position I'm in now, and was married, until she slept with someone else." Sully tells him "I can relate completely. My Ex cheated on me with my Cousin, briefly married her! Then she had his Son! To boot!, he turns and screws my arch rival!" Sully gets angry and takes deep breaths, as Steve asks "Do you have feelings still for your Ex Husband?" Sully sighs "Eh, I don't know. He is the Father of my two greatest things, my kids." Steve goes gently, as he holds her hand "And they are awesome, and your family are awesome and love you. I will make damn sure you stick around for years to come." Sully smiles at Steve. 

    At City Hospital, in the waiting room, Henry yells again, as everyone has turned to him. Henry's pistol is aimed at Storm. Gracie looks at her Husband, and asks "Storm? What is he talking about?" Leigh stands next to Beth, both in shock, and Beth walks over and picks up her Great-Grandson, as Cain looks around, as Brock also watches. Ruthie asks Henry "What is this?" Henry yells "Ruthie! I know something you don't, now two others do, one is Storm. If he does not answer, I'll help your Grandpa off his ass." Storm yells "Henry, your Grandpa has turned you into a thug like he is." Henry screams "Shut up Smallwood! One more word and I'm putting a bullet between your damn eyes!" Leigh intervenes, and asks "What the hell is this? This drama is not needed here! We are here for Sully!" Henry looks at Storm, and keeps his pistol aimed at him, and says "Storm Smallwood, all mighty and tough, is a bitch." Ruthie asks "What is wrong with you Henry! Stop please!" Cain asks Brock meanwhile "What the hell is this?" Brock shrugs "Hell if I know, but once Dad walks out here, game over. I got a bad feeling." Cain asks Ruthie "Sissy, what does Henry know?" Ruthie is silent, as is Storm, as Henry yells "Yeah, too damn bad I didn't pull out the damn phone!" Brock tells Henry "Look, put down the gun and chill." Henry tells Brock "Sorry, I'm waiting." Beth gently says "Sully does not.." Henry yells at Beth "Look old lady I know what you did, and as far as I am concerned you and Ava Hale, and Olivia, and Eve Mathis can go straight to hell." Silence fills the room, as Leigh gets Davey, and holds her Grandson, and Beth returns to Sully's private room, as Gracie asks her Husband "Storm? What the hell is this?" Storm is silent, as he looks down, twitching his hands. Ruthie sits as her nerves hit a fever pitch and silent. Brock and Cain watch on, as Henry continues to keep his pistol aimed at Storm, and says boldly "We can do this as long as you like."

     Beth heads to Sully's room, and before she walks in, sees Angela and asks "Did Dan?.." Angela takes a deep breath, as Beth grows angry and boldly orders "Go to your Mama's house and Dan is meeting with my Son and Country as we speak." Angela goes "Dr. Beth, I heard about these meetings." Beth tells her with anger "When he puts my Granddaughter in the hospital fighting for her life, that qualifies for a firing, and I'm going for his license to practice medicine. He's over. Might be before the end of the day if he pisses my Son or his best friend off." Angela sighs "Beth, Country and Dan are Brothers." Beth laughs, walking into Sully's room "I'm sending Addie a text, and you leave now. I'll double the pay and then some ok.." Angela nods, and sighs as she walks out. In Dan's office, Xavier walks over, and sticks his Colt 45 to Dan's head, and asks him "Tell me who you are helping? What is the agenda in place?" Country tells Dan "Look little Brother, you need to talk before X kills you. Where where you? You destroyed me when you took away Mama!" Dan yells "Country! I got her off the liquor! She's well now!" Country yells "I did not know until I called Unity, and she did not know me. She's in a nursing home you BASTARD!" Country pulls out his pistol and aims at his Brother, as Xavier yells "I know you had a deal with a pharmaceutical company Jim's used to use connected to Escobar, and you got paid by Escobar Dan. Now should you even speak?" Xavier grabs Dan, and goes "I'll let you live. Stay away from Sully, and if she needs a new heart, I'm coming for you." Xavier and Country walks out, as Dan is scared and shaken up, and makes a phone call. Outside, Bobby meets Xavier and Country and warns "Storm's in the waiting room. Henry's there ready to kill him and your family is the main subject..." Xavier punches the wall, and yells "Damnit! I've had it now!" Xavier storms away, as Bobby and Country looks at each other, watching Xavier, as he heads past the waiting area and talks to himself.

    Meanwhile at Jazz, Ava arrives, and Faith hugs her Mother, as Ava asks her Daughter "So what is your news? I have heard nothing from Jack. I'm getting worried." Faith sighs "Haley has decided she can't do the surrogacy for Bree. I hope you understand." Ava tells her "I hope Bree understands, because she has always wanted a child. She'd be such a great Mom." Faith goes "I am willing. I'm still young enough to do it, and she is family." Ava asks "Now are you sure?" Faith pours herself and Ava a glass of whiskey, and tells her Mother "Mom, it's my honor to help make it happen." Ava gets a text, and yells "That bitch!" Faith asks "What bitch?" Ava angrily says "Rachel Lane  and Jack is missing. I have a Tenny Sullivan moment coming, maybe time to go talk to her." Faith asks "Aren't they dating now?" Ava nods with disgust on her face, and goes "That whore will not be a part of my family! That's a damn fact!" At Jackson Inc, Logan and Cole, who takes a deep breath, walks into Wade's office, as Wade warns them "Ava is here and she will not want to see you." Logan asks his Father "So Dad, Cole and I have decided to make the Holiday Hotel public and sell to Landon-Hale, our last name.?" Wade snarls "Logan Walsh, you just made the biggest damn mistake in your life. Selling the hotel I built from the ground up and gave to you to keep in our family. You..." Wade rushes his Son, and Cole breaks them up, as Wade asks Cole "Your family has an agenda to destroy my Grandfather and Ava's family?" Cole goes "I'm neutral. Talk to Dad or Uncle Thorpe." Logan yells "Jared is dead! I have his part now! We can..." Wade points to the door and goes "Get out of my sight. Both of you before I do something I just may regret."

    At Class, Escobar walks into Desi's new office, as Alexis sits at the desk, and tells her Brother "All is in motion. Xavier and his family has no idea what's to come." Escobar tells his youngest Sister "Dan Watson has failed. Xavier will come for us." Alexis reminds her Brother "And there is a bounty on the name Hale Escobar, now Sully Jackson, Mother to dear Angelica's grandkids, in the hospital. I think it's perfect, and my spy has sent me this." Escobar looks at Alexis' phone and watches a video, as she says "Yeah, and it will all implode itself, but my Edward, he will help the Santiago name return to power and its working." Escobar asks "So why meet here? Shouldn't we be meeting back.." Alexis boldly says "Desi Lane is a pawn. Once her use is over, she will be too. She's too loose and I done my homework on her." Escobar pulls out his pistol, and says "This can keep her in line.", and laughs, as does Alexis. Desi walks inside, and gasps and goes "Why are you here Alexis?" Escobar gets a text, and says "I have to go." Escobar runs out, and Alexis walks over, and whispers in a stern, eerie tone "I am your superior Desi Lane. And I am going to make damn sure you do not.." Alexis pulls out her knife, and holds Desi at the throat, and says "Do not cross me bitch. Remember who the bosses are." Desi is silent, and Alexis laughs "I need to go now, bye bye Sis." Alexis leaves, and Desi shivers in fear. Escobar is in his car and is on the phone. Dan tells Escobar "Look, I uh, uh.." Escobar screams "You will answer to me for this mistake! And City Hospital might need a few new Doctors and fast with what my family and I have in mind and you think of your family now, because I am with a 45." Escobar hangs up, and drives down the road.

     In the waiting room, the standoff continues with silence in the room, as Henry keeps his pistol aimed at Storm, as Gracie watches on with fear in her eyes. Ruthie begins to feel unwell, as her nerves grow to a fever pitch, and Cain holds his Sister's hand for support, and Brock tries to talk to his best friend, telling him as Beth and Country arrive "Just say what's going on and let's be peaceful." Henry snarls "Screw being all peaceful. My heart is shattered Brock, by someone in this room." Tears flow from Henry's eyes, as he looks at Ruthie and cries "I love you Ruthie. You are the only girl for me and you have hurt me so badly." Storm tells Henry "You need to just leave." Country and Beth tells Storm "No Storm, your ass needs to leave!" Gracie yells "Now I want to know what in the hell is going on! My baby is here luckily with Mom right now, and Dad is somewhere likely locked and loaded. What is going on?" Henry says "I don't think Xavier knows what I do, nor most of you. And when he does know, it's on. It's going to explode!" Henry aims again at Storm, as Country asks Henry, walking over to him, and putting his arm around his shoulder, as Beth checks her phone and shakes her head "What is going on buddy? Just say it." Brock reminds Henry "I'm here bro." Brock walks over, as Henry says "Gracie." Gracie answers "Yes?" Storm grows nervous. Ruthie squeezes tightly to Cain's hand, as Leigh and Davey walk into the waiting area, as Henry takes a deep breath and says "Storm and Ruthie are together now I have seen with my own eyes." Silence fills the waiting room, as jaws drop, and Gracie grows furious, as does Beth, Leigh, Brock, Cain looks at his Sister. Storm glares at Henry, as Henry says "Smallwood you are a coward. A true damn coward." In Beth's office, Bobby and Xavier talk, and Bobby warns him "I think you should remember that the Carters and Russell are in a power play before we go into battle." Xavier tells him "I've had enough of this. Time for it to end!" Xavier walks out, and Bobby follows, as Xavier heads to the waiting room.

      Meanwhile at Evans-Gore, Krissy sits at her Grandmother's desk, along with Angela, as Angela tells her Daughter "Beth talked to Mama about your Dad. I would not underestimate that woman. She hates Dan." Krissy sighs "We met up for some sweets, and she said we'd return here. She then disappeared." Angela asks "Where did she..." Addie walks into the room, as Aretha follows, along with Sayyid, carrying his suitcase and sitting at Addie's desk, laying his suitcase on her desk, and opening it, and asks Addie, Angela, and Krissy "So which gun you wanna use to kill this coward?" Angela gasps "Mama, did you.." Aretha tells them "My Uncle's Grandson right now is at the hospital, and my Mama's family, well you see they don't mess around." Sayyid tells them "So Danny Watson, Country's brother who I learned allowed his Mother to go homeless and was just found dead, gotta inform him. Back to my visit, Dr. Danny needs to die. He's involved with the Santiagos, and Xavier's princess might die as a result, meaning a war of wars." Angela and Krissy are speechless, as Addie tells her Daughter and Granddaughter "Dan is going to be lucky to breathe. I'm over his treatment of you Angie. I never forgot what he did to Krissy..." Krissy shivers, as Angela holds her, and Aretha warns "Xavier is not the one. His family are very powerful and he makes things happen." Sayyid goes "Did this man molest his Daughter?" Angela holds Krissy, as she cries having a flashback, as Addie fills Sayyid in, and Sayyid picks up his briefcase, and says "I have made my final choice. See you all later. Need to go to the hospital to check on a few folks and a coward." Sayyid leaves, as Aretha asks "Need me to help you all." Addie tells her "Just pray for us." Aretha tells them "I'm gone now, so know I'm here." Aretha leaves, as Addie tells Angela and Krissy "Now to my Penthouse until further notice," They leave, as Angela and Krissy are silent with worry and concern, as Addie grins.

     At Landon-Hale, Alexis arrives and walks into Thorpe's office, where he sits and gasps "Did hell have a snowstorm? Alexis Carter!" Alexis and Thorpe embrace in a hug, as she tells him "I am working on getting away from Edward. But, I'm sticking around." Thorpe and Alexis looks at each other, and they kiss, as Thorpe tells her "Let me lock the door. My God I never believed you'd come back." Thorpe locks the door as passion erupts between them, as they take off each other's clothes and makes passionate love on the floor in his office. At Jackson Inc, Javon has left as evening's approached, and Ava rolls her eyes as Desi asks "Where is my Daughter?" Ava asks Desi "Damn if you got some nerve coming into my family's legacy bitch. I would love to know where that whore is. She is M.I.A.." Desi begins to cry, as Ava laughs "Shit, you been alive and really never have reached out to her. You must be screwed." Desi sighs "I'm leaving since Rachel isn't here. Maybe she's home." Desi walks out, as Ava calls Jack, once again to no answer. At City Hospital, in Sully' private room, Steve shuts the door, as Beth walks in and asks "Did she finally go to sleep?" Steve asks "How can that fight out in the waiting room be stopped?" Beth looks at Steve, and asks "Did she hear anything?" Steve shrugs "She went to sleep awhile ago. I'm glad she's resting." Beth goes "Me too Steve. You have done wonderful, and I see something between you and your patient." Steve goes "Dr. B, I am taking care of your Granddaughter, and we know for certain she will survive." Beth walks out, as Steve watches Sully sleep, as Beth closes the door, and warns the staff "One damn word of what's happening to her and I'll fire your ass!" Beth returns to the waiting room.

     In the waiting room chaos ensues, as Gracie cries uncontrollably, and Ruthie is silent, and holds her stomach. Storm has a pistol aimed at him by Henry, and Country also has his gun aimed at Storm, as Cain stands next to Brock, as his Uncle is silent. Leigh looks at her family and goes "I don't... I just, what in the hell is going on?" Leigh walks over to console her Daughter, and hands her Davey, as Gracie clutches to her Son tightly. Henry quietly, and coldly says "Today you meet the hellfire always awaiting you Smallwood. And you screwed my woman. I knew you were a piece of shit since the day I met you." Storm warns Henry and Country "The two of you needs to put those guns down, and accept me as Gracie's Husband." Leigh goes "Oh never. I never liked you, you piece of trash. X made a mistake getting you out of prison, where you belong." Xavier and Bobby walk in.. Eyes turns towards Xavier, as he asks "What in the hell is this?" Henry asks Storm "Game time coward. You tell him or me?" Ruthie finally cries "Don't tell him!" Gracie looks towards her Niece and snarls "I cannot believe you have been sleeping with my Husband Ruthie. How?" Xavier's jaw drops, and looks around the room, and looks at Storm, and says "Well Son, this happens in families sometimes. It'll be ok." Xavier hugs his Wife, and Leigh cries "I can't take this!" Xavier assures her "It will be ok my love. I will make certain." Xavier walks over to Ruthie, as she vomits, and is silent, as Gracie asks her Father "Can..." Xavier holds Gracie, as she cries "Daddy, you always know. I should have listened to you. I'm so sorry." Brock also walks over, along with Cain and Leigh, comforting Gracie, as Xavier looks towards Storm, with Country and Henry ready to shoot, and walks over and says "No, this is not needed fellas." Xavier goes "Put up he guns. He's married to my Daughter. Family. He's family." Bobby is silent, as Beth walks out and asks "What is going on?" Bobby says "I don't have no idea what's going on inside his head." Henry looks at Ruthie, and goes "You broke my heart, but it's still yours." Henry walks out with sadness in his eyes, as Ruthie vomits again, and Brock and Cain look towards Beth and Leigh, as Xavier comforts Gracie, all silent, as Beth says with dread "Oh hell. Here we go again." Xavier walks out calmly, and send three texts.





Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 358. Only Takes A Second

     At Class, Desi walks around, and looks up and says "Yes Tenny, this is mine now. And you need to put up that gun before you hurt your old, frail, senile body." Tenny asks "Who are you calling senile? I have my reason. I wanna make a deal. Wanna give me your heart?" Desi goes "Old woman are you insane? That means you kill me." Tenny nods, and adds "And then your heart keeps Sully going strong." Desi yells "Get out of my office before I call the cops." Tenny puts her gun up, and warns "I mean if something happens to Sully, I am and sure many, will aim for you. That's right. Aim." Tenny walks out, as Desi fumes as she gets a text from Escobar. Downstairs, Tenny greets Alyssa, as she asks "Want me to take you to the hospital now?" Tenny says "No, back home. I want to be nosy." Alyssa goes "Whatever you want." Back in now Desi's office, Desi looks at the portrait of Sully on the wall, and laughs "Well looks like you lost little girl.", as she takes it down and throws it on the ground with a laugh. 

     At City Hospital, Beth stands at the nurse's station, as Dan has arrived and Beth talks to Ginny, Steve, and Sassy, telling them "These labs make me a bit unnerved." Dan asks "Sully?" Steve nods, as Ginny cringes, and Beth asks "So you were her new Doctor I noticed Dan?" Dan tells Beth "I am actually, but haven't been allowed to care for her due to her Granny getting in the way." Beth looks at Dan, with rage in her eyes, as she calmly snaps at him "That is my Granddaughter and I am a Doctor. I also own this place and I am your boss. I hired you on just because of your Wife being my best friend's Daughter and Granddaughter on for the same. You were part of the package. So talk or I'll kick your worthless ass." Dan tells Beth "I changed her medication recently due to shortages. She seemed fine." Beth yells "She is not! She is dying Dan!" Steve steps in, as Ginny walks over to her Aunt's side, as Steve goes "What about trying her off the medication Dr. B?" Beth says "What I planned anyway. But do we have a replacement?" Ginny walks off to check, as Dan warns Steve "I am top of my field, I don't deserve third degrees from this old bitch known to put healthy people into comas for the hell.." Beth slaps Dan, as he warns Beth "Never slap me again because I slap back." Beth coldly and sternly warns him "And if you do it to your Wife in my damn hospital you worthless bag of shit, I will handle you. Mark my words." Beth walks to Sully's private room, as Steve warns Dan "Sully is well handled. She is the boss." Dan coldly tells him "She owes me Steve." Dan walks off, as Steve gets a page.

    Meanwhile at City Hospital, Sully visits with her parents in her room, as she tells them "Grandma and Dr. Marsh said maybe tomorrow they'll make me go home, but one hundred percent bedrest for now and did Grandma mention anything about medical companies with you Daddy?" Xavier nods, and says "Mother's an expert at that sort of thing, and will find out all we need to know." Sully sighs "This sucks. I can't believe this is happening." Sully cries, as Xavier and Leigh consoles their Daughter. In the waiting area, Brock sits with Ruthie and Cain, as he tells them "I know this is likely the last thing you want to hear." Ruthie cries uncontrollably, as she says "Mom's possibly dying. Daddy's dead now! What else Brock? What is next?" Cain shrugs "He tried to always turn me against the family I know and love. Last time we were together, we got into a fight." Cain walks away, as Ruthie walks over to Brock, as he consoles his Niece. Gracie, Davey, and Storm walks inside, as everyone look and gasps "This is gutsy Gracie.", warns her twin Brother, as her Niece is quiet, and Nephew warns Storm "I have no problem kicking your ass in this hospital. Gram owns it, so either leave or it's about to light up!" Storm tells Cain and Brock "I will be wherever my Wife is, and Xavier can deal with it!" Gracie adds "That's right. He has to accept this." Leigh walks into the lobby as she sees Storm and warns him coldly "Nobody wants to see you, and if X sees you he'll explode and nobody needs this." Leigh turns to Gracie, and warns her Daughter "Are you seeking attention or some shock and awe bringing him here?" Gracie responds "Once again, Daddy can deal with it. Screw what all of you think of it." Ruthie is silent meanwhile. At The Mathis Compound, Henry sits as he thinks of what he seen earlier, as Sayyid walks into the living room with Willie as Sayyid asks his Grandson "So what have you decided?" Henry sighs "I don't know really. Seeing Ruthie with that loser." Willie tells Henry "Maybe now that you are here, she'll come back to you. I think there's something there." Henry grabs his pistol, and says "Damn right there is." Henry heads to the door, as Sayyid asks "Where are you going?" Henry tells his Grandfather "Time for Storm to face judgement day." Henry walks out, as Willie tells her Brother "And now let's talk about Berry." Sayyid picks up his briefcase, and smiles to his Sister "Ain't a thing to me." Willie smiles and gets up, as she hugs Sayyid, and says with content "I'm so glad you're back Clem." Sayyid responds "Me too."

     At Jackson Inc, Diego sits inside Wade's new office, as he gives his Cousin some information, as Wade sighs "Damn, and she's wants payback." Diego goes "They are united and the last ones who want to keep the Santiago name in everyone's head. A name of power and blood." Wade quips "That's all they are about." Diego laughs "Desi Lane thinks she owns Class, but Escobar is baiting her. The family is about to make a big reveal." Wade asks "What kind of reveal?" Diego fills Wade in on some more information on his Grandmother's family. At Santiago Manor, Escobar sits inside his study, and asks the women in the room "So how are we going to debut our plan Sisters?" One woman says to Escobar "I will go since I am not believed to be dead, and if not could be." The other woman and Escobar says "Our guest should be here shortly. It's nice to feel this power again." The other woman goes "You are not the one with power, it is me! Do not make me demonstrate." At Landon-Hale, Logan walks into Clint's office, as Thorpe is inside, as he and Clint argue "So you slept with Daisy, and don't know about what happened?" Clint yells "I slept with Daisy, why do you care? And we know the paramedics got Jared, so I am confused." Thorpe says to his Brother "The facility said he never arrived. Our paramedics said they have no clue." Logan asks "What if his Grandmother's family got him?" Thorpe and Clint turn to Logan and says "That's possible. Escobar is powerful, and gaining more of it too." Clint says "We need to do that too Thorpe." Thorpe snaps "I don't play the game like he does, or Xavier! And if you ever do you are finished!" Clint is silent, as Logan adds "Escobar likely has some help." Thorpe tells Logan, and looking at Clint "Clint and I are going to find answers." Thorpe yells at Clint "Let's go visit Escobar, then we'll talk to Lana. She is close to Desi Lane." Thorpe and Clint head out, as Logan walks back to his office, and smiles. 

    At Jackson Inc. Ava walks into Javon's office, and asks him "So what have you found?" Javon motions Ava over to his computer screen, as she goes "They own it?" Javon nods, as Ava sighs "Oh shit, this changes everything. I'm calling Xavier now!" Ava walks over and calls her Brother, as Javon makes a phone call, and warns "I heard already what you got in mind, and think I know who's backing your ass, stay away from me. You ain't shit!" Ava hangs up, as she asks Javon "Who was that?" Javon goes "I made a call to Berry. She's on her way to town." Ava rolls her eyes, as she says "Aretha sent me a text about her earlier. All of you best hope she does not cross my path after her and Bridget wrote those lies about me in her magazine." Javon asks "How is Sully?" Ava says "Now that we know what we know, she is going to be fine I pray. But somebody has some hell coming their way. That much is for certain." At City Hospital, Xavier and Beth stands in the hallway outside Sully's private room, as Beth snarls "So the company that made her anti-rejection pills are owned by those bastards. We don't owe them shit unless they got something planned." Xavier tells his Mother "They are going to pay. We just have to watch them. Desi being married to Escobar, she will help without knowing." Beth asks her Son "By doing what she does best?" Xavier nods, as Beth hugs her Son, and says "Your princess will be fine baby." Xavier holds his Mother, as they both start to cry. Inside Sully's room, Steve and Ginny check on Sully, as Steve tells her "So that's where we are now. Your Dad's going to look further into it and Dr. B, aka your Grandma." Sully sighs "Well, that's a relief! What do I do in the meantime?" Ginny tells her Cousin "Well, you rest until we find your new pill supplier. You need no stress. Stay home. Lay around and watch movies. Take it easy Sully. I order you to as a Doctor, and also family." Sully tells them "I do miss drawing. I will try to." Outside, Beth stands, as Xavier hangs up the phone, and says "I'll go out into the waiting room Mother. You take care of my Princess, and watch her former Doctor." Beth tells him "Damn right, he's about to be a former staff member too." In Dan's office, Angela stands, as Dan tells his Wife "Your Mother is going to pay for this if anyone in Beth's family or Beth come after me." Angela reminds her Husband "Dan, I work here and need to go back to work, but being Addie's Daughter, that will.." Dan slaps his Wife, and yells "Enough with that shit, you know how this will end, so don't get too damn comfortable you worthless old bitch." Angela walks out with tears in her eyes, as Dan paces his office.

      Meanwhile at Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny and Alyssa sit in the living room, and eat gummies together as Tenny tells her "I know Beth hired you." Alyssa sighs "I was just going to keep it quiet. I know you enjoy your freedom. I enjoy being with you. With Dad now gone, Uncle Floyd moving back to Texas, and Cale and Allison moving off it's lonely." Tenny gently asks "And how is Ty's death affecting you?" Alyssa goes "He deserved it. He treated me like shit. I wish it had of been me." Tenny hugs her, and goes "I wish I could help." Alyssa goes "Always." Next door at Addie's Penthouse, Addie walks around her living room as she gets a text from Angela and walks out, and heads next door and knocks, as Alyssa answers, and Addie hugs her and says "Sorry I've been distant sweetie, lots of things going on." Tenny asks Addie "What the hell do you want? Alyssa and I were about to party." Addie asks "Have you spoke to Beth today?" Tenny answers "No, she's been busy with Sully and her heart." Addie tells Tenny "I offer my best wishes. I know that has to really hit all of you very hard." Tenny sighs "Sully is my Great Granddaughter. She will be alright." Addie changes subjects, and looks at Alyssa, as she goes "Addie wants you to do a autobiography. You can tell everyone the truth." Addie adds "This is your chance to put all those trashy books about your family out to pasture. And lots of money for you, and me." Evans-Gore will back it." Tenny sits and lights a blunt, and says "Ok, I will do it, and you will do it my way." Addie goes "Whatever you say Ms. Tenny." 

   At Chantel's, Desi walks in, and sees Lana and Daisy and walks over to their booth, as Desi asks them "Well girls, wanna make an investment in what will soon be formerly Class?" Lana snaps "Desi, I have no time for you right now." Daisy adds "We don't owe you nothing now. My Son is dead and just go away." Lana agrees, as Desi warns Lana "What if I were to visit Russell? He does not know you like me. Does he know you and Daisy are professional whores?" Lana warns Desi "If you don't leave, my fiancé will be glad to arrest you." Desi warns them "I know neither of you want to challenge me. So don't try. Now excuse me." Desi leaves as she yells "Here I am." Back at Lana and Daisy's table, Daisy tells her Sister "I'm leaving town Lana. Enjoy myself awhile and try to get over Ty's death." Lana tells her "Daisy, that would be best for you. I'm going nowhere though. I think I have finally found happiness in Russell. So sorry about you and Country." Daisy looks over at the bar and spots Bree, and tells Lana "That bitch at the bar is the reason." Bree hears them, and walks over and asks Daisy "Want me to drive you to the airport bitch? My Dad wants nothing else to do with you." Daisy snarls "Country does not give a damn about you Bree..." Bree slaps Daisy, and yells "We are very close, and I'm not watching you or anyone hurt him! So yeah blame me, and if you come around him again and I am watching, your ass belongs to me! Grandma taught me some things.." Bree walks back to the bar, takes a drink, as Daisy looks at Lana and says "Screw Adam's Landing. I'm going back to pack my things and leave." They get up and head to The Sunset Club.

    At Santiago Manor, Thorpe and Clint arrive, as Damian tells them "Escobar is not available." Thorpe looks at his former Son in Law and goes "Get the hell out of my way you piece of shit. Now where is the son of a bitch? I can make sure your Mom stays in prison for life." Damian is silent, and points to the study, as Thorpe and Clint opens the door, and Escobar goes "Oh well I have visitors." Thorpe asks Escobar "Tell me about Jared? Where is he?" Escobar asks "Now who is Jared..." Clint yells "Oh shit now you know who he is." Escobar hatefully says "A failure in all aspects. Disappointed my dear dead Sister." Thorpe goes "So let's get to the damn point, I think you know." Escobar gets up, and tells Thorpe and Clint "I suggest now the two of you leave." Thorpe warns "This is just starting. I'm going to find out what happened." Escobar laughs "Good luck boys." and walks into another room, as Damian walks in and goes "Now leave." Thorpe and Clint walk out, as Thorpe tells Damian "If you know something, talk before you pay dearly." At City Hospital, Xavier sits inside his Mother's office, as Bobby sits inside and Xavier tells him "Country just arrived." Bobby has been filled in and says "So what's the plan?" Xavier tells him "Go out in the waiting area, and keep an eye on things." Xavier heads out, as Bobby is silent. In the waiting area, Leigh has returned to Sully's Room, as Beth now walks out as Gracie and Storm cuddle next to each other, as Ruthie is silent, and Brock and Cain look at Beth, as she asks Storm "Who invited you here?" Gracie asks her Grandmother "You've been the nicest one, don't turn on me." Storm yells at everyone "I am here with my Wife! She has a damn Son!", picking up Davey and adding "Xavier will regret cutting that trust." Beth is silent, eyes turning red, as Ruthie stays silent, as Cain yells "Storm! Grandpa hates you, and Grandma will tell him you are here." Brock asks "Where is Dad?" Beth tells her Grandson "Brock, he's putting everything together right now." Bobby walks in and sees Storm, and warns "Leave now or I'll make a phone call." Storm laughs "You old man, Xavier has lost, and I'm free now." Beth asks Storm with anger "What the hell do you mean Storm?" Storm laughs "That bastard has no idea what's coming.." Beth walks over and punches Storm in the mouth, as Gracie gasps, as does Cain "Gram!" Beth tells him "Go get a nurse to check that lip.", and returns to Sully's room, as Cain tells Storm "So take that hint, and get out before I do the next punch." Bobby warns all of them "Everyone will stay calm, and collected." 

     At Jackson Inc, Ava and Wade sits in Xavier's office, as she hangs up the phone and Wade tells Ava "I think Grandmother and her family are going all in." Javon walks inside, and asks "How did Escobar get into this situation?" Ava tells them "This has Desi Lane written all over it." Wade asks "Where's Jack and Rachel today?" Ava is silent, and walks out, and sends Jack a text, to no response. Back at City Hospital, Beth walks into Sully's room, as Steve and Sully chat and Leigh walks in as she says "X wanted a kiss." Steve asks Beth "So Dr. B, what is going to happen? I'm new to this." Sully asks her Mother "Who should tell this man about Daddy?" Beth warns Steve "Believe this much, hell's about to come to life." At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny and Alyssa sits and smokes a blunt as Alyssa asks her. as Tenny checks her phone "What's the latest?" Tenny sighs "Shit's about to go down at the hospital. That much is for certain. Damn!" At Chantel's Desi meets two women and says "Welcome back to town.." One woman says "So I changed my appearance and got on the staff." Desi smiles "Excellent. Beth will love this." The other woman says "And don't forget Desi, and you, who is in charge." Desi says "Yes.", with disgust as the woman quietly snarls "I am Alexis Santiago, and Desi Lane, do not forget it." Back at City Hospital, Dan is in his office, as Country sits at his desk, and Dan goes "Look, I have to work right now." Country says "I'm not here to say I'm ready to mend fences. I'm here to keep your ass in this office." Dan's door opens, as Xavier walks in, and says "Danny Watson.. Country's little brother." Dan asks "What is going on?" Xavier pulls out his Colt 45 and aims at Dan and asks him "Tell me who is paying you besides my Mother or die. I want answers now." In the waiting area, Cain and Storm has broke into a fight, as Brock and Bobby pulls them apart, as Ruthie is silent, and Gracie picks up her Son, and yells "Leave my Husband alone! All of you!" Beth walks out, as she yells at her Granddaughter "You and Davey can stay here, but Storm needs to leave." Gracie snaps "Gram, we are a package deal." Henry yells "SMALLWOOD!" and aims a pistol at him, as Ruthie gets up, as her jaw drops and asks "Henry? What the hell!?" Beth, Brock, and Cain are silent, as Henry asks Storm "Who tells your Wife, and these people? You or me?" Ruthie looks at Henry, as Gracie looks at her Husband, as Storm is silent and Henry asks again, turning off the safety "Now who will it be Smallwood?"








Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 357. When Reality Strikes

   It's the next morning, and at City Hospital, Sully lays in her bed and looks at Ruthie sitting next to her asleep, and a message on the markerboard saying "Get well Mom!" from Cain. Sully cries as she says "I can't think of it." At Hell Hill, Xavier and Leigh drink coffee as Cain joins his Grandparents, with worry as Leigh assures her Grandson "When Sully sees what you did, it will touch her," Xavier tells his Wife "If there was a way.." Cain tells him "Grandpa, the black market organ sales" Xavier snaps "Never mention that again because I can go beyond and do not ask anymore questions in advance Cain!" Leigh tells her Husband "Think we should head on down and let Ruthie get a break?" Xavier nods, as Cain says "I'm not staying away from my Mom!" Xavier grabs Cain forcefully and goes "If she has any health issues because of you boy, I'll beat your ass to kingdom come. Might even kill you.." Leigh breaks up her Husband and their Grandson, as they head to City Hospital. 

   At Ruthie's Penthouse, Gracie and Storm has breakfast, and Davey plays in his crib as there's a knock at the door. Gracie hesitantly walks over to answer, as Tenny welcomes herself inside and says "Well look at Mr. Perfection." Storm goes "Good morning Mrs. Tenny." Tenny responds "For me that would be you down in that hospital, in the morgue in a freezer..." Gracie yells "Damnit Gran we have enough going on, no need for you to start more." Tenny sighs "At least Sully is smart, less than I can say for you. Once her Daddy's baby girl, now his shame." Gracie asks her Great-Grandmother "Could you go back home and leave us at peace?" Tenny warns "You best remember that yourself. Do not hurt your Dad anymore Gracie." Tenny turns to Storm and warns coldly "And if you were wise, you'd leave where nobody wanted you before you umm, die." Tenny walks out, as Gracie yells "That old bitch needs to watch it! They all do." Storm hugs his Wife, and reminds her "You and me against the world.", kissing her, as they run to the bedroom as Storm thinks of Ruthie. Back at Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny gets a text and sighs "Watch it Cain or you'll deal with Gran too. I'm old, and ain't got a damn thing to lose at my age, lighting a blunt and taking a sip of coffee. At Coffeeteria, Beth picks up coffee, as she heads to City Hospital, as Desi walks up and asks "How is Sully doing? I'm so worried about her." Beth warns Desi "If you were smart, which you are not, you'd stay the hell away from me. My Granddaughter's in the hospital and my Son is hurting, my Great Granddaughter and Grandson is hurting. Adding to that is you and your endless bitching for your precious store. You stole it, and you stole it again from Ruthie. You did not help shit. So if anything happens to Sully, you'll answer to me." Desi coldly tells her "Tell Sully to get well, and oh you might want to watch your attitude Doctor Beth Jackson if you knew what was good for you.", as Desi walks out and Beth heads to City Hospital, rolling her eyes.

    At Jackson Inc, Brock walks into his office, as Ava and Wade are there, and Ava tells her Nephew "Go down to the hospital and be there for your family Brock. I have it from here. I keep up with everything, and Jack and Javon will catch me up. I'm training Wade anyway." Brock sits and says "I'd rather be here. I hate seeing my Big Sister possibly dying." Ava looks at Brock with empathy, as Wade tells them "I've been in contact with Xavier. He's kept me up on the developments. He's really taking it hard." Ava says to Wade "That's only natural. We've been through our shares." Inside Javon's office, Monica stands inside with her suitcase, as Javon says "Mom, you don't have to leave town."  Monica hugs her Son tightly, and says "Oh hell the yes I do. I am not getting involved with Berry, and Russell has things hot enough. Time to start anew. I'm proud of you, and keep doing your thing." Monica and Javon hugs as they cry, and Monica heads out, and leaves Adam's Landing, as Javon walks over to Jack's office and notices it empty and calls him, as Javon says "You have my word." In Bree's office, Country walks behind his Daughter, as he tells Bree "I would think a Mama would wanna know if her Son was dead." Bree goes "Or a Dad to know he has a Grandkid coming. Someone to spoil fishing and hunting." Country smiles and goes "Ah shit that'll be nice. And maybe a few other things." They laugh, as Country tells his Daughter "Well now I'm finding Daisy, and kiss her ass goodbye when I find her!" Bree goes "You better or else she'll see me unleash a dose of Grandma Ruth!" Country laughs as he leaves, and Bree sits and reads some files and gets a phone call. 

    At Thorpe's Mansion, Cole and Callie are consoled by Lana, as Luke and Thorpe offers their condolences on Ty as Thorpe asks his Son "So you think Logan is right?" Luke tells his Father "With what know about the Hales, and Santiago family, there's enough to back it." Lana walks over, and says "My Sister has been out of touch." Thorpe tells his Ex-Wife "She's likely backing a pimp somewhere. Or off getting high or drunk. No telling with Daisy Bonner." At The Sunset Club, Daisy lays next to Clint, as he laughs "That was great! You still got the touch Daisy!" Daisy looks at her phone and sighs "Ugh, the hillbilly." Clint tells Daisy "So the two of you still plan to get hitched now?" Daisy whispers in Clint's ear seductively "He's just tends to me how I need, and he is a hitman. I am a rich woman now, and my baby's going to be a racing legend." Clint is silent, as Daisy asks "Ok the mood just changed?" Clint gets out of the bed, and says to Daisy "You need to call the hillbilly. I need to go to the office now." Daisy asks "Clint, what are you hiding from me?" Clint dresses and walks out as Daisy looks around and calls Country, to no answer. Back at Thorpe's Mansion, Thorpe hangs up the phone and goes "Daisy does not know yet about Ty." Lana asks Thorpe "And where is your Brother?" Thorpe tells everyone "He was sleeping with Daisy last night. He did not tell her." Lana sighs "Might be best." Callie tells her Mother "Country was with us last night. He called her many times." They grow silent as they mourn, and worry for Daisy, as she drives down the road and says to herself "You never avoid me."

     At The Falcon Diner, Angela and Krissy walks inside, as Addie greets her Daughter and Granddaughter with a hug, and tells Angela "Take the mask and shades off and let me see." Krissy tells her Grandmother "Mom fell last night." Addie snaps "That's it! I know you are protecting that son of a bitch you have for a Dad." Angela tells her Mother "I hope you and him don't cross paths. He's denying your help in me and him working at City Hospital." Addie goes "Beth knows Angela. She has you covered and if Dan ever does anything with her around, she is prone to kill." Krissy gasps "So Granny tell me about Dr. B as some call her down at the hospital." Addie laughs "Once she put Desi Lane in a coma and made everyone think she was dead. Then did similar to her Daughter with the baby scandal. She and I need to do something soon. I mean I did get Wade and Bridget's Penthouse.." Angela gets a phone call and Addie asks "Is that your hubby? Don't answer. I'm here Angie." Angela listens, as Krissy asks "And how are things with Beth's Mama? She seems to not like you." Addie sighs "Tenny is one of those you just can't explain. At Coffeeteria, Dan gets coffee, and bumps into someone and gasps, as Country grows angry and says "The damn name is Country Danny, or should I call ya Doc?" Dan asks "Where have you been? Do you know Mama is still down in her trailer in Unity crying over you. I have to live here because of my Wife, and now you?" Country warns Dan "Do not cross my path again if you know what's good for you. I'll call Mama when I am damn well ready and screw off now you worthless piece of shit." Dan sighs "But you are my Brother..." Country puts his coffee on the table, and punches Dan in the face. Dan falls yet catches himself, as Country grabs his coffee and says with anger "And never say that again Dr. Danny the perfect one." Country leaves as Dan is silent and goes "My Brother.. you never said goodbye."

     Meanwhile at Evans-Gore, Aretha and Eric sit inside her office, as Aretha has hung up the phone and says to her fiancé "Rashad and Gwen's on their cruise, Mama left Southpoint Beach. I have not spoke to her, and Uncle Clem checked in and said he saw Berry on TV." Eric asks "Well the good now! What happened last night?" Aretha, in a flirting manner, kisses Eric, and goes "The reverend and a single woman went in her room when her Mama was out of town. He then sinned and.." Aretha and Eric kisses passionately, as she whispers "He enjoyed his sin he cried for repentance." Eric smiles, and goes "Aretha Evans... you are quite the woman." Aretha looks Eric down and says "And you, are quite the man, and lover." They hear a cough, as Willie stands at the door and asks "So Doris died and Berry is threatening Clem? She better not try! Come home and this bitch..." Aretha asks her Mother "So did you enjoy your vacation?" Willie says to her Daughter "I did. Davis remembered me, and Rashad and Gwen are enjoying the married life and their honeymoon very much. Little Sidney's doing great. I'm going to check on Clem now. I hope you have Berry DuBois covered girl. And no I have no condolences for her Mother. A society climbing whore who broke my Brother's heart!" Willie walks out, as Eric gets up, and sighs "Time for me to head to the church. She is on the path." Aretha nods, as they kiss and Eric walks out, as Aretha smiles as her heart flutters with love.

     At City Hospital, Xavier and Leigh arrives at City Hospital, as Beth greets her Son and Daughter In Law with a hug, as Cain walks in and Beth hugs her Great-Grandson, and says "Dr. Marsh and Ginny's running a few tests. Everything is fine right now. Ruthie walked out for a moment to get some air. I told her it was ok." Leigh tells her Husband, getting a text "Can we talk in Beth's office X?" Beth shrugs "Yes that's fine. I'll sit out here and visit with Cain." Xavier and Leigh walk to his Mother's office, and walks inside, as Leigh snaps at her Husband "You have done it Xavier! I cannot believe you have cut off Gracie and Davey, your Grandson! Over Storm X? I mean I gotta say this constant war after war... I'm tired." Xavier asks his Wife "What are you saying?" Leigh yells "I'm not leaving you if that's what's in your head! But you open Gracie's trust back up, and not for her, but our Grandson and accept what is. I feel like Ruth with your Dad.." Xavier gets angry and warns his Wife, heading to the door "Never say that last part again. Think a moment, and you'll know how good you truly have it." Leigh's eyes widen as Xavier walks out, and Leigh says to herself "Well he has a point." In the waiting area, Bobby arrives as Beth hugs him, and is updated, as Xavier tells Bobby "Let's go to Mother's office." Xavier and Bobby walks off, as Leigh walks out, and Leigh tells Beth "I told your Son how I felt. I don't know if it registered, but we'll find out." Beth is silent, and quietly says "Look, his ways are like B.R.'s, but he means well always Leigh and loves all of you." In Sully's room, Steve and Ginny finish the tests on Sully, who asks "So can I get the hell out of here?" Ginny says to her Cousin "Not just yet." Steve adds "Your Grandmother said she wants another test done to rule out some things and talk to you." Sully rolls her eyes and dread overcomes her, as Steve and Ginny walks out, as Angela walks up, and sighs "Sassy ordered me to her office. She hates for nurses to be late. And she was not friendly over the phone." Ginny laughs "Nurse Sassy takes no shit. And since you are married to Dr. Watson and your Daughter OBGYN..." Angela says "I'm on top of the list." Angela leaves, as Steve tells Ginny "I've been here just for a short time since you and Rashad decided to hire a Chief of Staff, and I am new to this town and all. What is her story and Dan's? I do not like him and shocked with Dr. B's reputation she'd hire him." Beth walks past, as she tells Ginny "I'll fill him in. Go take everyone to see Sully dear." Ginny walks away as Beth simply goes "I'm helping my friend. If anyone sees Dan lay one hand on Angela, let me know. Take action in your own hands and expect a huge raise from me and Addie Gore, who hates him." Steve tells her "Boss, everyone does." Beth shrugs, as Xavier, Leigh, and Cain follow Ginny to Sully's private room.

     At Class, Marco sits at his desk as Desi struts inside, and sighs with happiness "My store is mine again, and you there." Marco looks at Desi, as she tells Marco "I want you to pack up. You are now fired. I will hire my own people to help me. I don't want no leftovers of the past regime in here to try to take this again." Marco walks up to Desi, and defiantly and boldly goes "I and everyone may be gone Desi, but we shall return and you will be finished." Desi sits at Ruthie's desk, and grabs a box, and says with a laugh "When hell freezes maybe, but nah, you all should of stayed private and this could of been well, prevented." At City Hospital, in the parking deck, Ruthie and Henry finish putting on their clothes, as they've had sex and Ruthie tells him "I'm so glad you are here. Are you staying?" Henry tells Ruthie "I've got some training to do today, but I'll check in tonight." Ruthie and Henry kiss, as they look at each other with love in their eyes, as Ruthie and Henry gets out of his SUV, and Henry walks Ruthie to the door, as Ruthie walks into the hospital, Henry watches her with stars in his eyes until Storm walks out of a hallway, and Henry sees Ruthie and Storm embrace in a heated kiss, and Ruthie warns him "Thanks for checking on me, but we should not be in this building together." Storm asks "It's hard to see you, and Gracie never leaves." Ruthie tells him "How about if Mom is feeling better we go to The Sunset Club?" Storm agrees, as they head their separate ways, and Henry heads to The Mathis Compound, making a phone call. 

      At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny is standing at the door, as Alyssa walks out and goes "Aunt Beth really does hide those keys." Tenny snarls "Yes she does! I want to go pay some visits. And you have a friend to hang out with, and a nice car to drive." Alyssa warns Tenny "Do not embarrass me Tenny." Tenny asks "Want a blunt and a gummy?" Alyssa nods, as they walk out and Addie bumps into Tenny as she goes "Oh you are moving into the cursed penthouse I see?" Addie says "Yes Tenny, I am. Beth told me about it and I wanted something nice. It's also next to you." Tenny goes "Floyd is not returning, so hope it does not kill you or anything. I mean you are old." Addie laughs "And what about you? I heard you were alive and rode horse and buggy." Alyssa stops Tenny, as Addie laughs "Oh she'll smoke some pot and be fine." Addie walks inside her Penthouse, as Tenny tells Alyssa "Ok I decided where we go. You follow my directions." Alyssa nods as they get onto the elevator. At Bree's office at Jackson Inc, Bree sits as Summer, Paul, and Jason walks inside and Summer tells her Sister "So we decided to let Jake join up with Uncle Xavier and Country. Jason's working with Paul." Bree sighs "Monica left, and Russell is upstairs with Javon discussing what happened." Paul snarls "Russell and Edward Carter's really close, and he's buddies with Donny, our new DA. That man is out for revenge and has help." Bree looks at her Nephew and warns "So you aren't planning a double are you?" Jason goes "Hell yeah. ALPD as a mole for my family... this is my dream." Bree warns her Sister "This is a bad idea." Paul tells Bree "Right now, we have no other options. Literally things are not well and I'm even considering resigning before it gets worse though Dad told me to stay. He's banned from the ALPD." Bree is shocked, and says "Well this changes everything then." Upstairs, Russell sits at Javon's desk, explaining his Mother's reasons for suddenly leaving as Javon says "I get it now. And you are protecting you and yours. Get your ass out of my office now." Russell tells Javon "Hey, I'm sorry...but.." Javon yells "Get the hell out!" Russell leaves, as Javon grows emotional and gets a text. He reads it, now enraged and breaks his phone, throwing it against the wall.

      Meanwhile at Jackson Inc, Ava walks out of Jack's office, as she is silent, and makes another phone call to no answer. Russell bumps into her, as Ava asks her Ex-Husband "And why the hell are you here? Think I haven't kept up with your little revamp." Russell goes "Ava, your family has karma to get. I'm going to make sure I get it. Maybe I still should be Governor, but we have Edward, my best friend." Ava laughs "Edward, Donny, and Edward's Son, Eddie... your hands are all over this." Russell quips, as the elevator opens "Yes, and I'm finally going to prove my power." The doors close, as Ava laughs to herself. In Wade's office, Wade hangs up the phone and yells "Oh really Logan! I can show your ass and your new friends some tricks of the damn trade Son!" Cocky bastard.." Ava walks in and asks "What is it?" Wade goes "My Son is friends with them folks across the street." Ava sighs "Are you surprised?" Wade answers "No. Not really." Wade changes subjects, and tells Ava "So I heard from Diego. I wanted to find out about Ty's murder." Ava listens, as Wade fills her in, as Ava gasps "Oh no. I heard the stories." Wade adds "Escobar's introduced them to Desi, and.." Ava warns Wade with a laugh "I think Desi's time with her dear Lane's, I mean Class will be very brief."  Wade warns "They are here to collect." Ava asks "And where do I come in?" Wade goes "The poison? Well this one's more crafty." At Santiago Manor, The woman sits in Escobar's study, as Damian tells her "Everything is set. And I don't know about Smallwood. He's distracted and seeing Ruthie Hale, my Sister's Granddaughter." Diego stands inside, as the woman turns to Diego, and says "So what do you think?" Diego shrugs "From all I have heard, all's in motion." The woman tells Diego "Kill Storm Smallwood." Damian warns "Now Ms. Santiago he's who we.." The woman screams "I demand he feels pain!" At Ruthie's Penthouse, Gracie walks out of the bedroom, laying Davey to nap as the door opens and Storm walks in, and Gracie greets her Husband with a kiss, and says "Well time to go to the hospital." Storm kisses his Wife again, and whispers "We have a quiet moment." They head to their bedroom, where they undress each other and has sex.

     At City Hospital, Cain and Ruthie are inside Sully's room, as Sully tells her Daughter and Son "I need both of you to take care of each other right now." Ruthie looks at her Brother, as Cain tells his Mother "Grandpa taught me how to do that." Ruthie nods "Same for me Mom, and you too!" Sully tells them "And stay yourselves, I need that." Sully motions as she hugs her children tightly, with tears in her eyes. In Beth's office, Bobby finishes, going "Russell and the Carters has all wheels in motion. They think they can blackball me but my connections are stronger." Xavier, sitting at his Mother's desk, goes "And it all connects. I will not back down and it's time Russell pays dearly." Bobby agrees, as he asks "Shouldn't we go back to the waiting room?" Xavier nods, as they walk out, as Xavier's eyes are red. In the waiting room, Beth, Leigh, and now Brock arrives, as they hug him and Brock tells them "I felt since she's alive and all. I'm scared." Leigh tells her Son, giving him a hug "Sully is strong, and she will make it." Beth nods in agreement, stroking her Grandson's head as Thorpe walks inside, and asks "Where's Ruthie and Cain?" Xavier and Bobby arrives and Xavier asks "Thorpe, now is not the time. What the hell is it?" Thorpe looks down, and says "Easier from one of you." Beth, Leigh, Brock, and Bobby look at Thorpe, as Xavier snaps "Just say it and get out of here!" Thorpe tells them "Jared died in the paramedic truck on the way to rehab. It ran off the road, and blew up." Thorpe walks out, as Xavier looks around, as all of them is silent. At Country's Cottage, Country sits at the kitchen table and drinks a bottle of liquor, as he shoots his pistol at some beer cans on the counter, as Daisy walks in and asks "So what do you have to tell me?" Country goes in a dark, serious tone "So you don't know? I called and called. Cole or Callie, Lana did not tell you?" Daisy yells "Damnit Country what happened?" Country yells "Ty is dead! He was shot by a sniper!" Daisy starts to scream as she cries "No! My Baby!" Country coldly tells her "Too late for any damn pity from me, and it's over. So get out. OUT!" Daisy goes "But you and me.." Country says "He's dead now, as are you whore." Daisy walks out, and sits on the step and cries and mourns her Son, as Country sits back down inside and takes another drink and says to himself "Damn right it's over." At Class, Desi walks around, as Marco has left. Movers pack up Ruthie and Leigh's things as Desi looks over things as Desi turns and goes "Shouldn't you be in a nursing home?" Tenny, holding her pistol, aiming at Desi, asks her "Shouldn't you be in a bodybag you withered old whore?"







Monday, June 24, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 356. And The Rivalries Rage

    At City Hospital, Sully is alert, and is being hydrated as she says "I have not felt right and my current doctor was backed up." Ginny tells her Cousin "Your Gram is a Doctor." Sully rolls her eyes. In the waiting area, Henry gets a text and he and Ruthie kiss, as he leaves, and Beth tells Xavier, Leigh, Brock, Gracie and Davey, Tenny, Ava, and Alyssa "Ginny is on her way and will tell us when she's settled in. She can no longer work unless it's drawing her fashion designs she used to do. I'm going to start now, and tell Dr. March and everyone to start looking." Xavier tells all of them "To think of losing her kills me inside. My princess. I raised her." with tears in his eyes as he grows emotional as Gracie asks her Father "Cutting my trust hurt me and your Grandson. Kill you any inside." Tenny slaps Gracie and Leigh goes "No time for none of that! Sully is dying." Ruthie tells them "Where is Cain? I have called him to no answer. I worry about him." At Country's Cottage, Country shows Jake, Jason, and Cain some guns, as Sayyid stands in the room, and goes "We'll be the ones you answer to. Understand that. Xavier will be the main one to worry about. And right now he wants Smallwood gone." Country laughs "Ol, Storm, hell of a name. He's about to meet X's storm." Cain is excited as he asks "So what do or who do we do first?" Sayyid tells him "Patience Son." At Sully's Mansion, in Cain's bedroom, sits his phone.

     At The Inn, Damian meets with Storm, as Storm says "Sully passed out and the family's together. So some free time." Damian says "Spoke to Escobar earlier and beware if you want his wrath. He'll want an answer." Storm says "I need work so yes I'll work for him." Damian says "He will greatly enjoy hearing that. You will grow greatly. Mark my words. Changed me. I'm set as long as I keep my loyalty to Escobar and the Santiago name." Storm is quiet, as they both drink. At La Trattoria, Escobar and Desi has dinner as Desi tells her Husband "Remember what you said, Class was.." Escobar goes trying not to lose his cool "It is mine dear, you just own a small percent. And the name stays." Desi says "Ok I trust you. I think you got the right mindset." Escobar answers "Me too." Escobar tells Desi "All I have in motion is going to plan. My family name is coming back." Outside Jackson Inc, a sniper watches Wade, but he disappears from sight. At The Sunset Club, another sniper watches Logan and Ty, and a shot is fired. Outside, Logan looks at Ty, as he's been shot in the chest, and people rush over, and Logan tries to keep his friend alive as the sniper leaves.

    At The Sunset Club, Russell, Lana, Summer, and Paul have dinner as Russell warns his Daughter "I better not see my name smeared in Aretha's trashy paper. I know I can depend on you to hold up my name." Summer nods silently, as Lana asks "Where are Jake and Drew? I yet to meet them and allow them to meet their new Grandmother." Summer goes "They have no Grandma, and tough shit there. I know you are out for my Dad's money." Russell snaps at his Daughter "What did I warn you about bringing up Lana's past? What if I brought up your past history because yours is longer than me." Paul tries to stop his Wife, as Lana is silent and Bobby has quietly walked in and watches as Summer yells "I'm the result of you wanting my Mom to helping her and my Uncle get away with my Aunt's rape!" Summer tells Paul "Let's go." Summer and Paul leave, as Russell apologizes to Lana as Bobby tells him "So you and ol' Edward have made a power play I heard. Said I was not allowed at the ALPD. Think Donny's gonna listen to that. I trained his ass." Russell warns Bobby "Stay out of my way. My turn to run this town with the Governor's family's help will pay dividends!" Bobby tells Russell "Last time that happened, it was nasty. You sure keep me away from the islands Marx." Bobby heads to his suite as Russell tells Lana "That was completely uncalled for." Lana agrees and goes "Surely you raised her better." Russell nods, and says "Comes from her Mother, a full blown whore in prison for the moment."

    At The Evans Home, Aretha and Eric enjoy a home-cooked meal by Aretha as quiet storm plays, and Eric tells her "This is a great meal. When my Sister arrives I will." Aretha laughs "We'll have to let her and my Mama meet. They'll hit it off. Mama needs more friends." Eric quips "I think Willie's the most loved lady in this town." Aretha tells him "Likely so. She's been around here longer than anyone and I wish she'd let Addie write her book." Eric goes "What's stopping her?" Aretha tells him "She is very quiet about her coming up. She raised her siblings except one. Mama was second of five. Two still living. One I keep in touch with, but keep it to myself." Eric asks "What's the scoop?" Aretha says "Married into money, and that was that." Eric tells Aretha "Encourage your Mama to share her life. You'll be publishing it, and it'd be a hit. Even a movie." Aretha agrees as they kiss. Meanwhile at Jackson Media, Jack and Javon have left, and Rachel and Wade walk around as they chat and Ava calls and tells Wade "So Uncle Floyd and Ciarra's place is yours if you'd like it." Wade asks "What about Logan?" Ava tells Wade "I do not trust him and think he's a snake." Wade sighs "Sadly a young me at his age." Ava laughs "Sadly you are right, but if he stays, we can bust him." Wade says "I decided to just let him have his own place and I move on and be alone and grow a feel of home." Ava agrees and hangs up, and laughs with Rachel "Someone to keep her in line."

      At Clint's Estate, Callie sits in the Clint's Den, looking at her phone in horror, as she yells "Cole, hurry up now!"  Cole runs in the living room, as Clint walks in and asks his Daughter "What the hell is wrong Callie?" Callie tells them "Someone shot Ty. We gotta get down there." Cole agrees as they head out and Clint is quiet as his thoughts are on anther subject, and says "Time to take you on Xavier, You are weak now." At City Hospital, Sully's in her room, as she is hydrated "I feel like I have a cold. Felt one coming on." Ginny assures Sully "You are tough and will overcome this." Sully tells her "I sure as hell will. I got to." In the waiting area, Country arrives as Xavier greets him with a hug, as does everyone other than Ava, as he says "I got the call Ty was shot by a sniper." Everyone is silent, before Tenny says "And I'd like to pay them for their effort. Extra if he dies." Everyone turns to her, as Country says "I know he was a piece of shit, but this seemed weird. He was with Logan when it happened." Xavier says "Wade and Logan are being targeted since Wade killed Angelica." Country tells Xavier "You best be watching your ass, because I'll be watching mine now for sure." Leigh tells everyone "Nobody stress Sully out when she can have visitors. Maybe best she don't to get some rest." Tenny agrees, as Xavier and Ruthie tell Leigh "We're seeing her. She needs it. We need it too." 

       At The Santiago Manor, Escobar and Desi walk inside, as Damian tells Escobar "One did not shoot because he left sight. The other shot Ty Bonner. It'll be no big deal." Escobar smiles, as Desi warns her Husband "You said you were not killing X?" Escobar says to his Wife in a dark tone "Xavier's already losing things, and today was proof. It's killing him." Desi yells, as Damian listens "You tried to to off Wade and Logan today. I do not trust you." Escobar answers "And I do not trust you. And no that damn store is not yours. But yours to run. Do not fail. And I got my own damn empire to look after you selfish old bitch. Enjoy the victory, it's the last one." Escobar and Damian head to his study, as Desi is silent, and thinks of Rachel, but does not call her overcome with fear.  At Jack's Mansion, Jack and Rachel sits inside his living room, as he tells Rachel "Close your eyes and hold out your hand." Rachel gets nervous and excited, as Jack lays a piece of paper, and Rachel looks and Jack says "I got our room and flight booked. I don't have much time for you to answer me Rachel Lane." Rachel kisses Jack, and says "Yes! Let's do this and finally be married!" 

     At Whispering Hills, Ava and Wade return, as Bree asks her Aunt "Why in the hell is he here on our night?" Ava tells her Niece "He's my guest. And the two of you will get along!" Bree sighs with disgust, as Ava tells Bree "Did you ever give him a chance to explain what happened?" Bree snaps "Hell no Aunt Ava. Screw this worthless piece of shit. He made his choice leaving town with Bridget." Wade yells "Not my choice Bree. I love you, and was ready to try to have that child with you that you long wanted." Bree laughs "Oh if you're not just full of shit." Ava, taking a drink of liquor, tells Bree in a serious tone "He means it Bree. If he did not, he would be somewhere else. Wade is like my Son, and I want the two of you to uh, work things..." Bree tells her Aunt "My child is near, and Wade Isaac Hale can go to hell!" Bree leaves, as Wade tells Ava "So how is Sully?" Ava pours them another glass of liquor and says "Not good. I'm scared. I have been there with Jack with Angelica's shit." Wade tells her "I spoke to Logan, and I think Angelica's people were behind it. They want revenge." Ava advises Wade "Might be best to lay low for now until this blows over." Wade nods in agreement. Bree meanwhile goes down the road and says to herself "Did he really?" as she heads home to call it a day.

      Afternoon turns to evening, and at City Hospital, Beth stands in the waiting area, where Brock, Gracie, and Alyssa remain as Ava's left, After Xavier, Leigh, and Mama see her, then the three of you. Then she rests. Ruthie's staying here." Brock tells his Grandmother "I'd do it if it was Mom or Dad." Beth tells her Grandson "I'm worried. There is a chance there isn't a heart." In another area of the ER, Steve and Dan tells Cole and Callie "Ty is dead." Country also stands inside, as he goes "I was his biological Father. Who shot him?" Cole says "Logan said it was meant for him." Country sighs "I need to find Daisy and break this to her. Better me than anyone else." At The Sunset Club, Daisy lays in bed and throws money upon a naked man and asks "Is this better than the standard life?" The man says "Why yes, oh yes!", as Daisy and the man has sex. Back at City Hospital, in the triage where Ty's dead body lays, Cole tells his Sister, and Country "I'll sign the death certificate." At Logan's Suite, Logan sits at his desk and sees a note addressed to him, leaving him to grow scared. Back at City Hospital, Sully is in a private room, as she tells her parents and Great-Grandmother "I will come through this cold." Xavier looks at his Wife as they know the truth, as Tenny walks over, and gently says "Yes sweet girl, you'll beat this flu going around." Tenny boldly tells Xavier and Leigh, fighting her emotions "Sully has the flu damnit!" Ruthie meanwhile remains and sits next to her Mother, as Sully says "Tell everyone I'll see them tomorrow." Xavier and Leigh hug their Daughter, as Xavier says "I love you Princess. You will overcome this, you are my Daughter." Sully says "Love you too Daddy." Leigh hugs Ruthie  and says "I'm ready if you need a break." Ruthie says to her Grandmother and Grandfather as Ruthie and Xavier hugs "This is a break from my nightmare room-mates." Xavier and Leigh walks out as Ruthie closes the door and Sully tells her Daughter "I'll handle my Sister and Storm." Ruthie says "You need to get well now Mom." Outside Sully's hospital room, Xavier and Leigh holds each other, as they cry as they think of the thought of losing their Daughter, as Leigh says "X, it could happen this time, for real." Xavier says somberly "It'll be ok my love. It'll be ok." as night descends.


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Daylight And Darkness: Episode 355. Showdowns And Truths

     At Class, Sully's on the ground, as Ruthie and Leigh are at her side. Marco stands outside awaiting the paramedics, as Leigh tells Ruthie "Just send Beth a heads up." Ruthie cries as Sully is unresponsive, as Leigh holds strong. Henry yells at Desi "If Ruthie loses her Mother, you shall pay with blood. You caused this!" Desi snarks at her Grandson, as Escobar arrives "Ruthie does not love you Henry. When you left town she got a secret lover. Hmm who is he?" Xavier walks inside, as he rushes to his Daughter's side, as Escobar warns them "Now when you leave, I'll have your things sent. This is mine." Desi tells her Husband "No this belongs to me." Escobar pulls his pistol out, and shoots the ceiling, as Xavier angrily gets up, as Henry watches him as Xavier pulls out his Colt 45, and aims at Desi, and coldly goes "If I were you, or Escobar I'd be praying. Because if anything happens to my Princess, both of you will be sent non stop to hell where both of you belong." 

   At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Allan, Faith, and Haley sits in the living room, as Beth has rushed to City Hospital, and Tenny tells her Son "I hope Sully is alright. She's not been herself. Pale looking. I offered to fix her up and she said no. I swear that son of a bitch Storm better not be cheating with Ruthie though I am positive he is." Allan sighs, as Faith and Haley both shrug their shoulders "Mama you have a perfect intuition about these kinds of things." Faith asks "Gran what do you plan to do? I mean you are the most capable old woman I know.." Tenny warns "Watch it now." Tenny smiles "Oh Sayyid came by and visited and caught us up. He's watching that dog in heat. Don't wanna mess with Sayyid." Allan is silent, as Haley tells her Great-Grandmother "So going to go with me, Mom, and Bree for the procedure? Aunt Beth is supporting it." Tenny goes "Screw Bree, and her whore of  a Sister. If they were dead I might." Faith is taken aback, and goes "That's harsh! How could you say that? Bree is a good, kind person who you should welcome." Tenny snarks "Welcome to an empty six foot hole." Allan changes subjects and asks "So how is Sayyid since the divorce?" Tenny tells her Son "He's got Henry. Mentoring him to fill his shoes someday." Allan goes "Henry's got the best mentor there is. I deeply respect Sayyid." Tenny holds Allan's hand and says with empathy "He's the toughest person I ever met." At The Falcon Diner, Sayyid gets a text from Henry and pride comes across his face, as he sees Eve pop up on the phone and tears roll down his eyes, as he says "You killed me Eve. You broke my heart."

     At Landon-Hale, Russell sits inside Thorpe's office, as Thorpe sits along with his Son, as Luke asks Russell "So what is this plan you and the Governor's got going on?" Thorpe mumbles "More like how long before Lana sends you to the poorhouse with your past." Russell goes "All these years Xavier and his family has gotten away with everything and Edward and I fixed that. Monica owes me, and she has been outsted along with Paul. A new authority has taken place in this state, and Adam's Landing. So here's where you come in. Where is Clint?" Thorpe tells him "Handling a few things right now." Luke asks Russell "So Donny as DA means we can pull some devious shit now." Russell asks them "Heard about Class?" Thorpe asks "And who helped Desi Lane... ahh Lana." Russell goes "Desi needs to be erased, and Lana did not help her. The Santiagos." Thorpe says "Angelica Santiago Hale's family?" Russell tells them "She is married to Escobar." Thorpe tells them "That photo killed Ty's career, and Storm sent it but..." Russell walks to the door and says "It's a new day now. Enjoy it." Russell leaves, and Luke tells his Father "What's going on?" Thorpe sits back, and goes "This is karma. On many ends. With Russell involved, this is going to be something to keep an eye on.

     At Jackson Inc, Brock sits in his Sister's office, as he prepares to leave as Clint walks inside, and asks "What's going on?" Brock snaps at Clint "Get out of here. I have no time to deal with you. That's Dad's department and he's waiting for you." Clint says "It's about Jared. Tell Sully that he's in rehab." Brock says "Finally. I'll tell her. I have to go." Clint follows Brock out as he asks "Is everything alright?" Brock goes "No. She is on her way to the hospital." as they get on the elevator. In Javon's office, Aretha and Eric Hyman walks inside, as Eric tells Javon "I think selling my real estate holdings to you was a great blessing." Aretha adds "I agree." Javon tells Aretha "Mom was here and she was let go today from the ALPD." Aretha tells Javon "Edward's got a vendetta against Xavier, and he's cleaning house. Russell Marx is his mouth and ears." At The Falcon Diner, Paul, Summer, Jake, and Jason has lunch, as Paul fills them in and Summer tells her Husband "So what do we do with the boys? Jake wanted to join the ALPD, but this sounds sketchy. I think Xavier would be a safer bet." Jason tells his Mother "Uncle X has offered." Paul tells them "I think Xavier is the safer bet," Sayyid walks over, as Paul asks "How have you been?" Sayyid tells Paul "I've been better my friend. But training my grandson warms my cold heart. I got my own work to do now so excuse me." Sayyid walks out, as Summer looks at her Sons, and looks at Paul, as Paul tells Jake and Jason "We give you our blessing, Jason. Jake, your military record and all, you will work both ends. I'll call the shots, well except for Xavier." Jake and Jason grow excited, as Summer grows worried.

      Meanwhile Krissy walks into her new home, Cale and Allison's former Mansion, and is shocked and yells "Granny?" Addie turns to her Granddaughter and asks "Where's Angie? I called her but no response. I checked the freezer, the basement. No rope or anything." Krissy goes "Oh Mom's fall down the stairs and hitting her head." Addie asks Krissy "And why did you not take your Mom to the hospital? Oh yeah. Mr. Perfect" Krissy tells her Grandmother "I was out job hunting when it happened." Addie warns Krissy "I am happy my girl is here, but your Dad will not be safe from me if he keeps putting his hands on your Mom. And you need to stand up for her." Krissy sighs "Granny, with Todd in college, I'm scared of him." Addie hugs Krissy tightly, and assures her "Granny's here baby, and we will take care of your Mom." At City Hospital, Beth arrives as Sully is brought in, and Steve tells Beth "Dan's visiting his Wife right now." Beth tells him "So what. I'm here because of my Grandbaby." Steve fills Beth in, as Sassy follows them to the ER. In the waiting area, Leigh stands outside, as she cries for her Daughter, with worry and fear going through her as Gracie and Davey arrive and Leigh hugs her Daughter and Leigh picks up her Grandson and hugs him and they all embrace. Back at Class, Ruthie screams at Desi "My Mom dies bitch, your ass will die too." Escobar tells Xavier "If I were you, the loser, I'd watch what I would do what the old Colt 45." Xavier asks Escobar "What kind of shit do you have going on Escobar?" Escobar turns to Ruthie and says "Angelica is your Great Grandmother and you dear are a Hale." Desi adds "I'll let you run this as long as you.." Ruthie yells "Both of you go to hell. Grandpa shoot them both!" Henry walks over, and places his hand on Ruthie as Xavier's phone rings, and Xavier says "Thank you.", and says "I'll be damned." Ruthie asks "What Grandpa?" Xavier sighs "For once, it looks like this bitch got her precious Lane's back in her possession with this man's help." Desi laughs "Ha-ha. Told you Ruthie. Now where you want me to send you your shit?" Escobar tells Xavier "You will pay dearly for killing my Sister." Xavier tells his Granddaughter "Let's get to the hospital and check on your Mom." Henry and Ruthie embrace in a hug, and they follow Xavier to City Hospital, as Escobar warns Desi "This is mine. Remember that!" Desi laughs.

      At the ALPD, Donny Carter is inside his office, as Russell and Lana walks in and Donny and Russell hug, as Donny tells Russell "Looks like you picked a good lookin woman for a Wife." Lana quips "Since selling Dollar Time, a rich one." Russell tells his Wife "Go out in the lobby for a moment. I need to talk to my Nephew." Lana goes "But you are an only child?" Russell tells her "Edward and I are very close." Lana walks out, as Russell asks Donny "So now how are we about Paul?" Donny reminds Russell "Paul is straight-laced, and him being fired would hurt the department." Russell warns Donny "Issue the damn ultimatum I gave you. Do NOT let Bobby have no influence or else." Donny reminds Russell "My Dad is Governor and we are both lawyers with reputations to uphold unlike you. That cost you your election." Russell warns "Let's not discuss that farce." Outside Paul arrives, and hears Donny and Russell, as Lana tells him  "Meeting going on." Inside, Russell tells Donny "I don't give a damn, if Bobby steps one foot or his boss, Paul is fired." Paul walks in and tells Russell "I'm going to enjoy seeing you try you bastard.", and walks out. At Evans-Gore, Summer returns as Aretha and Eric are inside Aretha's office, as Eric tells Aretha "How about we meet at your place tonight." Aretha says "Sounds nice to me. Mama and Baby Boy returns home tomorrow." Eric and Aretha kiss, as Summer asks "Are you and Reverend Hyman dating? That'd be a headline for the century. Aretha Evans settles down!" Aretha laughs "He and I are dating and quite serious. Is this about your Dad?" Summer nods, as Aretha tells Summer "I already know. Write the expose. Put my name on the title." Outside Eric puts his phone in his pocket and hears her and asks "Will this man hurt you Aretha?" Aretha quips "I've dealt with Russell before. He knows better. Were you spying?" Eric goes "Tell you tonight." Aretha goes "Ooo the suspense." Eric leaves, as Aretha tells Summer "Something is going on, and we can make a difference." Suddenly the TV grabs their attention as Berry DuBois is on and she goes "My Mother is dead, and Willie Evans and her family will dearly pay. I'll make damn sure of that and more! The interviewer asks "How?" Berry laughs "Oh my new helper will take care of that." Aretha looks at Summer, both silent.

     At Jazz, Ava greets Faith and Haley with a hug, and tells Haley "This means so much to Bree. She's going to be an awesome Mommy." Faith asks her Mother "Want a drink on the house? Ava asks "Now Allan said they were always on the house?" Allan walks out and hugs Ava as he laughs "For you and a few others we know." Faith hands her Mother a drink, and they all pour shots as Ava tells them "I am in trouble. Jack is with Rachel." Faith goes "Ok now, fill me in. You told me you went and paid her a visit. Sounded like you and Bridget." Ava looks at Allan, and says "He could tell you some stories. Like saying her baby was his when she got pregnant the second time. Drugging Xavier and getting knocked up to abort it and blame me! She also hurt Jack yet, they are together again and Brock gets hurt." Haley tells them "Brock is a gentle soul." Faith says "Reminds me of Leigh." Ava says "He has his Dad too. A perfect mix of them. Sully is her Father in a female body." Meanwhile Ava gets a text and says "Speaking of Sully, I got to go! She passed out!" Ava leaves as Allan texts his Mother. At Beth and Tenny's Penthouse, Tenny eats some gummies and sends texts to Beth to no answer, and talks to Leigh, as there's a knock at the door. Tenny answers as Alyssa and Tenny hug, and Alyssa asks "Want company? I'm so lonely." Tenny tells her "Sure sweetie. Want some gummies and we'll watch the soaps. Sully passed out. We might go down if you want." Alyssa asks "Did Aunt Beth take your wheels?" Tenny snarls "Old bitch.." Alyssa asks "Well?" Tenny says "Let's ride. Can I.." Alyssa laughs "No you can't. Enjoy being chauffeured." Tenny sighs "Whatever." They head to City Hospital.

    At Landon-Hale, Clint returns, and stands in the boardroom with Thorpe and Luke, as Logan stands inside with them and tells them "I can greatly help you and merge my hotels into the picture. I am not my wino Uncle and Son of Wade Isaac Hale, who ran HaleCorp, which Ava sold to her family. We can beat Jackson Inc." Cole walks inside, and adds "He'd be a great addition." Thorpe looks at his Brother, and Son, as Luke tells them "Logan has a strong record." Clint adds "Ruthless too. We need that. Jared was all talk." Thorpe tells Logan "Welcome to your family company." Across the street at Jackson Inc, Wade walks around his new office, as Jack and Rachel shows Wade around, and Wade tells them "I think we can kick Landon-Hale's ass. I looked at the information Ava gave me and we can get creative." Jack says "With Uncle Xavier back in the office, Damn right." Bree appears and goes "Wade?" Wade's eyes fill with tears and runs to Bree but receives a slap across the face, and yells "Bastard!" and runs away in tears, as Wade takes a deep breath, as Jack supports him, and Rachel hugs him, and goes "She doesn't understand what happened." Wade goes "It was expected and well, deserved." At City Hospital, Dan sits in his office, as his Wife, Angela Gore Watson. a nurse at the hospital, asks him "Can I go home early today? I'm really hurting after that fall." Dan sits back and laughs "A good wife will obey her Husband nurse. Angela goes "We live in Adam's Landing, and Mama's best friend is the only reason you and I got.." Dan slaps his Wife, and snarls hatefully "Shut up and understand it was all me. You did not do shit." Ginny walks past, headed to ER, and hears the fight and shivers in fear and concern with sadness overcoming her.

     At City Hospital, Ava walks in the waiting area, and hugs her Brother, as Brock stands next to Gracie and Leigh, as she hold her her twins tightly with each arm around them. Henry holds Ruthie tightly, as Ava asks Xavier "Did Desi hurt Sully?" Xavier says "Ruthie mentioned she's been not herself lately. Like sick, not what we've endured with Winston." Leigh tells them "I looked on my phone earlier and looked this up, my gut told me to. Let's keep this from Ruthie until Beth can give an answer." Xavier and Ava look, and Ava says with tears "Poor baby, and because of that damn bitch Angelica! I am so glad she is dead!" Xavier goes "Yes the world sighs a breath of relief." Meanwhile Brock, Ruthie, Henry, and Gracie chat, as Gracie tells them "Dad has ignored me but did hold Davey and play with him." Ruthie quips "I guess that's a good sign." Ruthie meanwhile tells everyone "My prince has returned." Henry tells Ruthie "Oh we have so much to catch up on." In the ER, Steve, Ginny, and Sassy takes Sully to a private room, as Beth heads into the waiting area. Tenny and Alyssa arrives, as Tenny hugs everyone except Gracie, as all ask Alyssa "How you holding up?" Alyssa takes a deep breath, and goes "Tenny's two blunts and those gummies on the way helps as a distraction. Everyone for a moment laugh, as Tenny walks over and holds onto Xavier, and says "You are too busy for me you know." Xavier says "Mamaw I got so much going on you know preserving our family names." Tenny smiles and closes her eyes, as she goes "And you have made your Grandpa J.D. and B.R. and Ruth proud too. You have me for sure." Beth walks out and says "I am just getting to the point, Sully's heart is rejecting." Ruthie asks her Great Grandmother "And where do we go now?" Xavier holds his Wife, as Tenny holds Ava, as Brock and Gracie holds each other as Beth says "Either she finds a new heart, or she will not be her much longer." with tears rolling down her face, running into Tenny's arms, as Tenny holds her Daughter in her arms, as everyone consoles each other.